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Republic of the Philippines


he National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1128
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College of Teacher Education – Undergraduate Programs

Queenie Cornejo

UP (2009)

One day Carl and Ellie They’re going to go Exploring But as much as they save, life always
seems to change their plans, Ellie passes away before they are able to make it to paradise falls.
Carl stays close to his home, fearing he may lose it to construction workers. Barriers have
isolated Carl from society. Carl references the promise he made to Ellie, to make choices such as
walking his house to Paradise Falls. Carl became upset when people assume he needs help, and
he doesn’t. Carl is deemed a public menace and social control is used to institutionalize. Carl’s
emotional withdrawal is stereo typically interpreted as him being “old and cranky” Carl values
his autonomy and has fought to stay in his own home. Carl does not wish to be helped, and
despite pressure rejects institutions. Portrayed as stiff and frail, the body is used as a way to
identify age. Societal perception is seen in negative comments made by professionals. Carl was
his own biggest advocate and activist choosing autonomy over institution. Found away around it,
even when policy told him “no”.

Although some societal stereotypes were portrayed in the film, important issues were also
raised. This will allow opportunity for discussion, education and for advocacy, in hopes of
bringing about change.

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