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What is my place in Canada’s history

Research outline worksheet

Thesis statement: As an immigrant, I am one of the vital roots of Canada's survival.

• Point 1: Canada population - they need people to work, people are in numbers, families are
getting lesser and lesser and having less babies

• Point 2:
International money - international students bring money to study here and be able to migrate,
immigrants are more likely to be entrepreneurs and generate jobs, investment into the country’s
economy as a taxpayer and consumer

• Point 3: Multiculturalism - food, language, the brains of the world come to Canada for a better

Point 1: Canada’s population in recent years has been very dependent on immigration to
stabilize the economy.

Sub-point 1a): In recent years, the birth rate of Canada has been decreasing dramatically.
Compared to the 3.8 births per woman in 1980, today women only have 1.4 births per woman
and it has only been decreasing since. New families have been much harder to find recently,
and out of those, only a fraction has children or plans to.

Sub-point 1b): This is a greater problem than it seems because many people have started
retiring and those children will one day grow to pay the taxes that support these elders. We
need an equal number of people that are leaving the workforce to replace them, however the
number of new workers, by birth rates alone, are not enough. Hence why immigration is so
important here.

Sub-point 1c): As an immigrant I will work and contribute to make up for the workers that have
retired and for the lack of children. This is why the immigrant numbers have been increasing so
much over the last few years. If Canada didn't look to immigration to solve this problem, Canada
would slowly die off, for the lack of people overall. So although we immigrants may and have
been treated badly here in Canada, they need us to survive.
Point 2: We, immigrants, invest money into this country.

Sub-point 2a): Many people often move here to study and work here, but to even finish an
application, you have to first pay fees, which with more applications along the way, all this
money amounts to big amounts. All this money would be spent and invested into our home
countries, but since we plan to move and study here, all this money is instead invested here, in
Canada, contributing to our economy.

Sub-point 2b): After you do manage to enter the country, you then have to pay for living
expenses including a roof over your head, food, water and among other things. We then have to
start working and paying taxes, all which goes to fund the government. After all that we then
become consumers, looking for things to buy for ourselves. All these things heavily contribute to
the economy, which, without us immigrants, would not even reach the heights it has reached

Sub-point 2c): Then there's the matter of international students. Students make up for a great
majority of immigrants that come here to Canada. Many come for the prestigious universities
and colleges, and to overall get a better life. But how do we contribute exactly? Universities and
colleges often raise the tuition price for those who are international students, with the tuition
being often 5 times the normal amount of Canadians. Although it is very expensive, we still
choose to spend and invest that money into the country because we know it is worth it. With the
additional fact that even more international students have been coming to Canada, this means
that the government has also seen the power and money we can bring them with the education
they offer. They would never accomplish this amount of money they make with only Canadians,
which is why we immigrants are decremental for the Canadian economy.
Point 3: Another very important point is the life and culture we bring to this country.

Sub-point 3a): Although in the past, such differences in culture and the style of life were frowned
upon in the past, as seen with the past actions of the European Canadian population against
other races. However Canada has now recognized that there are pluses to outer cultures.
Canada is now a multicultural country, one of its highlights, which attracts many immigrants,
something Canada needs. Multiculturalism, something that in the past was hated against, is
now one of Canada’s most important backbones.

Sub-point 3b): Something that comes with multiculturalism are a variety of food and languages.
In each part of town, you will find distinguished parts with different communities. You will often
see a very active economy in the area as these areas are visited by many. Each type of food
will bring different characteristics to the country and economy while each language will create
welcoming communities to those who speak it, welcoming everyone.

Sub-point 3c): That's not the only plus that comes with multiculturalism in Canada. As Canada is
seen as a welcoming country since it includes many different cultures, and since the process to
enter the country is a bit complicated, most of those that enter are intelligent people. This brings
the world’s brightest minds to one place since it is welcoming to all and as they find their own
place, Canada becomes a lobby for bright people to drive the economy forward.

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