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Unit 1 | Session 2

Flipping your job interview

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Give advice about formal interviews
Unit 1 | Session 2
Flipping your job interview
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Give advice about formal interviews

Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: How does it feel?

2 READING: Predict and read for main ideas; Infer meaning; Think critically
3 PREPARING TO SPEAK: Tips for a successful interview
4 SPEAKING: Top 5 tips for a successful interview
How does it feel?
Look at the photo. Prepare to share your
answers to the questions.
1. How does the man feel? How can you tell?
2. Have you ever taken part in a formal interview?
What was it for? How did you feel? Do you
think it showed?
Read for main ideas
Read the title and the first paragraph of an article about job interviews.
What do you think the article is about?

It isn’t only what you say.

It’s also the way you do it . . .
by Harvey Lowell, Career Counselor

Job interviews can be extremely stressful. You

really want to get the job, so you try to say the
right things. However, there are also other things
that count. The way you communicate your
message can sometimes be more important than
what you actually say. Your body language can
help you make a good impression.
Predict main ideas
Read the title and the first paragraph again.
Think of three ideas you expect to read in the article.

It isn’t only what you say.

It’s also the way you do it . . .
by Harvey Lowell, Career Counselor

Job interviews can be extremely stressful. You

really want to get the job, so you try to say the
right things. However, there are also other things
that count. The way you communicate your
message can sometimes be more important than
what you actually say. Your body language can
help you make a good impression.
Read for main ideas
Read the article. Are your ideas included?
Mark your ideas with a check mark (√).
Mark any new ideas that are different from yours with an asterisk (*).
Read for main ideas
Read the article again. Write the number of the paragraph (1–4) next to its main idea.

___ a. Keep your eyes on the interviewers.

___ b. Body language is very important in a
job interview.
___ c. Practice using good body language
before the interview.
___ d. Show confidence with your gestures
and posture during the entire interview.
Infer meaning
Find the words in bold in the article. Match them to their meanings (a–d).

1. stressful (paragraph 1) ___ a. staying in the same position; not moving

2. count (paragraph 1) ___ b. making you feel worried and nervous
3. still (paragraph 2) ___ c. to have value or importance
4. tap (paragraph 2) ___ d. to hit something gently, often repeatedly
and making short noises
Think critically
Discuss the questions.
1. Do you agree with the ideas and the advice in the article? Why or why not?
2. Do you think this is a good approach in all job interview situations? Why or why not?

I think this is useful

advice because . . .

I’m not sure I agree with the

idea that . . . because . . .

I don’t think we can use this approach in an

interview . . . because . . .
Tips for a successful interview
You are going to work in groups to discuss advice
to help people perform well in formal interviews.
Think about the following stages.
Make notes about the advice you could give.
Think of at least one tip for each stage.
• Preparing for the interview
• On the day of the interview
• At the interview
Top 5 tips for a successful interview
Work in groups.
1. Share your notes with your group.
2. Choose the five most helpful pieces of advice.
3. Write a list of your top five tips to share with the class.

Giving tips
You should / shouldn’t . . .
Remember to . . .
It’s important to . . .
Don’t . . .

Now I can . . .
❑ read for main ideas and infer meaning from context.
❑ give advice about how to succeed in a formal interview.
Unit 1 | Session 2
Flipping your job interview
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Give advice about formal interviews

Thank you!

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