Lesson 6 Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoin Integration

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What is MS PowerPoint?

MS PowerPoint is another application program developed by Microsoft Corporation that specializes on making
presentations. MS Word is a word processing program producing documents, MS PowerPoint focuses on making
visual aids or presentations in electronic format.

Normally, if you’re going to create visual aids for your report or discussion, you write the important things in paper and
you paste it on the board for the people to see. But with Ms PowerPoint, you can create presentations that can be
displayed or projected on the screen. The presentation you make can also be printed out and distributed to your
audience as handouts. You can create a livelier presentation that can even have pictures, graphics, sounds, movies,
and animationWhat can MS PowerPoint do?

MS PowerPoint has powerful tools that can help you make more interesting and livelier presentations in an easy way.

Features of MS PowerPoint:

 MS PowerPoint provides Auto Content wizard that gives you step-by-step procedures on how to create
your own presentation based on predefined type and style.
 You can add text to your presentation and format and manipulate it as you modify text in MS Word.
 You can draw your own shapes or choose from various AutoShapes. You can also insert pictures from
files or clip art images.
 Charts can also be added in your presentation and let MS PowerPoint do it for you by just supplying the
values or data to be graphed.
 The background of slides can also be customized according to how artistic you are or you can choose
from the available design templates as your background.
 Movies and sounds can also be included in the presentations.
 You can ad motion to objects by applying animation effects.
 Presentations can be projected on screen so that your audience can see them in a more visible way.

Opening the MS PowerPoint Application Program

There are several ways in opening MS Word:

 Using Programs menu

1. Click the Start button
2. Point to the Programs menu
3. Find and click the Microsoft PowerPoint application program.
 Using the shortcut Desktop Icon
1. If a shortcut icon is available on the desktop, double-click it to open.
 Using the Run command
1. Click the Start button
2. Click the Run command
3. A dialog box is opened, on the text box, type POWERPNT and click the OK button.
 Using the New Office Document command
1. Click the Start button
2. Click the New Office Document command
3. A dialog box is opened, on the General tab, click the Blank Presentation icon and click the OK button.
 Using the shortcut icon on the Launch Pad Area
1. If a shortcut icon is available on the launch pad area (along the taskbar), click it to open.


Besides the usual window components, the PowerPoint window has several unique elements, identified in the figure

Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar, located beneath the menu bar, has buttons for commonly performed tasks like printing, saving,
inserting clip art, and other operations. You can customize the toolbar or even display multiple toolbars at the same time.

Formatting toolbar

The Formatting toolbar, located beneath the Standard toolbar bar, or possible to the side of it, has buttons for various
formatting operations like changing text size or style, changing alignment, formatting bullets, and animation.

Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing toolbar on the bottom of the PowerPoint window contains drawing and text tools for creating graphics.
Slide Pane/Slide view area – provides the work area where text, pictures, or sounds are being inserted or edited.

Outline Pane/Outline Area – gives the outline or overview of all the contents of the slides made. You can add and edit
text in this pane.

Notes Pane – provides space where speaker notes are written.

PowerPoint View Buttons/View Selector – there are different views where you can work more and organize the slides.

 Normal View – contains the slide pane, and notes pane and you can work on any of these panes.
 Outline View – gives emphasis on the outline pane where you can organize the
contents of the slides.
 Slide View – gives emphasis on the slide pane where you can edit or arrange the
objects in each slide.
 Slide Sorter View – allows arranging the order of the slides as they will appear on
the slide show or will be printed.
 Slide Show – allows viewing of the slides as they are projected on screen
where the animations, sounds, and movies inserted will be played. It starts with
the slide you are currently working on or activated.

Creating a Presentation

When MS PowerPoint starts, the PowerPoint Startup dialog box appears. It gives you four options on how you would
want to start a presentation.

 Auto Content Wizard – it helps you design an outline for your presentation by choosing the presentation
type and style.
 Design Template – lets you choose from the available templates with the defined text fonts, design of the
slide background or slide format.
 Blank Presentation – allows you to design your own presentation without the predefined presentation
type or templates.
 Open an existing presentation – to open presentations already done and saved.

For the meantime, let us start designing your own presentation.


 Click on the Blank Presentation and then click OK.

 After choosing the Blank Presentation, the New Slide dialog box appears.

Choosing Slide Layouts

New slide dialog box gives you the different layouts of the slide for holding the objects (text, clip art, charts and tables)
to be included in the presentation.

Slide layouts include:

 Title Slide
 Bulleted List
 2 Column Text
 Table
 Text & Chart
 Chart & Text
 Organization Chart
 Chart
 Text & Clip Art
 Clip Art & Text
 Title Only
 Blank

A single slide need not be crowded with objects especially if it’s intended to be viewed or projected on screen. You
can have many slides as you want and as needed. The objects should be large enough to be seen by the viewers.
When working at the slide pane, every object needs a placeholder, or its own box that would contain the object.
Examples: placeholder for clip art, placeholder for text, and placeholder for chart.

Slide AutoLayout except the Blank layout provides placeholders for objects. Simply click for text placeholders or
double click for chart or clip art placeholders, to enter or edit contents for these placeholders. Aside from the
placeholders defined in the slide layout chosen, you can still add other objects like shapes, WordArt or another text or
clip art placeholder.

Saving the Presentation

1. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button, or under the File menu, click save.
2. From the drop down list, choose the directory or folder where the file will be saved.
3. Type the name of your file in the file name text box.
Make it simple and can be easily remembered.
4. Click the Save button.

Choosing A template Design

PowerPoint provides a collection of professionally designed templates that you can use to create effective
presentations. Each template provides a format and color scheme to which you need only add text. You can choose a
new template for your presentation at any point: when you first start your presentation or after you’ve developed the

Create a Presentation with a Template

1. Start PowerPoint, click the Template option button on the PowerPoint dialog box, and then click OK.
2. Click the Presentation Design tab.
3. Click a presentation design icon you want to use.
4. Click OK.

Apply a Template to an Existing Presentation

1. Click the format menu.

2. Click Apply Design.
3. Click the template you want to apply to your slides.
4. Click Apply.

Insert a New Slide

1. Click the Insert New Slide button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Click the AutoLayout that provides the layout you need.
3. Click OK.

Apply an Auto Layout to an Existing Slide

1. In Slide view, display the slides you want to change.

2. Click the Slide Layout button on the Standard toolbar.
3. Click the Auto Layout you want.
4. Click the Apply button.

Entering Text

In Slide view, you type text directly into the text placeholders. If you type more text than fits in the placeholder, you
might need to adjust the font size of the text you are typing or resize the selection box. You can also increase or
decrease the vertical distances between two lines of text. The insertion point indicates where text will appear when
you type. To place the insertion point into your text, move the pointer arrow over the text – the pointer changes to an I-
beam to indicate that you could click and then type.

Enter Bulleted Text

1. In Slide view, click the bulleted text placeholder.

2. Type the first bulleted item.
3. Press Enter. PowerPoint automatically bullets the text line.
4. Type the text bulleted item, and continue until you have the list.

Adjust Paragraph Spacing

1. Click anywhere in the paragraph you want text placeholders.

2. Click the Increase Paragraph Spacing or Decrease Paragraph Spacing buttons on the Formatting toolbar to
increase or decrease the vertical distance between paragraphs.

Duplicate a Slide

1. Click the you want to duplicate

2. Click the Insert menu.
3. Click Duplicate Slide.

Rearranging Slides

You can instantly rearrange slide in Outline view or Slide Sorter view. You can use either the Move Up and Move
Down buttons to move selected slides up or down through the outline, or you can use the Cut and Paste buttons to
first cut the slides you want to move and then paste them in the new location.

Move a Slide with Cut and Paste

1. In Outline or Slides Sorter view, select the slide or slides

2. Click the Cut button on the Standard toolbar.
3. Click the new location.
4. Click the Paste button on the Standard toolbar.


Adding Text
1. From the New Slide dialog box, select Title Only layout and then click OK.
2. The Title Only slide layout already provides a placeholder for text that would hold the title of your presentation.
3. At the slide pane, you can see a text box with the caption click to add title.

Changing Slide Background

You can make your slide more artistic by changing its background. In changing the slide background, you have the
option of using mixed or solid colors and even still pictures to improve your presentation.

1. On the Menu Bar, click Format.

2. Choose Background.
3. To display the background fill options, click the drop down arrow.
4. Click Fill Effects.

On the Fill Effects Dialog Box, you can change the background of your slide by modifying its color, texture, pattern or

Applying Design Template

A template is the framework of your presentation. It has its own set of colors and text.

1. On the Menu Bar click Format.

2. Click Apply Design Template.
3. On the Apply Design Template Dialog Box, you can choose your own template by clicking on the template name
and by viewing its design on the next window.
4. If you have chosen a template, click Apply.

Putting Animations

Animation can be applied in your text, graphics, sounds, movies, charts and other on your slides.

 Animate text and objects

1. In normal view, display the slide that has the text or objects you want to animate.
2. Click Slide Show menu.
3. Click Custom Animation.
4. Under Check to animate slide objects, select the check box next to the next or object you want to animate.
5. Click the Effects tab.
6. Under Entry animation and sound, select the animation option you want.
7. Select a sound option.
8. Click Preview to go over your animation.
9. Click Cancel to annul changes. OR
10. Click OK if finished.

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