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Abulug School of Fisheries

Second Periodical Examination

Test I
Direction: Choose the best answer inside the box. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

1. Why do we classify Pas-ing as chordophone?

a. Because this instrument play by kicking.
b. Because this instrument struck by any kind of stick to create
c. Because this instrument need to strum to create sound.
d. Because this instrument are blown to sound.
2. Describe instrument classified as Aerophone?
a. These are wind instruments.
b. These are drum-type instrument.
c. These are instrument make sounds from vibrating strings.
d. These are instrument have sound produced from substance of the
instrument itself.
3. These instrument sounds by stricking except one.bonus
a. Balingbing c. bangibang
b. Palipal d. kalutang
4. Idiophones are instrument may be _______,_________, and _______ to
sound. What should be filled on the blanks?
a. Struck,blown,shaken c.kicked,shaked,blown
b. Rubbed, shaked,blown. D. none of these.
Test II
Classify the following instrument. Choose of your answer inside the box.
Write the letter only.
5. Kalleleng - b
6. Diw-diw-as - b a. Chordophone
7. Sulibao - d b. Aerophone
8. Gangsa - c c. Idiophone
9. Kalutang - c d. Membranophone
10. Bangibang - c
Test III
How would you describe the following instrument? Write the description
under Colum B. (2 points each)
Instrument of cordillera Description
Ex. diw-diw-as Bamboo guitar of the Igorots.
1.kalleleng Nose flute made from bamboo
2.pas-ing A two stringed bamboo with a hole in the
3.balingbing A bamboo buzzer from kalingas
4.bangibang Percussion bar of ifugaos
5.palipal A bamboo clapper from ifugao
Test IV
Romblon is also the name of a variety of a Pandan plant used in weaving
different product like the following. List the different products after
the number.
Ex. sleeping mats
21. Small bags
22. Backpacks and market totes
23. Boxes and other containers
24. place mats
25. trays
MORIONES costumes and mask are made of material like:
List down the different materials used in making Moriones costumes in
Marinduque during their festival.
26. cloth
27. capiz
28. hardwood
29. metal
ROMBLON is known for its traditional weaving and basketry. What are the
types of vines use in weaving their handicrafts products?
30. kokolongkoy
31. nito vines
32. malipali
33. ungali
34. sagagap
Romblon are good in making decorative handicraft like:
List down the different handicrafts of Romblon.
Ex. Ashtray
35. statuettes
36. mortar
37. jars
38. pestle
39. flower vases
Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s in every line about proper
running posture.

Correct running form:

Looking ____(staight)_____ _____(Ahead)______
Shoulders ______(Relaxed)_______
Upright torso
Hands held in ____(uncleched)___ ____(fist)______
Arms ___(relaxed)___, swinging at ____(sides)____
Hips pointing ___(straight)_____ ___(Ahead)_____
Legs beneath body, knees slightly ___(bent)____
Land between ___(heel)__ and midfoot.


Prepared by:


Teacher I

Corrected by:

Master Teacher I, OIC

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