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Happiness for me

Mariana Fajardo Oviedo

Happiness for me is such important that it represents the meaning of life because there is
no sense of living just by living, not realizing how important it is to be happy while life passes.
Happiness can be understood in two ways: the first, as a result of a chemical reaction that
due to the activation of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, the brain
activates sensations of happiness, pleasure, and well-being, which allow me to verify that
at that moment I can feel happy; and the second one, as a philosophy of living, that builds
the sense of life and includes all the choices that I make that must be oriented in making me
happy, and makes happiness in a lifestyle that implies deciding what generates more
happiness, similar to Bentham's utilitarianism, but understood as an individual practice,
where the person decides to make decisions in favor of his happiness, putting it first always.
Although these hormones make my body feel happy at a given moment, it is a temporary
sensation, so it is important to construct a concept of happiness that maintains its meaning
during the passage of life. So, I can realize when I’m happy as those hormones get activated
in my daily life, as a consequence of doing the things that make me happy, for example,
traveling, buying new things I want, eating sweets and desserts, spending time with my
boyfriend and family, etc. However, sometimes money is important to make what makes my
happy, but it is only the tool not the ultimate goal for happiness reaching, so, money doesn’t
mean happiness but sometimes it becomes important as I need it to get the dreams I want,
to travel, to buy things that I wish.
In the other hand, for me happiness can be also understood like a choice, as long as what I
choose makes me feel good, in peace with me and happy. But, that situation must be related
with the first one, as the choices I take along my life must be guided by the things I love
doing and make me happy, those things that in a way or another releases feelings of
happiness in my brain and in my body. Even though happiness can be an important clue to
the search for the meaning of life, it is necessary to relate it with well-being, peace and
happy moments, experiences, people that makes us happy and time with them that will
never return; happiness for me represents those meaningful connections with the people
who bring joy and love into my life, as sharing time with them makes me feel better.
Finally, both meanings of happiness, the first and the second, are important as they are
oriented to seek a full feeling of happiness, to choose to be happy and feel good. The first
one is as important as the second, because it includes living day by day doing the things that
make my body and brain feel happy, relaxed and pleasant; and the second one is as
important as it represents the happiness meaning in a deep way, as the dream everybody
wants to reach, but most people ignore that it is as simple as making the decisions that
make us the happier, no matter what other people say, and always doing preferably what
our heart wants.

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