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Name: ________________________

AS Practice 3 Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 67 minutes

Marks: 52 marks


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The figure below shows a diagram of apparatus used to demonstrate the formation of
1. interference fringes using a white light source in a darkened room. Light from the source passes
through a single slit and then through two narrow slits S1 and S2.

(a) Describe the interference pattern that is seen on the white screen.










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(b) A filter transmits only green light of wavelength λ and red light of wavelength 1.2λ
This filter is placed between the light source and the single slit.

Describe the interference pattern now seen on the white screen.

Use a calculation to support your answer.












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(c) A student decides to use the apparatus shown in the figure to determine the wavelength of
red light using a filter that transmits only red light.

The student suggests the following changes:

• decrease slit separation s

• decrease D, the distance between the slits and the screen.

The student decides to make each change independently.

Discuss the effects each independent change has on the interference pattern, and whether
this change is likely to reduce uncertainty in the determination of the wavelength.












(Total 12 marks)

A radioactive source emits alpha particles each with 8.1 × 10–13 J of kinetic energy.
(a) Show that the velocity of an alpha particle with kinetic energy 8.1 × 10–13 J is approximately
2 × 107 m s–1

specific charge of an alpha particle = 4.81 × 107 C kg–1





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(b) The alpha particles travel through air in straight lines with a range of 3.5 cm

Calculate the average force exerted on an alpha particle as it is stopped by the air.

average force = ____________________ N


(c) An alpha particle transfers all its kinetic energy to air molecules and produces 5.1 × 104
ions per centimetre over its range of 3.5 cm

Calculate the average ionisation energy, in eV, of a molecule of air.

ionisation energy = ____________________ eV


(d) A spark counter consists of a wire gauze separated from a metal wire by a small air gap. A
power supply with an output of 4500 V is connected in series with a 5.0 MΩ resistor and the
spark counter as shown in the diagram. When the radioactive source is moved close to the
wire gauze, sparking is seen in the air gap.

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Sparks are produced when alpha particles produce ionisation in the air gap.

One ionisation event produces a current of 0.85 mA for a time of 1.2 ns

Calculate the number of charge carriers that pass a point in the connecting cable during
this ionisation event.

number of charge carriers = ____________________


(e) The radioactive source was positioned 10 cm above the wire gauze before being moved
slowly towards the wire gauze leading to the ionisation event in part (d).

Discuss how the potential difference across the air gap varied as the radioactive source
was moved over this distance.

Assume the power supply has negligible internal resistance.












(Total 12 marks)

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The diagram below represents the decay of a particle X into a particle Y and two other particles.
The quark structure of particles X and Y are shown in the diagram.

(a) Deduce the name of particle X.


(b) State the type of interaction that occurs in this decay.


(c) State the class of particles to which the W − belongs.


(d) Show clearly how charge and baryon number are conserved in this interaction.

You should include reference to all the particles, including the quarks, in your answer.






(e) Name the only stable baryon.


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(f) A muon is an unstable particle.

State the names of the particles that are produced when a muon decays.

(Total 7 marks)

The table shows results of an experiment to investigate how the de Broglie wavelength λ of an
electron varies with its velocity v.

v / 107 m s–1 λ / 10–11 m

1.5 4.9

2.5 2.9

3.5 2.1

(a) Show that the data in the table are consistent with the relationship


(b) Calculate a value for the Planck constant suggested by the data in the table.

Planck constant = ____________________ J s


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(c) Figure 1 shows the side view of an electron diffraction tube used to demonstrate the wave
properties of an electron.

Figure 1

An electron beam is incident on a thin graphite target that behaves like the slits in a
diffraction grating experiment. After passing through the graphite target the electrons strike
a fluorescent screen.

Figure 2 shows the appearance of the fluorescent screen when the electrons are incident
on it.

Figure 2

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Explain how the pattern produced on the screen supports the idea that the electron beam is
behaving as a wave rather than as a stream of particles.










(d) Explain how the emission of light from the fluorescent screen shows that the electrons
incident on it are behaving as particles.









(Total 10 marks)

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(a) Describe the interaction that is responsible for keeping protons and neutrons together in a
5. stable nucleus.
You should include details of the properties of the interaction in your answer.









(b) Nuclei can decay by alpha decay and by beta decay.

In alpha decay only one particle is emitted but in beta decay there are two emitted

Explain how baryon number is conserved in alpha and beta decay.









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(c) Kaons are mesons that can be produced by the strong interaction between pions and

The equation shows a reaction in which a kaon and a lambda particle are produced.

π – + p → K0 + Λ0

Deduce the quark structure of the Λ0

quark structure = ____________________


(d) The kaon decays by the weak interaction.

The equation shows an example of kaon decay.

K0 → π + + π –

State one feature of this decay that shows it is an example of the weak interaction.



(e) There have been considerable advances in our understanding of particle physics over the
past 100 years.

Explain why it is necessary for many teams of scientists and engineers to collaborate in
order for these advances to be made.





(Total 11 marks)

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Mark schemes
central white fringe ✔
(fringes either side) showing range of colours/spectrum ✔
with red furthest and blue/violet closest to centre ✔
Allow rainbow for spectrum
Reject different colour fringes
If colours mentioned for last mark must be in right order i.e. red last
(MAX 2)


central fringe is a mixture of red and green light/two wavelengths ✔
EITHER (1 marks)
(separate) red and green fringes are seen (on either side) ✔
OR (for 2 marks)
spacing of green fringes is less than spacing of red fringe / green fringes closer to middle
than red ✔ ✔
OR (for 3 marks)
spacing of red fringes is 20% (or 1.2 times)greater than green fringes ✔ ✔ ✔
6th green fringe overlaps with 5th red fringe ✔
Allow orange/yellow for central fringe
If w used must be identified as fringe spacing for third alternative
(MAX 4)

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(c) The mark scheme gives some guidance as to what statements are expected to be
seen in a 1 or 2 mark (L1), 3 or 4 mark (L2) and 5 or 6 mark (L3) answer. Guidance
provided in section 3.10 of the ‘Mark Scheme Instructions’ document should be used
to assist in marking this question.

Mark Criteria QoWC

Explains how (%) uncertainties The student presents relevant

6 combine to determine uncertainty information coherently, employing
in wavelength OR identify % structure, style and sp&g to render
uncertainty s as being the largest meaning clear.
Explain how wavelength is The text is legible.
determined using
Explains how second change The student presents relevant
affects fringe spacing information and in a way which
AND assists communication of
4 Comments on how change in meaning. The text is legible. Sp&g
fringe spacing affects are sufficiently accurate not to
(%)uncertainty / change in s OR D obscure meaning.
affects (%)uncertainty
Explains how second change
affects fringe spacing
3 Comments on how change in
fringe spacing affects
(%)uncertainty / change in s OR D
affects (%)uncertainty
States how one of the changes The student presents some
affects fringe separation relevant information in a simple
2 (decrease s increases fringe form. The text is usually legible.
separation / decrease D decrease Sp&g allow meaning to be derived
fringe separation although errors are sometimes
1 States that one of the changes obstructive.
alters fringe separation
No correct change identified The student’s presentation,
0 spelling and grammar seriously
obstruct understanding.

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The following statements may be present for decreasing slit
separation s:

Fringe separation increases

Uncertainty in measuring fringe separation will
and as this is needed to measure wavelength,
uncertainty in wavelength
measurement will decrease

The following statements may be present for smaller D:

Uncertainty in measuring D would increase

Fringe separation would also decrease
so uncertainty in measuring fringe separation would increase
Both are required to find wavelength so uncertainty in finding
wavelength would increase

FOR Middle Band one of these considered:

Decrease s
Larger fringe separation so smaller (%) uncertainty (in w)
Smaller s so higher (%) uncertainty in s
Decrease D
Smaller fringe separation so larger (%) uncertainty (in w)
Smaller D so higher (%) uncertainty in D

If explain reverse change correctly (s increase D increase) no


2. (a) Mass of alpha particle = =6.6(53) × 10–27 (kg)

Allow mass = 2 × mp + 2 × mn = 6.696 × 10–27 kg

Allow mass = 4 × 1.66 × 10–27 kg = 6.64 × 10–27 kg
Allow mass = 4 × 1.67 × 10–27 kg = 6.68 × 10–27 kg
Allow slight rounding on mass (must be correct to 2 sf)

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Correctly re-arranged k.e. equation (with v2 or v as subject) with 8.1 × 10–13 (J) substituted

1.56 × 107 seen 2✔

Condone incorrect mass in otherwise correct substitution with v
or v2 recognisable as subject .
Alternative approaches are:

Must see answer to at least 2 sf

Must see attempt to use one of the alternative approaches to
support correct answer

(b) Use of W = Fs, F = 8.1 × 10–13 ÷ 3.5 × 10–2 1✔

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

Condone POT error
Correct answers gets 2 marks


Use of an appropriate equation of motion to find a and F = ma

(allow their mass and their velocity in this sub) 1✔

Condone POT error

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

Condone POT


Use of an appropriate equation of motion to find t and F = ∆mv/t

(allow their mass and their velocity in this sub) 1✔

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

[answer is

Using 2 × 107 m s–1 yields( 5.71 × 1015 × their m∞) – allow 1 sf

answer in this case
Expect to see 3.8 × 10–11 (N) or 4 × 10–11 (N)]
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(c) (Number of ions formed over range = )

5.1 × 104 × 3.5 seen or 1.785 × 105 (ions) seen


8.1 × 10–13 converted to eV seen 1✔

8.1 × 10–13 ÷ 1.785 × 105


5.06 × 106 ÷ 1.785 × 105 seen 2✔

Condone POT error in first mark
Ignore units
8.1 × 10–13 ÷ (5.1 × 104 × 3.5) is worth 1st and 2nd marks
Condone POT errors in second mark
Correct answer obtains 3 marks

28 (.4) (eV) 3✔
99(.3) (eV) scores 1 mark

(d) (Q =) 0.85 × 10–3 × 1.2 × 10–9 = 1.02 × 10–12


n = (their Q) ÷ 1.6 × 10–19 1✔

n = 6.4 × 106 (c.a.o.) 2✔

Condone one POT error for one mark

(e) At 3.5 cm the pd drops / the current begins


When the source is 10 cm away no ionisation occurs in the air gap (because the alpha
particles have insufficient range to reach the air gap)


When the radioactive source is close enough (approx. 5 cm) ionisation occurs ✔

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When beyond 3.5 cm no change in pd / current equals zero

Must be sense of abrupt change

When ionisation occurs / charge carriers are liberated in the air gap:
Allow more ionisation for second mark

resistance has decreased


current increases (from zero)


the potential difference decreases (with a maximum current) (to its minimum value) (across
the air gap)✔

From 10 cm separation until 5 cm (approx) separation nothing changes / appreciates that

pd is 4500 V / pd across gap = 4500 V until ionisation occurs ✔

Current is produced: the pd across 5 MΩ resistor is 4250 V / most pd is across the 5 MΩ

resistor / small pd across air gap ✔

Current is produced and the pd across the air gap is 250 V✔

Current is produced and the pd across the air gap is 250 V✔


(a) Neutron
Condone misspelling eg nuetron

(b) Weak (interaction)

Ignore nuclear or references to beta

(c) Bosons
Accept ‘exchange particles’
Do not allow ‘force mediator'

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(d) charge number

2/3 -1/3 – 1/3 → 2/3 +-1/3 + 2/3 - 1 + 0 ✔

Ignore equation if given, marking should be based on the numbers

baryon number

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 → 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 + 0 + 0 ✔

Allow 1 for both correct in terms of n & p instead of quarks:
0 → +1 + -1 + 0

(e) proton
Allow ‘free proton’

(f) Electron + an electron antineutrino + muon neutrino

All 3 needed
Condone anti-electron neutrino for electron anti-neutrino
No credit given for symbols
Allow antiparticle answer: positron, electron neutrino, muon

(a) Clear indication of correct process

two correct values for λv from working plus conclusion

(7.35; 7.25; 7.35) ✔

three correct values plus conclusion ✔

Condone no or misuse of powers of 10
Allow use of value of h as the constant to show that v values in
table are consistent with the λ values


ratio approach v1/v2= λ2/λ1 shown for 2 sets of data ✔

shown for two other sets of data + conclusion ✔

May predict one of the values assuming inverse proportionality and
compare with table value
(once for 1 mark; twice for 2 marks)

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(b) h =λmv or substitution of correct data in any form ✔
May determine average value using mean constant from 2.1 or
average 3 calculations in this part

6.7(0) × 10–34 from first and third data set; 6.6(0) × 10–34 from second ✔

(c) Particle behaviour would only produce a patch/circle of light /small spot of light or Particles
would scatter randomly ✔

Wave property shown by diffraction/ interference ✔

Graphite causes (electron)waves/beam to spread out /electrons to travel in particular

directions ✔

Bright rings/maximum intensity occurs where waves

interfere constructively/ are in phase ✔

for a diffraction grating maxima when sinθ = nλ/d ✔

Marks are essentially for
1. Explaining appearance of screen if particle
2. Identifying explicitly a wave property
3. Explaining what happens when diffraction occurs
4. Explaining cause of bright rings
5. Similar to diffraction grating formula (although not same)
NB Not expected: For graphite target maxima occur when sinθ
=λ/2d (d =spacing of atomic layers in crystal)

(d) Electrons must provide enough (kinetic) energy

‘instantly’ to cause the excitation


the atom or energy transfer in 1 to 1 interaction


electron can provide the energy in discrete amounts


energy cannot be provided over time as it would be in a wave

Description of Photoelectric effect = 0
Not allowed: any idea that wave cannot pass on energy, e.g. waves
pass through the screen

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Any 2 from

Idea of light emission due to excitation and de-excitation of electrons/atoms ✔

Idea of collisions by incident electrons moving electrons in atoms between energy

levels/shells/orbits ✔

Light/photon emitted when atoms de-excite or electrons move to lower energy levels ✔


the strong interaction ✔
has short range OR mention range (less than 5 fm) ✔
attraction up to 5 fm ✔
repulsive (any distance below 1fm) ✔
is zero/negligible beyond 5 fm ✔
only affects hadrons/ baryons and mesons ✔
mediated by gluons/pions ✔
If wrong interaction identified then zero marks
If refer to strong interaction correctly then ignore any subsequent
reference to other interactions
(3 max)

(b) in alpha decay number of nucleons/protons and neutrons is unchanged OR baryons in

parent nucleus equals the total number of baryons in daughter nucleus and the alpha
particle ✔
in beta decay a neutron changes into a proton (and both have same baryon number) ✔
beta (-) particle and antineutrino have zero baryon number/beta(+) and neutrino have zero
baryon number ✔
If only refer to baryon number/nucleon number of alpha particle
then do not award first mark
Can be shown by equations
Second marking point can also be shown in equation

(c) quark structure π– = u̅ d and p = uud

quark structure kaon = ds̅ ✔
hence as strong interaction quark structure Λ0 = uds ✔
If two of the quark structures correct then 1 mark
Any correct answer (uds) full marks

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(d) strangeness is not conserved/lost ✔


results of experiments must be independently checked/validated/peer reviewed before they
are accepted/can be confirmed ✔
particle accelerators are very expensive and collaboration helps to spread the cost of
building them ✔
many skills and disciplines are required (which one team are unlikely to have) ✔
lots of data to process (so more teams needed) ✔
(2 max)

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