2022 - RS - Lectures03and04 - Enzyme Kinetics - Advanced

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2022_RS_Lectures 03 and 04

Enzyme kinetics:
Influences on enzyme activity
(pH, temperature, shear);
Inhibition of enzyme reactions
Industrial applications of enzymes.

Prof. R. Shanthini 1
Simple Enzyme Kinetics (in summary)

rP = - r S =

where rmax = k3CE0 = KcatCE0

and KM = f(rate constants)

rmax is proportional to the enzyme concentration

KM is a constant

Kcat is the turnover number (independent of enzyme concentration)

Prof. R. Shanthini 2
- learn the effects of pH, temperature and substrate
concentration on enzyme activity (or reaction rates)

(accessed on 09 Oct 2022)

Prof. R. Shanthini 3
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:

Increases in the temperature of a system results from

increases in the kinetic energy of the system.

Kinetic energy increase has the following effects on the

rates of reactions:
1) More energetic collisions
2) Increase in the number of collisions per unit time
3) Denaturation of the enzyme or substrate

Prof. R. Shanthini 4
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
More energetic collisions:
When molecules collide, the kinetic energy of the molecules can
be converted into chemical potential energy of the molecules.
If the chemical potential energy of the molecules become great
enough, the activation energy of a exergonic reaction can be
achieved and a change in chemical state will result.
Thus the greater the kinetic energy of the molecules in a system,
the greater is the resulting chemical potential energy when two
molecules collide.
As the temperature of a system is increased it is possible that
more molecules per unit time will reach the activation energy.
Thus the rate of the reaction may increase.

Prof. R. Shanthini 5
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
Increase in the number of collisions per unit time:
In order to convert substrate into product, enzymes must collide
with and bind to the substrate at the active site.
Increasing the temperature of a system will increase the
number of collisions of enzyme and substrate per unit time.
Thus, within limits, the rate of the reaction will increase.

Prof. R. Shanthini 6
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
Denaturation of the enzyme:
Enzymes are very large proteins whose three dimensional shape is
vital for their activity.
When proteins are heated up too much they vibrate.
If the heat gets too intense then the enzymes literally shake
themselves out of shape, and the structure breaks down.
The enzyme is said to be denatured.
A denatured enzyme does not have the correct 'lock' structure.
Therefore it cannot function efficiently by accepting the 'key'
substrate molecule.

Prof. R. Shanthini 7
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
Denaturation of the enzyme:

Prof. R. Shanthini 8
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
Denaturation of the enzyme:

As temperature increases, enzyme activity increases

until its optimum temperature is reached. At higher
Prof. R. Shanthini 9
temperatures, the enzyme activity rapidly falls to zero.
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:
Denaturation for most human enzymes:
The optimum
Optimal for most
temperature for most
human enzymes
human enzymes to
work at is around
37ºC which is why
this temperature is
body temperature.

Enzymes start to
denature at about

Prof. R. Shanthini 10
Effects of temperature on enzyme activity:

Optimal for most Optimal for some

human enzymes thermophillic
Reaction rate

Prof. R. Shanthini
Temperature (deg C) 11
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

The structure of the protein enzyme can depends on how

acid or alkaline the reaction medium is, that is, it is pH
If it is too acid or too alkaline, the structure of the protein is
changed and it is 'denatured' and becomes less effective.
If the enzyme does not have the correct 'lock' structure, it
cannot function efficiently by accepting the 'key' substrate
In the optimum pH range, the enzyme catalysis is at its
most efficient.

Prof. R. Shanthini 12
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Optimal for pepsin Optimal for trypsin

(a stomach (an intestinal
enzyme) enzyme)
Reaction rate

Prof. R. Shanthini 13
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Amylase (pancreas) enzyme

Optimum pH: 6.7 - 7.0

Function: A pancreatic enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown

(or hydrolysis) of starch into soluble sugars that can readily be
digested and metabolised for energy generation.

Amylase (malt) enzyme

Optimum pH: 4.6 - 5.2

Function: Catalyzes the breakdown (or hydrolysis) of starch

into soluble sugars in malt carbohydrate extracts.
Prof. R. Shanthini 14
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Catalase enzyme

Optimum pH: ~7.0

Function: Catalyses the breakdown of potentially harmful

hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Important in
respiration/metabolism chemistry.

2H2O2(aq) ==> 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

Prof. R. Shanthini 15
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Invertase enzyme

Optimum pH: 4.5

Function: Catalyses the breakdown/hydrolysis of sucrose

into fructose + glucose, the resulting mixture is 'inverted
sugar syrup'.

C12H22O11 + H2O ==> C6H12O6 + C6H12O6

Prof. R. Shanthini 16
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Lipase (pancreas) enzyme

Optimum pH: ~8.0

Function: Lipases catalyse the breakdown dietary fats, oils,

triglycerides etc. into digestible molecules in the human
digestion system.

Lipase (stomach) enzyme

Optimum pH: 4.0 - 5.0

Function: As above, but note the significantly different

optimum pH in the acid stomach juices, to optimum pH in
the alkaline fluids of the pancreas.
Prof. R. Shanthini 17
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Maltase enzyme

Optimum pH: 6.1 - 6.8

Function: Breaks down malt sugars.

Prof. R. Shanthini 18
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Pepsin enzyme

Optimum pH: 1.5 - 2.0

Function: Catalyses the breakdown/hydrolysis of proteins

into smaller peptide fragments.

Prof. R. Shanthini 19
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Trypsin enzyme

Optimum pH: 7.8 - 8.7

Function: Catalyses the breakdown/hydrolysis of proteins

into amino acids. Note again, the significantly different
optimum pH to similarly functioning pepsin.

Prof. R. Shanthini 20
Effects of pH on enzyme activity:

Urease enzyme

Optimum pH: ~7.0

Function: Catalyzes the breakdown of urea into ammonia

and carbon dioxide.

(NH2)2(aq) + H2O(l) ==> 2NH3(aq) + CO2(aq)

Prof. R. Shanthini 21
Effects of substrate concentration on enzyme activity:

(accessed on 09 Oct 2022)

Prof. R. Shanthini 22
Complex enzyme kinetics

- learn about inhibited enzyme kinetics

- learn about allosteric enzymes and their kinetics

Prof. R. Shanthini 23
Inhibited enzyme reactions
Inhibitors are substances that slow down the rate of enzyme
catalyzed reactions.
There are two distinct types of inhibitors:
- Irreversible inhibitors form a stable complex with enzymes
and reduce enzyme activity (e.g. lead, cadmium,
organophosphorous pesticide)
- Reversible inhibitors interact more loosely with enzymes
and can be displaced.

Prof. R. Shanthini 24
Inhibited enzyme reactions - applications
Many drugs and poisons are inhibitors of enzymes in the
nervous system.
Poisons: snake bite, plant alkaloids and nerve gases
Medicines: antibiotics, sulphonamides, sedatives and stimulants

Prof. R. Shanthini 25
Primary constituents of Snake Venom
Enzymes - Spur physiologically disruptive or destructive processes.
Proteolysins - Dissolve cells and tissue at the bite site, causing local
pain and swelling.
Cardiotoxins - Variable effects, some depolarise cardiac muscles and
alter heart contraction, causing heart failure.
Harmorrhagins - Destroy capillary walls, causing haemorrhages near
and distant from the bite.
Coagulation - Retarding compounds prevent blood clotting.
Thromboses - Coagulate blood and foster clot formation throughout
the circulatory system.
Haemolysis - Destroy red blood cells.
Cytolysins - Destroy white blood cells.
Neurotoxins - Block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles,
especially those associated with the diaphragm and breathing.

Prof. R. Shanthini 26
Inhibited enzyme reactions
Inhibitors are also classified as competitive and non-competitive

Prof. R. Shanthini 27
Competitive inhibition

- The structure of inhibitor molecule closely resembles the

chemical structure and molecular geometry of the substrate.
- The inhibitor competes for the same active site as the
substrate molecule.
- It does not alter the structure of the enzyme.
- The inhibitor may interact with the enzyme at the active site,
but no reaction takes place.

Prof. R. Shanthini 28
Competitive inhibition
- The inhibitor is "stuck" on the enzyme and prevents any
substrate molecules from reacting with the enzyme.
- However, a competitive inhibition is usually reversible if
sufficient substrate molecules are available to ultimately
displace the inhibitor.
- Therefore, the amount of enzyme inhibition depends upon
the inhibitor concentration, substrate concentration, and the
relative affinities of the inhibitor and substrate for the active

Prof. R. Shanthini 29
Competitive inhibition
Competitive inhibitors (denoted by I) compete with substrate to
occupy the active site of the enzyme.

k1 k3

rP = k3 CES (17)

CE0 = CE + CES + CEI (18)

Prof. R. Shanthini 30
Competitive inhibition

Assuming rapid equilibrium, we get

k1 CE CS = k2 CES

k2 CE CS
KM = = (19)
k1 CES

k4 CE CI = k5 CEI

k5 CE CI
KI = = (20)
k4 CEI
Prof. R. Shanthini 31
Competitive inhibition

Combining (17) to (20), we get

k3CE0CS rmaxCS
rP = = (21)
KM (1 + CI / KI) + CS KM,app + CS

rmax = k3CE0 (5)

KM,app = KM (1 + CI / KI) (22)

KM = k2 / k1 (6)

Prof. R. Shanthini KM,app > KM 32

Competitive inhibition
The Lineweaver-Burk Plot

CI > 0
- rS

1 CI = 0 (no inhibitor)
1 - KM, app
- KM 1
Prof. R. Shanthini 33
Competitive inhibition
In the presence of a competitive inhibitor,
the maximal rate of the reaction (rmax) is unchanged,
but the Michaelis constant (KM) is increased.

Prof. R. Shanthini 34
Competitive inhibition – an example
Ethanol is metabolized in the body by oxidation to acetaldehyde,
which is a toxic compound and a known carcinogen.

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)

converts ethanol into acetaldehyde plus two
Prof. R. Shanthini 35
hydrogen atoms.
Competitive inhibition – an example
Acetaldehyde is generally short-lived; it is quickly broken down to
a less toxic compound called acetate in a rapid reaction so that
acetaldehyde does not accumulate in the body.

The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase

(ALDH) converts acetaldehyde to acetyl
Prof. R. Shanthini (acetate) radical and a hydrogen atom. 36
Competitive inhibition – an example
A drug, disulfiram (Antabuse), inhibits the aldehyde
Such inhibition results in the accumulation of acetaldehyde in
the body.
High levels of acetaldehyde act directly on the heart and blood
vessels, causing flushing, a racing heartbeat and a drop in
blood pressure that causes dizziness. Other unpleasant
symptoms include headache, shortness of breath, palpitations,
nausea and vomiting.
This drug is sometimes used to help people overcome the
drinking habit.

Prof. R. Shanthini 37
Non-competitive inhibition
- The structure of inhibitor molecule is entirely different from
that of the substrate molecule.
- The inhibitor forms complex at a point other than the active
site (remote from or very close to the active site).
- It does not complete with the substrate.
- It alters the structure of the enzyme in such a way that the
substrate can no longer interact with the enzyme to give a

Prof. R. Shanthini 38
Non-competitive inhibition

- Non competitive inhibitors are usually reversible,

- but are not influenced by concentrations of the substrate as
is the case for a reversible competitive inhibitor.

Prof. R. Shanthini 39
Non-competitive inhibition

k1 k3



Prof. R. Shanthini 40
Non-competitive inhibition
We could drive the rate equation (given on the next page)
assuming the following:

k2 k7
= KM = = KIM
k1 k6

k5 k9
= KI = = KMI
k4 k8

Exercise: Drive the rate equation (given on the next page)

Prof. R. Shanthini 41
Non-competitive inhibition

rP = (23)

rmax,app = (24)
(1 + CI / KI)

rmax = k3CE0 (5)

KM = k2 / k1 (6)

Prof. R. Shanthini rmax,app < rmax 42

Non-competitive inhibition
The Lineweaver-Burk Plot

CI > 0
- rS
CI = 0 (no inhibitor)
- KM 1
Prof. R. Shanthini 43
Non-competitive inhibition
In the presence of a non-competitive inhibitor,
the maximal rate of the reaction (rmax) is lower
but the Michaelis constant (KM) is unchanged.

Prof. R. Shanthini 44
Uncompetitive inhibition

k1 k3

Inhibitor can only bind to the

enzyme-substrate complex,
reversibly forming a
nonproductive complex.

Prof. R. Shanthini 45
Uncompetitive inhibition
An uncompetitive inhibitor binds only to the enzyme-substrate
complex preventing the formation or release of the enzymatic
Unlike with competitive inhibition an uncompetitive inhibitor
need not resemble the structure of the enzymes natural
An uncompetitive inhibitor is most effective at high substrate
concentration as there will be more enzyme-substrate
complex for it to bind.
Unlike with competitive inhibitors the effects of an
uncompetitive inhibitor cannot be overcome by increasing the
concentration of substrate.
Prof. R. Shanthini 46
Uncompetitive inhibition

rP = (25)
KM,app + CS
rmax,app = (24) rmax,app < rmax
(1 + CI / KI)

KM,app = KM / (1 + CI / KI) (26) KM,app < KM

rmax = k3CE0 (5)

KM = k2 / k1 (6)
Prof. R. Shanthini 47
Uncompetitive inhibition

KM is reduced

rmax is also reduced

This is because the total ‘pool’ of enzymes available to react

has been reduced, effectively our enzyme concentration has

Can be explained by rmax = k3CE0 = kcatCE0

Prof. R. Shanthini 48
Uncompetitive inhibition
The Lineweaver-Burk Plot

- rS CI > 0

CI = 0 (no inhibitor)
- KM, app

1 1
1 rmax CS
Prof. R. Shanthini - KM 49
Competitive versus Uncompetitive inhibition

Prof. R. Shanthini 50
The kinetic properties of the ATPase enzyme, isolated from yeast,
which catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to form ADP and Pi, are
assessed by measuring initial rates in solution, with various ATP
concentrations S0 and a total ATPase concentration E0 = 0.60 μM.
From these experiments, it is determined that
Vmax = 1.20 μM/s; KM = 40 μM.
a. Calculate the values of kcat and the catalytic efficiency for ATPase
under these conditions.
b. An inhibitor molecule is added at a concentration of 0.1 mM, and
the experiments are repeated. The apparent Vmax and KM are now
found to be 0.6 μM/s, and 20 μM, respectively. Speculate on how
this inhibitor works (i.e., specify which species are engaged by the

Prof. R. Shanthini Source: Jason Haugh, Department of Chemical & 51

Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University
Substrate / Product inhibition
Either the substrate or product of an enzyme reaction inhibit
the enzyme's activity.
This inhibition may follow the competitive, uncompetitive or
mixed patterns.
In substrate inhibition there is a progressive decrease in
activity at high substrate concentrations.
Product inhibition is often a regulatory feature in metabolism
and can be a form of negative feedback.

Prof. R. Shanthini 52
Substrate / Product inhibition

Prof. R. Shanthini 53

Get the rate equations for substrate and product inhibition

Prof. R. Shanthini 54
“Food for Thought”
Problem 3.13 from Shuler & Kargi: CS -rS
The following substrate reaction rate (-rS) (mg/l) (mg/l.h)
data were obtained from enzymatic 10 5
oxidation of phenol by phenol oxidase at 20 7.5
different phenol concentrations (CS). 30 10
By plotting (-rS) versus (CS) curve, or
otherwise, determine the type of inhibition 50 12.5
described by the data provided? 60 13.7
80 15
90 15
110 21.5
130 9.5
140 7.5
Prof. R. Shanthini 150 5.755
Sigmoid/Hill kinetics
A particular class of enzymes exhibit kinetic properties that
cannot be studied using the Michaelis-Menten equation.

The rate equation of these unique enzymes is characterized

by Sigmoid/Hill kinetics as follows:

rP = (27) The Hill
K + C Sn equation
Hill constant Hill coefficient

n = 1 gives Michaelis-Menten kinetics

n > 1 gives positive cooperativity
n < 1 gives negative cooperativity
Prof. R. Shanthini 56
Sigmoid/Hill kinetics
Examples of the “S-shaped” sigmoidal/Hill curve, which is
different from the hyberbolic curve of M-M kinetics.



Prof. R. Shanthini 57
Sigmoid kinetics
For an alternative formulation of Hill equation, we could
rewrite (27) in a linear form as follows:

rP CSn
θ = =
rmax K + CSn

ln = n ln(CS) – ln (K) (28)

Prof. R. Shanthini 58
Allosteric enzyme




Prof. R. Shanthini 59

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