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Share a Story:

Our Teachers Are Superheroes

School Closure Home Learning Ideas
‘Our Teachers Are Superheroes’ is a Twinkl Originals story for Key Stage 2. It is ideally suited to years 3
and 4, and is recommended to be read with an adult in preparation for learning through the resources
in this pack. This pack includes the full eBook and selected resources.

How to Use this Book with Your Child

Read this book with your child. You could split the reading over several days,
and you could ask your child to read part or all of the story aloud. Use the
resources in this home learning pack to link the story to maths, english,
PE, art and technology activities. Some of the resources come in more
than one difficulty level, shown by a string of one, two or three stars at the
bottom of each sheet. Try one or two stars for 7-year-olds, two stars for
8-year-olds and three stars for 9-year-olds. Answer sheets are provided.

Direct Speech Punctuation Activity
Children add the correct punctuation to some dialogue from the story. Ability levels range from just
adding speech marks and full stops, to adding all punctuation and starting a new line for a new speaker.
Reading Comprehension Activity
Read the extract and answer the questions. All the information should be in the extract for you to find.
Guided Reading Questions
Ask these questions alongside the story chapters, to spark discussion and get the most out of
the story.

Maths Challenge Cards
These cards contain problems written in sentences which relate to the story and require children to add, subtract,
divide and multiply. The star in the corner of each card indicates the difficulty level.

Art & Technology

Superhero Smoothie Recipe
Does what it says on the tin! If you have the ingredients, learn how to make your own superhero smoothie!

Sketching and Sculpting Activity Pack

Using modelling clay, salt dough, a sand tray or even just a pencil and paper, children roll the dice to determine
what superhero pose to recreate.

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PSHE & Citizenship
PSHE is Personal, Social and Health Education.

Discussion Cards
These cards are perfect for starting a discussion about the important themes in the story. Talking about decisions
made by the characters will help to build empathy and inference skills.

What Would Your Superpower Be?

A simple activity where children imagine which superpower would be their first choice, and describe what they
would do. You could find ways to pretend using cardboard wings, or create some art of yourself as a hero!

Physical Education (PE)

Running, Jumping, Throwing and Catching Challenge Cards
These handy cards are designed to be cut out and folded to make double-sided cards. One side gives you an
objective that key stage 2 children should aim for, e.g. ‘I can use running, jumping, throwing and catching in
combination.’ The other side gives clear instructions on a physical activity.

No Printer? No Problem!
If you do not have access to a printer, these resources from the pack can be used from a screen with a pencil
and paper:

• Direct Speech Punctuation Activity

• Maths Challenge Cards

• Discussion Cards

• Guided Reading Questions

• Running, Jumping, Throwing and Catching Challenge Cards

• What Would Your Superpower Be?

• Superhero Smoothie Recipe

Other print-free ideas include:

• writing the story as though it is one of the characters’ diaries;

• creating a piece of art using materials found at home;

• listening to superhero movie soundtracks and evaluating what makes them effective, maybe even
creating your own theme tune;

• designing your own Splat the Rat game like the children’s.

Click here for the full collection of Our Teachers Are Superheroes teaching resources. To access the full library
of Twinkl Originals stories for Key Stage 2 children, click here and refine your search to Key Stage 2.

For a science-based space story, read Jazz Harper: Space Explorer.

For History Hackers adventure into Victorian times, read Victorian Venture.

For a fun story about the Amazon rainforest with geography and climate change links, read Rainforest Calling.

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