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LinguaHouse CAPES Intensive Preparation Course Multiple Choice Questions

A- Sentence Fragments 1. There is a law in France, which says that only the family has the right to decide what _______ or not known about the health of a patient. A. must be known B. must have known C. must have been known D. must have been being known 2 . A top US disease expert said this week that killer virus "Bird Flu" was the worlds number one health threat and should _______ . A. be took serious B. be took seriously C. be taken serious D. be taken seriously 3. After much criticism, the politician _______ his controversial statement of the previous day. A. quickly retracted B. quickly retracted to C. quickly was retracted D. quickly has retracted 4. The vague and misleading instructions _______ in two entirely opposite ways. A. could been interpreted B. could be interpret C. could easily be interpreted D. could easily interpreted 5. The beginning of the Symbolist movement in art __________ having begun in the late 1880's. (A) is regarded as (B) is regarded (C) is regarding (D) regarded as 6. We don't know __________ taught us noun clauses before. (A) if the teacher has (B) the teacher has (C) the teacher hasn't (D) whether teacher 7. The teacher didn't know _______ . A. which noun clauses teach B. which noun clauses to teach C. why noun clauses to teach D. when noun clauses to teach 9. Can you please tell me ________ ? A. what time the next bus arrives B. what time arrives the next bus C. when arrives the next bus D. when arrives the bus

10. The judges had an extremely hard time deciding _______ . A. who's painting was the best B. whose painting was the best C. painting who was the best D. the best painting was who 11. _______ is a mystery. I wish that I could ask him. A. How did it B. What he did it C. How he did it D. When did it 12. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her __________ . (A) totally behavior irresponsible (B) behavior totally irresponsible (C) irresponsible totally behavior (D) totally irresponsible behavior 13. _______ appeared to be coming from the science lab next door. A. The pungent unpleasant odor of burning plastic B. The unpleasant pungent odor of burning plastic C. The pungent unpleasant odor of plastic burning D. The unpleasant odor pungent of burning plastic 14. One of Jane's favorite subjects in school is drama because _______ lots of fun and enjoys being part of it all. A. has really she B. she really has C. she really is D. is she really 15. Only after they had completed the analysis to that degree _______ how to apply technology to the needs of our enterprise. A. did they ask to begin B. did they begin to ask C. they did begin to ask D. to ask did they begin B- Vocabulary Focus 16. Start reading the story from page 4 and then go on until you ______ the end of the chapter. (a) arrive answers carefully. (a) obvious vocabulary. (a) test (a) amass (b) probe (b) increase (c) investigate (c) collect 2 (d) interpret (d) gather 19. A useful way to _____ your vocabulary is to read as much as possible. (b) definite (c) sure (d) clear 18. The whole purpose of all these exercises is to ______ your knowledge of grammar and (b) reach (c) touch (d) achieve 17. Answer the questions at the back of the book and make ______ that you check your

20. You don't have to read just novels but also newspapers so that you can see examples of ______ language. (a) idiomatic (a) train itself. (a) afford (a) influence has said. (a) hold language ______. (a) flowingly (a) top (a) in (a) off (a) oversee (b) (b) fluently (b) big through (c) knowingly (c) main (c) by (c) out (c) overdo (d) head (d) off (d) over (d) overlook (d) attitude (d) frequently 26. Some people only read the ______ lines in a newspaper. 27. You should always check the sell ______ date of things you buy in the supermarket. 28. When the building was completed, all the workers were paid _____. (b) through (b) overtake (b) peculiar 26. The boss was good enough to ______ my mistake. 27. It is always ______ when you misunderstand the customs of other countries. (a) embarrassing (a) taken (c) singular 28. Newspapers are ______ to people's doors every day. (b) distributed (c) delivered (d) handed (d) thanking 29. In her speech she expressed her ______ for all the help she had been given. (a) thankfulness (a) quick (a) ovation (a) votes (b) gratitude (b) briefly (b) applause (b) figures (c) gratefulness (c) short (d) shortly (d) support (d) polls 3 30. In ______ nothing much happened at the meeting. 31. At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing ______. (c) cheering (c) numbers 32. Politicians pretend to ignore opinion ______. (b) take (c) hear (d) repeat 25. If you manage to do all these things, it won't be long before you find yourself speaking the (b) spend (b) persuade (c) expand c) encourage (d) calculate (d) impress 23. Try to _____ a native speaker to talk to you so that you can record the conversation. 24. Play the tape back as many times as you like and ....... everything that the native speaker (b) automatic (c) axiomatic (d) dogmatic 21. Another important activity is to ....... your spoken language. (b) practise (c) exercise (d) emphasize 22. If you can ______ the cost of travel, there is of course no substitute for visiting the country

C- Phrasal Verbs
33. Kevin _____ all of the information and then gave the note to his wife so she could put it into a computer file. (a) took on listening to in the car. (a) turn over (a) waited on (a) wake on (a) watched out for (a) wear on (a) work on (a) worn on (a) wrapping down (a) write about (a) take up (a) ticked on (a) throw out (a) try at (a) try out (b) turn up (b) waited in (b) wake up (c) turn in (d) turn around 35. Krista ______ her ill husband all day long. (c) waited down waited (c) wake over (c) watched out 36. Neil liked to _____ early on Saturdays. 37. Rayleen _____ her little brother all the time. (b) watched out about (b) wear over (b) work over (b) worn in (c) wear out (c) work out (c) worn out (c) wrapping up (c) write up (c) take about (c) ticked off (c) throw down (c) try in (c) try up 38. Chris was afraid the inexpensive tires would ______ quickly. 39. Lilly likes to ______ early in the morning so that she's fit for work. 40. Rob looks ______ because he's working two jobs at the moment. 41. We are getting close to ______ the meeting so are there any final questions or concerns? (b) wrapping over (b) write over (b) take over (b) ticked about (b) throw up (b) try on (b) try in 42. Jim didn't have much time to ______ the contract. 43. I decided to _____ organic cooking. 44. Kristie was _____ at Matt because of the things he said to her last week. 45. Marg wanted to ______ the old sofa but her husband couldn't part with it. 46. Leila was feeling blue so she went shopping to _____ some new outfits. 47.Samantha was late for the basketball ........ (b) took down (c) took over (d) took up 34. Ethan asked his girlfriend to _____ the music so he could clearly hear the song they were

48. Bryan tapped Pauline on her shoulder so she would _____ and see the parade approaching behind them. (a) turn in (a) turn on (b) turn over (b) turn in (c) turn around 49. The teacher asked her students to ______ the assignments by Friday at noon. (c) turn with (c) turned him down 50. John tried to ask Cara out on a date but she _____. (a) turned him over (a) turned in (a) turn on (a) ran over (a) runs out over a) set up (b) turned him through (c) turned off (c) turn up (c) ran into (c) runs down on 51. Keira can't bear people who can't make up their minds and is _____ by procrastinators. (b) turned up (b) turn in (b) ran down 52. Chris thinks dark hair is a real ______. 53. Heidi _____ an old friend while she was shopping last week. 54. The corner store often ______ bread near the end of the week. (b) runs out of 55. The night before the play, the crew _____ the stage. (b) set down (c) set in (d) set back (c) set back (c) stand up (d) stand over (c) stand in (c) shows over (c) stands for 56. The assembly line problem was a minor ______ for the company last week. (a) set about (a) stand out (a) stand down (a) shows (a) stands about (b) set down (b) stand in (b) stand up (b) shows up (b) stands over 57. The girl with the purple hair wants to _____ from the group. 58. Bob's father taught him to be firm and to ______ for what he believes. 59. People are getting tired of Seth because he always ______ late. 60. The "T" in the acronym ______ Time.

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