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I want to be there

When you’re standing

At the edge,

Begging to be

Pulled back

From the fucking ledge.

You don’t get it,

Do you?

No one’s going

To be there to save the

Sorry sack of shit you

Were destined to grow into.

And now you’re facing death.

The reaper’s scythe’s got

You experiencing a shortness

Of precious breath.

Followers of yours, they’re

Losing faith. One by one, they

Realize you were a damned mistake.

Keep lying all you want,

Motherfucker, you were never great.

Born dead from the get-go,

Now we just live in the wake

Of a wretched wraith.

It’s making you act

So goddamn insane.

Pulling yourself apart,

Tearing out your own heart,

I wish to cheer once you shoot

Yourself in the fucking brain.

Old man, you’re severely

Pricing up your worth.

Nature looks upon thee

As a stillborn, a failed birth.

Lo and behold, awash in your

Own blood. History will turn over

This corpse, and bury it in the mud.

Winds of time, come at last,

Cleanse and wash away

Via a crushing flood.

A zombie stalking the world,

Spreading its disease. Chewing on

Everything in reach; why won’t it

Fucking cease? Like a rooster

In mating season, it struts around,

Trying to fuck everything it

Sees. And it does, it does,

Over and over, as it wants,

As it will please.

But perhaps that’s

Your best trait. The endless

Source of ruin and hate. It’ll be

A hell of a show to watch you

Lose your shit. Throw a tantrum,

Just fucking throw a fit. Don’t

Forget to take this rotten world

With you to your grave. And while

You’re at it, bring along your army

Of putrid slaves.

Cursed with a blood thirst,

Born out of something rotten,

The embodiment of the

Very worst, you shall be (since

Everyone’s along for the ride,

Kudos to you) this world’s hearse.

A culmination of the

Sickest and most falsified

Doctrines, you’re the furthest

Thing from spotless. Sin is rife

In your guts, I can smell your

Rot. I hope when you die,

Like Rome, you’ll be forgot.

You’re not the cause,

Just a symptom,

So I guess I can’t be too upset.

Fulfilling your purpose,

That vile destiny

Of yours, something

I can get.

Granted a fate that

You must live to the very end,

To these wicked ways you

Must dutifully tend.

Poison you spread,

Until all is a plague.

In order for us to live,

You have to be laid in the grave.

Excuses, excuses, it still

Doesn’t quell my rage.

Tendrils seeped into the very soul

Of our planet, you’re a prison

And I want out of this filthy cage.

I hear the feeble screech about

How you were once so grand,

But you were a mistaken birth,

Never to be allowed a golden age.

Do you have a soul?

Ceaseless destruction is your only goal.

Neither do you have any kind of will.

Jealous bitch, all is up for you,

In your eyes, to maim

And brutally kill.

Overgrown giant, greedy and

Gluttonous, you’re eager constantly

To make some crimson spill.

Dead flesh walking,

Plunging into the abyss.

Clawing into Inferno,

Smeared in your own feces and piss.

Levelling and crushing,

A demise you’re rushing,

You want the world to

Reflect what you are inside,

And that’s why your

Liquid life is gushing.

Demanding that all be

The same as you.

Arrogant to the core,

Massacring incessantly to

Proclaim you are the truth.

Bratty child,

So very vile,

You deserve to

Be thrown

Into a burning pile.

There is no turning back…

Everything must fade to black…

Ride it out, there is no other way…

Face head-on the bastard child

Of the worst decay…

Let this era fade...

Just let it die…

Its corpse you should not parade…

The sun will not shine through

A blackened sky…

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