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Creative Goals

unlock your creative potential

by Liz Kohler Brown

How to
Use This
Hello creative person!

I believe whole-heartedly in the power of setting goals, not just for your own personal
reference, but because when we write something down it makes massive changes in
our lives through tiny movements in our decision making and beyond.

Every year I sit down (in mid January, because who really has time right after the
holidays?) and set some goals for the year. I also make lots of space for big, crazy
goals that I don't think I can achieve (but really want) because I have seen time and
time again how putting something down onto paper begins the process of making it

Whether you believe in God, the Universe, nature, or just plain physics, writing
something down makes waves in our world. It also does the simple task of getting
what we want crystal clear in our own minds.

I've also found that when I write my goals in a notebook and don't look at them again,
they don't tend to stay on the top of my mind. So I prefer to create something
beautiful, like this workbook, to make the goals lists a pleasure to go back to
throughout the year. This year, I wanted to share that with you so you can enjoy
looking back over your goals and making more notes all year long.

So I hope you'll join me this year in putting your goals down in writing, and if you'd
like to share your goals online you can tag me @lizkohlerbrown so I can see them!

Happy creating!

Liz Kohler Brown

by Liz Kohler Brown

Example goals: finish a pattern collection, start a print-on-demand shop, learn how to
draw in perspective, learn how to use a new app

January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

by Liz Kohler Brown

Yearly Goals
skill goals Example goals: new art/design skills, new software,
new social media platforms

business goals Example goals: art licensing, client work,

income goals, print-on-demand shops

style/production goals Example goals: # of pattern

collections , # of portfolio pieces

by Liz Kohler Brown

Future Planning
3 years Example goals: have a studio separate from my house,
have multiple art licensing deals with ____ companies

5 years Example goals: work whenever I want, make the work I

want to make, have $_____ monthly passive income

10 years Example goals: be traveling part time, own a house with

a large separate studio, making work for ____
companies, owning my own retail shop

by Liz Kohler Brown

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