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BSP’s Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)

The BSP compiles statistics on the country’s Balance of Payments (BOP) and International
Investment Position (IIP). The BOP is a statistical statement that summarizes the transactions
between Philippine residents and residents of another economy during a specific period while the
IIP is a statistical statement that shows the Philippines’ stock of external financial assets and
liabilities at a specific period. These statistics on international transactions and positions are used
in the formulation of responsive and data-driven monetary and financial policies. 
 Kindly be informed that surveys are being conducted pursuant to Section 23 of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 7653 (The New Central Bank Act), as amended by R.A. 11211, which authorizes the
BSP to require any data from any person or entity for statistical and policy development
purposes. Further, the conduct of such surveys is also covered by RA No. 10625 (Philippine
Statistical Act of 2013), which obliges respondents to give truthful and complete answers to
statistical inquiries or survey of the Philippine Statistics Authority and other offices of the
Philippine Statistical System (Section 25).  
We also emphasize that the BSP will safeguard with utmost confidentiality the information on
individuals and firms that will be obtained from the respondents, pursuant to R.A. 10173, the
Data Privacy Act of 2012, and the BSP Data Governance Policy. 

Section 23 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7653 (The New Central Bank Act), as amended by R.A.

"Sec. 23. Authority to Obtain Data and Information. - The Bangko Sentral shall have the
authority to require from any person or entity, including government offices and
instrumentalities, or government-owned or -controlled corporations, any data, for statistical and
policy development purposes in relation to the proper discharge of its functions and
responsibilities: Provided, That disaggregated data gathered are subject to prevailing
confidentiality laws. The Bangko Sentral through the Governor or in his absence, a duly
authorized representative shall have the power to issue a subpoena for the production of the
books and records for the aforesaid purpose. Those who refuse the subpoena without justifiable
cause, or who refuse to supply the Bangko Sentral with data required, shall be subject to
punishment for contempt in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Court.

"The authority of the Bangko Sentral to require data from banks shall continue to be exercised
pursuant to its supervisory powers set forth in this Act and other applicable laws.

"Data on individuals and firms, other than banks, gathered by the Bangko Sentral shall not be
made available to any person or entity outside of the Bangko Sentral whether public or private
except under order of the court or under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Monetary
Board: Provided, however, That the collective data on firms may be released to interested
persons or entities: Provided, finally, That in the case of data on banks, the provisions of Section
27 of this Act shall apply."
Section 25, RA No. 10625 (Philippine Statistical Act of 2013)

SEC. 25. Obligation to Provide Information. – The National Statistician shall determine

whether a statistical inquiry or survey to be conducted is with or without an obligation to
provide information. If such obligation is stipulated, all respondents whether natural or
legal persons shall be liable to reply to the statistical inquiry or survey. This section
applies to all statistical inquiries or surveys conducted by other statistical offices in the

The respondents under this Act are required to give truthful and complete answers to
statistical inquiries or surveys of the PSA and other statistical offices of the PSS. The
respondent is considered to have complied with the obligation only upon receipt of the
duly completed statistical inquiry or survey forms. The government shall provide
franking privileges, charges and postings to the survey offices, unless otherwise
disallowed by law.

The PSA is authorized to gather data from other government agencies for statistical

Section 23 of Republic Act No. 7653 (The New Central Bank Act), as amended by Republic Act
No. 11211, substantially provides that, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shall have the
authority to require any person or entity, any data, for statistical and policy development
purposes in relation to the proper discharge of its functions and responsibilities, shall be subject
to prevailing confidentiality laws. Further, this provision requires that data on individuals and
firms, other than banks, gathered by the BSP shall not be made available and to any person or
entity outside of the BSP, whether public or private, except under order of the court under such
conditions as may be prescribed by the Monetary Board.
Section 25 of Republic Act No. 10625 (Philippine Statistical Act of 1013), substantially provides
that, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shall determine whether or not the natural or legal
persons are obliged to answer statistical inquiries or surveys to be conducted.
Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) is one of the four surveys organized by BSP
which is already approved by PSA. As stated in the attached Press Release dated 22 February
2019, Reference No. 2019-026, for your perusal.

“On 11 February 2019, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) cleared the conduct of
the four (4) surveys spearheaded by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). These
surveys are the following:

 Annual Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)

 Quarterly Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)
 Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)
 Cross Border Transactions Survey (CBTS)

The CDIS is to be conducted quarterly and annually to collect information on

financial transactions and investment position among resident enterprises and their
immediate foreign direct investors, immediate foreign direct investment enterprises, and
fellow enterprises abroad. Specifically, this survey will collect data on financial
transactions and values outstanding of both assets and liabilities on capital and debt
between the resident enterprise and other counterparties. The sample to be included in
CDIS are the multinational corporations with 10% or more foreigned-owned equity
sourced from the Top 25,000 corporations listed in the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). On the other hand, QCDIS is a subset of the 500 corporations
covered in the ACDIS.”

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