Impact of Social Media

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social media impacts on our society

The Impact of social media on Society

Social Media is a platform like google and so on (Social Media is a platform which helps us to
connect with our friends and family members, and allow us to express our opinions and share the
content based on our interests). It could (can) be used to transform (the) information and at the
same time it distort (it) information. The advancement of the world we live in necessates
(necessitates) the immersion of the social media , which is a double edged sword ,it has both
(having both)upsides and downsides.

There are signaficant (significant) advantages of social media uses in our lives .To start with , it is
being used to disseminate information all over the world .It helps people stay keep and informed
with every new news .For example , if you have the internet connection , you can see and look for
anything anytime and anywhere , such as googling the independence declation day of Morroco , in
no more than two minutes span ,your search will be fulfilled (For example, you can see the feed of
your social media page timeline and come to know any latest news or information). Furthermore,
the owners of big and small businesses use social media to promote and advertise their products .in
other words , they use social media to attract more consumers and new clients for their products
.For example, a company hires an influencer to promote its products or it makes a compain
(campaign) with plausible discounts to make more sales . Moreover, social media provides unlimited
ways for both working (work) and studying (study). In terms of working , a number of people have an
income from social media , it helps people find what they are good at like freelancing , drop
shopping ,etc , and in terms of studying, some students do not have financial ability to continue their
studying trajectory abroad , still they continue studying there as distant leraners (learners) .To tie it
up , the positivity of social media is countless as it provides different ways for different ostacles
(obstacles) , it becomes the pivot and hub of today’s worldwide advancement .

That being said, social media has had some drawbaks (as well) that (could) lead to unfavourable
effects . (Though) It has had revolutionized the way we communicate with each other .To clarify, in
the past , people used to gather together in groups and they exchange talks and funny stories , but
now the social media revotionalized (hinders) those gatherings since you find each person’s eyes are
on their phones, scrolling up and down . Besides, there are some cospirators (conspirators) who get
advantage of social media to extort some people . For example , if a girl has some of her photos on
the social media platforms like facebook , he (they) may take those photos to make that girl fulfills
whatever he desired (desires) .Not only these , but with social media everyone beomes (becomes) a
journalist , which means they spread and disseminate fake news or they try to spread hate speaches
(speech) against other people since there is no censorship and no law to control behaviours which
have been made on a whim .

Social media is something that is imperative in today’s world but there is a high potential to go
against you sometimes as there is always something behind doors so we need high quality of
privacy so as to alleviate the jeopardy of it.

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