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SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023
2022-23 學年度


This manual contains all pertinent academic and services information that
serves as a main source of guidance and reference to all students. The regulations in
this manual apply to all students who have been granted admission to and official
enrollment in Uno High School. The school reserves the right to amend and add any
rule, regulation, or policy as it sees fit.





第一部分: 面對面授課



1. All students from Grades Seven to Ten who are having the hybrid modality for SY2022-
2023 will have three days of face-to-face classes and two days of online classes every school
凡 2022-2023 學年度採用混合模式的七年級至十年級的學生,每週將上三天面對面課程

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2. All students who come to school for face-to-face classes must wear complete uniforms. All
students must wear well-fitted masks (preferably KF94 or KN95) at all times, except for sips of
water or snacks.
口罩(最好是 KF94 或 KN95)。

Uniform for Grade Seven to Grade Ten Girls: 七年級至十年級女生校服:

Uniform for Grade Seven to Grade Ten Boys: 七年級至十年級男生校服:

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3. All students must be in school at or before 7:55 a.m. In anticipation of the traffic at the school
gates, students are advised to come to school early to avoid build-up or long lines. Once a student
is inside the school, he or she must go directly to his or her classroom. Students are not allowed to
linger unsupervised in any other parts of the school. Classrooms will have air conditioning units
and hepa filters. Dismissal time varies according to the number of subjects the students have in a

學生必須在上午 7:55 前到校。最好提早來校,以免排長隊。一旦進入校園,就要直接進


Number of Subjects in a School Day Dismissal Time

上課日的科目數 下課時間

three subjects 三科 11:50 a.m.上午 11:50

four subjects 四科 12:40 a.m.中午 12:40

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4. All students must observe good grooming habits. Boys should have short hair. Their hair
must not reach their eyes, ears, or napes. They should also be clean-shaven (no mustache or
beards). Girls should wear their hair off their faces. Girls with long hair must secure their hair
with pins/headbands or wear their hair up in a ponytail. Fingernails should be kept short and trim.
The use of nail polish, hair dyes/coloring, and flashy jewelry is not allowed.

5. Students must only bring the books and materials needed for a particular school day.
Things that are not needed for the school day should be left at home. They should avoid bringing
heavy bags because the school will not be asking CAT cadets or janitors to carry bags for other
students. The school bag is a personal item and each student must carry his/her own.
包,因爲學校不會要 CAT 學員或門衛爲他們提書包。書包是個人物品,每個學生都要自


1. Students must attend classes on time. This school year, classes start at 8:10 a.m. for Grade
Seven to Grade Ten students. Students should be in school by 7:55 a.m. Please follow Philippine
Standard Time. Students can also use the few minutes before class to prepare their learning
materials and/or bond with the first-period teacher and their classmates. Each class lasts only 60
minutes, and students should not miss any class time. The routine of attending class on time helps
the students develop the qualities of punctuality and discipline.
必須準時來校上課。七年級至十年級的學生上午 8:10 開始上課,應在上午 7:55 前到校。
聯繫。每節課只有限定的幾分鐘,不能錯過任何課時。 按時上課有助於培養學生的守時

Flag ceremonies are held in class on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:05 a.m. These ceremonies
include the singing of the national anthem and the school song. A student who misses the
ceremony will be considered tardy.

星期二和星期五上午 8:05 舉行升旗儀式,這儀式包括唱國歌和校歌。沒參加儀式的將


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2. Students must attend classes regularly. On days other than Tuesdays and Fridays, students
who come to class after 8:10 a.m. will be considered tardy. Three tardy marks are equivalent to
one absence.
學生必須按時上課。除星期二和星期五外,上午 8:10 後來上課的將被視爲遲到。三次

3. Students who miss one face-to-face subject, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a
school day, will be considered absent. Absence in one subject, whether academic or nonacademic,
will be equivalent to absence for the whole school day. Students who incur absences equivalent
to or greater than one-fifth of the total number of school days will be considered dropped or failed
and will not be promoted to the next grade level. For example, if the number of school days totals
200, a student who incurs 40 or more absences(cumulative of absences from both face-to-face and
online classes) will be considered dropped or failed and will not be promoted to the next level.
學或留級。例如:上課日數總共為 200 天,缺席 40 天以上(面授課和線上課合計),即視

4. Each student will be given an assigned seat. The seats in the classroom are arranged so that
social distancing can be observed. Students should not change or move their seats without a
teacher’s permission.

5. All students must bring their own school materials. Borrowing and lending of pens, paper,
etc., are not allowed.

6. Students must print out their own information sheets and worksheets and bring the
appropriate materials to school for face-to-face subjects. All learning materials will be uploaded
in the LMS.
會上載到 LMS。

7. During break time, students are allowed to drink water and eat snacks but must do so
without facing one another. Students must refrain from talking without their masks on. The
sharing of food and drinks are absolutely not allowed.

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For their snacks, students may bring healthy food that is also easy and convenient to eat, e.g.,
sandwiches, fruits, etc. Students should avoid unhealthy food such as overly sugary, salty, or
greasy snacks. They should also not bring snacks that are messy to eat or those that need cleaning
up after. They should clean up after their snacks.

8. Students may only bring out and use their cellular phones or other gadgets after obtaining
expressed permission from the classroom teacher. These devices may only be used for purposes
connected to the lesson at hand. In the classroom, students may not use their electronic devices for
chatting, playing games, or other reasons that have nothing to do with the lesson. Students may
not bring out their cell phones or gadgets when there is no teacher around.

9. Students who have club or extracurricular activities must reserve the classrooms/venues
that they will be using for their meetings at least one week before the actual meetings. To
reserve a place, students should go see Ms. Sheryl or Ms. Jenell and fill out a reservation form to
obtain Mr. Yu’s approval.
交給 Ms. Sheryl 或 Ms. Jenell,以獲得 Mr. Yu 的批准。

10. All students are advised to go home right after class unless they have questions for their
teachers, consultation time with their teachers, counseling sessions with their guidance officers,
club/extracurricular activities, or sports team practice.

11. All students from Grades Seven to Ten must clear out of the school by 1:00 p.m. Parents
should make sure to pick up their children at or before the said time. It is best that students be
home in the afternoons for their asynchronous tasks, learning checkpoints, and quizzes. The only

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students that may stay in school beyond the clear-out time of 1:00 p.m. are school athletes who
may have practices scheduled in the afternoons. There will be allowances during bad weather.
所有七年級至十年級的學生必須在下午 1:00 之前離開學校。家長應確保在上述時間或之
前接孩子。最好讓學生下午在家進行異步學習。唯一可以在下午 1:00 後留在學校的,是

Health and Safety Protocols for SY 2022-2023:

2022-23 健康及安全指導

1. Only fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed in the school premises.


This policy is issued to safeguard everyone, especially the unvaccinated who may be more
vulnerable to COVID-19 infection than the vaccinated. Students who are coming to school
for face-to-face classes, special events such as programs, contests, graduation ceremonies, etc.,
must be fully vaccinated (two doses) and must preferably be boosted (if applicable).
被感染。 來學校參加面對面課程、特殊活動(例如節目、競賽、畢業典禮等)的學生

2. Parents and guardians who wish to undertake transactions in the canteen or school office
must also be fully vaccinated.

Parents and guardians must present vaccination cards that indicate they have received the
smallest number of vaccinations (two as of now) recommended by the government. All parents,
guardians, members of the household, fetchers, and drivers of our students are strongly urged
to get their vaccinations (two doses) and booster/s (whenever applicable).

3. All students must come to school with a well-fitted mask (preferably KF94 or KN95).
所有學生必須佩戴合適的口罩(最好是 KF94 或 KN95)來學校。

The mask must be worn at all times and may only be taken off for occasional sips of water or
snacks during break time. A well-fitted mask should fit snugly against the sides of the face

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and not have gaps. A mask with a nose wire can give a more secure fit and prevent air from
leaking out of the top of the mask.

Examples 例如:

KF94 KN95

Image Credits 圖片來源: Amazon

4. Anyone who enters the school premises must undergo thermal scanning.

An individual who has a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher will be asked to
go home. In line with this, the ones who are responsible for bringing children to school (parents,
nannies, drivers, etc.) are requested to wait and see if their children or wards are cleared for
school before leaving.
體溫達到 37.8 攝氏度或更高的將被要求回家。有鑑於此,請負責接送孩子上學的(家

A student SHOULD NOT COME to school if he/she is not feeling well or is experiencing
ANY of the following symptoms:

➢ fever or chills 發燒或發冷

➢ cough or cold 咳嗽或感冒
➢ shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing 呼吸急促或呼吸困難

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➢ fatigue 疲勞
➢ muscle or body aches 肌肉或身體疼痛
➢ headache 頭痛
➢ loss of taste and/or smell 失去味覺和/或嗅覺
➢ itchy or sore throat 喉嚨發癢或喉嚨痛
➢ congested or runny nose 鼻塞或流鼻涕
➢ nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea 噁心、嘔吐或腹瀉

5. In the interest of transparency and honesty, parents whose children get sick SHOULD
INFORM THE SCHOOL ABOUT THE SYMPTOMS that their children have.

Parents should contact class advisers via email if their children are not feeling well.

Please refer to the table below for COVID-19 related absence/s.


What should you do in the following Symptoms of COVID-19:

situations? 新冠肺炎症狀
✓ fever or chills 發燒或發冷
A. Your child has symptoms of
COVID-19. ✓ cough or cold 咳嗽或感冒
✓ shortness of breath or difficulty in
B. Your child has tested positive for breathing 呼吸急促或呼吸困難
COVID-19 (with or without
symptoms). ✓ fatigue 疲勞
孩子的疫情檢測呈陽性(有或沒有 ✓ muscle or body aches 肌肉或身體疼痛
症狀)。 ✓ headache 頭痛
C. Your child is a close contact of ✓ loss of taste and/or smell
someone who tested positive for 失去味覺和/或嗅覺
✓ itchy or sore throat 喉嚨發癢或喉嚨痛
✓ congested or runny nose 鼻塞或流鼻涕
✓ nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

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D. Your child is a close contact of 噁心、嘔吐或腹瀉
someone who is exhibiting
symptoms of COVID-19.

1. Send an email to the child’s class adviser on the first day of the child’s absence. This
serves as the child’s Day 1. If the child exhibits any of the above-mentioned symptoms,
has tested positive, or is a close contact of someone who tested positive, the child must
stay at home for 7 days (Day 7).
檢測呈陽性或和檢測呈陽性的有密切接觸,必須待在家 7 天(第 7 天)。

Examples 例如:

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
A. My child ___________ is exhibiting the following symptoms: (State symptoms).
He/She will not be attending school today. His/Her Day 7 will be on (month, day,
我的孩子 ___________ 出現以下症狀:(陳述症狀)。他/她今天不能上學。
他/她缺席的第 7 天是 月 日。

B. My child __________ tested positive and cannot attend classes today. His/Her Day
7 will be on (month, day, year).
我的孩子 __________ 疫情檢測呈陽性,今天不能上學。第 7 天是 月、日.

C. My child is a close contact of a sibling/a family or household member/a friend that

tested positive for COVID-19.He/She will be absent today, and his/her Day 7 will be
on (month, day, year).
他/她今天將缺席,第 7 天是 月 日。

Once you have emailed your child’s adviser, your child will be given access to the
online class Zoom link for the next 7 days. The number of days may be extended, if
您給孩子的級任老師發送電子郵件後,老師會給他上 7 天線上課的 Zoom 鏈

NOTE: If the student described above has a sibling in another hybrid class in Uno, the
parent should email this sibling’s class adviser and report this sibling as a close contact.

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2. You have the option to have your child tested through a diagnostic center or use a rapid
antigen home test kit to check whether your child has COVID-19, OR your child may
wait until Day 7 to take an antigen test. If the child still tests positive on the antigen test,
he/she must wait for a negative result before coming back to school.
查,或等到第 7 天進行抗原檢測。如果孩子的抗原檢測仍然呈陽性,他/她必須

3. Update the school regarding the child’s results through this link:
4. The child must still stay at home for at least 7 days and may only return to school after
his/her parent accesses the link provided, accomplishes the form, and uploads a picture
of a certificate showing the negative antigen or RT-PCR results. (Note: A rapid antigen
home test kit may also be used.)
孩子必須在家至少 7 天,並且只有家長進入學校提供的鏈接,填好表格並上傳顯
示陰性抗原或 RT-PCR 結果的圖片後才能回校上課. (注意:也可以使用快速抗

The parent must accomplish the form at or before 3:00 p.m. on the day before the
student's return to school. Without an accomplished form, the student will not be
allowed to enter the classroom and will be sent home.Failure to upload the picture
and accomplish the form before 3:00 p.m. will mean that the student’s clearance
cannot be processed; therefore, the student will have to go online for another day.
家長必須在孩子返校前一天的下午 3:00 之前填寫好表格。沒有填寫好表格的,

IMPORTANT: Before taking a picture of the rapid test cassette, the parent must do the

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a. Clearly write down the date
(month/day/year) on which the antigen test
was taken and the name of the child on the
cassette. (See the picture on the right.)

b. The parent must take a picture of the student

holding the antigen test (with the face of the
student clearly shown).

5. When the student comes to school the following day, he/she must go see the nurse
and get a clearance slip that he/she should present to the first period teacher.

The one who is responsible for bringing such a student to school (parent, nanny, driver,
etc.) should wait and see if the student is cleared for school before leaving.

Please refer to the table below for non-COVID-19 related absence/s:


What should you do if your child is not Your child must NOT HAVE any of the
feeling well but has non-COVID-19 following:孩子不得有以下任何情況:
如果孩子感覺不適但無疫情症状,您應 ✓ fever or chills 發燒或發冷
該怎麼做? ✓ cough or cold 咳嗽或感冒
✓ shortness of breath or difficulty in
breathing 呼吸急促或呼吸困難
✓ fatigue 疲勞
✓ muscle or body aches 肌肉或身體疼痛
✓ headache 頭痛

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✓ loss of taste and/or smell

✓ itchy or sore throat 喉嚨發癢或喉嚨痛

✓ congested or runny nose 鼻塞或流鼻涕
✓ nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

1. Send an email to the child’s class adviser on the first day of the child’s absence.

Example 例如:

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

My child ___________ will not be able to make it to school because ____________.

(Describe his/her symptoms or condition.)
我的孩子 ___________ 因為有________________(陳述症狀)所以今天不能上學。

For Non-COVID-19 Related Absence:


a. If your child was absent for one or two days because of an illness or condition apart
from COVID-19, you must write an excuse letter with your printed name and
signature and upload this excuse letter to the link below to inform the school about
the reason for the absence.

b. If your child has been absent for three or more days because of an illness or
condition apart from COVID-19, you must secure a doctor’s certificate attesting to
the fact that the student is well and may return to school without risk to his/her own
health or to that of others and upload it to the link below.

The parent/guardian must accomplish the form at or before 3:00 p.m. on the
day before the student's return to school. Without an accomplished form, the

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student will not be allowed to enter the classroom and will be sent home. Failure
to upload the picture and accomplish the form before 3:00 p.m. will mean that
the student’s clearance cannot be processed; therefore, the student will have to
go online for another day.
家長必須在孩子返校前一天的下午 3:00 之前填寫好表格。沒有填寫好表格

2. Update the school regarding your child’s health status through this link:

3. When the student comes to school the following day, he/she must go see the nurse
and get a clearance slip that he/she should present to the first period teacher.

The one who is responsible for bringing such a student to school (parent, nanny, driver,
etc.) should wait and see if the student is cleared for school before leaving.

4. If your child has allergic rhinitis or any other allergic condition that causes him/her
to exhibit flu-like symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, or sneezing, he/she must
present a medical certificate attesting to this condition and clearing him/her for
attendance in school. Please send this medical certificate to your child’s class adviser.

Your child (with allergies) MUST wear a well-fitted face mask to ensure that
droplets from coughing or sneezing do not spread.

Teach your child to blow his/her nose properly into tissue paper which must immediately
be disposed of. Proper disinfecting of hands with rubbing alcohol or hand washing must
follow thereafter.

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7. Any student who exhibits any of the COVID-19 symptoms while in school will
immediately be moved to the COVID-19 isolation tent. His or her parents or guardian will
be contacted so that he/she may be picked up at school right away.

8. If three students in a section test positive for COVID-19, the entire section to which they
belong, including all teachers of that section, will have to quarantine for seven days. Face-
to-face classes will be suspended in favor of online classes during the said period. Face-to-face
classes will resume thereafter, unless there are circumstances that would require further
如果班裡有三個人的疫情檢測呈陽性,全班(包括老師)都必須隔離 7 天。在此期間,

9. If 20% of the school population (including students, teachers, staff, etc.) test positive for
COVID-19, face-to-face classes across all levels will be suspended for seven days or more
in favor of online classes so that disinfection and sanitation procedures may be carried
out effectively. Face-to-face classes will resume thereafter, unless there are circumstances that
would require further suspension.
面對面課程將暫停 7 天或更長時間,而選擇在線學習,以便可以有效地執行消毒和衛

10. Each student must bring a modified GO BAG every day. This Go Bag will be inspected by
the teacher and must contain the following items:
每個學生每天都必須攜帶一個緊急包(GO BAG)。此包將由老師檢查,並且必須包含
a. at least one clean and unused face mask 至少一個乾淨且未使用過的口罩
b. a pack of tissue 一包紙巾
c. a small bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol (70% solution)
一小瓶異丙醇外用酒精(70% 溶液)
d. a face towel 毛巾
e. an aluminum or plastic whistle 鋁製或塑料口哨
f. a small flashlight or a penlight 一個小手電筒或手電筒
g. a pack of wet wipes 一包濕紙巾

Besides the Go Bag, a student must bring drinking water to school.

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11. Each student must ALWAYS have a clean HANDKERCHIEF in his/her pocket for wiping
his/her hands after hand washing.

12. Each student must bring his or her own basic stationery items (e.g., pencils, crayons, paper,
rulers, books, calculators, etc.) and must not borrow such items from classmates.

13. Students must observe hygienic practices at all times. These practices should include proper
use of toilet facilities, proper handwashing techniques, and coughing and sneezing etiquette.
These lessons will be reinforced in school but should really start in the home.

14. Students must avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. They must
make sure that the things that they come into contact with frequently such as cell phones are
kept clean. The cellphone is a personal belonging. Students must not use someone else’s cell
phone or lend theirs to others.

15. No two persons should drink from the same water bottle/cup/glass, bite from the same
food, or use the same utensils. The sharing of personal items is not permitted.

16. In school, students must “observe the well-being of their own classmates, and if someone
among them is not feeling well or has colds/cough and is feverish, the sick learner will be
reported to the teacher for validation of his/her condition.” (Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd
Memorandum No. 015, s. 2020) When reporting about a sick classmate to the teacher, students
must do so in a discreet and respectful way so as not to cause undue embarrassment or
燒的,應報告老師確認他的情況。”(教育部備忘錄第 015 號,2020 年第 4 號附件)

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17. In school, students must avoid sitting on the floor/ground or stairs, shaking hands with others,
or playing games that involve touching/holding/slapping of others’ hands.

18. Students must avoid buying food from the sidewalks and going to eateries that are far from the

19. All students must go home right after school, a scheduled extracurricular activity, or a sports
team practice.


第二部分: 網上課程



1. Students should be given their own learning nooks/areas in the house. Being in their
designated learning areas gives students the sense that they should put importance in their studies,
separating their study hours from their leisure hours. These learning nooks should only have
materials needed for school and should be free of things that may cause distractions such as toys,
gadgets, coloring books, TV screens, etc.

If there is more than one distance learner in the household, each student should
preferably have his or her own learning nook reasonably away from other learners because
sounds and activities coming from another learner's device might be distracting during online

2. Students must have their devices ready for online learning.


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a. Students should preferably use laptops/PCs instead of tablets. They are
advised to use devices with big screens so that they can see all the details of the lessons.

b. Students must have working microphones and videos in order to fully

participate in discussions, recitations, and other activities. Students must address
problems concerning their mics and videos immediately and must seek the help of their
parents/older siblings/other household members when the need arises.

c. Students must have earphones/headsets for synchronous classes so that they

don't get distracted by the other activities in the house and so that they can hear the teacher
clearly. The students may take off their headsets during PE activities.

d. Students must have a printer for printing out worksheets.


3. Students are advised to have alternative internet providers on standby. In case the
main internet provider is not working properly, students should immediately try to switch to a
secondary provider (e.g., pocket Wi-Fi, home prepaid Wi-Fi, etc.) so that they experience as
little interruption as possible during synchronous class time.

If there is more than one student engaged in distance learning in the family, the internet
system should be able to meet the needs of all the learners and must be upgraded when the need

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1. Students must attend virtual classes on time. This school year, classes for Grade
Seven to Grade Ten start at 8:10 a.m. Students should log into Zoom at 8:05 a.m. Please follow
Philippine Standard Time. Students can also use the few minutes before class to check their
settings, address any technical issues, and/or bond with the first-period teacher and their
classmates. Each synchronous class lasts only for a limited number of minutes, and students
should not miss any class time. The routine of attending class on time helps the students develop
the qualities of punctuality and discipline.

學生必須準時上課。本(2022-23)學年度上課時間上午 8:10 開始。上第一堂課的

8:05 就要登入到 Zoom。(菲律賓標準時間)。可利用上課前幾分鐘檢查其裝置,處理任何

Flag ceremonies are held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:05 a.m. These ceremonies
include the singing of the national anthem and the school song. A student who misses the
ceremony will be considered tardy.

星期二和星期五上午 8:05 舉行升旗儀式,這儀式包括唱國歌和校歌。沒參加儀


2. Students must attend synchronous classes regularly. Attendance will be monitored

very strictly to ensure that students take part in all important activities/lessons. During
synchronous learning (SL) days, students should stay throughout the entire duration of the class
and should not leave the class early for other activities.

Students who miss one-third of synchronous class time (15 minutes or more), whether at the
beginning, middle, or end of a subject, will be considered absent. Students who are unable to attend
synchronous classes because of poor or no internet connection will be considered absent. Absence
in one subject, whether academic or nonacademic, will be equivalent to absence for the whole
school day. Students who incur absences equivalent to or greater than one-fifth of the total number
of school days will be considered dropped or failed and will not be promoted to the next grade
level. For example, if the number of school days totals 200, a student who incurs 40 or more
absences(cumulative of absences from both face-to-face and online classes) will be considered
dropped or failed and will not be promoted to the next level.
學生錯過三分之一同步上課時間(15 分鐘或更長時間),無論是在上課開始、中間

-- MORE --
總上課日數的五分之一將被視為退學或留級。例如:上課日數總共為 200 天,缺席 40 天以

Parents should email their children's class adviser when their children encounter internet
problems or experience illness. Students may be excused from deadlines in case they cannot join
class because of valid reasons such as poor internet connection, illness, etc.; however, they will
still be marked absent in order to keep track of the number of absences incurred within the school
year for reasons cited in the preceding paragraph.

3. When students log into their online classes via Zoom, they should use this particular
format: class number, first name, last name, and Chinese name (e.g., 01 Jane Ang 洪佳尹
or 15 John Lloyd Yu 楊俊傑). Make sure that there are no unnecessary symbols or spaces
before the class number. Those who do not know how to or cannot add their Chinese names may
email their class advisers so that the class advisers can send them their Chinese names for them
to copy and paste onto their Zoom names.

必須按照順序登入 Zoom 上課:班號、名字、姓氏和中文名字(例如 01 Jane Ang 洪

佳尹;15 John Lloyd Yu 楊俊傑),切勿在班號前作任何不必要的記號或留空間。不懂如何
貼到 Zoom 上。

Students must make sure they are not using names of siblings who had classes before
them. Those who use made-up names may not be recognized by the teacher and may not be
admitted to class and may therefore be marked absent.


Tip: Students who are sharing devices with other members of the family may save their
formatted login names (i.e., class number, English first name last name, Chinese name) in a note
or document which they can easily “copy and paste” from.
提示: 和兄弟姊妹共用電腦的,請存入姓名班級於文件中,以便複製和粘貼。

-- MORE --
When family members are sharing the same Zoom account, it is better for the student to
log in manually by entering the meeting number and passcode instead of pressing the Zoom link.
A manual login will allow the student to format his or her name. Pressing the link will not give
the student the same opportunity to change to the proper format.
當家庭成員共用相同的 Zoom 帳戶時,最好用手操作,輸入會議號碼和密碼,
而不是按 Zoom 鏈接登入。用手操作登入可以更改姓名。按 Zoom 鏈接不會有更改正

Important: For security reasons, students must not share their Zoom link, meeting ID,
and/or passcode with anyone outside of their class.

4. Students should be sitting up on a chair in front of a table during synchronous classes.

Maintaining a proper sitting position keeps a student alert for recitation and other class

5. Students must turn their videos on, and their faces must clearly appear in the
middle of the screen. Being able to see their teachers and classmates allows students to
experience genuine interaction and gives them a sense of belonging. The reactions on the faces
of others are visual cues that help children develop social intelligence.

If students want to have a virtual background, they should use the one provided by the
school. When using virtual backgrounds, students (with the help of their parents/guardians) must
make sure their faces remain visible on the screen and do not blend with the background. If they
choose not to use any virtual backgrounds, they must make sure that the scene/view behind them
is presentable and will not cause them embarrassment.

The following will be considered absent from synchronous class:


a. students who do not have their videos on and not responding when called

b. students who have their videos on but do not appear on the screen

-- MORE --

c. students who have their videos on but are not responding when called upon for
recitation or any other class activity

d. students who leave the online class without a valid reason before the teacher has
dismissed the class

e. students who are on the road, in a vehicle, or in another place other than their
study nooks

Tip:Students should adjust the cameras so that their faces are within the frame and are clearly
visible to the teachers.
提示 :學生應把屏幕調整到適當的高度,使臉部在框架內,教師能清晰看到。

6. Students must keep their microphones on mute unless they are invited to speak.
When their microphones are on, they should be mindful of background noise (such as other
members of the family talking or the TV) and should keep these possible distractions to a


Tip: Students should adjust the volume to a comfortable level, stay in a quiet place with the
least distraction from family members so that they don’t have to turn up the volume, and take a
listening break after their synchronous class.


Tip: Clean your headset/earphones regularly.


7. Students must keep possible distractions away. They should turn off notifications or
other running apps they don’t need during online class.

-- MORE --

8. Students must wear appropriate clothes (with sleeves). They may wear their uniforms,
event shirts, or blue or white shirts with sleeves. Students should appear ready for class and must
not show up looking disheveled or dressed in sleepwear, i.e., pajamas.


Note: Sleeves are strictly required.


9. Students must continue to observe good grooming habits such as styling their hair
and trimming their nails. Students (boys and girls) who have long hair may use hair bands, hair
clips, or hair ties (ponytail holders) to keep their hair away from their faces. Students are not
allowed to dye their hair.


10. Students may have a bottle or glass of water beside them so they may take sips when
they get thirsty.




1. Students must practice respect and courtesy in class. Various unexpected things can
happen during online learning such as screens freezing, voices lagging, embarrassing noises
being heard, etc. During such times, students must remain calm and respectful. They should
ignore small glitches and simply wait for the situation to get better.


-- MORE --
All language and manners of expression in class should be polite and respectful.
Offensive, insulting, hurtful, inappropriate, and embarrassing comments are not allowed. Trying
to be smart or funny is not an acceptable excuse. Students who use foul, offensive language or
who practice cyberbullying will be given appropriate disciplinary actions.


2. Students are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior which govern
our school community. Should any student misbehave or commit any misconduct, the guidance
officer will set a counseling session with the student. Any violations of the school policies and
rules may subject the student to disciplinary actions including an incident report and other
sanctions if deemed necessary. Incident reports will be part of the student’s disciplinary records.


3. Students should practice internet etiquette (netiquette) at all times. Any gross act or
deed conducted online such as the posting and/or sending of messages with inappropriate
content may subject students to disciplinary actions.


4. Students should conduct themselves properly during online classes.


a. Students should never take screenshots of their online classes and post the pictures
without the consent of the teacher and all their classmates. Posting pictures of the class
without proper permission is a violation of the Data Privacy Act.

b. The unauthorized sharing of screens, use of the annotation feature in Zoom, unmuting,
or sending of spam messages in the chat box, etc., are considered offenses that warrant
disciplinary actions.

-- MORE --
未經授權共用螢幕、使用 Zoom 的註釋功能、取消靜音或在聊天室中發送垃圾郵

5. Students must practice integrity and honesty in accomplishing all their tasks, e.g.,
homework/assignments, learning checkpoints, art projects, etc. Making someone else do the task,
plagiarizing, or practicing other forms of academic dishonesty is considered cheating. Any form
of communication (sending messages, making calls, etc.) with another person during a learning
checkpoint is also considered cheating. Once proven to have committed cheating, students will
be subjected to the appropriate disciplinary action.


A student must avoid any means of academic dishonesty when it comes to submitting
his/her work. Forms of academic dishonesty include plagiarism, cheating, deception,
impersonation, and fraudulent excuses. Browsing the internet to collect information for an
assignment without properly citing the source or using Google Translate to mask plagiarized
material will also be considered academic dishonesty.

If a student has been proven to have committed any offense, he/she will be subjected to
disciplinary action.
襲、作弊、欺瞞、冒充他人和欺詐性的辯解。沒有正確引用來源或使用 Google 的解釋

Note: Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as one's own, with or without his
or her consent, by adding it into one's work without acknowledging the source.

When the assignment requires students to do research work for factual answers, the
students should cite their sources for the answers. A simple way is to cite the book or to copy
and paste the URL of the site where an answer was found.

When the assignment requires the student to express an opinion or do creative writing
(e.g., an assignment which requires the student to choose a national hero and to write about this
hero's admirable qualities, a journal entry, a character sketch, etc.), the student must not copy

-- MORE --
the work from a fellow student, a book, the internet, or any other source and pass the work as
his or her own. Doing so is dishonest and will be considered an act of plagiarism and cheating.


Expressing one's opinion and writing creatively are important skills that all students
should develop. These skills involve critical thinking, use of imagination, organization of ideas,
vocabulary and grammar proficiency, among many other competencies. Students should use
every opportunity they have to hone these skills and not waste the chances by copying someone
else's work.

Note: For a list of the types of acts that are considered major and minor offenses, please see
the section on Sanctions and Disciplinary Measures in the Appendix.




1. Parents, as well as relatives and other members of the household, are NOT allowed
to join the online class. Parents, relatives, yayas, or any other member of the household should
refrain from joining, listening in, participating, coaching, or making side comments during class.
If parents have questions, they may address these concerns to the class adviser via email.

2. Parents, relatives, yayas, or any other member of the household should refrain from
hovering around, nudging, coaching, criticizing, and scolding students while online classes
are ongoing because these actions may potentially bring embarrassment to students and detract
from the goal of making them effective, independent online learners.


-- MORE --
Parents should encourage their children to learn on their own. After some initial
guidance for younger students, parents should allow students to explore on their own. Children
learn quickly. Allowing them to go about their studies independently will encourage them to
develop responsibility and have confidence in their own decisions. Such developments are
certainly more important than learning new words or any math skill.


3. Parents should ensure that their children and all the other members of the household
are aware of online class schedules. This way, students will be ready for class, and the other
members of the family will make way to give them their learning spaces.

4. Parents should ensure that each child has a quiet space and the required devices for
learning. The student must have a study nook conducive to learning. As much as possible, the
student must be in a quiet section of the house where he/she can attend synchronous classes alone,
free from distractions from the other members of the household. Students should not be attending
classes while they are not home in their designated learning areas (e.g., travelling in a vehicle,
doing errands, etc.) because they will not be able to concentrate on the lesson and will also be
distracting the attention of other learners.

Besides providing their children with the required devices, parents must ensure that these
devices are working well and are kept clean.


5. Parents should make sure that devices are fully charged or plugged in, especially for
younger learners to avoid interruption during synchronous classes.

-- MORE --
6. Parents should ensure that their children are working at the computer in an
ergonomic manner. Students should be sitting up with their backs straight, feet flat on the floor,
and screen adjusted to a comfortable height.


7. Parents should help their children maintain regular study routines. These routines are
especially important for asynchronous learning activities.

8. Parents should discuss the importance of following school rules with their children.
Doing so helps children realize that the school is their parents’ partner in nurturing and guiding
their development.


9. Parents should teach and guide their children about the rules and guidelines for using
gadgets and social media. Parents should do the following:


a. monitor what their children are accessing, including websites and media applications

b. establish reasonable but firm rules about the use of gadgets and social media

c. encourage children to tell whenever they see anything that is unexpected or that makes
them uncomfortable

10. Parents should ensure that their children have enough sleep and rest so that these
children will not be too tired for schoolwork. All students must stay alert, interested, and focused
during synchronous class time. They must also have enough energy to maintain the excellent
quality of their asynchronous work.

-- MORE --

11. Parents should limit their children's screen time. Doing so allows children to rest their
eyes, mind, and body and to be better prepared for school.


12. Parents, as well as other members of the household, who might be walking past or
behind students attending online classes, should be aware that they might be caught in the
camera’s view. They should, therefore, dress appropriately to avoid possible embarrassing


13. Parents should refrain from scheduling any other activity for their children during
synchronous class. Parents should set appointments (e.g., clinic visits, leisure activities/trips, etc.)
after class hours, on Saturdays, or at times when there are no school-related activities.

14. Parents should make sure that their children have enough time to take their meal
before synchronous class so that their children avoid the urge to eat in class. Students should pay
full attention to their lessons and class activities and should not be eating while classes are ongoing.


15. Parents must address internet/connectivity issues or technical problems that their
children bring to their attention immediately. A reliable and stable connection, as well as a
working microphone and camera, is necessary for online learning success. Parents should do their
best to help their children have a stress-free and effective online learning experience.

-- MORE --

16. Parents should help their children keep track of the submission deadlines for learning
checkpoints and other requirements and remind them to submit work on time. Parents
should also help their children take note of and remember long quiz schedules so that their children
do not miss any important quiz.



第三部分: 經常與學校保持聯繫

1. Parents will be asked to fill out an online form with the student’s information to
update each learner’s file. This form will be sent through an email and should be accomplished
properly by making sure that all information that will be provided is true, complete, and accurate.
Further instructions and the link to the form will be forwarded via email by the guidance team.

2. Parents should maintain one email address for official school communication and
should check their email daily. The school will be sending reminders, memos, and other
important information through email.

3. Parents may contact their children's class advisers by email. For questions or concerns,
parents will be provided with the official email addresses of class advisers. Class advisers will
respond to emails as soon as they can. Office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.

4. The Guidance Office will continue to provide its services to our students. Parents who
want to set an appointment for a counseling session with their children's guidance officer should
fill out the appointment form in the link provided below:

-- MORE --

There will be an email confirming the schedule of the counseling session.

請等待輔導處發送的電子郵件,確認你的諮詢日期和時間,並附上 ZOOM 鏈接。

Parents and students may also contact their guidance officers through these platforms:


a. Google Form - link provided above

谷歌表格 - 上面提供的鏈接

b. email -

郵件 -

c. Facebook page - UHS Guidance and Counseling Office

臉書頁面 - UHS 輔導和諮詢辦公室




Instead of numerical values, letter grades with the following descriptions and equivalents
will appear in the report cards for academic subjects.

Performance Level Description Numerical

Code 說明 Grade
表現等級代碼 數字等級

-- MORE --
Advanced (A) demonstrates extensive knowledge and thorough 90.00 –
高水準(A) understanding of subject matter; marked mastery of 100.00
learning content

Proficient (P) demonstrates broad knowledge and understanding of 85.00 – 89.99

精通(P) subject matter; near mastery of learning content

Approaching demonstrates reasonable knowledge and understanding 80.00 – 84.99

Proficiency (AP) of subject matter; noticeable comprehension of learning
接近精通(AP) content

Developing (D) demonstrates marginal knowledge and understanding of 75.00 – 79.99

進展中(D) subject matter; limited comprehension of learning

Beginning (B) demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding below 75.00

初等(B) of subject matter; effort needed to improve 75.00 以下
comprehension of learning content

The components for the academic subject grade are as follows:


Class Participation (CP) 25%


Homework (HW) 25%


-- MORE --
Learning Checkpoints (LC) 25%

Long Quizzes (LQ) 25%


There will be no extensions after each deadline. Failure to submit any homework, LC, or LQ on
or before the deadline will mean no credit or a grade of 60%.

得分數或只能得 60 分。

Because of the greater emphasis on class participation and asynchronous work this year than
in the previous years when we had full face-to-face learning, students are encouraged to take part
in their synchronous classes actively and to do their assigned tasks diligently.

Teachers will continue to keep records of numerical grades for the computation of the general
average at the end of the school year.



For nonacademic subjects, students will receive one of the following grades:

Performance Level Code Description Numerical

表現等級代碼 說明 Grade

Exceeds Standards (ES) demonstrates superior performance/work that 90.00 – 100.00

超過標準(ES) exceeds requirements

-- MORE --
Meets Standards (MS) demonstrates capable performance/work that 80.00 – 89.99
符合標準(MS) fulfills requirements

Approaching Standards passable performance/work that barely fulfills 75.00 – 79.99

(AS) requirements
接近標準(AS) 表現過得去/工作勉強符合要求

Improvement Required inadequate performance/work that does not 70.00 – 74.99

(IR) fulfill most requirements
需要改進(IR) 表現不足夠/工作不能滿足大部分要求

Significant Improvement severely inadequate performance/work that 60.01 - 69.99

Required (SIR) hardly fulfills any requirement
需要重大改進 (SIR) 表現嚴重不足/工作幾乎無法滿足任何要求

Nonsubmission (NS) failure to submit all requirements 60.00

未提交(NS) 未提交所有要求

For education to be meaningful and effective, the school must ensure the holistic
development of each child and see to it that the child grows not only academically but also
physically, socially, and emotionally. In compliance with Department of Education Order No. 36,
the school has included all the grades from nonacademic subjects such as PE, health, music, art,
writing, character education, and computer/TLE in the computation of every student’s general
average since 2017. By emphasizing the importance of these nonacademic subjects, the school
hopes that students will not just focus on academics but will also realize how much healthier and
balanced their development will be if they also spend time on extracurricular interests.
增長成長,而且在身體、社會和情感上都能成長。根據教育部第 36 號指令,自 2017 年

Students should not overlook the importance of nonacademic subjects and should
continue to do all assigned tasks from these subjects regularly and
conscientiously. Nonsubmission of the requirements for these subjects would mean receiving
failing marks that would seriously affect the general average of each student. The grades
from these nonacademic subjects may be the very factor that can determine a student’s
overall performance for the school year. All students should, therefore, devote time and
attention to doing and turning in the assigned tasks from their nonacademic subjects.

-- MORE --



1. A student who has a failing final average in English will not be promoted to the next level.


2. A student will not be promoted to the next level if he/she has failing final averages in any
two of the following subjects: math, science, Filipino, and civics and culture/social studies.


3. A student will not be promoted to the next level if he/she has failing final averages in any
three of the subjects (whether academic or nonacademic) in the report card.


4. A student who has a failing final average (74.99% or below) in any subject (whether
academic or nonacademic) other than English will not be promoted to the next level unless he/she
takes and passes the remedial summer classes for the subject.


5. A student who fails in the general average (average of all subjects at the end of the school
year) will not be promoted to the next level.


6. The school does not recognize the results obtained from Philippine Education Placement
Test (PEPT) as a basis for promoting a student to the next grade level. A student may only be
promoted to a higher grade level upon completing all academic, attendance, and other requirements
as outlined in this handbook.

-- MORE --


第六部分: 榮譽和獎勵
At the end of this school year, achievement awards (gold, silver, and bronze) will be given
out to Grades Five to Ten students based on the average grade computed from both academic and
nonacademic subjects.


After totaling the academic and nonacademic scores, a student who is able to garner a
general average of 90.00% or more shall be accorded honors as follows:

計算學術科目與非學術科目的平均成績後,取得平均 90.00%或以上的學生,可獲

Achievement Award Distinction Won Average Grade

成就獎 獲得榮譽 總平均

Gold(金) With highest honors 98.00 – 100.00


Silver(銀) With high honors 95.00 – 97.99


Bronze(銅) With honors 90.00 – 94.99


-- MORE --
General excellence awards will be given out at the end of the school year for deserving
students. To qualify for the general excellence award, a student should be one of the three students
who garnered the highest, second highest, and third highest general averages in their class. He/She
should also not have incurred any major offense for the school year.


For a student to qualify for honors, he/she must have a final average grade (the average of
the grades of four grading periods) of at least 88.00% in any of the subjects in the report card.

學生要獲得獎勵,各科四個階段的平均分數必須在 88 分以上。

The subjects included for the computation of the grade average are as follows:

Grades Seven to Ten


• English 英語
• Filipino 菲語
• Math 數學
• Social Studies 社會
• Science 科學
• Values Education 品德教育

The perfect attendance award will not be given. Attendance will be taken conscientiously
in order to monitor student presence and to find out those who need help.


Conduct awards will also not be given out because these awards entail demonstration of
in-person and collaborative performance possible only in the full face-to-face learning setup.

-- MORE --

The awarding of athletic scholarships and privileges will remain suspended for the entire
duration of hybrid or online learning.



CHECKPOINTS 有關作業和學習檢查的規則

A. Homework 家庭作業

No credit or a grade of 60% will be given to a student who fails to submit homework,
a video project, an art project, etc., on or before the deadline.Late submissions will not be
accepted. All students are given reasonable time to finish and submit homework and
assignments, and there is no reason for not doing so.

數或只能得 60 分。逾期提交將不被接受。所有學生都有充分的時間完成作業和提交作業,

B. Learning Checkpoint (LC) 學習檢查

1. A grade of 60% will be given to a student who misses a learning checkpoint (LC) without
a valid reason.
沒有合理的理由而不參加學習檢查的學生將獲得 60%的分數。

2. A grade of 60% will be given to a student who missed a learning checkpoint without
contacting his/her teacher or the test monitor in order to give a reason.
不參加學習檢查而沒有與老師或監考老師聯繫提出理由的學生將獲得 60%的分數。

3. A student who has a compelling reason to miss a learning checkpoint must inform his/her
teacher in advance about his/her inability to take the test. The teacher who receives such a
message will assess the given reason and evaluate its validity. If the reason is found valid, the
teacher can make an arrangement for a makeup test for the student.

4. An LC will be posted at 3:00 p.m. and will be available for five hours until 8:00 p.m. of
the same day. If a student finds himself/herself in a situation which renders him/her unable to
take the LC, he/she should inform the school’s test monitor of the reason why he/she cannot

-- MORE --
take the LC by texting the number +63 927 733 6494 at or before 7:00 p.m. of the day of the
LC. The test monitor will convey the message to the subject teacher who will then evaluate the
given reason. If the reason is found valid, the teacher can make an arrangement for a makeup
test for the student.
學習檢查將於下午 3:00 發佈,將提供五小時,直到當天晚上 8:00。如果學生發現自己
處於無法參加考試的情況,應在晚上 7:00 前傳短訊(+63 927 733 6494 號)告知監考人員

Use this template for your text message:


Hello! I am ________________ from Grade ___ Section ___. I cannot take the LC in
_______________ (subject) scheduled today _________________ (date) because
_____________________________________ (reason).

您好! 我是_____年級____組的_______________. 我無法參加今天 _________(日期) 的

__________(科目)學習檢查,因為____________________ ___________________(原因).

Hello! I am John Ang from Grade 8 A. I cannot take the LC in Filipino scheduled today,
September 22, 2022, because ______________________________.

您好! 我是八年級甲組的洪偉德. 我無法參加今天 二 0 二二年九月廿二日的華文/
菲語科的學習檢查,因為____________________________________________ (原因).

C. Long Quiz (LQ)測驗

1. A grade of 60% will be given to a student who misses a long quiz (LQ) without a valid
沒有合理的理由而不參加測驗(LQ)的學生將獲得 60%的分數。

2. A grade of 60% will be given to a student who misses a long quiz without contacting
his/her teacher or the test monitor in order to give a reason.

-- MORE --
不參加測驗而沒有與老師或監考老師聯繫提出理由的學生將獲得 60%的分數。

3. A student who has a compelling reason to miss a long quiz must inform his/her teacher
in advance about his/her inability to take the test. The teacher who receives such a message
will assess the given reason and evaluate its validity. If the reason is found valid, the teacher
can make an arrangement for a makeup test for the student.

4. Long quizzes for English subjects and Chinese will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 pm.
During the appointed testing time, if a student finds himself/herself in a situation which renders
him/her unable to take the test, he/she should inform the school’s test monitor of the reason
why he/she cannot take the test by texting the number +63 927 733 6494 at or before 3:45p.m.
The test monitor will convey the message to the subject teacher who will then evaluate the
given reason. If the reason is found valid, the teacher can make an arrangement for a makeup
test for the student.

測驗(LQ)的時間是英文,中文:下午 3:30 至 4:30。在指定的時間內,如果覺得自己處於

無法參加考試的狀況,應在下午 3:45 前傳短訊 (+63 927 733 6494 號)告知監考人員原

Use this template for your text message:


Hello! I am ________________ from Grade ___ Section ___. I cannot take the test in
_______________ (subject) scheduled today _________________ (date) because
_____________________________________ (reason).

您好! 我是_____年級____組的_______________. 我無法參加今天 _________(日期) 的



Hello! I am John Ang from Grade 8-A. I cannot take the test in Filipino scheduled today,
September 22, 2022, at 3:30 p.m. because ______________________________.


-- MORE --
您好! 我是八年級甲組的洪偉德. 我無法參加今天二 0 二二年九月廿二日的華文/華語科考
試,因為______________________________________________ (原因).

NOTE 1: The telephone number cited above will receive text messages regarding learning
checkpoints and long quizzes only. All other school matters must be coursed through email.
Calls will not be accommodated.

注意 1:上面提供的電話號碼僅供傳送有關學習檢查和測驗的短訊,其他事項須通過電子

NOTE 2:Take note of your learning checkpoint and long quiz schedules and refrain from
doing errands or making appointments during the time set for these activities. Make your
learning checkpoints and long quizzes your priority and give them the importance that they

注意 2:注意您的學習檢查和測驗時間表,不要在這些安排的時間內做其他事或跟人預約。


A. School Profile
1. Its Founder
Uno High School is the realization of Don Domingo Yu Chu’s lifetime dream. In his late
middle age, a prominent Filipino businessman and philanthropist of Chinese ancestry, he
envisioned founding a school to educate the youth. In his opinion, he would be doing his bit in
contributing to the molding of the youth into better citizens of the country. He saw a school that
will be a place where pupils can acquire a keen understanding of values and a vivid sense of the
beautiful and morally good. Thus, in June of 1960, the school became operational emphasizing on
the following: (1) strict discipline and proper conduct, (2) academic excellence, and (3) charity.

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2. Etymology and Symbolism
The name Uno High School was chosen because it denotes a school of quality, that is,
“numero uno.” The logo of Uno High School consists of the symbol for “meihua,” the national
flower of the Republic of China. This flower is a symbol of endurance for hardships and resilience
in times of trials, since this flower can endure wintertime, during which it ironically blooms in
abundance. The triangle represents the three facets of Uno High School’s mission, namely: (1)
discipline, (2) academic and leadership excellence, (3) charity. The Chinese name of the school is
printed in the center – “Shang Yi,” which means “one” and hence, the name Uno High School.
Above the logo is the complete name of the school, “Shang Yi Zhong Xue,” and below the logo is
the English name, Uno High School. The school colors are blue and white, blue for the dignity of
purpose which students are taught to live for and white for the virtues of kindness, gentility, and
diligence infused into their hearts.

3. History and Achievements

1960 ushered in a decade of revolutionary philosophies, outrageous art movements, and
life-altering technology. On the local front, a period of relative peace and hard-earned prosperity
had prompted the Chinese-Filipino community to focus on the importance of successfully
assimilating into Philippine society, bolstering respect, increasing contribution, and safeguarding
economic and cultural interests. Prominent businessman Don Domingo Yu Chu understood that
the answer to a secure and promising future lies in our youth and that, more importantly, the key
to raising an upstanding, conscientious, and productive crop of young men and women is education.
His foresight paved the way for Uno High School, an institution whose very name suggests what
it is meant to be -- the best school for the Chinese-Filipino youth.

Located in the heart of the city, Uno stood proud amidst the roster of other illustrious and
established Chinese-Filipino schools. Under the able guidance of highly esteemed cardiologist Dr.
Jose Yu Siek Pong, Uno set out to do its task with passion and dedication. Its sense of purpose
strong, its pool of talents and resources more than ample, Uno never had faltering unsure steps,
only big bold strides marked by confidence and determination. From the very start, Uno provided
a safe, healthy environment conducive to academic pursuits, wholesome interaction, and values
formation. With the total well-being of its students as its foremost consideration, Uno put emphasis
not only on intellectual enrichment but more so on character development. Uneans are to grow up
equipped not only with relevant know-how but also, more importantly, with a pride and love for
learning that they take with them for the rest of their lives. Uneans are meant to be not only law-
abiding citizens but also, more significantly, leaders and pillars of the community to be emulated
and admired.

By the seventies, Uno High School had firmly established its reputation as one of the best
schools in the country. With its first-rate faculty and intensive as well as extensive academic
programs, Uno challenged its students and brought out their best. Aside from its rigorous curricula,
Uno became synonymous with strict discipline, and credit for this should go to that
principal/disciplinarian/father figure whom every Unean regards with a mix of awe and fondness
– Dr. Yu. His booming voice, his ubiquitous presence filled the school halls, and nobodyescaped
his watchful attention. It is his philosophy and outlook that largely shaped and continue to shape
the core values of the school. Dr. Yu imposed discipline, honesty, kindness, modesty, cleanliness,
and respect as a way of life for every Unean. He dinned upon his students to “pick up pieces of

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paper” and “to make sure the classroom is clean before [they] leave the school.” His concern for
his students’ health and safety extended beyond the school walls, and every Unean without
exception can still recall his nearly daily reminders: “Your attention, please. Please listen
attentively to my announcement. Do not loiter in the street corners. Do not buy food from the
sidewalk vendors. Do not wear expensive jewelry to school….” Come Christmas time, the school
would become a warmer, homier place every time he crooned “I’m dreaming of a white
Christmas…” and uttered his favorite saying, “Christmas is more meaningful when we share our
blessings with the poor.” Charity and kindness, probably the greatest of all human virtues,
complete the persona of the true blue Unean. The ability for selfless love and genuine altruistic
concern for humanity remains an ideal that all Uneans continue to strive for. During the seventies
when the country suffered from political turmoil and a seemingly endless string of economic crises,
Uno remained a microcosm of what the world should be – a place of decency and respect.

In the eighties, Uneans continued to ride high on the crest of success. Uno graduates had
set themselves apart with their impressive academic achievements as they continued to garner
honors in prestigious universities and top government exams. By this time, the Unean character
had become clearly defined. Uneans are proud of their school and education. After all, the
readiness with which they tell others about their school is often met with professions of much
admiration and good impression. They cultivate deep, meaningful friendships with peers. The
relatively small school population has brought an affinity and familiarity among students that allow
them to truly care and draw strength from one another. This unity of spirit becomes evident
especially during interscholastic events. The perennial champion Uno cheering squad has always
rallied behind its team, be it in victory or defeat. Uneans regard their teachers with respect and
their fellow students with solicitude. The Uno CAT cadets may be much wanting in combat skills,
but they are at their best helping their teachers and caring for their younger schoolmates. Uneans
constantly strive for excellence and are not daunted by challenges. The basketball team may not
always win gold, but no other team tries harder or conducts itself with more dignity. Most of all,
Uneans love their school and everything it stands for. The loyalty medal presented upon graduation
is regarded as a precious memento, for it is a symbol of hard work rewarded and a truly meaningful
education attained.

In its thirtieth year, Uno celebrated in grand fashion with its very first formal alumni
homecoming and the inauguration of its alumni association. The school wall dedicated to awards
and honors garnered by the alumni hardly had any space left. Many of the alumni had also gone
on to become leaders in industry and other professions. Dr. Yu himself had been cited as an
outstanding alumnus by both UST and San Beda and a papal awardee for his work in the fields of
education and humanitarian service. Uno even won a much-coveted championship in the Tiong
Lian basketball games in the last decade. Indeed, there was much to celebrate.

Vigorous efforts for modernization largely characterized the 1990’s. Fresh new blood
infused into the faculty complemented the experience and expertise of seasoned mentors. The
curriculum was also strengthened by more innovative teaching methods. New athletics programs
allowed more diversity and served individual interests. The new computer lab and playhouse, the
refurbished science lab, library, classrooms, and gym were all designed to take the school to the
twenty-first century. The school realized that constant upgrading and improvement were necessary
for education to be truly relevant and useful.

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Uneans suffered a great loss in 1997 with the demise of Dr. Yu. His passage brought
together thousands of Uneans to the school gym, where they mourned, comforted one another, and
vowed to carry on the legacy left behind by their beloved principal. By turning grief into positive
determination, the school continued its relentless effort to bring quality education to the young.
With Mrs. Angie Yu-Pineda taking over the helm, the school maintained its direction and forged
ahead with even more fervor and dedication.

Uno’s fortieth anniversary coincided with the turn of the millennium. Uno’s faculty,
students, staff, and alumni put out all the stops to mark this milestone. A year-long celebration
which included exciting interscholastic competitions, educational exhibits, fun-filled programs,
poignant reunions, and other activities brought the Unean community even closer than before.
Many of those whose lives were touched by Uno came together to remember and thank the founder
and the former principal, bring back memories of happy and trying times, and most importantly,
reaffirm the school’s commitment to quality education and service to the community.

Uno started its nursery program in June 2006 and its senior high program in June 2015.

And now at 63, Uno has obviously done well. There is much reason why Uneans swell with
pride every time they make references to their educational background. Uno students and graduates
have constantly garnered academic and professional successes. They have been instilled with the
discipline necessary to deal with life’s many trials and challenges. They also know the importance
of maintaining standards, ideals, and values despite being in an environment so lacking in all three.
If this tradition of excellence is any indication of what Uno’s future will be, then there is no doubt
that Uneans will continue to shine. Uno’s proud history, its vital ethos of academic and leadership
excellence, discipline, and charity, and finally, its resolve to provide modern and relevant education
-- all these can only lead to a future as resplendent, as glorious as the past, if not more.

4. School Philosophy

Vision Statement

Uno is an institution renowned for education professionals who work harmoniously toward
the goal of producing responsible and productive community leaders by equipping them with
essential skills, knowledge, and values. It is a place conducive to holistic learning for the student
of the 21st century and a venue where teachers and parents work hand in hand.

Mission Objectives

1. to inculcate in students desirable moral and social values within a constructive environment in
order that they may contribute positively to society
2. to promote in students a positive self-image by developing their social, communication, and
leadership skills
3. to nurture and reinforce in students positive work ethics so as to enable them to strive for the
highest possible standard for themselves in their personal and public lives

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4. to promote the holistic development of students by providing a well-balanced education
5. to foster lifelong love for and pride in learning among teachers and students

Underlying Assumptions of the School’s Mission

When Don Domingo Yu Chu founded Uno High School, he had in mind a school that
would provide an education that develops in the student the character and the personality that
would make an effective builder of the community, a dynamic and useful member of society, and
a responsible citizen. The mission, therefore, as envisioned by its founder, had to be centered on
the following underlying assumptions.

A. Discipline

An individual’s natural or inherent attitudes and habits must be properly guided and
organized in order that s/he can become a beneficial member of society. Without proper guidance
and strict supervision, the untrained young individual grows into a self-centered and unconcerned
person, eventually leading to a society composed of uncaring individuals. Scholastic supervision,
as a supplement to home training, must strictly emphasize the need for proper and strong discipline.

B. Academic and Leadership Excellence

Because of the knowledge boom, there is an unlimited amount of information to be learned

and ideas to be imbibed by anyone who wishes to be an educated individual. To become an
efficient contributor to society’s development and progress, an individual must strive to learn and
assimilate, to a certain extent, these information and ideas. Undoubtedly, scholastic education is
one effective means for a person to be an effective contributor in society. Aside from being
productive members of society, students must also be given necessary training to hone their
leadership skills and mold them into responsible individuals.

C. Charity

Humans are social beings who must be consistently aware of their neighbors’ needs. Also,
they have to appreciate their own blessings and must be readily willing to share these with their
less fortunate brothers and sisters. In school, generosity and charity are virtues that must be

5. Dr. Jose Yu Siek Pong

Dr. Jose Yu Siek Pong (Dec. 12, 1925 - June 26, 1997) was Uno High School’s principal
for thirty-seven years. He gave up a brilliant career as a cardiologist to devote himself to a lifetime
of educating young people and spurring them on to meaningful lives. Taking upon himself the
monumental task of fulfilling his father’s dream, Dr. Yu became the indefatigable principal of Uno
for more than thirty years. It is his spirit and philosophy that have shaped the dynamics of Uno
High School. Although he was a strict disciplinarian, his determination to know all his students
and his unfailing concern for their welfare had earned him not only the respect and awe of all

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Uneans but their love as well. He was a papal awardee (Pro Ecclesia Et. Pontifice) on December
2, 1989. He was also selected outstanding alumnus of UST in the field of education and
humanitarian service on August 21, 1983, outstanding alumnus of San Beda College in the field of
education on November 29, 1986, and outstanding principal (Cebu Intsik Foundation) on July 11,

B. Rules and Guidelines for Students

Section 1:
General Rules and Directives:
1.1 All students should familiarize themselves with the contents of this handbook and should
strictly comply with all its provisions. This manual contains all pertinent academic and service
information that serves as the main source of guidance and reference to all students. Besides
this handbook, the student is also expected to consult other channels of information such as
bulletin boards, postings, handouts, messages through the public announcement system (PAS),
the school newsletter, and the school social media accounts (Twitter and Facebook).
1.2 All students should show courtesy and politeness to all members of the school community,
including security personnel, as well as school visitors. In dealing with all members of the
school community, students are expected to observe the usual norms of politeness, etiquette,
and courtesy. Faculty members, administrators, staff members, or security/maintenance
personnel, in their obligation to exercise the judgment of good parents, in loco parentis, may
call the attention of students who display unbecoming behavior in or outside the school. In
this connection, the appropriate sanctions may be imposed by the school on erring students.
1.3 All students should attend their respective classes on regular school days promptly.
1.4 Students from Grade Five to Grade Twelve should attend the flag ceremonies as part of the
school activity.
1.5 The obligation to keep parents/guardians informed of their academic standings (e.g., test results,
nonsubmission of assignments or projects, etc.) and the impending consequences of failure lie
with the student. Notices thereof that may be sent by the school to parents/guardians are
merely for courtesy. They do not relieve the student of the obligation to keep
parents/guardians informed of his/her status and/or standing in school. Hence, ignorance of
said student’s status on the part of the parents/guardians shall not be imputed to the school
authorities, nor are the latter to be held responsible for such ignorance.
1.6 All Grade One to Grade Ten students in the hybrid program are required to wear the prescribed
school uniform on campus with dignity and propriety. Students who fail to wear their IDs and
school pins and students who fail to tuck in their shirts/blouses will not be allowed to enter the
school. Failure to comply with the school’s policy on the proper wearing of uniform will lead
to appropriate disciplinary actions.

For girls in Grade One to Grade Six:

a. white blouse tucked into a blue jumper pleated skirt with straps crisscrossing at the
b. black shoes and white socks
c. school pin
d. school ID

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For boys in Grade One to Grade Six:
a. white polo tucked into blue pants
b. black shoes and white socks
c. black leather belt
d. school pin
e. school ID

For girls in Grade Seven to Grade Ten:

a. white blouse with navy blue ribbon around the collar
b. navy blue skirt with pleats
c. black shoes and white socks
d. school pin
e. school ID

For boys in Grade Seven to Grade Ten:

a. white polo tucked into khaki pants
b. black shoes and white socks
c. black leather belt
d. school pin
e. school ID

1.6.1 Students from Grade One to Grade Ten are not allowed to enter the campus in civilian
clothes (except with the permission from the prefect of discipline or other school
1.6.2 Prescribed P.E. uniforms are required during the holding of physical education classes.
Students may also wear these P.E uniforms or event shirts and blue jeans on Saturdays,
whenever they are required to attend or take part in extracurricular activities. Any
student caught by any school employee not following these rules will be considered to
have committed a minor offense.
1.7 All girls must keep their hair from covering their eyes and faces by wearing headbands or
pinning back their hair. Girls with long hair (should-length or longer) should tie up or braid
their hair. All boys should be clean-shaven (no mustache or beard) and should keep their hair
neat trim. The bangs should not go beyond the eyebrows. Hair on the sides should not be
touching the ears. Hair at the back should not reach the shirt collar. Mohawks and outrageous
hairstyles are not allowed. Any student caught by any school employee not following these
rules will be considered to have committed a minor offense.
1.8 Boys may not wear earrings. Girls, on the other hand, may not wear dangling earrings, makeup,
or fake eyelashes. Wearing expensive or colorful pieces of jewelry, sporting long fingernails
or manicured nails, and dyeing the hair are not allowed. Any student caught by any school
employee not following these rules will be considered to have committed a minor offense.
1.9 The school follows guidelines from DepEd Order No. 037, s. 2022 and orders from the local
government unit for class suspension in cases such as typhoons, strikes, etc. Students are
advised to tune in to radio and TV stations for official DepEd announcements and to consult
the school’s official Facebook page, Twitter account, or website for official school

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1.9.1 Typhoon
In-person and online classes in all levels are automatically cancelled in schools situated
in Local Government Units (LGUs) issued with Tropical Cyclone Wind Signals (TCWS)
1, 2, 3 ,4 or 5 by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA). If the TCWS is issued at a time when classes have already
begun, the school shall immediately suspend the classes and work and send everyone
home, if it is safe to do so. However, schools are obligated to keep the students and
personnel safely in school if travelling has become unsafe. Local Chief Executives shall
decide on the cancellation or suspension of classes in cases where there are strong winds
in specific or all areas of the LGU but are not due to a typhoon.
1.9.2 Heavy Rainfall
In-person and online classes in all levels are automatically cancelled in schools situated
in LGUs issued with Yellow, Orange and Red Rainfall Warning by the PAGASA. If the
warning is issued at a time when classes have already begun, the school shall immediately
suspend the classes and work and send everyone home, if it is safe to do so. However,
schools are obligated to keep the students and personnel safely in school if travelling has
become unsafe. Local Chief Executives shall decide on the cancellation or suspension of
classes in cases where there are torrential rains in specific or all areas of the LGU but
arenot issued a Heavy Rainfall Alert by PAGASA.
1.9.3 Flood
In-person and online classes in all levels are automatically cancelled in schools situated
in LGUs issued with a Flood Warning by the PAGASA. If the Flood Warning is issued
at a time when classes have already begun, the school shall immediately suspend the
classes and work and send everyone home, if it is safe to do so. However, schools are
obligated to keep the students and personnel safely in school if travelling has become
unsafe. Local Chief Executives shall decide on the cancellation or suspension of classes
in cases where there is flooding in specific or all areas of the LGU but arenot issued a
Flood Warning by PAGASA.
1.9.4 Earthquakes
In-person and online classes in all levels are automatically cancelled in schools situated
in LGUs where the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOCS)
declare an earthquake with PHILVOCS Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) V or above.
Local Chief Executives shall decide on the cancellation or suspension of classes in cases
where the PEIS is IV and below. The school director can cancel classes at any Intensity
Scale if in her assessment, buildings and other structures are seen to be in danger of
collapsing or is found to have major damage. The School Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) Team Head should clear the return of students and personnel in
buildings and other structures.
1.9.5 In cases when the DepEd gives the school the discretion on the suspension of classes,
official announcements shall be posted at the main gate of the school, announced through
social networking sites, and/or made through the public address system (PAS).
1.10 For school security reasons, all students from Grade One to Grade Ten should be out of the
school by 1:00 p.m. while Grade Eleven and Grade Twelve students should be out of school
by 3:30 p.m. unless they have school sports practices or are authorized by a written permit
from the Office of the Disciplinarian. The student concerned will submit this written permit
to the security personnel. The school waiting area will be closed and should be vacated by

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students by 3:30 p.m. Moreover, unless authorized by the school, students are not allowed
to enter school premises on Sundays and school holidays. Violation of this rule shall be a
ground for the school to impose the appropriate sanctions or fines.
1.11 The school acknowledges the right of all students to equal access to available school space.
Benches and tables in school meant for students shall be accessible to all who wish to use
them on a principle of right by physical presence. It is understood that students will occupy
only the space they need. The School acknowledges no permanent “reservation right.”
1.12 All students are expected to act properly, whether on or off school premises, showing respect
for proper authority, for the right of fellow students, and for the good name of the school.
1.13 Students should follow the usual classroom policies and procedures as well as those pre-set
by the teacher. The latter should have been communicated to and accepted by the students.
Students who violate these policies may be sent to the guidance office or be given sanctions
by the faculty member. Persistent occurrences of this type of behavior render the student
liable to being asked by the School Discipline Board to discontinue education in the school.
1.14 Students in the elementary level are advised to rest their heads on the desk while waiting for
the teachers. Silence and order should be maintained at all times, especially in entering and
leaving the classrooms and during class hours whether the teacher is present or absent.
Students are encouraged to conduct proper evacuation during emergency cases.
1.15 Any report of a student who has displayed unbecoming behavior automatically brings about
an inquiry by the prefect of discipline.
1.16 Any action or behavior by students which tends to distract other students from ongoing classes
is to be avoided. Students are not allowed to loiter along the corridors or talk to any of the
teachers in the classroom while classes are going on. During class hours, students should
always be attentive and cooperative and should refrain from doing or saying things that have
nothing to do with the lesson. Students are not allowed to change their seats permanently
without the approval of the prefect of discipline. Frequent violation of this rule will lead to
appropriate disciplinary actions.
1.17 Bulletin boards, blackboard, whiteboards, chalk, overhead projectors, and pens are to be used
only for instructional purposes and official announcements from school authorities. Audio-
visual equipment may be borrowed for use only within the school premises.
1.18 Anyone who wishes to use certain rooms or facilities for some activities should put in a written
request to the prefect of discipline at least two days before the scheduled activity.
1.19 Students are expected to replace or pay for any damage that they cause to school property.
Notwithstanding this payment, the school may still impose the necessary sanctions against
the erring student.
1.20 Students may not use the administration’s and faculty’s bulletin boards for personal messages.
Alteration and tampering of official notices by students unauthorized to do so is cause for
disciplinary action as prescribed in Section 4.5.
1.21 It is considered unethical for any student to make any unfavorable remark towards another,
including sexist remarks. Areas exclusively used by men/women which are marked
accordingly (ladies’ and men’s rooms) are off limits to the opposite sex.
1.22 The school officials encourage healthy interaction among students. However, public display
of physical intimacy among students is not tolerated and is subject to disciplinary action as
prescribed in Section 4.5 of this handbook.
1.23 Homework, seatwork, laboratory reports, and papers are expected to be the student’s own

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1.24 The school requires the faculty to get the students’ schedule of practice within the school
premises (during holidays, weekends, and school days) for any activity (plays, dance
practice, projects, etc.) to ensure the safety of students. This will be countersigned by the
parents/guardians for information purposes.
1.25 Students afflicted with contagious diseases (e.g., chicken pox, measles, mumps, sore eyes,
etc.) are not allowed to come to school either to attend classes or to take tests.
1.26 Students should not leave their personal items or school materials (e.g., water bottles, lunch
boxes, school bags, projects, etc.) in school and should bring all of their belongings home at
the end of every school day.
1.27 The school strongly advises students against wearing pieces of jewelry or leaving personal
items of value (e.g., wallets or purses with money, watches, mobile phones, etc.) inside the
school bags. Parents should, therefore, keep their children from bringing such expensive
items to school or leaving their things unattended. If students do bring valuable items to
school, they are responsible for the security of those items at all times. The school will not
be held liable for the loss or damage of the students’ personal belongings or valuables.

Section 2:
Student Classification
Students enrolled in the school are classified by grade level in the curriculum as follows:

Senior High School Program

Grade Level Designation

Grade Eleven Gr. 11
Grade Twelve Gr. 12

Junior High School Program

Grade Level Designation

Grade Seven Gr. 7
Grade Eight Gr. 8
Grade Nine Gr. 9
Grade Ten Gr. 10

Elementary Program

Grade Level Designation

Grade One Gr. 1
Grade Two Gr. 2
Grade Three Gr. 3
Grade Four Gr. 4
Grade Five Gr. 5
Grade Six Gr. 6

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Kindergarten Program

Kindergarten Level Designation

Preparatory One Prep 1
Preparatory Two Prep 2
Preparatory Three Prep 3

Section 3:
3.1 All official business with the registrar’s office, or with any administrative personnel should be
transacted in writing following the standard business letter form prescribed by the school in
the memos released. Oral arrangements or agreements are not considered valid.
3.2 All communications from parents/guardians or high school students should be made formal.
3.3 All communications should be signed with the student’s name and designation, e.g.:
Helen Tan Grace de la Cruz
Helen Tan Grace de la Cruz Gr. 9-A

3.4 In cases wherein, an immediate response is necessary, concerns may be addressed to the school
clerks who will then refer the matter to the proper individual. The parent's name and student's
name, grade and section will be a requisite to the forwarding of any message to the students,
the academic heads, the school director, the prefect of discipline, the guidance officers, the
subject coordinators, and faculty members.
3.5 The school's official email addresses are and
3.6 The school's official website is and the school's Twitter and Facebook account are and, respectively.
3.7 Any request for a meeting with a school authority to discuss concerns or other matters of
importance should be channeled through the guidance office via email at or phone ((2521937 / 2521906 local 107/108). Concerns and issues will
not be entertained over the phone. Anonymous phone calls or letters will be disregarded.

Section 4:
Sanctions and Disciplinary Measures
4.1 The principal functions of the prefect of discipline include the following:
4.1.1 Maintains peace and order as well as cleanliness in school premises
4.1.2 Monitors student activities and student organizations inside the school
4.1.3 Conducts an inquiry into any case involving a student suspected of or caught violating
school regulations–
4.1.4 Conducts the required investigation of students who do not conform with the
regulations of the school
4.1.5 Ensures the security of students inside the school
4.1.6 Mediates conflicts and problems arising among students
4.1.7 Monitors students during examinations–
4.2 The School Discipline Board (SDB) is composed of the academic operations head, the prefect
of discipline, the guidance officers, the Chinese academic head, and the school director. The

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academic operations head may appoint a teacher to sit as a member of the School Discipline
Board for some cases that will require his/her information. However, this faculty
representative should not be directly involved in the case deliberated upon by the School
Discipline Board.
4.2.1 It is the duty of the Board to conduct investigations and hearings of all discipline cases
involving students.
4.2.2 The academic operations head presides over all hearings and deliberations of the Board
for major offenses. The prefect of discipline will decide on the necessary disciplinary
measures for minor offenses.
4.3 The fact that the misconduct has been committed outside the school is not a defense if it
involves one's status as a student or affects the good name or reputation of the school or
disrupts its academic process.
4.4 If a student who violates a school regulation but refuses to be subject to the jurisdiction of the
school has the intention of transferring to another school, he/she will not be given his/her
diploma, certificate of completion, or transcript of records.
4.5 Definition and Types of Offenses.
Any of the following acts constitutes a major offense:
4.5.1 Cheating during an examination.
The following are specific acts of cheating: Any form of communication (sending messages, making calls, etc.) with
another person during a long quiz or a learning checkpoint Unauthorized use of calculators Looking at notes during a long quiz or a learning checkpoint Having somebody take an examination or write a required homework for
oneself (In such cases, both parties are liable.) Plagiarism (copying and them presenting another person's/organization's
work as one’s own); failure to cite the source of the work that one presents,
passing off the work as one’s own Obtaining answers to a test through deceitful means (e.g., sending and
obtaining answers through text, using smartwatches, copying answers from
the internet, talking to others using messaging apps, etc.)

4.5.2 Destruction of property belonging to the school, faculty, or another student (e.g.,
writing on desks, walls, doors of classrooms, writing on walls and doors of
washrooms, etc.)
4.5.3 Carrying or possession of pornographic materials or computer data files inside school
4.5.4 Possession of alcoholic beverages inside the school premises
4.5.5 Accessing a computer without authority or beyond authorized access
4.5.6 Possession or use of firecrackers/firearms within the school premises
4.5.7 Loitering around school premises
4.5.8 Public display of physical intimacy
4.5.9 Unauthorized access to restricted areas
4.5.10 Possession of cigarette or smoking within school premises
4.5.11 Sharing the Zoom passcode and meeting ID to unauthorized individuals; entering
another Zoom classroom that is not one’s own; using fake or inappropriate names or
using another person’s name when entering Zoom classes

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4.5.12 Acts of lewdness (including the drawing or sharing of lewd materials); commission
of any act of immorality
4.5.13 Deliberately inflicting physical injuries upon another within and outside school
4.5.14 Threatening, harassing, or bullying another with infliction upon his person, honor, or
integrity through any media (text messages, social media, etc.)
4.5.15 Deliberate disruption of the school/online classroom function or school/online
classroom activity (unauthorized unmuting, sending spam messages in the chat box,
4.5.16 Cutting classes
4.5.17 Possession of regulated drugs without the necessary permit or authority or of
chemicals included in the list of prohibited drugs by the appropriate government
agency such as the Police or NBI or defined in RA 6425, as amended and otherwise
known as the "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972”
4.5.18 Smoking (e.g., cigarettes, illegal substances, etc.)
4.5.19 Gross acts of disrespect in words or in deed or through any media (e.g., text messages,
social media), which tend to ridicule or affront anyone (a faculty member, a school
official, a fellow student, a member of the school staff, a school visitor, a parent, etc.)
4.5.20 Direct assault upon the person of any member of the faculty, nonteaching staff, school
visitor, or any person vested with authority
4.5.21 Utterance of foul or bad words; use of scandalous words, expressions, or statements,
spreading of malicious talk through any social media, text, or instant messaging apps;
posting/reposting of scandalous or gross materials/pictures through any social media,
text, or instant messaging apps
4.5.22 Gambling in any form within or outside the school; collecting money from gambling;
betting online or through text
4.5.23 Stealing whether attempted, frustrated, or consummated
4.5.24 Habitual disregard or willful violation of established rules or regulations
4.5.25 Unauthorized collection or exaction of money, checks, or other instruments as
equivalent of money, in connection with matters pertaining to the school
4.5.26 Forging or falsifying or tampering with academic or official records or documents of
any kind, e.g., test papers, report cards, transcript of records, etc.
4.5.27 Forging of signatures of parents/guardians on test papers, report cards, waivers, the
handbook, acknowledgment slips, etc.
4.5.28 Commission of three (3) minor offenses as defined in Section 2
4.5.29 Provocation which results in heated verbal or physical confrontation between student
groups or students
4.5.30 Perjury or giving false testimony to school authorities
4.5.31 Any attempt to persuade teachers to divulge examination contents/results
4.5.32 Bullying (Bullying is defined as a form of abuse which involves a real or perceived
imbalance of power with the more powerful individual or group abusing those who
are less powerful. The power imbalance may be social power and/or physical
power. The victim of bullying is referred to as a target. Bullying consists of three
basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It involves subtle methods of
coercion such as psychological manipulation.)

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4.5.33 Cyberbullying (Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication
technologies such as email, cellphone, and instant messaging, defamatory websites,
blogs, online games, and defamatory online polling websites to support deliberate,
repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm
4.5.34 Deliberate spreading of malware within the school's computer network
4.5.35 Possession of dangerous weapons or items that may cause harm to people or property
4.5.36 Unauthorized access of someone else's learning management system account
4.5.37 Making fake accounts on social media or instant messaging apps to impersonate any
school personnel (e.g., clerk, teacher, administrator, etc.) or fellow students or to
deceive or harass others
4.5.38 Recording any Zoom class, counseling session, or online or face-to-face
consultation/conversation without the consent of the parties involved

4.6 Any of the following acts will be considered a minor offense:

4.6.1 Using inappropriate or unauthorized Zoom backgrounds/filters

4.6.2 Unauthorized sharing of screen or unauthorized use of the annotation feature in Zoom
4.6.3 Inappropriate action/clothing during Zoom classes
4.6.4 Doing another activity not related to the class during synchronous classes
4.6.5 Habitual noncompliance with a teacher’s instructions or directives
4.6.6 Preventing the circulation of a recognized student publication by withholding copies
from other students
4.6.7 Failure to attend official school ceremonies like graduation rites and closing
4.6.8 Sporting dyed hair, hair highlight or streaks, or tattoos
4.6.9 Entering the school premises without wearing the school pin and the school
identification card, also wearing the school pin and the school identification card
4.6.10 Students entering the school premises with incomplete uniform as specified in
Section 1.6 of this handbook
4.6.11 Eating inside the computer room, library, reading laboratory, and the science
4.6.12 Chewing bubble gum
4.6.13 Unauthorized use of electronic devices (e.g., cellphones, tablets, game consoles, etc.)
inside the classroom or elsewhere on campus
4.6.14 Unauthorized use of school facilities
4.6.15 Unauthorized playing of card games or toys of any kind within the school premises

4.7 Sanctions
4.7.1 The Discipline Board or the prefect of discipline may implement a combination of
any of the following penalties for major offenses: Probation for a given time Suspension which will be served through character education class Immediate suspension, without appeal, for cheating as described in Section Expulsion

-- MORE -- Discontinuance of a student’s designated/elected post in any student
organization or class
4.7.2 The penalties for minor offenses are the following: For the first offense, warning and admonition by the guidance officer For the second offense, a written reprimand from the guidance officer
and/or meeting of parents or guardian Three minor offenses are considered one major offense. When the prefect of discipline gives a reminder to students about the
frequent violation of particular minor offenses listed in Section 1.1.2, all
mentioned offenses thereafter will be considered major offenses. Sanctions for absences are as follows: Tenth offense – warning, counseling, and informing the parents/guardians Fifteenth offense - warning, counseling, and informing the
parents/guardians Twentieth and succeeding offenses – warning, counseling, and informing
the parents/guardians
4.8 The fact that the misconduct has been committed outside the school is not a defense if it
involves one’s status as a student or affects the good name or reputation of the school or
disrupts its academic process.
4.9 The School Discipline Board
4.9.1 The School Discipline Board (SDB) is composed of the academic operations head,
the prefect of discipline, the guidance officers, the Chinese academic head, and the
school director. The academic operations head may appoint a teacher to sit as a
member of the School Discipline Board for some cases that will require his/her
information. However, this faculty representative should not be directly involved in
the case deliberated upon by the School Discipline Board.
4.9.2 The school director, together with the School Discipline Board, reserves the right to
adjudicate matters that may arise because of offenses that are not mentioned in this
digital handbook.

Section 5:
Qualifications for Officership
5.1 Each section from Grade Four to Grade Twelve may elect its own set of class officers.
5.2 The recognition of a student organization shall be a precondition for its operation in the school.
Student organizations will be recognized upon the approval of the academic operations head
and the school director.
5.3 The following guidelines are to be followed in the election of the class or student organization
officers and during their terms of office:
5.3.1 A student who does not have an average below 75.00% in any of her/his academic
subjects in the previous school year is qualified to become an officer of any class or
student organization.
5.3.2 Officers should not be under any academic and/or disciplinary probation.
5.3.3 Officers should not have any major offense in the previous and/or current school year.
5.3.4 Each student may occupy only one elective position.
5.3.5 Failure to maintain the above-mentioned requirements while serving as an officer
would mean that the student has to vacate her/his designated/elected post.

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Section 6:
Discontinuance of Studies
6.1 The school will issue a Transfer Certificate and/or a Certificate of Good Moral Character
(Honorable Dismissal) for a student who requests to transfer to another school.
6.2 A student who has committed a grave major offense may face expulsion initiated by the School
Discipline Board. Expulsion carries the warning that other educational institutions should not
accept the person expelled.
6.3 A student who has failed three consecutive times for a given grade level will be asked to
6.4 No academic records or transfer credentials shall be supplied to any student whose accounts
have not been settled.
6.5 A student who has exhibited behavior unbecoming of a Unean will be asked to discontinue
her/his studies.
6.6 A notice of at least five (work) days should be given by the student who wishes to secure a
copy of her/his academic records or transfer credentials.
6.7 Any leave of absence, or extension of a leave, not formally approved by the academic
operations head shall be considered absence without leave (AWOL), in which case the school
reserves the right to refuse to readmit the student.
6.8 A student who wishes to stop her/his schooling for any reason within two weeks of the start
of the semester may get a 50% refund of the total fees appearing in the official receipt for
enrollment after the deduction of the reservation fee, which is nonrefundable. After two weeks,
no refund will be given.

After reading the Digital Handbook for SY 2022-2023, please accomplish the
acknowledgment slip attached to the same email and send it back via email to your child’s
class adviser.
讀完 2022-2023 學年度遠程學習電子手冊,請填妥知悉通知單,以電子郵件寄給

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