Comparison of City Life With Life in A Countryside

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In which place do you prefer to live in ; countryside or hometown?

(In which place do you prefer to live: The countryside or city?)

Deciding where to live is one of the most prevalent and determinative questions, which it could
also make people in a perplex (which could lead people into a perplex situation). One may elect to
live his (their) life in the countryside or hometown (city). In my own perspective , I would strongly
opt for living in the countryside for two main reasons , which are calmness and weather (healthy
environmental conditions)

Choosing to live (a life) in the countryside could (can) be supported (based on) by two major
reasons. To begin with, calmness is one of the most important positive sides of living in the
countryside. To be more precised (precise), I live in an urban area with my nuclear family in a small
house, when I wake up early in the morning , I hear only the voice of the birds coming to their (from
(their) nests on the tree next to my house , whereas in the hometown (the city) you hear only
noise(s) of the people coming and going (roaming around) on the street or the noise of your
neighbors (neighbours) as houses are not separated from each other (house are very close to each
other) such as if you want to take a glimpse out of the window , you would see only stark brick .To
exemplify (Furthermore), in the countryside people sleep and get up early (in the morning) , while
the hometown (life on the city) is so hectic and you hear only people reving (reviving) their motor(s)
or car engines which means if you have a night job, you will find it difficult to stay asleep (sleep) in
the morinig (morning) as even if you want to do so , children in the second floor or the women
grouping in front of your house will not let you . Moreover, the weather in the countryside is so
clean as opposed to hometowns. To make it more clear , as I live in a countryside area. I see just
fuboulus (fabulous) views like trees, running water, pushes and other different attractive scienery
(scenery). That is to say, there is no car or motorcycle as we all know no car means no emission
(There are hardly any cars or motor bikes found on the streets which means there is no emission of
dangerous to smoke leading to healthy environment), where as in the hometown (city) you would
see only industries which cause a lot of carbon dioxide (emission) , without forgetting to mention
the tremendous number of cars which also cause traffic jamps (jams) and residue mucked air. For
example, in the countryside (,) people take either donkyes (donkeys or animals in general and
bicycles) or go on food (foot) to their (their) intended place of work, whereas the hometown (city) is
full of cars , buses and trains .In other words , the weather is so contaminant in the hometown (city
as well) . Overall (In Short), for both (of) these reasons I really deem that living life in the countryside
is much better than it does in the hometown (city) .

To sum up , deciding where to live is the hardest decisions one could make as each one of us has
his (their) own perspective , but life deserves to be lived in the countryside as it is distinguishable
by its clean weather and high-effective quality of tranauilit (tranquillity)


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