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CHCECE050 – Final Assessment Workbook

Knowledge Assessment

CHCECE050 Work in
partnership with children's

ZOI Education
Created 022 1
Knowledge Assessment Workbook
This Knowledge Assessment Workbook is for the unit CHCECE050 Work in partnership with
children’s families, Release 1.
An assessor will review your work to make sure it is satisfactory.

Submitting assessments
Complete each assessment task and submit your answers to the assessor.
You must also complete a cover sheet for each assessment task.
Your assessor will provide feedback and a copy of your work.
If you believe your assessment result is not right, you should discuss this with your assessor.

ZOI Education
Created 022
Assessment agreement
Make sure you understand what is required of you before signing this agreement.
Please sign and date this agreement before you begin the assessment process.
I understand the following:
q The assessment has been explained to me.

q I can discuss any special needs I have with my assessor.

q How the assessment decision will be made.

q I can re-attempt the assessment if I need to.

q I can discuss my assessment result if I am unhappy with the decision.

q I have been told the date, time and place for assessment.

Student name: Wai ting Lau


Student signature:

ZOI Education
Created 022
Assessment Task 1: Questions
You will be asked to complete questions on what you have learnt. Answer all questions in the
spaces provided.
This is an open-book task. You can use a Learner Guide and the internet. You can also ask your
assessor to assist you if required.

Your assessor will tell you how to submit your answers. Give your answers and a completed
cover sheet to the assessor. Keep a copy of your work.

When and where will this assessment take place?

Your assessor will tell you when and where to do the assessment.
There is no time limit to complete the assessment.

What if the assessment is not suitable?

If you cannot respond to the questions in writing, discuss this with your assessor. You may be
asked to answer the questions another way, such as saying your answers out loud.

What if answers are not satisfactory?

If any of your answers are unsatisfactory, your assessor will give you feedback. You may need
to redo some of your answers. Your assessor will explain how to do this.
If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, discuss this with your assessor.

ZOI Education
Created 022
Cover sheet: Assessment Task 1
Unit code Title
CHCECE050 Work in partnership with children’s families

Student to complete

Student name: WAI TING LAU

Student ID: ZED000045

Submission date: 24-08-2023

Student statement
None of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work, except where clearly
noted on documents or work submitted.
None of this assessment has been completed for me by another person. I understand that
plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action by my training organisation.


Student signature:

ZOI Education
Created 022
Question 1
List three things you can do to help a new family feel welcome when they arrive.

1. Greet them warmly

2. Offer help

3.–Speak clearly and use words and terms they understand

Result S U

Question 2
Which of the following would help a parent have confidence in you as the child’s educator?
Select all that apply.
q Point out that the child has behaviour issues that need to be addressed.
q Find out what the child’s comfort preferences are when they are upset, such as a favourite
blanket or toy.
q Acknowledge the parent as the child’s first educator and ask lots of question about their
routines and interests at home.
q Explain how the child will need to adapt to the service routine.
q Spend time developing a relationship with the child and getting to know their needs.
q Make sure the family knows how to communicate with you and understands that you want
to share decisions with them.

Result S U

Question 3
List three suggestions you could give a parent on how they can contribute to, and get involved
in, the operation of the service.

1.•Schedule meetings with a family and their child to establish goals and communicate changes
2•Ask the family about their child’s strengths and how they learn
3•Ensure educators have access to phones or email to communicate with families

ZOI Education
Created 022
Result S U

Question 4
The mother of a child at your service tells you that she used to live with her only child in a
single-parent family, but they now live in a same-sex blended family. Which of the following
are correct? Select all that apply.
q The mother was previously a single parent.
q The mother has been divorced.
q The mother is in a same-sex relationship.
q There are no other children in the family.
q The mother wants the child’s father to be involved in his care and education.

Result S U

Question 5
Marcus, a child at the service, has bitten another child, Ruby, and left a bruise. This is the first
time this has happened. Which of the following are correct actions to take? Select yes or no for
each one.

a. Call Ruby’s family member immediately to let them know that you have also spoken to Yes / No
Marcus’s family about the incident.

b. When Marcus’s family member arrives to pick him up, let them know what happened Yes / No
so they can help decide what action should be taken to reduce the chance of the
incident occurring again.

c. Speak to Marcus’s family member in a private space. Yes / No

d. Explain the situation to Marcus’s family member with all the details and let them know Yes / No
how upset all the educators were.

Result S U

Question 6
Which of the following are appropriate ways to ensure information that is shared with families
is kept up-to-date?

ZOI Education
Created 022
q Regularly add new information and let families know of any changes.
q Check for information issue dates and remove out-of-date materials or details.
q Remind families to check the details before they use information and let you know if they
identify any changes so you can update your information.
q Use resources that are less than 20 years old unless you feel they are particularly valuable.
q Recheck names, contact details and access requirements for services before they are
provided to families.

Result S U

Question 7
Match each theory on the left to the underpinning value to families and children.

When reviewing a child’s learning and development, consider the Ecological approach
impact of influences outside their family and your service.

Families must be kept provided with up-to-date, reliable and accurate Ecological approach

Education and care services that share roles with families help Family-centred practice
children reach their full potential.

Children’s sense of belonging is impacted by many factors. Family-centred practice

Families have a right to determine what is most important for their Whole of community
child. parenting

Children benefit from being supported by families and society. Whole of community

Result S U

Question 8
Match each of the requirements for these approved national standards to its description.

ZOI Education
Created 022
NQS Standard 6 Expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families should be
respected, and families should share in decision-making about
their child’s learning and wellbeing.

NQS Element 6.1.2 The stronger the connection between an education and care
service and the child’s home, the greater the ability for the child
to thrive.

NQS Element 6.1.3 Curriculum decision making contributes to each child’s learning
and development outcomes in relation to their identity,
connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners
and effectiveness as communicators.

EYLF/MTOP Principle 2: Current information is available to families about the service and
Partnerships relevant community services and resources to support parenting
and family wellbeing.

NQS Element 1.1.1 Collaborative partnerships between families and community.

Result S U

Question 9
Identify three ways you could support children to understand, access and engage with their
local and broader community?

1.visiting different local ecosystems, such as a beach, river, wetland or park

2. visiting local organisations, such as a sustainability information centre
3. visiting a local recycling centre

Result S U

Question 10
Match the role with the correct government tier.

Enforce education and care service national laws and regulations Commonwealth government
through regulatory authorities.

Set requirements for working with children checks and child protection State or territory government

Applying the Child Care Subsidy. Local government

Result S U

Question 11

ZOI Education
Created 022
Which of the following are correct about child-rearing practices and parenting styles? Select all
that apply.
q Common areas that are influenced by child-rearing and parenting styles include behaviour
expectations, routine choices, food choices and attitudes to learning.
q Our first guide to parenting is based on our own experiences as children. Parents’ child-
rearing practices and parenting style choices may follow these experiences or may adapt
based on their negative or positive impacts.
q Child-rearing practices and parenting styles are set by the family. They are consistent and
q When educators understand the influences that helped form their own child-rearing
practices and parenting styles, they are gathering information that will help them
understand the origin of other families’ child-rearing practices and parenting styles.
q If a parent was physically abused as a child, they are most likely to use physical
punishment as discipline for their own children.

Result S U

Question 12
Explain the difference between a translator and an interpreter.

•A translator converts text from one language to another

•An interpreter translates speech

Result S U

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (Questions 13-15)

Coby discussed his son Simon, with Gary the educator. Coby’s comments included:
 “I’m a bit concerned about Simon.”
 “It’s hard to know what to expect from a 2 year old.”
 “When Simon is with his cousins, they play computer games and Simon doesn’t seem to be
able to sit still very long. He interrupts the others.”
 “On a good note, I’m really glad that Simon gives the older kids a kick if they won’t listen to
him. He needs to make them listen when they are too rough.”

ZOI Education
Created 022
Question 13
Identify one thing Gary might say to Coby during their conversation to show he was listening

I understand your feelings.

Result S U

Question 14
List two open questions you could ask Coby to find out more about the family.

1. What does your family usually do with Simon on the weekends

2. What do you usually do to calm Simon down when he’s upset

Result S U

Question 15
You have successfully negotiated with Coby.
Provide one reason why it is important to review the agreement regularly.

Because agreement might not be suitable any more over time.

Result S U

ZOI Education
Created 022

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