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Name: DATE:

Critical Reading Reflection
The New York Times JSTOR EBSCO host

1. Title of Article:
2. Author names(s):
3. Date of Article:
4. Define the topic of discussion. 
5. Based on your understanding of the topic of discussion, and your new found knowledge obtained from your
source, how does the topic influence society? Is the content of your source relatable to Laredo, Texas? Is the
content of your source relatable globally?

7. Did you agree, or disagree, with the information that is being portrayed in your source?

8. What did you learn? What information would you contribute to your source?

9. List 2 main ideas or arguments that the article makes:



10. List 2 quotes from the article that you consider important with page numbers, if possible:


11. Describe an aspect of the article that confused, disappointed, excited, surprised OR challenged
you as a reader? Why?

12. Identify a connection to our course.

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