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Giri Permata Sejahtera (GPS ) is a totally newborn Engineering Procurement

Construction (EPC ) Company specializing in civil engineering, steel structure,
mechanical electrical service, earthwork as well as interior project, distributor
pupuk and outsourching people.

Despite the fact a newborn company, GPS have a professional team with 9 years
extensive experience in a project and has already proven capable of playing a
sound role in the field with all project performance in a excellent level throughout
Indonesia. With the new flag Artomoro Group and Rajawali Construction
Nusantara, we try to escalate our understanding to the project to the next level with
utilization of a moderate project management system, continuous improvement on
quality and upgrade the value of the human resources.

In line with Safety and Quality Policy, GPS will adopt OHSAS and ISO
certification in the near future in order to assure quality management, customer
satisfaction and safety environment. We believe that we can achieve our vision
which will be derived from fulfilling our commitment to our strategic partners in
term of time, budget, quality and zero accident.
Full Name : PT. Giri Alam Sejahtera

Short name : GPS

Address : Perum Alam Singgasana Blok Q /06, Kel. Betiting Kec.

Phone : 085230841923

Website :-

Email :
Managing Director : Ajeng Ayu Permata Sari

Opration Director : Farid Romawan

Bussiness Dev : Muhammad Rohim

Akte Pendirian : Akta No. 06 Notaris Husen Basri., SH.,MKn. Tanggal 14

Januari 2021

Pengesahan Akte : AHU – 258.ah.01.01 Tahun 2021 Tanggal Pengesahan


NPWP :—642.000

PKP : 4032250387

NIB :1261000141156

SKT :-
GPS intend to ultimately become a trustworthy and excellent
Engineering Procurement Construction middle-big size company
specializing in civil engineer, mechanical electrical services, steel
structure construction and Interior Project.
Office :
Perum Alam Singgasana Blok Q /06, Kel. Betiting Kec.
Cerme,Kab. Gresik.
Perumahan Citra Sari Regency Blok E No.31 Bunder,Banjarsari
Ph : 085230841923
Email :

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