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All Clear 1 Tests & Exams Answer Key

Placement Test
1 e)
2 c)
3 d)
4 b)
5 a)



3 1 c)
2 b)
3 d)
4 a)
5 e)

4 1 This
2 That’s
3 What’s
4 She is
5 These

5 1 How do you say ‘una regla’ in English? e) It’s a ruler.

2 Can you repeat that, please? b) Yes, of course. It’s a ruler.
3 How do you spell that? d) R-U-L-E-R.
4 Can I have the dictionary? c) Here you are.
5 What page are we on? a) We’re on page 4.

6 1 Is
2 His
3 How
4 Our
5 am

7 1 animals
2 family
3 babies
4 men
5 woman

8 1 likes
2 Have
3 Do
4 playing
5 ride

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9 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

10 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 b)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)

13 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T

14 Student A
Student B

Name Dan / Naomi

Age 13

Country Canada

Pet Dog

Student B
Student A

Name Tom / Laura

Age 13

Country Australia

Pet Cat

Progress Test Basic Unit 1

1 1 d)
2 e)
3 g)
4 c)
5 b)
6 a)
7 f)

2 1 British
2 Japanese
3 French
4 Irish
5 Moroccan

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6 Romanian
7 Spanish

3 1 dad
2 grandma
3 grandparents
4 uncle
5 sister
6 cousin

4 1 ’re
2 ’m
3 is
4 ’re
5 are
6 ’s

5 1 isn’t
2 aren’t
3 aren’t
4 ’m not
5 isn’t
6 aren’t

6 1 my
2 He
3 your
4 our
5 She
6 They

7 1 Are you 14? d) Yes, I am.

2 Is your uncle a teacher? b) No, he isn’t.
3 Are your grandparents from Madrid? c) Yes, they are.
4 Is basketball your favourite sport? a) No, it isn’t.

8 1 Where
2 How
3 Who
4 When

9 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

10 1 b)
2 a)
3 a)
4 a)
5 a)

11 1 My name’s Miranda.
2 I’m from Canada.
3 Her birthday is in November.
4 Your favourite language is English.
5 It’s Yolanda’s comic book.

12 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

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13 1 b)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)

14 Student A
Student B
Name Richard / Laura
Age 13
Country the USA

Student B
Student A
Name Ben / Sara
Age 12
Country Belgium

Progress Test Standard Unit 1

1 1 Spain, Spanish
2 China, Chinese
3 Canada, Canadian
4 the UK, British
5 Australia, Australian
6 Morocco, Moroccan
7 the USA, American

2 1 French
2 Belgian
3 Colombian
4 Ecuadorian
5 Mexican
6 Japan
7 Romania

3 1 dad
2 grandma
3 grandparents
4 uncle
5 sister
6 cousin

4 1 are
2 am
3 is
4 are
5 are
6 is

5 1 He isn’t a character in a manga comic.

2 You aren’t my favourite relative.
3 We aren’t from the capital of Ecuador.
4 I’m not from Spain.
5 She isn’t a heavy metal fan.
6 They aren’t my best friends.

6 1 my
2 He
3 your
4 our
5 She
6 They

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7 1 Are you 14? Yes, I am.
2 Is your uncle a teacher? No, he isn’t.
3 Are your grandparents from Madrid? Yes, they are.
4 Is basketball your favourite sport? No, it isn’t.

8 1 Where
2 How
3 Who
4 When

9 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T

10 1 It’s 25th October.

2 He’s Spike’s best friend.
3 It’s heavy metal.
4 It’s Selena Gomez.
5 It’s popular all over the world.

11 My name’s Miranda and I’m from Toronto in Canada. My brother’s name is Jack. Our birthday is 6th
November and we’re 15. We’re twins! Jack’s my favourite relative and Bart Simpson is my favourite
cartoon character. He’s from Springfield in the USA. His dad is Homer and he’s very funny!

12 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 a)
5 b)

13 1 Her first name’s Colette.

2 She’s from Belgium.
3 Her surname’s Jacquot.
4 She’s 14.
5 Her nickname’s Letty.

14 Student A
Student B
Name Richard / Laura
Age 13
Country the USA

Student B
Student A
Name Ben / Sara
Age 12
Country Belgium

Progress Test Extra Unit 1

1 1 Spain, Spanish
2 Australia, Australian
3 Colombia, Colombian
4 Mexico, Mexican
5 Japan, Japanese
6 Morocco, Moroccan
7 Romania, Romanian
8 France, French

2 1 sister
2 parents

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3 cousins
4 grandma

3 1 ’m not
2 is
3 are
4 isn’t
5 ’s
6 ’re not

4 1 my, ’s
2 is, He
3 ’s
4 ’re, our
5 is, She
6 Her, ’s

5 1 Are they from Canada? Yes, they are.

2 Is your brother a football fan? No, he isn’t.
3 Is sushi your favourite food? Yes, it is.
4 Are her parents from Madrid? No, they aren’t.
5 Is English their favourite class? Yes, it is.
6 Is your birthday in September? No, it isn’t.

6 1 How old are you?

2 How do you spell your surname?
3 Who’s your best friend?
4 When’s your birthday?
5 How are you?
6 Where are you from?

7 1 b)
2 a)
3 c)
4 a)
5 a)

8 1 Spike is 13.
2 His real name is Harry.
3 Their class teacher is Miss Lopez.
4 Their favourite type of music is heavy metal.
5 It’s popular all over the world.

9 Students’ own answers

10 1 c)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 c)

11 1 The teacher’s name is Mr Andrews.

2 She’s from Belgium.
3 His favourite country is Belgium.
4 Her surname is Jacquot.
5 She’s 12.

12 Student A
Student B
Name Richard / Laura
Age 13
Country the USA

Student B

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Student A
Name Ben / Sara
Age 12
Country Belgium

Progress Test Basic Unit 2

1 a) ear [9]
b) eye [5]
c) face [6]
d) hand [3]
e) hair [4]
f) arm [1]
g) leg [2]
h) nose [7]
i) teeth [8]

2 1 long
2 square
3 fair
4 curly
5 short

3 1 has
2 ’ve
3 ’ve
4 have
5 ’s
6 ’s

4 1 hasn’t got
2 hasn’t got
3 haven’t got
4 haven’t got
5 haven’t got
6 hasn’t got
7 haven’t got

5 1 Have / got
2 Has / got
3 Have / got
4 Has /got
5 Have / got
6 Has / got

6 a) 5
b) 2
c) 4
d) 1
e) 3
f) 6

7 1 children
2 teeth
3 mice
4 men
5 families
6 sheep

8 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F

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5 T

9 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)

10 1 You’re very tall but your brother’s short.

2 She’s got long fair hair and it’s wavy.
3 Our cat’s name’s Tinker.
4 His hair’s brown and he’s got glasses.
5 Ron’s my mum’s brother.

11 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

12 1 hamster
2 parrot
3 Panama
4 white
5 green and yellow

13 Student A
Student B’s dog
exercise walk it twice a day
food give it food once a day, at 5 pm
water change its water in the evening

Student B
Student A’s rat
food give it food in the evening
contact play with it four times a day
cage clean the cage once a week

Progress Test Standard Unit 2

1 1 arm
2 leg
3 hand
4 hair
5 eye
6 face
7 nose
8 teeth
9 ear

2 1 tall
2 green
3 round
4 long
5 wavy

3 1 ’s got
2 ’ve got
3 ’ve got
4 ’ve got
5 ’s got
6 ’s got
7 ve got

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4 1 Rachel hasn’t got straight hair.
She’s got wavy hair.
2 Our cat hasn’t got a short tail.
It’s got a long tail.
3 I haven’t got brown eyes.
I’ve got blue eyes.
4 My grandparents haven’t got a dog.
They’ve got a parrot.
5 We haven’t got big feet.
We’ve got small feet.
6 She hasn’t got a round face.
She’s got short a square face.

5 1 children
2 mosquito
3 mice
4 man
5 families
6 eye

6 1 Have your parents got Irish names?

2 Has Matthew got an unusual pet?
3 Have I got big eyes?
4 Has your cat got three legs?
5 Have you and your friends got blue eyes?
6 Has Catherine got ten cousins?

7 1 No, they haven’t.

2 Yes, he has.
3 Yes, you have.
4 No, it hasn’t.
5 Yes, we have.
6 No, she hasn’t.

8 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F

9 1 It’s a black Labrador.

2 They are in Rachel’s room.
3 Because it’s got three legs.
4 It hasn’t got legs.
5 No, they aren’t.

10 Ron’s my mum’s brother and he’s my favourite uncle. He isn’t very tall for a man, 1.60m. He’s got brown
eyes and long wavy dark hair. Ron’s got a Dalmatian puppy and it’s very cool. It’s black and white and
it’s name’s Spot!

11 1 a)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)

12 1 hamster
2 parrot
3 Panama
4 white
5 green and yellow

13 Student A
Student’s B dog

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exercise walk it twice a day
food give it food once a day, at 5 pm
water change its water in the evening

Student B
Student’s A rat
food give it food in the evening
contact play with it four times a day
cage clean the cage once a week

Progress Test Extra Unit 2

1 1 neck
2 eyes, hair
3 fingers, thumb
4 foot
5 legs
6 tail
7 ears
8 teeth

2 1 short, tall
2 green, blue
3 square, round
4 long, short
5 wavy, straight

3 1 An octopus has got eight legs [e]

2 My friend Clara has got brown eyes and long hair. [c]
3 Sharks have got 3,000 teeth. [f]
4 Camels have got two humps [a]
5 Our dog has got a long tail. [d]
6 My granddad has got white hair and a big white moustache. [b]

4 1 She hasn’t got two brothers, she’s got three brothers.

2 I haven’t got blue eyes, I’ve got brown eyes.
3 He hasn’t got short hair, he’s got long hair.
4 We haven’t got a cat, we’ve got a dog.
5 Our dogs haven’t got long hair, they’ve got short hair.
6 Steven hasn’t got green eyes, he’s got blue eyes.

5 1 My brother has got two pet mice.

2 Snakes have got very long bodies.
3 My sister has got strong white teeth.
4 My uncle and aunt have got four children.
5 Her mother is a beautiful woman.
6 We’ve got 20 people in our street.

6 1 Have your parents got Irish names?

2 Have you got an unusual pet?
3 Has your best friend got blue eyes?
4 Has your teacher got brown hair?
5 Have you and your friends got long hair
6 Have you got two brothers?

7 Students’ own answers

8 1 b)
2 c)
3 a)
4 c)
5 b)
6 b)

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9 1 Adam’s got a black Labrador.
2 Because they’ve got a cat, and traditionally cats and mice aren’t friends.
3 Because it’s got three legs.
4 Adam’s family have got five pets.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 a)
2 a)
3 c)
4 c)
5 b)
6 b)

12 1 Robert’s got a hamster.

2 Laura’s got a parrot. It’s a Panama Amazon parrot.
3 Its name is Panama
4 It’s green and yellow.

13 Student A
Student’s B dog
exercise walk it twice a day
food give it food once a day, at 5 pm
water change its water in the evening

Student B
Student’s A rat
food give it food in the evening
contact play with it four times a day
cage clean the cage once a week

Progress Test Basic Unit 3

1 Down

1 yoghurt
2 cheese
3 potatoes
4 carrots
6 fish
8 bread
9 milk

5 meat
7 strawberries
10 apples

2 1 play
2 listen
3 watch
4 surf
5 meet
6 read
7 stay
8 go
9 ride
10 talk

3 1 cooks
2 eat
3 drink
4 watches

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5 go
6 teaches

4 1 doesn’t buy
2 don’t go
3 doesn’t need
4 don’t like
5 don’t eat
6 doesn’t drink

5 1 Do you and your family eat fast food? [b]

2 Does Leonardo like ice cream? [d]
3 Do you cook dinner for your family? [a]
4 Does your mum surf the internet? [c]

6 1 My grandparents hate staying up late.

2 You don’t like listening to music with your friends.
3 I love going shopping in London.
4 Rosie likes talking on her phone.
5 My friend doesn’t like doing his homework.

7 1 them
2 She
3 us
4 He
5 it

8 1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T

9 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

10 1 My mum loves Chinese food but my dad hates it.

2 We play football in the park and we ride our bikes.
3 My granddad reads comics and he plays computer games.
4 My sister does a lot of sport but she doesn’t play football.
5 I like meeting my friends but I don’t like talking to them on the phone.

11 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 T

12 1 chocolate
2 apple
3 milk
4 chocolate
5 £7.60

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 3

1 1 yoghurt
2 cheese
3 potatoes

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4 carrots
5 fish
6 bread
7 milk
8 meat
9 strawberries
10 apples

2 1 play football
2 listen to music
3 watch TV
4 surf the internet
5 meet my friends
6 read comics
7 stay up late
8 go shopping
9 ride my bike
10 talk on the phone

3 1 cooks
2 eat
3 drink
4 watches
5 go
6 teaches

4 1 My mum doesn’t buy unhealthy food.

2 We don’t go to Japanese restaurants.
3 Your body doesn’t need chocolate.
4 The children don’t like vegetables.
5 I have cereal for breakfast every day.
6 Maggie drinks fizzy drinks.

5 1 Do you and your family eat fast food? Yes, we do.

2 Does Leonardo like ice cream? Yes, he does.
3 Do you cook dinner for your family? No, I don’t.
4 Does your mum surf the internet? No, she doesn’t.

6 1 My grandparents hate staying up late.

2 You don’t like listening to music with your friends.
3 I love going shopping in London. The shops are fantastic.
4 Rosie likes talking on the phone, especially to Marina.
5 My friend doesn’t like doing his homework.

7 1 them
2 She
3 her
4 He
5 it

8 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

9 1 Adam does his homework after school.

2 Robbie loves playing football.
3 They drink milkshakes.
4 She looks at the clothes in them.
5 He listens to heavy metal.

10 My mum loves Chinese food but my dad hates it. We eat it on Saturday nights but my dad makes a
pizza. On Sundays, we have a big family dinner and my grandparents eat with us. We have meat and
my mum cooks lots of vegetables. Then everyone has ice cream but I don’t eat it because I don’t like it.

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11 1 a)
2 a)
3 a)
4 b)
5 a)

12 1 chocolate
2 apple juice
3 milk
4 chocolate
5 £7.60

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 3

1 1 Carrots
2 fish
3 milk
4 water
5 potatoes
6 Cheese
7 fFuit
8 apples
9 meat
10 strawberries

2 1 play football
2 listen, music
3 watch
4 surf, internet
5 meet
6 read
7 stay, late
8 go shopping
9 ride
10 talk, phone

3 1 drinks
2 meets
3 play
4 watches
5 goes
6 buys

4 1 doesn’t eat
2 needs
3 doesn’t contain
4 help
5 don’t drink
6 loves

5 1 Do you read newspapers and magazines in the evening? Yes, I do.

2 Do you and your friends stay up late at weekends? Yes, we do.
3 Do you surf the internet in your free time on Saturdays and Sundays? No, I don’t.
4 Does your mother go shopping at the supermarket at weekends? No, she doesn’t.

6 1 My sister hates staying up late.

2 Do you like listening to music with your friends?
3 We love going shopping in London. The shops are fantastic.
4 Rosie likes riding her bike on Sunday mornings.
5 My friends don’t like doing their homework.

7 1 It

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2 They
3 her
4 She
5 it

8 1 b)
2 c)
3 c)
4 a)
5 c)
6 b)

9 1 Adam goes to the park in the evening.

2 Amy’s favourite cake is carrot cake.
3 She buys fashion magazines every week.
4 John likes listening to heavy metal.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 b)
2 c)
3 a)
4 c)
5 b)
6 a)

12 1 They are at a café.

2 They’ve got apple cake, chocolate cake, carrot cake and strawberry cake.
3 He’d like chocolate cake.
4 Max pays the assistant.

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 4

1 1 newsagent
2 library
3 cinema
4 church
5 restaurant
6 shoe shop
7 museum
8 chemist
9 sports centre
10 hotel

2 1 h)
2 b)
3 e)
4 g)
5 c)
6 f)
7 d)
8 j)
9 i)
10 a)

3 1 are
2 is
3 aren’t
4 are
5 isn’t
6 aren’t

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4 1 d)
2 e)
3 c)
4 b)
5 a)
6 f)

5 1 Is there an underground station near your home? No, there isn’t.

2 Are there good beaches in Spain? Yes, there are.
3 Are there any trees in the park? No, there aren’t.
4 Is there a café in front of your school? Yes, there is.
5 Are there five museums in your town? No, there aren’t.
6 Is there a big cinema in the shopping centre? Yes, there is.

6 1 an
2 some
3 any
4 a
5 an
6 any

7 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

8 1 b)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)

9 1 There are markets and there are also modern shopping centres.
2 There’s a big swimming pool and there’s also a wave machine.
3 There’s a lake near the village and there’s also a river.
4 There’s a restaurant on High Street and there are also cafés.
5 There’s a library near my house and there’s also a bookshop.

10 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F

11 1 70
2 summer
3 beach
4 cafés
5 250

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 4

1 1 newsagent
2 library
3 cinema
4 church
5 restaurant
6 shoe shop
7 museum
8 chemist
9 sports centre

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10 hotel

2 1 lake
2 forest
3 water
4 sand
5 river
6 island
7 beach
8 waves
9 snow
10 mountain

3 1 There are two shops near my house.

2 There is an interesting museum in my town.
3 There aren’t any cafés near the beach.
4 There are three people at the bus stop.
5 There isn’t a hotel next to the library.
6 There aren’t any churches here.

4 a) in front of
b) on
c) next to
d) near
e) in
f) opposite

5 1 Is there an underground station near your home? No, there isn’t.

2 Are there good beaches in Spain? Yes, there are.
3 Are there any trees in the park? No, there aren’t.
4 Is there a café in front of your school? Yes, there is.
5 Are there any museums in your town? No, there aren’t.
6 Is there a big cinema in the shopping centre? Yes, there is.

6 1 There isn’t an island in the lake.

2 There are some tall trees in the forest.
3 There isn’t any snow on the trees.
4 There is a really good restaurant near here.
5 There is an umbrella in your bag.
6 There aren’t any apples on the tree.

7 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

8 1 Loch Lomond is a lake.

2 There isn’t any sand on them.
3 Ben Lomond’s a mountain.
4 There’re 13 museums in Glasgow.
5 One of the forms of transport is the underground.

9 In my town, there’s a modern part and there’s also an old, historic part. The library is in the old town and
there are also two museums. There are historic objects in them and there are also lots of paintings.
There are really good shops in the new town and there are also some good restaurants. There’s a
market on Saturdays and there’s also a special market at Christmas.

10 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

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11 1 70
2 summer
3 beach
4 cafés
5 250

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 4

1 1 newsagent
2 library
3 cinema
4 church
5 restaurant
6 shoe shop
7 museum
8 chemist
9 sports centre
10 hotel

2 1 beach
2 snow
3 river
4 lakes
5 waves
6 forest
7 mountain
8 islands
9 sand
10 water

3 1 There are two banks in our street.

2 There is a very interesting programme on TV this evening
3 There aren’t any cafés in our school.
4 There are 12 girls and eight boys in our class.
5 I’m sorry, there isn’t any chocolate ice-cream today.
6 There are some nice shops in the city centre.

4 a) The ball is in front of the box.

b) The ball is on the box.
c) The ball is next to the box.
d) The ball is near the box.
e) The ball is in the box.
f) The ball is opposite the box.

5 1 Are there any

2 there aren’t
3 Is there a
4 there is
5 Is there a
6 there is
7 is there a
8 there isn’t
9 Is there an
10 there is
11 Are there any
12 there are

6 1 There are some mountains near our city.

2 There’s a forest behind my house.
3 There aren’t any good restaurants in our street.
4 There’s a really good restaurant in the sports centre.
5 There aren’t any interesting programmes on TV this evening.

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6 There’s some water on the kitchen table.

7 1 c)
2 c)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)
6 a)

8 1 Because the climate’s not very good. There’s a lot of snow and ice in winter, and sometimes there
isn’t any sun in summer.
2 There are about 60 islands in it.
3 Ben Lomond is a mountain.
4 Because there’s an underground railway in the city.

9 Students’ own answers

10 1 c)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)
6 b)

11 1 They visit St Agnes to relax and see its beautiful landscape.

2 The campsite is next to a beach.
3 There’s only one class.
4 Dan goes to school on St Mary’s.

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 5

1 1 get
2 have
3 get
4 start
5 play
6 finish
7 do
8 have
9 go
10 tidy

2 1 i)
2 a)
3 c)
4 b)
5 h)
6 f)
7 g)
8 e)
9 j)
10 d)

3 1 I am sometimes tired after school.

2 He always gets up at seven o’clock.
3 We often tidy our rooms on Saturdays.
4 You usually have dinner at half past six.
5 They never play the piano.

4 1 How often do you play basketball?

2 Do you usually go to school by bus?
3 Do you usually watch TV before school?

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4 How often do you talk on the phone?
5 Do you usually do your homework in the library?

5 1 How many cousins have you got?

2 Does your friend like going shopping?
3 What is your favourite TV programme?
4 Are Joan and Frank your parents’ names?
5 How often does Elena play tennis?

6 1 can
2 can’t
3 can’t
4 can
5 can’t

7 1 Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.

2 Can Martin act and sing? No, he can’t.
3 Can your grandma ride a bike? Yes, she can.
4 Can parrots speak? Yes, they can.
5 Can you and your friends speak Chinese? No, we can’t.

8 1 beautifully
2 fantastically
3 well
4 fast
5 terribly

9 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F

10 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 a)
5 b)

11 1 b)
2 d)
3 c)
4 e)
5 a)

12 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F

13 1 likes
2 never
3 cinema
4 good
5 guitar

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 5

1 1 get
2 have
3 get

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4 start
5 play
6 finish
7 do
8 have
9 go
10 tidy

2 1 French
2 history
3 geography
4 science
5 maths
6 PE
7 literature
9 drama
10 music

3 1 I am sometimes tired after school.

2 He always gets up at seven o’clock.
3 We often tidy our rooms on Saturdays.
4 You usually have dinner at half past six.
5 They never play the piano.

4 1 How often do you play basketball?

2 Do you usually go to school by bus?
3 Do you usually watch TV before school?
4 How often do you talk on the phone?
5 Do you usually do your homework in the library?

5 1 How many cousins have you got?

2 Where do you play basketball?
3 What is your favourite TV programme?
4 What are Frank your parents’ names?
5 How often does Elena play tennis?

6 1 can
2 can’t
3 can’t
4 can
5 can

7 1 Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.

2 Can Martin act and sing? No, he can’t.
3 Can your grandma ride a bike? Yes, she can.
4 Can parrots speak? Yes, they can.
5 Can you and your friends speak Chinese? No, we can’t.

8 1 beautifully
2 fantastically
3 well
4 fast
5 terribly

9 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F

10 1 Leila does her homework every evening.

2 She likes four subjects: drama, music, history and French.
3 Leila’s dad works at a secondary school.
4 She likes singing in the shower.

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5 Leila hasn’t got any pets because her mum’s allergic to them.

11 1 e)
2 c)
3 b)
4 d)
5 a)

My neighbour is very famous because he plays football for Manchester United. He always plays on the
first team because he trains hard and he scores a lot of goals. He also swims every night because he’s
got a swimming pool in his house. He goes to Italy a lot because it’s his favourite country. But he doesn’t
speak Italian there because he’s bad at languages.

12 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

13 1 Alicia’s favourite free-time activity is singing.

2 The name of the song is ‘A girl like me’.
3 Ben is 19.
4 He has guitar lessons.
5 The name of the song is ‘You’re beautiful’.

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 5

1 1 get
2 have
3 get
4 start
5 play
6 finish
7 do
8 have
9 go
10 tidy

2 1 history
2 maths
3 geography
4 information, communication
5 art, design
6 literature
7 music
8 French
9 English
10 drama

3 1 I am sometimes tired after school.

2 He always gets up at seven o’clock.
3 We often tidy our rooms on Saturdays.
4 They usually have dinner at half past six.
5 She never plays the piano.

4 1 How often do you go to the sports centre?

2 Do you usually go to school by bus?
3 Do you usually watch TV before school?
4 How often do you surf the internet?
5 Do you usually do your homework at the weekend?

5 1 What time do you usually get up?

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2 Where do you have lunch?
3 What’s your favourite type of music?
4 How many sisters have you got?
5 When do you go to the supermarket?

6 1 can’t
2 can
3 can’t
4 can
5 can

7 1 Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.

2 Can Martin ride a bike? No, he can’t.
3 Can she speak Japanese? Yes, she can.
4 Can they play basketball well? Yes, they can.
5 Can your mum play the piano? No, she can’t.

8 1 brilliant
2 slowly
3 beautifully
4 terrible
5 well

9 1 c)
2 a)
3 c)
4 b)
5 c)
6 c)

10 1 She does her homework every evening.

2 She speaks French when she’s on holiday in France.
3 Her dad helps her with her homework.
4 She always sings in the shower in the morning.

11 Students’ own answers

12 1 a)
2 a)
3 c)
4 c)
5 c)
6 a)

13 1 She likes playing sport, meeting her friends, going to the cinema and singing.
2 She doesn’t have lessons.
3 He wants to be really famous.
4 It’s called ‘You’re beautiful.’

14 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 6

1 1 b)
2 f)
3 d)
4 l)
5 j)
6 h)
7 g)
8 c)
9 k)
10 e)
11 i)

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12 a)

2 1 difficult
2 boring
3 dangerous
4 boring
5 exciting
6 amazing
7 interesting
8 easy

3 1 You are training for a half marathon.

2 Rafael Nadal is hitting the ball well at the moment.
3 They are participating in a charity race.
4 Mark is swimming in the pool.
5 We are having a good time here.
6 I am talking to Max on the phone.

4 1 You aren’t training for a half marathon.

2 Rafael Nadal isn’t hitting the ball well at the moment.
3 They aren’t participating in a charity race.
4 Mark isn’t swimming in the pool.
5 We aren’t having a good time here.
6 I am not talking to Max on the phone.

5 1 Are the boys winning the match? d) No, they aren’t.

2 Is Yolanda playing hockey? a) Yes, she is.
3 Are you and Lucy dancing together? b) No, we aren’t.
4 Is your dad watching the boxing match? e) Yes, he is.
5 Are you losing the game? c) Yes, I am.

6 1 train
2 are playing
3 is running
4 scores
5 is
6 are shouting
7 is playing
8 celebrates

7 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T

8 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

9 1 b)
2 e)
3 d)
4 c)
5 a)

10 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T

11 1 shopping

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2 opposite
3 Jack’s team
4 another person
5 Clara’s

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 6

1 1 kick
2 shout
3 hit
4 train
5 win
6 catch
7 run
8 walk
9 score
10 dive
11 jump
12 throw

2 1 difficult
2 fun
3 dangerous
4 boring
5 exciting
6 amazing
7 interesting
8 easy

3 1 are training
2 is hitting
3 are participating
4 is swimming
5 are having
6 am talking

4 1 You aren’t training for a half marathon.

2 Rafael Nadal isn’t hitting the ball well at the moment.
3 They aren’t participating in a charity race.
4 Mark isn’t swimming in the pool.
5 We aren’t having a good time here.
6 I am not talking to Max on the phone.

5 1 Are the boys winning the match? d) No, they aren’t.

2 Is Yolanda playing hockey? e) Yes, she is.
3 Are you and Lucy dancing together? b) No, we aren’t.
4 Is your dad watching the boxing match? e) Yes, he is.
5 Are you losing the game? c) Yes, I am.

6 1 train
2 are playing
3 is running
4 scores
5 is
6 are shouting
7 is playing
8 celebrates

7 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F

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5 T

8 1 Jake is having an amazing time there.

2 The waves are really big.
3 Andy, Jake’s cousin, is a good surfer.
4 Jake’s aunt is reading a magazine.

9 1 d)
2 a)
3 e)
4 b)
5 c)

I swim for a swimming club, so I spend a lot of time in the swimming pool. I get up at five o’clock every
morning, so I never go to bed late. It’s important to be strong, so I also train in the gym. It’s important to
have a healthy diet, so I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I’m participating in a race today, so I’m feeling

10 1 a)
2 b)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

11 1 Jack is standing next to a music shop.

2 Clara’s favourite shop is Fashion World.
3 He usually plays football on Saturday mornings.
4 Jack’s team hasn’t got 11 players, so they can’t play.
5 It’s Clara’s birthday tomorrow.

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 6

1 1 kick
2 shout
3 hit
4 train
5 win, lose
6 run, Walk
7 score
8 dive, jump
9 throw

2 1 difficult
2 fun
3 dangerous
4 boring
5 exciting
6 amazing
7 interesting
8 easy

3 1 My brother’s listening to music.

2 My sister’s doing her homework.
3 My father’s watching TV.
4 I’m surfing the internet.
5 Our friends are playing football in the park.
6 Susan’s playing the guitar.

4 1 My brother isn’t listening to music.

2 My sister isn’t doing her homework.
3 My father isn’t watching TV.
4 I’m not surfing the internet.

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5 Our friends aren’t playing football in the park.
6 Susan isn’t playing the guitar.

5 1 Are the boys reading manga comics? No, they aren’t.

2 Is Yolanda playing hockey? Yes, she is.
3 Are you and Lucy listening to music? No, we aren’t.
4 Is your dad watching the boxing match? Yes, he is.
5 Are you losing the game? Yes, I am.

6 1 The footballers train together every Saturday.

2 They are playing a match at the moment.
3 My friends are watching TV right now.
4 They usually watch TV after school.
5 I meet my friends every day after school.
6 I’m eating my lunch right now.
7 Peter isn’t listening to music today.
8 In the USA they play American football.

7 1 c)
2 b)
3 b)
4 b)
5 c)
6 c)

8 1 Jake can see a beautiful sandy beach.

2 He can stand up for about ten seconds.
3 Because he’s tired and the waves are quite small.
4 He loves eating ice cream because it’s delicious.

9 Students’ own answers

10 1 a)
2 b)
3 c)
4 b)
5 c)
6 b)

11 1 A clothes shop called.

2 Her favourite shop is Fashion World.
3 They haven’t got 11 players so they can’t play.
4 Because he’s buying a present for her.

12 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Basic Unit 7


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2 1 j)
2 c)
3 g)
4 f)
5 i)
6 e)
7 b)
8 d)
9 h)
10 a)

3 1 was
2 weren’t
3 was
4 weren’t
5 were
6 wasn’t

4 1 Was Sara here last week? c) No, she wasn’t.

2 Were your shoes in the wardrobe? a) Yes, they were.
3 Were you in class this morning? d) Yes, I was.
4 Was your T-shirt in the washing machine? b) No, it wasn’t.

5 1 there were
2 there weren’t
3 there wasn’t
4 there was

6 1 Were there two beds in the room? No, there weren’t.

2 Was there a shower in the bathroom? Yes, there was.
3 We there children next door? Yes, there were.

7 1 studied
2 invented
3 stopped
4 copied
5 phoned
6 designed

8 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

9 1 b)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)

10 1 A microwave is a useful gadget.

2 I can’t sit on that uncomfortable chair.
3 My dad loves listening to jazz music.
4 We wear a dark blue school uniform.
5 A tepee is the traditional home of Native Americans.

11 1 F
2 T

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3 F
4 F
5 T

12 1 1863
2 engineer
3 15
4 weren’t
5 Lots of people


Student A
Location of the Gallery room It’s on the first floor, next to The Study.
Location of the restaurant It’s on the first floor, between The Gallery Room
and the toilet.
Closing time of the restaurant It closes at 18.30.

Student B
Location of the gardens They are on the ground floor, next to the café.
Location of the gift shop It’s on the ground floor, next to the Information
Closing time of the gift shop It closes at 17.30.

Progress Test Standard Unit 7

1 1 bed
2 table
3 lamp
4 bookcase
5 wardrobe
6 mirror
7 cupboard
8 desk
9 chair
10 armchair

2 1 washing machine
2 remote control
3 dishwasher
4 telephone
5 mp3 player
6 laptop
7 fridge
8 toothbrush
9 microwave
10 camera

3 1 was
2 weren’t
3 was
4 weren’t
5 were
6 wasn’t

4 1 Was Sara here last week? No, she wasn’t.

2 Were your shoes in the wardrobe? Yes, they were.
3 Were you in class this morning? Yes, I was.
4 Was your T-shirt in the washing machine? No, it wasn’t.

5 1 In 1900 there were telephones.

2 In 1900 there was a market in the street.
3 In 1900 there weren’t mobile phones.

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4 In 1900 there wasn’t a sports centre in town.

6 1 Were there two beds in the room? No, there weren’t.

2 Was there a shower in the bathroom? Yes, there was.
3 We there children next door? Yes, there were.

7 1 studied
2 designed
3 produced
4 wanted
5 stopped
6 opened

8 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T

9 1 He was an American inventor and scientist.

2 Because his teacher wasn’t very nice to him.
3 It was sending messages by telegraph.
4 The phonograph was a machine that recorded and reproduced sound.
5 They switched off the lights all over the USA in his honour.

10 1 A microwave is a useful gadget.

2 I can’t sit on that uncomfortable chair.
3 My dad loves listening to jazz music.
4 We wear a dark blue school uniform.
5 A tepee is the traditional home of Native Americans.

11 1 a)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 a)

12 1 1863
2 engineer
3 15
4 weren’t
5 Lots of people


Student A
Location of the Gallery room It’s on the first floor, next to The Study.
Location of the restaurant It’s on the first floor, between The Gallery Room
and the toilet.
Closing time of the restaurant It closes at 18.30.

Student B
Location of the gardens They are on the ground floor, next to the café.
Location of the gift shop It’s on the ground floor, next to the Information
Closing time of the gift shop It closes at 17.30.

Progress Test Extra Unit 7

1 bed
2 table
3 lamp
4 bookcase
5 wardrobe

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6 mirror
7 cupboard
8 desk
9 chair
10 armchair

2 1 camera
2 remote control
3 washing machine
4 laptop
5 mp3 player
6 microwave
7 toothbrush
8 fridge
9 phone
10 dishwasher

3 1 wasn’t
2 weren’t
3 was
4 was
5 were
6 was

4 1 Was Luisa at school yesterday? Yes, she was.

2 Was your dictionary on the table? No, it wasn’t.
3 Were you late for school? Yes, I was.
4 Were you and your friends in the park this morning? Yes, we were.

5 1 there weren’t
2 there were
3 There was
4 there was

6 1 Were there any mobile phones in 1910? No, there weren’t.

2 Were there any cars in 1910? Yes, there were.
3 Was there a car factory in Detroit, USA? Yes, there was.

7 1 started
2 was
3 studied
4 formed
5 recorded
6 played

8 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 c)
5 c)
6 c)

9 1 Because his teacher wasn’t very nice to him.

2 He studied at home with his mother.
3 A phonograph was a machine that recorded and reproduced sound.
4 It was ten minutes long.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 c)
6 c)

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12 1 30th July
2 15
3 1908
4 100


Student A
Location of the Gallery room It’s on the first floor, next to The Study.
Location of the restaurant It’s on the first floor, between The Gallery Room
and the toilet.
Closing time of the restaurant It closes at 18.30.

Student B
Location of the gardens They are on the ground floor, next to the café.
Location of the gift shop It’s on the ground floor, next to the Information
Closing time of the gift shop It closes at 17.30.

Progress Test Basic Unit 8

1 1 lorry h)
2 tram c)
3 bus f)
4 motorbike j)
5 boat l)
6 taxi g)
7 bike e)
8 car k)
9 coach d)
10 moped i)
11 plane a)
12 train b)

2 1 climb
2 explore
3 have
4 buy
5 take
6 visit
7 go
8 make

3 1 bought
2 had
3 tried
4 cost
5 stopped
6 came

4 1 didn’t arrive
2 didn’t see
3 didn’t visit
4 didn’t begin
5 didn’t go
6 didn’t like

5 1 a) He didn’t fly to Faro.

b) He flew Lisbon.
2 a) They travelled by train.
b) They didn’t travel by coach.
3 a) I didn’t go to the library.
b) I went shopping.

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4 a) She ate tapas.
b) She didn’t eat paella.

6 1 Did Paco go surfing on Saturday? e) Yes, he did.

2 Did the train stop at the station? a) No, it didn’t.
3 Did you and Ana have a good time in London? d) Yes, we did.
4 Did you play basketball last week? b) No, I didn’t.
5 Did Maria take any photos? c) Yes, she did.

7 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

8 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)

9 b) [1] First, I made sandwiches for the trip.

d) [2] Then, I put everything in my bag.
a) [3] After that Mum drove us to the station.
e) [4] When we got to the station, my ticket wasn’t in my bag.
c) [5] In the end I found it in my jacket and we left on the train.

10 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T

11 1 Friday
2 the airport
3 chair
4 Monday
5 Moscow

Student A
Departure time 8.15
Platform number 1

Cost of ticket £19.00

Student B
Departure time 10.00
Platform number 7
Cost of ticket £4.30

Progress Test Standard Unit 8

1 1 lorry
2 tram
3 bus
4 motorbike
5 boat
6 taxi
7 bike
8 car
9 coach

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10 moped
11 plane
12 train

2 1 relax
2 sunbathe
3 have
4 buy
5 take
6 visit
7 go
8 make

3 1 bought
2 had
3 tried
4 cost
5 stopped
6 came

4 1 The bus didn’t arrive this morning.

2 I didn’t see Martin in the library yesterday.
3 They didn’t visit the Guggenheim in Bilbao.
4 The film didn’t begin at half past seven.
5 We didn’t go to the shopping centre on foot.
6 Emma didn’t like travelling on the underground.

5 1 He didn’t fly to Faro. He flew Lisbon.

2 They travelled by train. They didn’t travel by coach.
3 I didn’t go to the library. I went shopping.
4 She ate tapas. She didn’t eat paella.

6 1 Did Paco go surfing on Saturday? Yes, he did.

2 Did the train stop at the station? No, it didn’t.
3 Did you and Ana have a good time in London? Yes, we did.
4 Did you play basketball last week? No, I didn’t.
5 Did Maria take any photos? Yes, she did.

7 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T

8 1 She went to Canada last month.

2 She went to the bank to get some Canadian dollars.
3 Sophie ate with her parents.
4 She talked to her friend on the phone.
5 Because the woman at check-in wanted to check if there were any sharp objects in it.

9 b) [1]
d) [2]
a) [3]
e) [4]
c) [5]

First, I made sandwiches for the trip. Then, I put everything in my bag and checked my ticket. After that
Mum drove us to the station. When we got to the station, my ticket wasn’t in my bag. In the end I found it
in my jacket and we left on the train.

10 1 b)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)

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11 1 He went to the airport on Friday.
2 Because there was snow and ice in London so the planes did not leave the airport.
3 He slept on a chair in the airport.
4 David arrived in Madrid on Monday, in the evening.
5 His bag went to Moscow.

Student A
Departure time 8.15
Platform number 1

Cost of ticket £19.00

Student B
Departure time 10.00
Platform number 7
Cost of ticket £4.30

Progress Test Extra Unit 8

1 1 lorry
2 tram
3 bus
4 motorbike
5 boat
6 taxi
7 bike
8 car
9 coach
10 moped
11 plane
12 train

2 1 climb
2 explore
3 have
4 buy
5 take
6 visit
7 go
8 make

3 1 went
2 drove
3 spent
4 had
5 bought
6 came

4 1 The bus didn’t arrive this morning.

2 I didn’t see Martin in the library yesterday.
3 They didn’t visit the Guggenheim in Bilbao.
4 The film didn’t begin at half past seven.
5 We didn’t go to the shopping centre on foot.
6 Emma didn’t like travelling on the underground.

5 1 He didn’t fly to Faro. He flew to Lisbon.

2 They travelled by train. They didn’t travel by coach.
3 I didn’t go to the library. I went shopping.
4 She eat tapas. She didn’t eat paella.

6 1 Did Paco go surfing today? Yes, he did.

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2 Did the train stop at the station? No, it didn’t.
3 Did you and Ana have a good time in London? Yes, we did.
4 Did you play basketball last week? No, I didn’t.
5 Did Maria take any photos? Yes, she did.

7 1 b)
2 a)
3 a)
4 b)
5 c)
6 b)

8 1 Because her flight was in the evening.

2 She bought some sun cream.
3 Because there wasn’t any time.
4 Because there was a cat in the bag.

9 Students’ own answers

10 1 c)
2 c)
3 a)
4 b)
5 a)
6 c)

11 1 Because there was ice and snow.

2 David stayed in the airport all weekend.
3 They slept on the floor and on tables.
4 He arrived in Madrid on Monday, in the evening.

Student A
Departure time 8.15
Platform number 1

Cost of ticket £19.00

Student B
Departure time 10.00
Platform number 7
Cost of ticket £4.30

Progress Test Basic Unit 9


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2 1 summer
2 autumn
3 spring
4 winter

3 1 e)
2 b)
3 d)
4 a)
5 c)
6 f)

4 1 is
2 ’s going to
3 ’m going to
4 ’re going to go
5 are
6 going to buy

5 1 ’m not going to eat

2 isn’t going to be
3 aren’t going to buy
4 isn’t going to watch
5 aren’t going to visit
6 aren’t going to win

6 1 Are your parents going t watch TV tonight? e) Yes, they are.

2 Are you going to go shopping on Saturday? c) No, I’m not
3 Is Eduardo going to walk to school tomorrow? a) Yes, he is.
4 Who are you going to see tonight? f) Kate and Will.
5 When are they going to do their homework? d) Tonight.
6 What are you going to have for breakfast? b) Some fruit.

7 1 must
2 must
3 mustn’t
4 must
5 mustn’t
6 must

8 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 F

9 1 a)
2 b)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

10 1 because, Australia
2 December, but
3 I, and
4 Tuesday, so
5 We, and

11 1 T
2 F

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3 F
4 F
5 T

12 1 Adam’s
2 Martin’s
3 Thursday
4 five
5 eleven

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Standard Unit 9

1 1 trousers
2 jacket
3 shirt
4 coat
5 scarf
6 jeans
7 T-shirt
8 jumper
9 trainers
10 boots

2 1 autumn
2 spring
3 winter
4 summer

3 1 stormy
2 snowy
3 wet
4 sunny
5 cloudy
6 windy

4 1 ’s going to play
2 ’s going to rain
3 ’m going to wear
4 ’re going to go
5 ’re going to come
6 ’s going to buy

5 1 ’m not going to eat

2 ’s not going to be
3 ’re not going to buy
4 ’s not going to watch
5 ’re not going to visit
6 ’re not going to win

6 1 Are your parents going to watch TV tonight? Yes, they are.

2 Are you going to go shopping on Saturday? No, I’m not.
3 Is Eduardo going to walk to school tomorrow? Yes, he is.
4 Are you going to go to bed tonight? No, I’m not.
5 Are we going to have fruit for breakfast tomorrow? Yes, we are.
6 Are they going to go to the cinema on Friday night? No, we aren’t.

7 1 must
2 must
3 mustn’t
4 must
5 mustn’t
6 must

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8 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 F

9 1 Max was Dracula last year.

2 He bought some big plastic teeth.
3 She’s going to go to Portobello Road Market in London.
4 Because they look good and they’re comfortable.
5 It’s going to be hot and sunny.

10 We are having a great time at the moment (1) because we’re in Australia. It’s December (2) but it is hot
and sunny here in the southern hemisphere. I go swimming every day (3) and yesterday I saw some
dolphins! On Tuesday we are going to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge (4) so I’m very nervous. We
must wear special clothes (5) and boots.

11 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)

12 1 Adam’s
2 Martin’s
3 Thursday
4 five
5 eleven

13 Students’ own answers

Progress Test Extra Unit 9

1 1 trousers
2 jacket
3 shirt
4 coat
5 scarf
6 jeans
7 shirt
8 jumper
9 trainers
10 boots

2 1 autumn
2 spring
3 winter
4 summer

3 1 hot
2 wet
3 rainy
4 cloudy
5 snowy
6 warm

4 1 James’s going to play tennis this afternoon.

2 It’s going to rain later. The sky is very dark.
3 It’s snowy so I’m going to wear my boots today.
4 We’re going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
5 Ten people are going to come to my party.
6 Alicia’s got some money so she’s going to buy some new clothes.

5 1 ’m not going to eat

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2 isn’t going to be
3 ’re not going to buy
4 isn’t going to watch
5 ’re not going to visit
6 ’re not going to win

6 1 Are your parents going to watch TV tonight? Yes, they are.

2 Are you going to go shopping on Saturday? Yes, I am.
3 Are your friends going to do their homework this evening? Yes, they are.
4 Are you going to go to bed early tonight? No, I’m not.
5 Are you going to have fruit for breakfast tomorrow? No, I’m not.
6 Are you going to meet your friends at the weekend? No, I’m not.

7 1 mustn’t
2 must
3 mustn’t
4 must
5 mustn’t
6 must

8 1 b)
2 c)
3 a)
4 b)
5 a)
6 c)

9 1 He bought some big plastic teeth.

2 She wants to be a famous fashion designer.
3 She likes wearing them because they look good and they’re comfortable.
4 Because they are cheap and they often have funny words and pictures on them.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 a)
2 c)
3 b)
4 b)
5 c)
6 a)

12 1 It’s a birthday party.

2 It’s going to be in Martin’s garden.
3 They’re going to swim and they’re also going to play volleyball.
4 The party’s going to finish at eleven.

13 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Basic Units 1–3

1 1 e)
2 c)
3 b)
4 d)
5 a)

2 1 straight
2 long
3 round
4 short

3 1 f)
2 b)
3 e)

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4 d)
5 c)
6 a)

4 1 read
2 surf
3 meet
4 listen
5 go

5 1 is
2 I’m
3 ’ve
4 Her
5 reading
6 love
7 read
8 do you
9 Have you
10 Where

6 1 c)
2 d)
3 e)
4 a)
5 b)

7 1 Are
2 Do
3 Has
4 Is
5 Have
6 Does

8 1 teeth
2 children
3 families
4 mouse

9 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 a)

10 1 Max
2 Max
3 Suzie
4 Suzie
5 Max

11 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T

12 1 I
2 We’re
3 English
4 Robert
5 His
6 May
7 He’s
8 In

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9 he’s
10 he’s

13 1 eats
4 chocolate
5 does sport

14 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 F
5 T

15 Student A
Fact File
Name Simon Brown
From Leeds, England
Age 15
Appearance short
Hair dark, short, curly
Eyes brown
Likes going to the cinema, reading, surfing the internet

Student B
Fact File
Name Paula Simpson
From Sydney, Australia
Age 14
Appearance tall
Hair fair, long, wavy
Eyes blue
Likes listening to music, swimming, walking in the park

End-of-term Test Standard Units 1–3

1 1 Belgium
2 Canadian
3 the UK
4 Chinese
5 Japanese

2 1 straight
2 long
3 round
4 short

3 1 apples
2 bread
3 strawberries
4 cheese
5 milk
6 potatoes

4 1 read comics
2 surf the internet
3 meet my friends

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4 listen to music
5 go shopping

5 1 is
2 am
3 have got
4 is
6 love
7 read
8 doing
9 Have / got
10 do / live

6 1 Are dogs your favourite animals? c) Yes, they are.

2 Do you like spiders? d) No, I don’t.
3 Have you and your sister got a cat? e) No, we haven’t.
4 Has your brother got blue eyes? a) No, he hasn’t.
5 Does your dad like coffee? b) Yes, he does.

7 1 Are
2 Do
3 Has
4 Is
5 Have
6 Does

8 1 teeth
2 children
3 families
4 mice

9 1 b)
2 b)
3 c)
4 c)
5 b)

10 1 Max
2 Max
3 Suzie
4 Suzie
5 Suzie
6 Max
7 Suzie

11 1 Suzie gets up at eleven on Sunday mornings.

2 Max loves riding his bike.
3 Suzie has orange juice and cereal with milk.

12 I love going to the cinema with my friends. We’re all big fans of the English actor Robert Pattinson, the
star of the Twilight films. His nickname is R Patz and his birthday is on 13th May. He’s tall and very
good-looking with blue-green eyes and brown hair. In the films he’s a vampire with big teeth but he’s a
good vampire!

13 1 a)
2 b)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)
6 a)
7 b)

14 1 Dan’s favourite food is fish and chips and burgers.

2 Dan plays football with his friends after school.

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3 Tara writes songs for Ellie.

15 Student A
Fact File
Name Simon Brown
From Leeds, England
Age 15
Appearance short
Hair dark, short, curly
Eyes brown
Likes going to the cinema, reading, surfing the internet

Student B
Fact File
Name Paula Simpson
From Sydney, Australia
Age 14
Appearance tall
Hair fair, long, wavy
Eyes blue
Likes listening to music, swimming, walking in the park

End-of-term Test Extra Units 1–3

1 1 American
2 Spanish
3 China
4 the UK
5 Japanese

2 1 short
2 square
3 long
4 straight

3 1 yoghurt
2 pasta
3 Vegetables
4 fish
5 Ice cream
6 meat

4 1 read
2 surf
3 meet
4 listen
5 go

5 1 is
2 I’m
3 I’ve
4 Her
5 reading
6 love
7 read
8 do you
9 Have you
10 Where

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6 1 Are dogs your favourite animals. Yes, they are.
2 Do you like spiders? No, I don’t.
3 Have you and your sister got a cat? No, we haven’t..
4 Has your brother got blue eyes? No, he hasn’t.
5 Does your dad like coffee? Yes, he does.

7 1 Do you live in Madrid?

2 Do your parents watch Friends on television?
3 Does your brother read manga comics?
4 Does she talk on the phone every day?
5 Do they eat healthy food every day?
6 Does Maria like chocolate?

8 1 teeth
2 children
3 families
4 mice

9 1 them
2 they
3 him
4 it
5 her

10 1 b)
2 c)
3 a)
4 b)
5 c)

11 1 Suzie gets up at eleven on Sunday mornings.

2 Max goes out with his friends and buys fast food.
3 She drinks orange juice and has cereal with milk.
4 She meets her friends and goes to bed late.

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 a)
2 c)
3 b)
4 a)
5 c)
6 a)

14 1 Tara eats apples, bananas, strawberries and nuts.

2 Dan likes playing football with his friends after school.
3 Tara writes songs for her.
4 Katie meets her friends in a café at the weekend.

15 Student A
Fact File
Name Simon Brown
From Leeds, England
Age 15
Appearance short
Hair dark, short, curly
Eyes brown
Likes going to the cinema, reading, surfing the internet

Student B
Fact File
Name Paula Simpson

© Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2015

From Sydney, Australia
Age 14
Appearance tall
Hair fair, long, wavy
Eyes blue
Likes listening to music, swimming, walking in the park

End-of-term Test Basic Units 4–6

1 1 newsagent
2 library
3 chemist
4 sports centre
5 shoe shop

2 1 b)
2 d)
3 e)
4 a)
5 c)

3 1 get
2 have
3 dressed
4 start
5 do
6 go

4 1 geography
2 maths
3 communication
4 art

5 1 live
2 aren’t
3 usually go
4 meet
5 are
6 is riding
7 goes
8 There’s

6 1 a
2 any
3 some
4 any
5 an

7 1 She is never late.

2 He speaks English well.
3 They usually eat pizza.
4 Jim plays football badly.
5 I always watch TV after school.

8 1 What are you doing at the moment / now?

2 When does Rob usually train?
3 Where does Adam go snowboarding?
4 What’s Alex doing at the moment / now
5 How often do you go swimming?

9 1 am sitting
2 am writing
3 dances

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4 can
5 is cooking
6 cooks
7 are you doing

10 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

11 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

12 1 live
2 There are, and
3 also, any
4 love
5 because
6 so
7 reads
8 is reading

13 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

14 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Standard Units 4–6

1 1 church
2 sports centre
3 newsagent
4 shoe shop
5 cinema

2 1 beach
2 island
3 mountain
4 river
5 lake

3 1 get up
2 have a shower
3 get dressed
4 start
5 do my homework
6 go to bed

4 1 geography
2 maths
3 communication

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4 art

5 1 live
2 aren’t
3 go
4 meet
5 are
6 is riding
7 goes
8 is

6 1 a
2 any
3 some
4 any
5 an

7 1 You are never late for school.

2 Jim plays football badly.
3 She speaks English really well.
4 How often do you wash your hair?
5 Does Adam usually get up late on Sundays?

8 1 What are you watching now / at the moment?

2 When does Rob usually play football?
3 Where does Adam go snowboarding?
4 Can Maria speak Chinese?
5 Are there any nuts in the bag?

9 1 am sitting
2 am writing
3 dances
4 speak
5 is watching
6 is listening
7 do

10 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

11 1 The film is about a family’s life on a small Scottish island.

2 She’s staying in a hotel on a Scottish island called Coll.
3 She studies in the evenings.
4 She’s learning a lot about animals.

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 F
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T
6 F
7 T

14 1 It takes about ten minutes.

2 He needs bus number 27.
3 Treasure Trove is opposite a shoe shop.

15 Students’ own answers

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End-of-term Test Extra Units 4–6
1 1 church
2 sports centre
3 newsagent
4 shoe shop
5 cinema

2 1 mountain
2 river
3 beach, waves
4 islands

3 1 get up
2 have
3 get dressed
4 start
5 do
6 go to bed

4 1 geography
2 maths
3 communication
4 art

5 1 live
2 aren’t
3 go
4 meet
5 are
6 is riding
7 goes
8 There’s

6 1 There is a beautiful forest and there are also some lakes near my village.
2 There aren’t any nice places to visit near our town.
3 I’m buying some chips and an apple for my brother Joey.
4 There isn’t any fruit on the table.
5 Can I have an egg for breakfast this morning?

7 1 slowly
2 often
3 badly
4 always
5 sometimes

8 1 What are you watching now / at the moment?

2 When does Rob usually play football?
3 Where does Adam go snowboarding?
4 Can Maria speak Chinese?
5 Are there any nuts in the bag?

9 1 am sitting
2 am writing
3 dances
4 speak
5 is watching
6 is listening
7 do

10 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 a)

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6 c)

11 1 She studies subjects like maths and geography but she also has acting, dancing and singing
2 Hannah has breakfast at seven.
3 Tom is another child actor, he is Hannah’s brother in the film.
4 They often watch DVDs.

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 c)
6 b)

14 1 New comics arrive at the shop every week.

2 The theme of Adam’s party is ‘The End of the World’.
3 It takes about ten minutes to get there from his house.
4 There is a shoe shop opposite Treasure Trove.

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-term Test Basic Units 7–9

1 1 mirror
2 sofa
3 bookcase
4 wardrobe
5 lamp

2 1 washing machine
2 remote control
3 microwave
4 camera

3 1 climb mountains
2 explore new places
3 have a good time
4 take photos
5 buy souvenirs

4 1 c)
2 b)
3 g)
4 a)
5 f)
6 h)

5 1 bought
2 was
3 went
4 didn’t enjoy
5 did
6 there was
7 Were there
8 did

6 1 took
2 drove
3 went
4 had
5 didn’t like

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7 1 are going
2 going to
3 aren’t
4 is going to
5 Are you
6 going to, isn’t

8 1 Who are you going to meet?

2 What’s she going to buy?
3 When are they going to play football?
4 Where’s he going to ride his bike?
5 How are they going to travel to Italy?

9 1 must
2 mustn’t
3 must
4 mustn’t
5 must

10 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

11 1 a)
2 a)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

12 1 because
2 Firstly
3 they weren’t
4 Then
5 but
6 so
7 Then
8 but
9 In the end
10 next

13 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T

14 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 b)

15 Student A
Departure time 9.15

Bus stop number 1

Cost of ticket £13.50

Student B
Departure time 13.45

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Bus stop number 4

Cost of ticket £24.50

End-of-term Test Standard Units 7–9

1 1 mirror
2 sofa
3 bookcase
4 wardrobe
5 lamp

2 1 washing machine
2 remote control
3 microwave
4 camera

3 1 climb
2 explore
3 have
4 take
5 buy

4 1 skirt
2 scarf
3 dress
4 trainers
5 shirt
6 trousers

5 1 bought
2 was
3 went
4 did not enjoy
5 did, finish
6 was
7 Were
8 Did, have

6 1 took
2 drove
3 went
4 had
5 didn’t like

7 1 are going to visit

2 ’m going to wear
3 aren’t going to invite
4 ’s going to buy
5 Are, going to play
6 Is, going to go shopping, isn’t

8 1 Who are you going to meet?

2 What’s she going to buy?
3 When are you going to play football?
4 Where is he going to ride his bike?
5 How are they going to travel to Italy?

9 1 must come
2 mustn’t be
3 must wear
4 mustn’t forget
5 must speak English

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10 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 a)
5 a)
6 a)
7 b)

11 1 Because there isn’t a lot of space on a houseboat.

2 They sit outside in the sun.
3 She cleans the castle, does the shopping and cooks.

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 b)
5 b)
6 a)
7 b)

14 1 He was 15 minutes late.

2 Because he didn’t have any money for the bus.
3 He’s going to miss the football team’s trip to France.

15 Student A
Departure time 9.15

Bus stop number 1

Cost of ticket £13.50

Student B
Departure time 13.45

Bus stop number 4

Cost of ticket £24.50

End-of-term Test Extra Units 7–9

1 1 mirror
2 sofa
3 bookcase
4 wardrobe
5 lamp

2 1 washing machine
2 remote control
3 microwave
4 camera

3 1 climb
2 explore
3 have
4 take
5 buy

4 1 skirt
2 scarf
3 dress
4 trainers

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5 shirt
6 trousers

5 1 bought
2 was
3 went
4 didn’t enjoy
5 did, finish
6 Did, have
7 taught
8 didn’t win

6 1 took
2 drove
3 went
4 had
5 was

7 1 ’re going to visit

2 ’m going to wear
3 ’re going to invite
4 ’s going to buy
5 Are, going to play
6 Is, going to go
7 ’s going to take

8 1 Who are you going to meet?

2 What’s she going to buy?
3 When are you going to play football?
4 Where is he going to ride his bike?
5 How are they going to travel to Italy?

9 1 c)
2 a)
3 e)
4 d)
5 b)

a) You must wear a seatbelt on the plane.

b) You mustn’t talk on the phone in the cinema
c) You mustn’t take photos in the museum
d) You mustn’t take dogs into the shop.
e) You mustn’t give any food to animals

10 1 b)
2 a)
3 c)
4 a)
5 b)
6 a)

11 1 The houseboat goes up and down and things fall off the tables.
2 Because it’s got central heating and a modern bathroom.
3 He looks after the garden, the forest and the pool.
4 They love going there to visit her.

12 Students’ own answers

13 1 b)
2 c)
3 a)
4 c)
5 c)
6 b)

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14 1 He was 15 minutes late.
2 He lost his bike key.
3 She stayed at home for three days.
4 He’s going to miss the football team’s trip to France

15 Student A
Departure time 9.15

Bus stop number 1

Cost of ticket £13.50

Student B
Departure time 13.45

Bus stop number 4

Cost of ticket £24.50

End-of-year Exam Basic Units 1–9

1 1 French
2 sister
3 teeth
4 surf
5 stay
6 maths
7 hit, kick
8 wardrobe, bedroom

2 1 fair
2 long, short
4 tall
5 boring
6 easy

3 1 ride
2 meet
3 go
4 have

4 1 f)
2 c)
3 h)
4 a)
5 g)
6 d)
7 b)
8 e)

5 1 sister’s
2 her
3 him
4 playing
5 any
6 There are

6 1 must
2 write
3 mustn’t
4 are not
5 were
6 see

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7 1 flew
2 took
3 ate
4 had
5 wrote
6 bought

8 1 Do you like playing football?

2 Did she meet her friends yesterday?
3 When are you going to do your homework?
4 What is she doing now?

9 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 a)
5 b)

10 1 F
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F

11 My mum’s brother is staying with us at the moment. He stayed with us in May last year too. His name’s
Ivan and he’s is from Liverpool.

12 1 because
2 but
3 so
4 and
5 because

13 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F

14 1 b)
2 b)
3 a)
4 a)
5 b)

15 Students’ own answers

End-of-year Exam Standard Units 1–9

1 1 French, Japanese
2 sister
3 teeth
4 surf
5 stay
6 information [and] communication technology, maths
7 hit, kick

2 1 fair
2 long
3 square
4 tall
5 boring
6 easy

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3 1 ride
2 meet
3 go
4 have

4 1 What are you doing?

2 Where does Sasha usually go skating?
3 Can Annie play the piano?
4 Is there an underground station near here?
5 Where were you yesterday?
6 What time do you go to bed?
7 How many words are you going to write?
8 What time did you finish your homework?

5 1 parents’
2 their
3 him
4 playing
5 any
6 There are
7 am listening
8 weren’t
9 goes
10 going to

6 1 It’s cold. We must wear our jackets.

2 I’m going to write an email to Ozzie tonight.
3 You mustn’t swim here. It’s very dangerous.
4 We are not going to have our party at the beach
5 There were a lot of people at the match.
6 Did you see Adam in the park?

7 1 flew
2 took
3 ate
4 had
5 wrote
6 bought

8 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 F
7 F

9 1 William the Conqueror built the Tower of London.

2 It took 20 years to build it.
3 The Star of Africa is a diamond.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 b)
2 a)
3 b)
4 a)
5 b)
6 a)
7 a)

12 1 He went camping in Scotland last June.

2 It took them about eight hours to get there.
3 She’s called Amy.

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13 Students’ own answers

End-of-year Exam Extra Units 1–9

1 1 French
2 aunt
3 teeth
4 buy
5 stay
6 information, communication technology, maths
7 hit
8 remote control
9 wardrobe

2 1 fair
2 long
3 wavy
4 tall
5 boring
6 easy

3 1 go
2 do
3 play
4 go
5 do

4 1 What are you doing?

2 Where does he usually go skating?
3 What time did you go to bed?
4 How many words are you going to write?
5 When do you usually go to the supermarket?
6 Who helped you with your homework?
7 Can Annie play the piano?

5 1 c)
2 b)
3 c)
4 b)
5 b)
6 a)
7 c)
8 a)
9 b)
10 b)

6 1 I’m going to write an email to my friends tonight.

2 You mustn’t swim here. It’s very dangerous.
3 We are not going to have our party at the beach
4 There were a lot of people at the match.
5 Did you see Adam in the park?
6 There isn’t any sugar in this coffee.

7 1 flew
2 took
3 ate
4 had
5 wrote
6 bought

8 1 c)
2 c)
3 a)
4 b)

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5 a)
6 b)

9 1 William the Conqueror built the Tower.

2 It took 20 years.
3 The Star of Africa is a diamond.
4 Ravens are big black birds.

10 Students’ own answers

11 1 b)
2 b)
3 c)
4 a)
5 b)
6 b)

12 1 It was terrible.
2 It took them about eight hours.
3 The weather was perfect every day.
4 They took their bikes.

13 Students’ own answers

Key Competences Diagnostic Test

1 Students’ own answers

2 1 b)
2 c)
3 d)
4 c)
5 a)
6 d)

3 1 The most serious threats to polar bears are pollution and climate change.
2 Because fish eat the chemicals and polar bears eat the fish.
3 Because the sea ice melts and this is where the polar bears live and hunt their food.

4 Students’ own answers

5 1 c)
2 d)
3 b)
4 a)
5 c)
6 d)

6 Student A

1 Chile
2 his cousins
3 one week
4 small hotels
5 went surfing
6 California in the USA
7 train
8 youth hostel
9 any souvenirs

Student B
1 four weeks
2 Santiago

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3 by bus
4 lots of new friends
5 at beaches
6 some students
7 the Southern Andes
8 climbed a mountain
9 a lot of photos

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