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Step 3. Simplify e“ F (0) and evaluate ff oe“ F(o)dt. Step 4. Evaluate tim fievroa Step 5. From steps | and 2, we have L{FO}= frevr@a = lim ier Fd 1.4. Piecewise (or sectionally) continuous function. Definition. AA function F(0) is called piecewise continuous or sectionally continuous in the closed interal {a, 6) if there exist a finite number of points fy, ..... . f, (@= 4, <0ands|2a1 2 (s- 20/5 (8? — 4a’), 5 > | 2a pas rind {er-e"} iy ee) te Neb le in I I grat PEM LIEN = Dons taza 3 = Ms? + 5s +6), ifs >—2 od -—~, ifs>3ands>~3 o43 s3 we pet-e%) = 2b fe} -Lite = 2 (5+ 99-9), 5>3, x9, Find the Laplace transform of sin {sin 21 in 3 souk (sin sin 21 sin 3¢) = L (12) * sin (2 sin 3¢sin 20) _quoyesine(cost—e0s50) = L(A)» (2sinrcost—2cos Stsin#)}=(1/4)»L (sin21—(sin6¢—sin4} 6 4 1 ie hn J eo0eg [ah a 2 | s>0 p44 57436 8° +16, 2Ls?44 57436 5° +16 4 pul0. Find L {767 + 9e 24.5 cos1+ 7P + 5 sin 31+ 2} [Purvanchal 1994, Kanpur 2003] Sol L (Tei! + 96% + 5 cos +70 + $ sin 31+ 2) TL {et} + 9k {e%} + SL (cos) + 7L {A} +5L {sin 34) +27 {1} wy iO) 1 5 Ey 32 Ss. 15, 221+?) 49x Sx ag HKG HS +i ye. pa ee PHS stat sh +9 sf si [Banglore 1997| Exll. Prove that L {2'} = Is - log,2) Sol We have, 2! = e982" = ello? . Then, by definition, we have Pre ue?) = [leteeetan [ota cont | Pia.2. sett] x42, Find the Laplace transform of VI Vr. 4 i “jt wu { = hs>0 EeP("=P(ntl)/s"!s> 0] i . B mh tree! ea Hes, s>0 = j EG Re as T(/2)= V0 13. Sh aye 2-2 ow that L {(50" ~3" }= GS t ss 4 WAL ((Se"—3)%) aL (25 ef =306 +9} =25L (el) ~30L (2°) +9L {I} 2530 9 = a its> ays> 2ands> 010,874. Scanned with CamScanner Ln Thee Lophoce rene, ELI. Find Laplace transform of the function F where sing O (Ws) &~ (Mas?) (1) + (Us) & = (1 Yas’, s>0 Ex.15 (8). Find L (F (WJ, if Fly = {i tate b> 2. Sol. L {F ()} = f F(a) dt, by definition of Laplace transform 2 = * On 2 fe FO asf e ‘rod =f eRe cr 2 1 LE =s J -f ofS) dt, On integration by parts the second img! f e™"idt, using the given values of F Scanned with CamScanner w LUFW) = (s)x(lte™ Fa 7 [esr a -1)? at, by given values of F (1) "dx, putting 1 ~ [fe x =U) where a> 0. noo] a se'* Butt. Find L {F (0}. where Fi = 0, f0<1< 1 =nifl2 [Rohilkhand 1997] Sl ot Fy at = fe Fl ee FO dt Lipos fp "FO =f ods oF a4 [ero = few dt, using the given values of F () h 2 of! , # I -f ne" Ja integrating by parts hos fn fo,o2 Scanned with CamScanner 7 The Laplace Transform ery dt [eM FO ae Sol. L = [eo = OL LPO) = fe" AU) a= J 1 2 est — fle Py 41 2) dt, by given values of F (1) = fe a+] (Gy xy at. «€ © = (Ils) x (e% $e), 5 7 0 1, osrsl/2 pI /2 0 Hence F (0) is of exponential order. Since F() 9c as > 0 from the righ, it follows that F (is not piecewise continuous on every finite subinterval in the range / 2 0. Hence F (¢) is not a function of class A. Now, L {F ()} = ferro tw few im [rerum dt 0 0 _ Ens) = Tat ifs>Oand (n+ 1)>0ie,1>—1 | |: ferete = Tig a>0 and noo] al Scanned with CamScanner ronsfor™ 1S . . aplace trat F()s/" yA ge ind thatthe Laplace transform of F 0) =, — 1 << 9 exists, hough its nota ss A of ct xpansion method. ven function F(@) be expressible as a power series HCA GE 0 4 Gf oo where Cy Cy Cy re constants 20 pai ; m* ihe L(F()} is obtained by taking Laplace transform of each term in the series saved example based on Art. 1.108, i 17, Find L {sin vi} (Meerut 2008, 2011, Kumaun 1998, Agra 2001, 02, 075 Kanpur 1999, 2004; Purvanchal 2006, Rohilkhand 2001) Wy Wot _o? te gpa SAE SE gt oy tbdn DLO SLOT EMA LP, ya) 15/2), P7/2)_ (912) MODE git gype ts 820 (eL(i") =TOr4ty/stl,s> 0) ag 5, 1 so ST (n+1) = n(n) and F(/2) = VE Woy deem (2)... as. () e-' [agra 2008; Guwahati 2007, Meerut, 2002] ma pr {8 £ t -my_ 1 1 =e my treet fe} 1 r(7/2) aye Rey gg ts 00s {p= Ae 33 2227 1 P7456 st ee vas aay TL 2) em a rT aioe see WG co Scanned with CamScanner 1.16 1.11, First shifting (or first translation) theorem. The Trang EXERCISE 1(A) 1. Find the Laplace transform of the following functions 5 (je [Bangalore 2005] (i cosh 31 {Koy mpa 2009 (ui) ¢ (i) 2° [Purvanchal 2004] we? we Ans. () Ms 4).5> 4 (i sir - 9.57131 (ui) (3040)5°, 5> 9 Wn 10F(2/3) .5>0 wy rrr? (0 430 2, Find the Laplace transform of the following functions 10 0 3, Evaluate the following: (i) L{sin2r sin 31) [CDLU 2004] (i LQ sin sin 31) {Gulberga 200 = sinh 21) {CDLU 2004) (oy) L{sin? 4) [Bangalore 2004} [Karnataka 2005) (vi) cosh? 2r (wil) 30 + 4P = 5047 Ans, (i) (125)(s? + 1) (8 +25), 8 5 (ul (+ AYA =), 8 > 2 (v) (9? + 8)/s(s? + 16), > 0 (vii) 18/s' & 8/s* — Sis? + Ts, 8> 0 (viii) 4l(s + 3) — 10/(s? + 25) + 39/(s? + 4) - 12/s* + 72/5, > 0 4. Find the Laplace transform of the following functions: (viii) 4e™ — 2 sin 51+ 3 cos 2¢-2P +34 (id (6s)? + 4) (8? + 16),8>4 (iv) (P + 32yis(s? - 64), 5 > 0 (vi) (8 — 8)/s(s? — 16), 5 >4 @ cos’t (id) cos (at + b) Gi) cos’ar + 1 (iv) 14 43/Ni,1>0 (v) sin (at+6),120 (Wi) sin at sin bt 2 Ans. ()) s(s* +7) scosb-acosb @enGen 7? oar tee s(s? +112) 1 wn a L, vm ive ) Fag eteaan ee? (9) LE x0 acosb+ssinb 9) seo ) 2s _ 530 {s? +(a—b)?) {s? +(a+d)"} a [Agra 2012] | FLIP () =$(9), then L {e" F (} =f (— a), where ais any real or complex cont! Or Uff (3) is the Laphace transform of F (Y, then f (s - a)-is the Laplace transform of F. where a is any real or complex number,’ » ~ [Osmania 2004, Nagpur 2010, Purvanchl 2002) Scanned with CamScanner se rsform™ 17 u " i 7 By definition, we have. SEL (PQ) & i eo FO) dt (1) s by (8~ 4) on both sides of (1), we got eplacinb f 0) RD) dt = * Jo te ge © FONdt = 1, (eF(O), by definition of Laplace transform. yo f sarc om the above theorem, we have q a LFO) =/0) = Le" FO) =/(s— a) LF) =) > Le“ FQ) = f(s +a) folved Examples based on Art 1.11, a ut. Evaluate () L (e" cos bt} [Kanpur 2008] (ii) L{e™ sin at), (Nagpur 2010) goh( Since L (005 bt) = sll +B) = f(s), (Gay) (I) yt siting theomm, we have 4 -_ W = ) _ (s-a) L (e cos bt) =/(s—a) = ra wsine . (since L {sin 41} = 4/(3? + 16) =/(), (say) .Q) sey ist shifting theorem, we have 4 4 Let sin 4) =S(5 + 2)= yaa 16 shady 20° Using (2) Ex2, Evaluate (i) L fe" cosh 54) [Meerut 1995] (ip L (e“ cosh 24) (iif) L {e sinh bt). Sol. () Since L {cosh 51} = si(s* — 5%) = f(s), (say) (1) ue by fist shifting theorem, we have (s~4) s-4 (s-4y 5785-9 (if Proceed as in part (i). Ans (s+ 4)/(s? + 85+ 12). (if Since L {sinh bt) = b/(3? - 6) = f(s), (say) (2) tect by fist shifling theorem, we have L{e" cost’St) = f(s - 4) = b L (& sinh 61} = f(s - a) = Gear sing @) Ex3 (2. Evaluate (f) L [(t + 3) &] [Agra 1998; Rohilkhand 2004] (IL (t+ 29 ety [Meerut 2010] Sol () weave, L {(¢+3)"}=L {? +6149) =L (7) +6L (1) +9141} 21g M9 2465495" " L (G+ 39) = SHO Gt = SoMa) (I) Hence by first shifting theorem, we have LEE (¢43)%) wee 1) = 24S D+ME—D? 292 =12545 eine (1 } =/5=1) ee eeE a e i) Proceed as in part (i). Ans. 2 (¢?- 225 + 61)(s— 6)? Scanned with CamScanner Ex, 4(a) Evaluate £ {Ce =e y(n- DY. 1 (a! meg =D ost | | Sol, Here, L Mn rence by first shifting theorem, We HAVE a fe" ZH. forage ene) (n- DE Ex. 4(6) ifm is a positive integer prove that uteZ y=) (s—k)" Wie ] Sol. Proceed as in Ex. 4(@). a Ex.S. Evaluate ()L fe cos” 7) (i) L {e' sin’ ) | Go) LAE C057 Agata 1 | (ii) L tet sin? 1/2) x(1+60820)} =(1/2)*L E10) +L feos 24] Sol. (7) we have, £ feos} = L{C >: if s_]. st? (s vusen« fb] g(r +4 Fay) th we have Hence by first shifting theorem, +1)? +2 (541) #2 using (1) | | legs! a} = - | L {e' cos naf(st D= Gis +4} _ 842543 | * Gr (6? +2545) | | L (sin?) = L {(0/2)x(1-€08 2} = (1/2) x1 (1) - L{c0s24}] (i Here, 5. Ifi__s viata etfs sean (say) 0) Hence by first shifting theorem, we have 2 L {et sin? 1} = set) aayeanrea wine = 25+ I)(F +28 + 5). i Gi As in pant (i), L (sin? ) = 2s (8? + 4)=S() say Hence by first shifting theorem, we have 2 L{é'sin? = f5-1 jee 2 esi 9 SE“ D= Geena) DRAB) oe re (iv) As in part (i), L {cos’ 1} = 3, rare A =f(s), (say) Hence by first shifting theorem, we have (s-? 42s? 2s +3 L {el cos?) = f(¢— 1) = ————_5— JED yas C= (-2549 Scanned with CamScanner yr form oe rar ra 1 pin) 2/00) Sind LF (cos wi) el 14 yen tat LAF (O) =) w 3 G0 ret, We Know tha cos wt = ("1+ V2 8 yade LF)» (12) * 0" +e) (12) L (eM F(D) + (12) L fe FO) yer 2ayrss- fw) + (12) * f(s + i), using first shifting theorem and (1) «ped fe" (3 sith 21-5 cosh 20) ca [Amaravati 2006, Bilaspur 2004, Gwalior 2003] We have, L {3 sinh 2r— 5 cosh 21) = = f(s) say . 6-5 (04) 1-55 1 sinh 2¢~ 5 cosh 29) =f(s + I) = — = ua MaLe = ig 425-3 pub Show shat L {C1 +e Je Vs + 3(s+ IP + 65+ 2) + 65 43), [Kanpur 2006} fg EMitre HyeLrtgeelssret+ee") | EL +3L ued tab (ee eLire 4} a) won ED =Ct, Lie} = (iis) and Ltr} =G5%) | py it shifting theorem, we set | 1" nu a2! x js Le?! P= 13)! Wena aa and We = “13 6 6 puting these values in (1), gives L ((1 +e »y: sap Ga) Ex9. Evaluate (i) Lfe "3 sin 2t- 5 cos 2u)} [Bhopal 2004] (ii) L{e™ sin t cos 30} |MDU Rohtak 2006] ol. (/) We have, L{3 sin 24 — 5 cos 21)} = 3 L {sin 21} - 5 L{cos 2} 2 s 23K SK . sae +2? sey Hence, by first shifting theorem, we have 6-(stl)__ 1-55 (st +4 5242545 Ue" Bsin2r-Scos 2} = f(s +0 = (OL sin cos 37) = L {(sin 4¢~ sin 21/2) = (1/2) {L{sin 4} - L (sin 20) -8 Tees 4 2 = (5), 88 +a 42! (5? +16) (5? +4) SD gaB, Hence, by first shifting theorem, we have (s+2)°-8 st+ds—4 Le si “ -__s2y 8 ss _ Meas Se (642) +16) (+2) +4) (s?-+4s+20) (s? +45+8) er ed OLE 0) = fi), then show that L{(sinh at) F(y) = {f(s~ a) —f(s + a)j/2. Hence ink 20 sin 34. (b) val WV LUF() = 76), then show that L{(cosh at) F(y)) = {ffs ~ a) + fis * a)}/2. Hence Ucosh 3 cos 21} Scanned with CamScanner Sol. (a) Given that L{F(O) = £03) We have, L {(sinh at) FQ} = L{(12) « (e" ~ &) FO} = (12) * Lhe FQ) ~ (12) « L (e° FO} = (1/2) * {f(s - a) —f(5 + @)} by first shifting theorey Now, L{sin 34) = (9? + 37) = 3s? +9), > 0 Using the result just proved by taking a = 2 and f(s) = 3/(s? + 9), we have ™M and(|) L{sinh 2rsin 30 [o-2>gantss2%0 (s+27 +9, 1 1 125 ———- 2? 2[s?-4s413 52445413] st +105? +169 (6) Proceed as in part (a) Ans. (5° ~ 5s)(s" ~ 10s? +169), 553 Ex.11. Prove that (i) L {sinh at cos at} = a (s' — 2aV(s' + 4 a). [Meerut 2019) (ii) L {sinh ar sin at} = (2a* s)(s* + 4a’). [Meerut 2010) Sol. We have L (sinh at) = al(s? ~ a!) = fis), say 0) -. Le sinh at} = f(s — ia), by first shifting theorem using (1) a (s?-2a?)+2ias — a(s*-2a*)+2ia’s (s? =2a7)? +4as?* a(s? 2a") +23, <. L{sinh at (cos at + i sin af)} = 7 ant 5 as e® =cos0+isin® s+4a . 2 L{sinh at cos ar) + i L{sinh at sin ar} = aalaza) +i si¢4a® st 44a’ Equating real and imaginary parts, we get 2 a(s? -2a*) . ras = yaa. and L {sinh at sin af} ya L {sinh at cos at} EXERCISE 1 (B) Find the Laplace transform of the following functions. 1.6 e™ [Kanpur 2004 2. €% sin 41 (Ravishankar 2010, 3. €185 4. €° (3 sin 21 — 5 cosh 21) 5, 6°23 cos 61-5 6. ¢ {cos 21 + (1/2) x sin 2} [Kerala zt 7. & (P + 34+ 4) [Bangalore 20051 8. €™ sin 4¢ [Gulberga 2005] & Boos 61 5 sin 61} [Meerut 2 10, (3sin 41 — 4 cos 4) (Punjab 2005} 11, sinh £6081" a 13, sinh 3¢ cos’s [Kurukshet® 14, Prove that L((al? +br+c)e")=a—24_,_b 2 ay [bangtore2™ (s- =H" (s-kP sk Scanned with CamScanner sg Transform ye 121 ” ANSWt 4, 1205 = 3) 2 ANS? + a5 vine 6 S41) “eee 4 Tyast5 P4253 7 4.(48 — 138+ 12V(5— 293 aaieeen viet 1 oe ea AN(s? + 6s — 7) _ 9. (3s ~ 16)" + 65 + 45) MG 2y(68 +4), 5> 1 ave 2 Grape? 13, 3 see am 4 6st unit step function (-)Ge419 Grn Gte6saiy fo om on or Heaviside’s unit tu te unit step function is denoted and defined by pannel y WO=H Gaye [if t 0 then LAF (a HG -a) eM), , (0, ift Petru naydr= [ene Fw) du {putting ¢ — a = u and dr = dy. Also note that when 1 = a, w= 0 and when (=e, w “LF =e“ f(s). fe «lem randu= ef, F(t) dt = 1.13A Solved examples based on Art. 1.13 eta Ex. Find L {G (yj, where G()= { Ot a Sol. By second shifting theorem, if L (F(Q}=f(s) and G(t)= { lea” L{G@} =e" sS(). On comparision with the given value of G (1), here, we have Now, SG)=L AF (O} =L (e} = WMs-1),5>1 2. By second shifting theorem L {G ()} = & f(s) = es - 1), 5 > 0 Alternative Solution. By definition of Laplace transform, we have LIGio) = [eau = Penccas[enaina= fer ous fe [using the given values of G (0) then F@=¢ and a=a, "eld intr 919). 5 [Robilkhand 1997] Ex.2. Find 2 ind L1G 1}. where GD= N91 -a),1>a Sol. By second shifting theorem, if L (F()}=/(s) and owe {00 ‘ then L{G(} =e*S(9. On comparison with the given value of G (0), here F@= Now, S(S)=L {F ()} =L {sing} = 1s? + 1),5> 0 int, azn. 3 = 550 stl ”. By second shifting theorem, LIG (Qe S(s)= Alternative solution. By definition of Laplace transform, we have Scanned with CamScanner

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