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Date: March 20, 2023 March 21, 2023 March 22, 2023 March 23, 2023 March 24, 2023
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle congruence.

B. Performance The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving
Standard congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations.
C. Learning Proves Statements on Proves Statements on
Competencies Proves Statements on Proves Statements on
Triangle Congruence Triangle Congruence
Triangle Congruence Triangle Congruence
( M8GE-IIIh-1 ) ( M8GE-IIIh-1 )
( M8GE-IIIh-1 ) ( M8GE-IIIh-1 )
II. Content

III. Learning
A. Reference/s
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Manual
3. Textbook
4. Additional Material
Resources (LR
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous Recall/Review about Recall/Review about Recall/Review about the Recall/Review about the Long Quiz
lesson/ presenting
new lesson the previous lesson the previous lesson previous lesson previous lesson
B. Establishing a
purpose for the

1. How did you find the 1. How did you find the
activity? activity?

2. On the given activity 2. On the given activity

what did you noticed? what did you noticed?
C. Presenting
examples of new

D. Discussing new Discuss on how to prove triangle 1. How did you find the
concept practicing
new skill # 1 activity?
2. On the given
activity what did you

Proving Statements on
Triangle Congruence

E. Discussing new concept

practicing new skill # 2

F. Developing
Mastery leads to
G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making The teacher will ask The teacher will ask The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
generalization &
abstraction about the students of wrap up the students of wrap up students of wrap up lesson. students of wrap up lesson.
the lesson lesson. lesson.
I. Evaluating Instructions: Group the class into 5 and form a circle, Close
your notes, write your group answer on the provide
Learning illustration board and raise your answers after 15 seconds.

1-10. Identify what parts a of triangle is being shown

by the teacher.

11-16. Identify what types of a triangle according to

sides and angles are being shown by the teacher.

Part II.

Instruction. Answer only, write your answer on a sheet of

paper together with your group name and members.

17-20. Complete the missing statements and reasons.

J. Additional
Activities for
application or

V. Remarks 80 % of students mastered the 95 % of students mastered the 30 % of students needs remediation 35% of students needs remediation 20% needs more practice in
lesson. lesson. simplifying expressions

VI. Reflection Encourage the slow learner to Students are motivated to work Give simple examples and solving for Let the slow learners pair with fast Advice the students to practice
read more on terms of algebra on activities by pair. slow learners. learner and do some exercises. more in subtracting polynomials.

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