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Body Assembly Technical Control Cikarang Goes to Jogja

Hi Suzuki Family, Last month, on July 29 – 30 to be precise, we from the Body Assembly Technical Control
Team of Cikarang Plant had the opportunity to hold a Family Gathering themed "REFRESH AND
TOGETHER IN HARMONY". We visited 5 tourist sites in the city of Yogyakarta, namely Breksi Cliff,
Prambanan Temple, Vredeburg Fort, Taman Sari, and Borobudur Temple.

There was something unusual at this year's gathering. On the previous trip, we went on a beach tour, but
this time we went on a cultural & historical tour with our family members (children and wife) so that we could
enjoy the trip more pleasantly. A total of 78 employees and their families participated in this event. We also
invited one of the families of the deceased Suzuki employees and we were able to give alms to the families
of the deceased.

Gathering at PT SIM Cikarang parking lot, we departed by 2 buses on Friday at 19.00 and arrived in Solo at
04.30. We stopped at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to perform the Subuh Prayer. The mosque, which
was just completed in November 2022, is a gift from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Indonesia. After
performing the Subuh Prayer we continued our journey to the City of Yogyakarta.

The first tourist site we visited was Breksi Cliff. This tourist site is located south of Prambanan Temple, on
Sambirejo Village, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This cliff is artistically appealing because it looks like a
layer cake. We didn’t waste the chance to take pictures with such a beautiful setting.

The trip continues to Prambanan Temple. This temple was first built around 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan and
was continuously enhanced and expanded by King Lokapala and Balitung king Maha Sambu. Based on the
Siwagrha inscription in 856 AD, this temple was built to glorify Lord Shiva, and the original name of this
building in Sanskrit is Siwagrha ('House of Shiva') or Siwalaya (Sanskrit: Shiva-laya which means: 'Ranah
Shiva' or 'Alam of Shiva' ').

The third tourist site we visited was Fort Vredeburg which is on Jalan Malioboro. The fort which was built in
1760 by the Dutch government for defense and storage of combat equipment is a historical witness to the
Dutch colonial era. Currently, inside the fort there are dioramas and historical objects depicting the struggle
of the Indonesian people to gain independence.

Next we headed to the fourth tourist site, namely Taman Sari. This tourist site is famous in Yogyakarta
because the garden has a mixed architectural style between Javanese and Portuguese. This site is the
home of several bathing wells for the kings of the Yogya palace in 1758 which have now become cultural
heritage. Then we went straight to the hotel to rest and enjoy the beauty of the city of Yogyakarta at night
with our family.

Sunday morning after breakfast we departed for a favorite destination for local and foreign tourists, namely
Borobudur Temple in Magelang. Borobudur Temple was built during the Sailendra dynasty as a place of
worship for Buddha and a place of pilgrimage. Unsurprisingly, as now Borobudur Temple is always visited
by monks who travel for religious rituals every year.

At around 10.00 am we prepared for our trip home. At 21.00 we arrived at the PT SIM Cikarang parking lot
and immediately returned to our respective homes. All participants seemed satisfied and happy with this fun
trip. We hope to hold Family Gathering every year and visit new places.

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