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rey, lle \ Oo SHORT TEXTS MCQ PRACTICE 1 Questions 1 - 8 Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the correct answer A, B or C, TOP KEEP OFF THE GRASS 1 The board tells people that they ‘A’ must play on the grass. B_ must not step on the grass. € must sit quietly on the grass. Meera, T came to return your Science Book that I borrowed yesterday. You were not in, so I passed it to your brother, Ganesh. Thanks! Leela, 2 The note shows that BL, A Meera borrowed Leela's book. B Leela borrowed Meera's book. Leela and Meera are classmates. RESERVED PARKING 3 The parking bay is only for ‘A. people who are sitting B people who are disabled. C people who have reserved it Favourite Subjacts of Female Students From ‘SMK SRI JOHAN, 50%: = 45%: 40%. 35%7— 30%: "I 25% + 20%: 18% 224 10% ae “= [: a O%Geosranhy _ English ‘Science Mathematics 4 The least popular subject is A English. B Science. C Geography. = = The Sweet Cake Shop WE CAN BAKE YOUR VERY # OWN DREAM CAKE. & Place your orders one week in advance. “= For enquiries call Sheila at P 03-42516414, fea SSAA EATANAY AY '5 The advertisement is to let customers know that they should A. plan their own cake design, B bake their cake one week in advance, C talk to Sheila about their dream cake, 9-9-9 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9- The Person | Admire The person who | admire the most is Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra | ‘ALHaj. He is the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku had obtained independence for Malaysia, He was also able to unite Malaysia's | different races and was famous for his abiities as a leader NK 6 Siti admires Tunku Abdul Rahman because ‘A. he was rich and famous, B he was an able and successful leader. he was the first Prime Minister of Malaysia | Siti (Form 3) To: From: Dear Sophie, My school is having Cross-Country Run on 5 December. | must participate to | score points for my House which is the Red House. | have given my name to Encik Khalil, our House Master. | have to practice every evening at 4.30 p.m. at my school. | To score a point, | have to complete the 2.5km run in 15 minutes. | will do the best for the Red House. 7. Helen’s main reason to take part in the run iso BLA become part of the school team, B help score points for the Red House. } please the House Master of the Red House. Mother Teresa Born: 26 August 1910 Place of birth: Skojpe, Macedonia Hor social work: She spent almost all her life in Calcutta caring forthe sick and the poor. ‘Awards Won the Nobel Prize for Peace awarded by the Swedish Academy. Her words: “Ifyou open your heart, you will ee Calcutta very near you" 8 Mother Teresa spent most of her life caring for the poor in A India. B Sweden C Macedonia. [8 marks} 10% % 3 is y \ ERROR CORRECTION PRACTICE 1 Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct word in the space provided. Gina was working in the most popular department store in Kuantan. Last month she (0) hear one of the customers shouting that her purse had been stolen “Twas standing at the (1) behind and was checking out some clothes when I suddenly heard a ‘woman yelling, “Thief!” she said. "A young man (2) were rushing out of the store. I chased after him and grabbed him from behind at the exit. He was much (3) tall and stronger than T was. He struggled and tried to kick me. This did not stop me from holding him tightly (4) for my colleagues and a police officer arrived.” She did not (5) thinking of her own safety. “The only thought that was on my mind was that I needed to act fast to catch (6) this man,” she said. Last Saturday, Gina was commended for (7) his quick thinking and bravery. “I have always reamed of being a policewoman. However, my parents feared for my safety and thus did not agree to my idea.” she said, Gina stl (8) hope that she wll be abe to join the police force one day. Gina's parents were proud of her. [8 marks] 0 | heard . eS | a 7 uw PRMoy, & "Ue Se q (3) INFORMATION TRANSFER PRACTICE 1 Read the text below and answer questions 1 10 8. Mysterious Underwater Circles In 1995, divers noticed a beautiful, strange circular pattern on the seafloor off Japan, and soon after, more circles were discovered nearby. Who made these carefully created circles — some more than six feet wide — and why? ‘The answer was not aliens or even humans. The circle-makers were lonely male pufferfish! Scientists dove 80 feet down to study the circles and the little fish that made them. It seems the male pufferfish uses his artistic abilities to atract a female, Competition for partners is fierce, so the little guys do everything they can to attract potential mates. The pattern helps a female find a male in the murky depths. He creates the circles in the sand by using his fins to make valleys and ridges, This hard work may take up to nine days to complete. As a finishing touch, he'll deposit fine sand in the centre of the circle to make a nest, and then decorate it with seashells. ‘A female only visits when the nest is complete. The male waits in the centre, stirring up the fine sand to attract her. If he's successful, the female visits the centre of the nest and lays her eggs. Interestingly, the pufferfish never re-uses his circles and instead makes an entirely new one every time, Questions 1-8 Complete the following table. Choose no more than three words and/or « number from the text for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided. Mysterious Underwater Circles Dicovered by 1 Location . Creator le — —— | Purpose 4- — - ne Took wed to rete = | Pawern _— | Duration to complete 7 ~ “ | Decorive tems ‘ 18 marks} a es RRA eer, READING COMPREHENSION s (4 (SHORT ANSWERS) PRACTICE 1 Read the text and answer questions 10 10. Tocelyn dropped out of school to sell vegetables atthe marketplace in order to ear a tiving. She ‘was only fourteen years old, with many family problems 1 cope with. Jocelyn comes from a family ff four. She has a younger brother and sister whom she has to care for with the Title free time that she has of her own. Their father died when they were very young: ‘The sole breadwinner of her family was her mother who had to hold two jobs just to pay the bills and send her three children to school. That was when Jocelyn decided to quit school and sell vegetables atthe market. ‘She worked for an acquaintance of her uncle who owned market stall. The owner did not treat her well at all. He was always shouting at her to get things done. He worked her to the bone tind even then was never really happy with her work. There were difficult and choosy customers 0 handle too, but Jocelyn thought about her family and continued to work hard. “Two months after Jocelyn dropped out of school, the principal, Mrs. Sue, paid her a surprise visit. She had a talk with Jocelyn and her mother. In that two months that Jocelyn was away, Mrs. ‘Soe had managed to get help from some generous donors who had learned of Jocelyn's situation. They were willing to help. ‘Thanks to the people who helped by donating money to Jocelyn and her family, Jocelyn is now back in school, She hopes t0 get a good education and then a good job to support her family. Questions 1-8 ie poets irs eon ase re words andlor a number from the tx Jor ar ian Fat ch Gaston CNG AE ae ee “A fb ocsiya cut echasol fn crjen to Pema eee ere ee ee Ut marks} 2 She is the a i fat a ae tw ate oat oe Sa nl among shlngs “(mers 3 Who was the sole breadwinner in her family’? [1 marks} 4 Jocelyn worked at the _____________ which was owned by an acquaintance of her uncle U1 marks] | 5 She had a hard time at work because her customers were — | [1 marks) at Jocelyn's school. 6 Mrs. Sue was the U1 marks} 1 were willing 1© help after knowing Jocelyn’s situation. U1 marks] 8 People 10 help her and her family, U1 marks} Questions 9 and 10 Complete the table below with a word from the text. For each question, write your answer in the space provided. Meaning Word 9 unexpected — —— ee 10 serious — U1 marks} [10 marks] SI Lee a RL < READING COMPREHENSION \ (MATCHING - GAPPED TEXT) PRACTICE 1 You are going to read a leter about overcoming failure. letter. Choose from the sentences (A ~H) to fit each gap (1 ~ 6). There are you do not need to use. For each question, mark the correct answer (1 ~ 6). Six sentences have been removed from the two extra sentences which Dear Trisha, am sorry to.hear that you did not qualify for your school's basketball team, While things might be looking pretty dark right now, I know that you'll be able to pull through with help and encouragement. L? [I bo not give wp 3 ‘You will earn to cope up with your failures, ‘You will also earn to deal with the sorrows and don’t fall part each time you face any hurdle in life ‘Things don't always go as planned. Sometimes many unexpected events might keep you from 4 achieving your goals. You should step up your taining and try again next year. Besides thal, what you are feeling now will each you not to fear failure. Don’t you think will be boring if you don’t take chances or try new and exciting things? LS Inaead eee it to try again until you are successful, Lastly, you should continue to tain to Keep your skils sharp Not only wilt this help you improve your abilities inthe meantime, but this will allow you to stay focused on your goals. ‘Though you are feeling discouraged now, remember that overcoming failures will help you become stronger and wiser. and learning from your Your cousin, Priya [6 marks} ‘This will also help keep your mind off any negative thoughts, 7 {A good friend once helped me view my failure in a more posi You should not let your emotional energies get eaten uy ‘You might feel a lot of negative emotions such as sadi Remember to watch online videos on basketball tips, I know how you feel as I've been through something similar. ‘Thus, you will need to adapt or change your goals, Practice your three-point shots. e way | 1p by your failures. ness, fear or frustration, RAs oOR>

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