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1. Compare and contrast sensation and perception.

Sensation occurs when sensory receptors detect sensory stimuli. Perception involves the

organization, interpretation, and conscious experience of those sensations.

2. Describe an example of sensory adaptation that you have experienced.

An example can be: when there is a very strong change in lighting and by reaction you close

your eyes. but eventually your eyes get used to it

3. Why would it be difficult to play a sport such as baseball or basketball without the ability to

perceive depth?

Because without the ability to perceive depth you wouldn’t notice how close or far the ball is

or how close a person is to you.

4. Do you think that subliminal messages should be banned from advertising? Why or why not?

I think they should be banned because they can give people wrong information or people can

misunderstand the messages.

5. What is your opinion about extrasensory perception? Do you think it exists? Explain your


I really don’t know what to say about this topic. I think there is a high chance of telepathy,

recognition or psychokinesis to exist. My opinion on this topic is that I have to see it to believe

it. But I feel that everything is possible in this world.

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