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General Climaco National High School

Senior High School Department

School ID 303311
Media and Information Literacy

Name :_______________________________ Date:_______________________

Year & Section:__________________________ Score:______________________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Type of communication that uses spoken words.
a. Oral Communication c. Non- verbal Communication
b. Written Communication d. Formal Communication
2. Broadly defined as data, knowledge, or instructions through signals or symbols.
a. Communication c. Information
b. Media d. Technology
3. This is the type of communication practiced in corporate meetings, conferences, academic seminars,
political sessions, and juridical proceedings?
a. Formal Communication c. Verbal Communication
b. Informal Communication d. Non- Verbal Communication
4. It refers to tools used by the source to disseminate information to the receivers.
a. Information c. Literacy
b. Technology d. Media
5. It pertains to any information that is passed on through communication.
a. Receiver c. Message
b. Media d. Source
6. It refers to the listener, reader, and viewer of the message.
a. Receiver c. Message
b. Media d. Source
7. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in a variety of forms, including print
and non –print messages.
a. Information Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Communication Literacy
8. A set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to
locate, evaluate, and used the needed information effectively.”
a. Information Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Communication Literacy
9. The understanding of the concepts behind computing equipment, network connectivity, and application
software; the skills to responsibly use appropriate technology to access, synthesize, evaluate,
communicate, and create information to solve problems and improve learning in all subject areas; and the
ability to acquire new knowledge for on-going and lifelong learning in the 21 st century global workplace.
a. Information Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Communication Literacy
10. A form of communication in which a message is transmitted verbally; word of mouth and a piece of writing
do communication.
a. Formal Communication c. Verbal Communication
b. Informal Communication d. Non- Verbal Communication
11. Written signs or symbols are used to communicate, it may be printed and can be transmitted via email,
letter, report, memo, etc.
a. Written communication c. Non-verbal communication
b. Oral communication d. Verbal communication
12. Communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages.
a. Oral communication c. Verbal communication
b. Written communication d. Non-verbal communication
13. What do you call the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information?
a. Media c. Receiver
b. Channel d. Sender
14. What do you call the content being relayed in the communication process?
a. Channel c. Message
b. Communication d. Information
15. Maria turned the television set on to watch the new episode of their lesson on DepED TV. As to what tool
media is being used.
a. For staying up-to-date c. For Entertainment
b. For education d. For transferring of ideas
16. To complete their project, Rex discussed the final details with his partner Obie, over the phone. As to
what tool media is being used.
a. For staying up-to-date c. For Entertainment
b. For education d. For transferring of ideas
17. Ronnie Boy is organizing their class reunion, she utilized her google zoom apps to plan it with her former
classmates. As to what tool media is being used.
a. For interacting with the society c. for transferring of ideas
b. For Entertainment d. None of the above

18. It refers to the medium and how the information flows form the sender to the receiver?
a. Channel c. Decoder
b. Messege d. interpreter
19. It simply refers to the listerner of the messege.
a. Receiver c. interpreter
b. Sender d. decoder
20. The following are the profit of an individual of being a media and information literate except one, which of
the following?
a. Better economic opportunities c. Improved learning environment
b. Greater political participation’ d. physical strength is being trained
21. The following are the positive outcome of the role of media & information in effective communication
except one, which of this?
a. It makes the world a smaller place c. taxes of the prime goods will sky rocket
b. It makes communication convenient d. it shapes public opinions
22. It refers to the listener, reader and viewer of the message?
a. Bookworms c. Audience
b. Internet savvy d. None of the above
23. What is the type of communication that uses spoken words?
a. Written communications c. Verbal Communication
b. Symbolic communications d. Official Communications
24. It pertains to any information that is passed on through communication?
a. Verbal information c. message
b. Written information d. none of the above
25. What type of communication is practiced in corporate meetings, conferences, academic seminars ,
political sessions and juridical proceedings?
a. Oral Communication c. Official Communication
b. Symbolic Communication d. None of the above
26. What do you call a person’s normal use of media?
a. Media Habits c. Media Preferences
b. Media Lifestyles d. All of the above
27. Sport active individual may use the internet to find the latest trends and information regarding fitness and
health active.
a. For staying up-to-date c. For Entertainment
b. For education d. For transferring of ideas
28. What is the prevailing platform of media in the information age?
a. Industrial age c. internet
b. Electronic age d. Preindustrial age
29. World Wide Web is other known as what?
a. Google c.
b. Mozilla Firefox d. None of the above
30. The electronic age of media began with the invention of_________________.
a. Automobile c. motorbike
b. Telegraph d. transistor
31. It is the age of media in which mass production of books, magazines, and newspaper were evident?
c. Industrial age c. internet
d. Electronic age d. Pre-industrial age
32. In what year did the manufacturing of paper become cheap?
a. 1850 c. 1852
b. 1851 d. 1853
33. What is referred to as the earliest form of print media?
a. Newspaper c. Holy Book
b. Manuscripts d. magazines
34. In the ancient times, what do you call a man who wrote and preserve history through manuscripts?
a. Scribes c. writers
b. Priest-king d. priests
35. Who developed the earliest paper in the ancient civilizations?
a. Sumerians c. Dutch
b. Egyptians d. Priest- King
36. What is the ancient form of writing by the ancient Sumerian Civilization?
a. Hieroglyphics c. long handwriting
b. Cuneiform d. printing press
37. What is the ancient form of writing by the ancient Egyptian Civilization?
a. Hieroglyphics c. long handwriting
b. Cuneiform d. printing press
38. How are the ancient cave men conveying their thought?
a. Poem c. cave painting
b. Anime d. all of the above
39. In what year the hieroglyphics were developed?
a. 3000 BCE c. 4000 BCE
b. 3200 BCE d. 5000 BCE
40. In what year the cuneiform system of writing was developed?
a. 3000 BCE c. 4000 BCE
b. 3200 BCE d. 5000 BCE
41. Which of the following statement is true about mass media?
a. Mass media communication is only possible through technology
b. Mass media is biased in its real sense
c. Mass media is just limited in it’s functions
d. All of the above
42. The following statements about technology is true except one, which of these?
a. Tv networks wont be able to transmit information without satellites
b. Connecting to the internet requires electronic gadgets
c. Technology is limited only to those countries with low internet speed
d. None of the above
43. It is literacy in which consumers are engaged with media.
a. Technology literacy c. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. None of the above
44. It is a literacy in which consumers participates in digital media in an ethical way?
a. Technology literacy c. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. None of the above
45. It is a literacy in which consumers use technological tools in a digital environment?
a. Technology literacy c. Media Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. None of the above
46. According to Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America, what is the foundation
of democracy?
a. Language c. media
b. Writings d. demassification
47. It refers to the channels of communication that involve transmitting information in some way, shape or
form to a large number of people?
a. Language c. media
b. Writings d. demassification
48. The following are the role of media and information in effective communication except one,
which of these?
a. It makes the world a smaller place
b. It makes communication convenient
c. It hinders the communication process
d. It shapes public opinion

“Just keep going! If I know you like I think you do, you are going to do great. You are so
beautiful there's no way you're not going to ace this test. Finish studying for this test
already so we can hang out again!”

Prepared by:


SHS HUMSS- C Teacher

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