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From : Abdul RAZAK — HR Manager

To : All Players
CC : General Manager, Finance Controller
Date : 06th June 2016
Ref No : 03/ Memo-HR/ HHTJ/ 006/ 2016
Subject : Fasting Allowance — Uang Pengganti Makan Puasa


Dear All,

Ramadhan is coming to town.

Please find below policy regarding the FASTING in the holy month of Ramadhan.

1. Back Office and and Admin players shall leave the office at 5 pm in order to allow the Muslim Players break
the fast at home with their family. Those working in shifted schedule remain unchanged.
Karyawan di Bagian Admin dan Back Office pulang pukul 17.00 WIB agar dapat berbuka puasa dengan
keluarga di rumah. Karyawan di bagian operasional tetap bekerja dengan sistem shift seperti biasa

2. Fasting Allowance is entitled for all Muslim Players: Contracts Staffs, Outsource, Daily Workers and
Trainees of HARRIS Hotel Tebet Jakarta who are on duty in morning shifts and not do the breakfasting
at the staff canteen.
Yang berhak mendapatkan Uang Pengganti Makan Puasa adalah seluruh karyawan kontrak, Daily
Worker, Outsource dan Trainee yang beragama Islam yang masuk kerja shift pagi dan tidak berbuka
puasa di kantin karyawan.

3. Fasting Allowance is not entitled for:

Penggantian Uang Makan Puasa tidak diberikan kepada:
• Non Muslims Players;
Karyawan Non Muslim
• Contracts Staffs, Daily Workers Outsource and Trainees who are fasting and on duty on morning
shifts but they do break fasting at staff canteen.
Karyawan, Daily Workers , Outsource, Trainee Muslim yang berpuasa dan masuk kerja pagi tetapi
berbuka di kantinkaryawan
• Muslims Players; Contracts Staffs, Daily Workers and Trainees who are on leaves.
Karyawan, DW dan Trainee Muslim yang sedang libur atau cuti.

4. The amount of Fasting Allowance is Rp. 13.000,- per day

Besarnya pengganti uang makan adalah sebesar Rp.13.000,- per hari
5. Date of Meal Fasting Allowance Payment
Meal Fasting Allowance will be distributed together with Salary of July 2016.
Tanggal penggantian uang makan akan didistribusikan bersamaan dengan Gaji bulan
Juli 2016.

Prepared by, Acknowledged by Approved by,

Abdul RAZAK Emmy Julien LUTZ

HR Manager Financial Contoller General Manager

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