ENG-015 - Core Policy - Procedures Daily Check STP

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Document Number : AVU-ENG-015 Effective Date : 01 January 2016
Replaces Document : None Pages : 2 (two)
Originator : Rokip Susanto Department : Engineering
Title : Chief Engineer
Task Ownership : Engineering team
Supportive Documents : None

Marco Groten
General Manager

Memastikan peralatan STP berfungsi dengan baik dan limbah yang dihasilkan sesuai standar
Ensure STP equipment is functioning properly and the waste produced according to standards

Hotel bertangung jawab untuk penanganan sampah basah benar sesuai dengan keselamatan dan
keamanan untuk lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dan peraturan pemerintah
The hotel responsibility for handling hotel wet waste properly accordance to safety and security for environment
sustainability and government regulation.

1. Supervisor engineering menugaskan 1 orang teknisi setiap hari untuk memeriksa semua sistem STP
dan peralatan (pastikan blower, biodeck, pompa untuk bakteri, pompa sirkulasi dan pompa transfer,
panel elektronik dan listrik berjalan dengan baik dan dalam kondisi baik).
Supervisor engineering everyday assign 1 person of technician to check / inspect all STP system and
equipment (make sure blower, biodeck, dozing pump for bacteria, circulation pump and transfer pump,
electronic and electric panel control running well and in good condition).
2. Teknisi harus memelihara kebersihan STP dan sekitarnya
Technician must cleaning the STP area or location if need it.
3. Teknisi harus mengecek dan memastikan bakteri masih ada ditangki dan sekurang – kurangnya
untuk satu minggu kedepan
Technician must check and make sure that bacteria available at the bacteria tank and enough minimum for
next a week
4. Teknisi setiap bulan harus melakukan maintenance untuk pompa – pompa (membersihkan
filter,memberihkan pompa dan mengecek ampere)
Technician every month must be maintenance the pumps (clean filter,clean the pumps and
check ampere)
Catatan : Pastikan STP dan sekitarnya tidak bau,setiap 3 bulan dilakukan test
laboratorium untuk hasil dari pengolahan STP.
Note : Make sure that no smelly at STP area, make sure that every 3 month do laboratory
test for final result of the STP.

Distributed by, Received & implemented by,

HOD/Asst. HOD : …………… Team member :……………...................
Tittle : …………………….......... Tittle :

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