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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

John C. Richmond, MD

Dacron, LAD among others). There was a brief spurt of

Abstract: The past 3+ decades have been a period of intense interest enthusiasm for these, but they quickly went by the wayside as
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in the anterior cruciate ligament. Graft choices, techniques, and they failed to hold up long term, likely due to the fatigue failure
fixation devices have all evolved. Our understanding of the anatomy of the synthetic material and the inability of the graft to
has improved. Our follow-up and criteria for success have also
stimulate biological replacement of the synthetic material.2,3
expanded. Over the next several years advanced repair techniques,
extra-articular augmentation, and addressing elevated tibial slope Dr Shelbourne, one of the thought leaders in ACL
will all have to have their indications defined. reconstruction of the past 3+ decades, had the pioneering spirit
to dramatically advance the state of ACL reconstruction by
Key Words: anterior cruciate ligament, ACL injury, ACL recon- developing aggressive mobilization and rehabilitation pro-
struction, ACL repair grams, which are the basis for most current rehabilitation
(Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2018;26:165–167) protocols following ACL reconstructive surgery.4
Other changes were coming as well. The completely
open reconstructive techniques of the 1970s and early 1980s
evolved into 2 incision arthroscopically assisted techniques,
T he initial issue of Sports Medicine Arthroscopy Review
(SMAR) in April 1993 had 7 articles on allograft anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Since that time
whereby the capsule of the knee was not violated, and the
surgery was much less painful. It needed the development of
acorn type reamers in the 1980s and the creativity of
Sports Medical Arthroscopy Review has been a leading review Dr Rosenberg and colleagues to develop a single incision or
journal in the fields of arthroscopic surgery and sports med- “endoscopic” ACL reconstructive techniques.5 Harner et al6
icine. At the time of that first issue the choice of those articles established that endoscopic techniques worked as well (at
on allograft ACL represented a topic that was really felt to be least in a small series) as the classic 2 incision arthroscopic
hot and current. This paper will review how ACL surgery had procedures in restoring stability and function.
evolved over the 15 years before 1993. That was a timeframe
that ACL surgery began to rapidly increase as the pioneers in
ACL reconstruction at that time developed the techniques THE PAST 25 YEARS
that would set the foundation for where we are today. In By the time of first edition of Sports Medicine Arthro-
addition, I will examine the developments of the 25 years scopy Review in 1993, allograft use was beginning to
since that initial issue to put context on where we are today increase. Allografts were felt to be a reasonable alternative
and what might develop in the near future. for autograft, avoiding the pain of the harvest and the
potential downside of quadriceps weakness from harvesting
HISTORY BEFORE 1993 the patellar tendon or hamstring weakness from harvesting
Although ACL repair and reconstruction go back to the the hamstring tendons.6,7 During the decade of the 1990s
late 1800s, they did not become widespread until the 1970s. In endoscopic transtibial ACL reconstruction became popular.
the 1970s repair of the ACL had a time, but the carefully The steadily increasing population of orthopedic surgeons
reported results of Feagen and Curl in 19761 showed that the who were trained in arthroscopic techniques and the wide-
durability of ACL repair was clearly suspect. That led to the spread sports reports of injured collegiate and professional
expansion of reconstructive techniques with patellar tendon athletes returning to play after ACL reconstruction led to a
autograft being the most popular intra-articular technique. steady growth in ACL surgery. Hamstring use became more
Extra-articular techniques by themselves or combined with widespread as fixation techniques for soft tissue grafts
intra-articular reconstruction were being performed. These improved. In some geographic locations the use of allograft
were open techniques, which required relatively large incisions. for ACL reconstruction became more widespread.
Because of the fear that early motion would compromise fix- The 21st century has led to a steady evolution in ACL
ation of the grafts, patients were often immobilized for many reconstructive technique, ACL graft choice and an improved
weeks postsurgery. The combination of an open surgery and understanding of the causes for failure of ACL reconstructive
immobilization often resulted in stiffness and articular surface surgery. Focusing on the reproduction of ACL anatomy dur-
ulceration of either the patella or trochlea (Fig. 1). During the ing reconstruction, Fu and a myriad of co-workers demon-
1980s this problem with stiffness and potential postoperative strated that the transtibial endoscopic ACL reconstruction
pain and the feeling of the necessity of immobilization with made it difficult to reproduce the anatomy of the ACL, and
autografts led to the pursuit of several synthetics (Gore-Tex, were pioneers in trying to reproduce the anatomy with double
bundle constructs.8 This has led to an extensive volume of
From the Tufts University School of Medicine, New England Baptist literature on the development of double bundle ACL recon-
Hospital, Outpatient Care Center, Dedham, MA. struction. While the double bundle technique has not devel-
Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest. oped widespread use, it has led to a growing number of ACL
Reprints: John C. Richmond, MD, Orthopedic Surgery, Tufts University
School of Medicine, New England Baptist Hospital, Outpatient Care
reconstructions being done via a myriad of different techniques
Center, 40 Allied Drive, Dedham, MA 02026. which allow independent drilling of the tibial tunnel and the
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. femoral socket.

Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 26, Number 4, December 2018 | 165
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Richmond Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 26, Number 4, December 2018

tendon grafts.10 One could theorize that modification of the

graft preparation technique to bring the diameter of the
construct to > 8 mm may improve the revision rate for
hamstring autografts.
In putting all of the data for various graft choices
together has fostered my development of a personal algo-
rithm for graft selection. For the young high school and
college athlete who has no contraindication (eg, very thin
patellar tendon, significant patellar tendinosis), to using the
patellar tendon, that is my graft choice for that population
and professional athletes. For less demanding younger
athletes and those recreational athletes from ages 22 to late
30s, I recommend a hamstring autograft. It is my preference
to use a 4 strand semitendinosus graft prepared to use with
adjustable flip buttons. This graft can be an overall length of
7.5 to 8.0 cm and should be carefully sized. If that graft is
not at least 8.5 mm in diameter, I will supplement it with an
additional double gracilis tendon to increase the size of the
FIGURE 1. Ulceration of the articular cartilage in the femoral construct. I reserve the use of allograft for patients over 40
trochlea noted 5 years following an open anterior cruciate liga- (or those in their late 30s who are relatively inactive) and the
ment reconstruction. The patient had been immobilized for 4 special consideration of multiligament injuries.
weeks in a cast at 30 degrees of flexion after the surgery.

Several major changes in the research techniques RECENT, CURRENT, AND FUTURE
applied to ACL surgery have made significant impact on DEVELOPMENTS
ACL reconstruction over the last decade and a half. Most While primary repair of the ACL had been discarded
importantly among these is the use of large prospective 40 years ago, it began to creep back in to the literature as a
multicenter randomized control trials, most notably pio- possible technique as potential enhancements to healing
neered the MOON Group.9 The development and applica- have been developed. These included advanced suturing
tion of meta-analysis techniques and systematic reviews techniques with an internal stent and the use of a biological
have likewise improved our ability to identify differences in scaffold seeded with blood to protect the repair site from the
ACL reconstructive techniques and graft materials. Finally, deleterious effects on healing of the synovial fluid.13,14
most recently the establishment of large registries including In another back to the future movement in ACL
those from Kaiser in the United States and the Scandinavian understanding and reconstructive techniques, Claes et al15
registries have improved our ability to identify subtle dif- discovered the anterolateral ligament (ALL) of the knee
ferences in the results with different grafts and/or only 5 years ago. They had reidentified the mid third lateral
techniques.10 While this registry data may not carry the capsule as a structure that is important for controlling
power of a level 1 randomized multicenter control trial, the anterior translation and pivot shift in an ACL deficient
fact that they reflect the success or failure of the techniques knee. A myriad of extra-articular lateral reconstructions had
employed by a very large number of surgeons over a wide existed back in the 1970s and 1980s. They were rejected as
geographic area helps us to understand the outcomes being unnecessary as they did not result in improved stability of
obtained by a large number of diverse sports medicine/ the joint when combined with an intra-articular ACL recon-
arthroscopic surgeon. The early meta-analyses and system- struction, and led to increased pain.16 The careful attention that
atic reviews of various graft sources for ACL reconstruction has been paid to the somewhat variable anatomy of the ALL,
identified bone-tendon-bone autograft as being the best as well as trying to define accurately the indications and tech-
choice to restore stability and function to the joint in young niques for reconstructing the ALL in an ACL injured knee is an
active athletes.11 Hamstring grafts had a lower percentage of interesting and though-provoking focus for ACL surgeons as
young patients resuming their high risk cutting sports and we approach 2020.
allografts trailed even behind that. The MOON Group data A number of thoughtful and creative ACL surgeons from
confirmed that and careful analysis of the MOON Group around the world have focused attention on tibial slope as being
data identified that smaller diameter hamstring grafts had a a problem which may contribute to ACL injury and failure of
higher failure rate. Allografts did not fare as well as either ACL reconstruction. Webb et al from Australia and DeJour
patellar tendon or hamstring grafts until patients reach their et al from France have both contributed to our understanding
40s. Among the most powerful data from the MOON of this problem.17,18 A tibial slope that is 12 degrees or greater
Group is that failure rate of hamstring grafts drops off not only increases the risk of ACL injury, it significantly
precipitously as the grafts are > 8 mm in diameter.12 Tech- increases the risk of failure of ACL reconstruction. Our veteri-
niques that increase the diameter of hamstring grafts, such nary colleagues have abandoned the use of ACL reconstruction
as shorter constructs that are 4 strands of semitendinosus or in the canine species, and switched to a surgical procedure (tibial
4 strands of semitendinosus plus 2 strands of gracilis, uni- plateau level osteotomy) to replace ligament reconstructive
formly result in grafts that are > 8 mm in diameter. In techniques for the ACL injured canine. This has a much more
addition, the use of allograft to augment 4 strand hamstring reproducible result and actually more rapid recovery as both
grafts results in a greater diameter and seems to demonstrate does heal faster than soft tissue grafts incorporate. DeJour
improved results. Both data from the Scandinavian registry et al18 has recommended considering a tibial plateau leveling
and the Kaiser registry here in the States show an increased osteotomy for those patients with an elevated tibial slope who
percentage of revision for hamstring grafts over patellar have failed previous reconstructions.

166 | Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 26, Number 4, December 2018 ACL Reconstruction

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