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Linayasan National High School

Second Periodical Examination in MAPEH 10

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
MUSIC (25 items)
1. Which of the following did NOT influenced the development of Music of Latin America?
a. Indigenous Latin – American Music
b. Spanish – Portuguese
c. African
d. Maracatu
2. It characterized by simple chords in varying vamping patterns and repetitive harmony over an extended period of time to allow the dances more
time on the dance floor.
a. Djembe b. Marabi c. Son d. Jit
3. The Modern Trinidadian and Tobago pop music combining “soul” and “calypso” music
a. Axe b. Son c. Jit d. Soca
4. An African Music style originated in the Carribean Islands of Guadalupe and Martinique which means fast, carnival-like rhythmic music from the
Creole slang word for “party”.
a. Zouk b. Zom c. Zhou d. Zoc
5. A Musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style to wake up the worshippers after fasting during the Muslim holy feast of Ramadan.
a. Apala b. Axe c. Jit d. Miramba
6. It combines the strong rhythms of African percussion instruments with Portuguese melodies and mostly uses percussion instruments.
a. Maranatu b. Maracatu c. Marambinu d. Maratu
7. Which of the following Vocal FORMS OF AFRICAN MUSIC characterized by specific chord progression?
a. Blues b. Soul c. Call and Response d. Spiritual
8. What instrument produced a sound by scraping a group of notched sticks with another stick, creating a series of rattling effects?
a. Agogo b. Balafon c. Rasps d. Rattles
9. What African instruments is equivalent of xylophone?
a. Balafon b. Agogo c. Djembe d. Rattles
10. It is a set of plucked keys mounted on a sound board, known by different names according to the regions such as mbira, karimba, kisaanj,
a. Mebranophone b. Lamellaphone c. Chordophones d. Idiophones
11. Which of the following instruments did NOT to chordophones?
a. Atingtingkon b. Harp c. Lute d. Zither
12. Which of the following instruments is an aerophone?
a. Djembe b. Balafon c. Kudo horns d. Zither
13. What is the most adventures kind of samba?
a. Batucada b. Matacada c. Medicato d. Manshicato
14. The fusion of the popular music or “Canciones” of Spain and the African rumba rhythms of Banlu origin.
a. Apala b. Zock c. Agogo d. Son
15. What particular social dance contains the elements of style from swing dance and hustle as well as the complex Afro-Cuban music and Afro-
Carribean dance forms of pachanga and guaguanco?
a. Rumba b. Salsa c. Tango d. Cha-cha
16. What is the popular courtship dance and dance music similar to salsa that originated in Panama?
a. Samba b. Paso Doble c. Jive d. Cumbia
17. A ballroom dance originating from Buenos Aires characterized y marked rhythms and postures and abrupt pauses?
a. Tango b. Salsa c. Cha-cha d. Swing
18. A ballroom dance with small steps and swaying hip movements, performed to a Latin American rhythm.
a. Tango b. Rumba c. Cha-cha d. Paso Doble
19. A rhythmic dance with Spanish and African elements originally from Cuba.
a. Rumba b. Tango c. Jive d. Swing
20. A style of Brazilian music derived from samba but placing more emphasis on melody and less on percussion.
a. Bossa Nova b. Jazz c. Foxtrot d. Ragtime
21. What is this vocal forms with Jamaican sound dominated by bass and guitar chops associated with Rastsafarian religion?
a. Ragtime b. Reggae c. Bebop d. Retro
22. A ballroom dance with uneven rhythm of alternating slow and quick steps.
a. Foxtrot b. Swing c. Paso Doble d. Cha-cha
23. A fast paced ballroom dance based on the Latin American style of marching. The dance is arrogant and dignified with a duple meter march like
a. Quick steps b. Paso Doble c. Jive d. Tango
24. A kind of music which evolved with syncopated melodic line and regularly accented accompaniment.
a. Jazz Rock b. Bigband c. Ragtime d. Bebop
25. Popular dance music from the 1950’s characterized by heavy beats and simple melodies.
a. Ballad b. Disco c. Standard d. Rock and Roll

ARTS (20 items)

1. The kind of art that first come on the scene in the early 1960s.
a. Modern Art b. Digital Art c. Technology d. Media
2. The century when technology has literally taken over every aspect of life.
a. 20th century b. 19th century c. 21st century d. 18th century
3. They were influenced by the technology trend in art.
a. Filipino artist b. American artist c. Chinese d. Japanese
4. They earned quite a reputation for their talents and were highly in demand in the field of technology based art.
a. Chinese illustrators b. Japanese illustrators c. Filipino illustrators d. American illustrators
5. Filipino animator become equally sought after for some of the major film production companies in_______________.
a. London b. United States c. China d. Japan
6. It is an applied science that has invaded every aspect of modern life.
a. Art b. Music c. Device d. Technology
7. Arts that make use of electronic and mechanical devices.
a. Digital Arts b. Modern Arts c. Traditional Arts d. Mechanical Arts
8. How to determine the role or function of artworks?
a. Evaluate their utilization
b. Combination of art elements
c. Applying art principles
d. All of the above
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of a handled unit?
a. laptop b. android phone c. computer d. phablets
10-20. Direction: Choose the correct answer from the pool of words inside the box. Write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Pixlr Flipagram Doodle Booth Picsart

Pic Collage Snapseed Photo Grid Magic Mirror Booth
Photo Booth Instagram Pic Monkey
10. A powerful, free image editor.
11. Allow you to make collages incorporating photos, stickers, text and frames.
12. A fast and fun way to share images with others.
13. An iPad application that enables you to doodle on your images using available stickers.
14. A downloadable application that allows you to bring your photos to life in short videos set to music.
15. A photo application that enables you to enhance, transform, and share your photo, a free downloadable version for android phones is available.
16. A downloadable application from android phones that allows you to make collages out of images from your photo gallery.
17. An application for taking photos and videos using an iPad or iPad mini.
18. A free photo editor and drawing application, as well as a social network for you to share your art with others.
19. An iPhone application that allows you take amusing, distorted images, simulating camera affects.
20. A free online photo editing tool that provides filters, frame, text, and effects to manipulate your images.


1. Which of the following signs or symptoms is NOT a characteristic of bulimia?
a. Depressed mood.
b. Noticeable weight loose or gain.
c. Lack of concern about weight.
d. Habit of visiting the bathroom immediately after meals.
2. Which of the following phrases belong to healthy lifestyle guidelines?
a. Manage stress effectively.
b. Eat cakes during dinner.
c. Get 6 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
d. Use tobacco in any form and inhale smoke of cigarette.
3. The following are physical activities in a class, which one is the best your cardiovascular fitness?
a. Stretching
b. Jump rope for 2 minutes
c. Tumbling
d. Rolling
4. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of?
a. Stay busy
b. Plan meals
c. Decreasing quality of life
d. Eat sweets.
5. Refers to the style of physical movement designed to increase heart rate and improve oxygenation throughout the body.
a. Hip-hop aerobics
b. Emotional eating
c. Frequency
d. Aerobic exercise
6. Which of the following phrases does NOT belong to the benefits of hip-hop aerobics?
a. Dance moves
b. Encourage confidence
c. Develop social skills and values
d. Improve mental functioning
7. It is how long you engaged in a specific physical activity.
a. Type b. Recreation c. Time d. Frequency
8. What type of disorder is characterized by uncontrollable episodes of eating excessive amount of food within a relatively short time?
a. Bulimia nervosa b. Anorexia nervosa c. Emotional eating d. Binge-eating disorder
9. Which ONE is the benefit of yoga exercise?
a. It decreases anxiety and depression.
b. Promote mental functioning.
c. Increase aerobic fitness.
d. Promote growth hormones.
10. This term is characterized by self-imposed starvation to lose and maintain very low body weight due to distorted perception of being fat.
a. Anorexia nervosa b. Bulimia nervosa c. Emotional eating d. Binge-eating disorder
11. An exciting combination of intense cardiovascular exercises incorporating hip-hop moves and upbeat music to get your heart pumping.
a. Street dance b. Recreational activities c. Hip-hop activities d. Stretching activities
12. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group of the eight foundation postures?
a. Warrior post I b. Mountain pose c. Mountain climbing d. Downward facing dog position
13. Which of the following term best describes the slide and step?
a. Pump step b. Box step c. Turn step d. Glide step
14. What term best describes a commitment to change and avoid automatic eating?
a. Gain loss strategies
b. Weight loss strategies
c. Emotional eating strategies
d. Mental disorders
15. The phrases below refer to the weight loss strategies, which one does NOT belong to the group?
a. Incorporate exercise into the program
b. Stay busy
c. Think positive
d. Think negative
16. Which of the following phrases below describes the health consequences of excessive body weight?
a. Type 2 diabetes
b. Eat slowly
c. Walk 10 minutes everyday
d. 100 m run
17. The low-density lipoprotein cholesterol means?
a. Good cholesterol b. Bad cholesterol c. Type 2 diabetes d. High blood
18. The raise of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol means?
a. Good cholesterol b. Bad cholesterol c. Type 2 diabetes d. High blood
19. Which of the following is NOT a tip to enjoy your walking routine?
a. Pass the test b. Wear bright clothing c. Meditation or prayer d. Running
20. Which of the following is NOT a fitness and run?
a. Lower back stretch b. Hamstring stretch c. Calf stretch d. Arm stretch
21. What specific working committee takes charge in checking and recognizing the participants?
a. Trainer b. Aerobic training c. Documentation d. Registration, Attendance and Certificates
22. What working committee does the narrative accomplishment report relative to the conduct of the activity?
a. Choreography b. Documentation c. Program d. Accommodation
23. What committee is in charge in the request for approval of the principal regarding the conduct of the activity?
a. Registration b. Documentation c. Running d. Program, Communication and Coordination
24. What social skills will improve and develop coordination, flexibility and agility?
a. Hip-hop aerobics b. Healthy lifestyle c. Yoga exercise d. None of the above
25. Which one is NOT a benefit if Hip-Hop Aerobics?
a. Increase metabolism
b. Calorie and fat burning workout
c. Encourage confidence
d. Promotes mental functioning
HEALTH (25 items)
1. It is act that provides for the inclusion of environmental education programs in various national institutions.
a. Consumer Act
b. Tobacco Regulation Act
c. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
d. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
2. It is act that supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the country.
a. Consumer Act
b. Tobacco Regulation Act
c. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
d. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
3. It is an act that provides assistance for the prevention and control of AIDS.
a. Consumer Act
b. Tobacco Regulation Act
c. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
d. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
4. It is an act that provides for the regulation of products and services being sold.
a. Consumer Act
b. Tobacco Regulation Act
c. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
d. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act
5. It is an act that describes the blood donation program in the country.
a. Anti-Hazing Law
b. National Blood Services Act
c. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
d. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
6. It is an act that prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as initiation to a certain social group.
a. Anti-Hazing Law
b. National Blood Services Act
c. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
d. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
7. It is an act that penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
a. Anti-Hazing Law
b. National Blood Services Act
c. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
d. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
8. It is an act that provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substances being sold/imported in the country.
a. Anti-Hazing Law
b. National Blood Services Act
c. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
d. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
9. It is an act that identifies scientifically proven herbs as medicinal plants.
a. Seatbelts Use Act
b. Cybercrime Prevention Act
c. Anti-Child Pornography Act
d. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
10. It is an act that penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts while on the road.
a. Seatbelts Use Act
b. Cybercrime Prevention Act
c. Anti-Child Pornography Act
d. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
11. It is an act that protects children from any malicious acts online.
a. Seatbelts Use Act
b. Cybercrime Prevention Act
c. Anti-Child Pornography Act
d. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
12. It is an act that provides for criminal offenses committed online.
a. Seatbelts Use Act
b. Cybercrime Prevention Act
c. Anti-Child Pornography Act
d. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
13. It is an act that provides for material and child healthcare, family planning, and responsible parenthood.
a. Cybercrime Prevention Act
b. Anti-Child Pornography Act
c. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
d. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
14. Which among the following is NOT considered as unlawful acts under Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002?
a. Manufacturing of essential chemicals.
b. Maintaining a drug den, drive, or resort.
c. Claiming dangerous drugs or equipment.
d. Manufacturing or delivery of equipment or apparatus.
15. In child pornography, the term “child” doesn’t refer to __________________.
a. A person regardless of age who is presented, depicted, or portrayed as a child.
b. A graphic of a person who is represented or who is made to appear to be a child.
c. A person who is engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities.
d. A person below eighteen years of age, that is unable to fully take care of himself/herself.
16. Which of the following is NOT an aim of Tobacco Regulation Act?
a. Protects people from the use of hazardous tobacco products.
b. Protects people from the sale of hazardous tobacco products.
c. Protects people from the spread of hazardous tobacco products.
d. Protects people from the advertisements of hazardous tobacco products.
17. The following are the goals of Tobacco Regulation Act, except one.
a. It bans smoking in all areas/places.
b. It restricts access to sale of tobacco products to minors.
c. It provisions the printing of warnings on cigarette packs in either Filipino or English.
d. It provisions the establishment of a cooperative and assistance program for the said people.
18. The following are the legal Blood Services Network except ____________.
a. Non-Hospital Health Facilities
b. Authorized Blood Collection Units
c. National Council for Blood Services
d. Private and Public Hospital Blood Banks
19. Below are the policies addressing pollution except ______________.
a. It encompasses the rehabilitation of resources.
b. It encompasses the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
c. It encompasses sustainable development through environment.
d. It promotes environmental awareness through environmental education.
20. Which of the following expresses falsity regarding HIV/AIDS?
a. HIV testing is not compulsory and required.
b. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad.
c. A patient’s case is still confidential even if there is interference by a court.
d. Pre- and post-test counselling sessions are given to those who undergo HIV testing in accredited centers.
21. Which of the following expresses falsity about child pornography?
a. It is a child engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sensual activities.
b. It is related to cybercrime, and has become pressing concern of this generation.
c. It is not only the victim who can file a complaint, but also the parents/guardians.
d. It may be syndicated if there are three or more persons confederating with one another.
22. Which among the following may NOT have the right to file a complaint against child pornography?
a. Barangay Chairman b. Parents c. Victim d. Relative within the fourth degree
23. According to the cybercrime law, it mandates the following except ______________.
a. Child pornography
b. The prohibition of cybersex
c. Computer-related identity theft
d. Solicited commercial communications
24. Which among the following expresses falsity about the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008?
a. It shall encompass protection and rehabilitation of resources.
b. It shall integrate environmental education from DOST and DENR.
c. It shall encompass theories for the development of the environment.
d. It promotes environmental awareness through environmental education.
25. Which among the following expresses falsity regarding the Seat Belts Use Act of 1999?
a. It penalizes drivers under the influence of alcohol only.
b. It aims to safeguard passengers and drivers from injuries.
c. It permits children from sitting in the front seat of any motor vehicle.
d. It includes the mandatory wearing of seatbelts of the drivers and front passengers.

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