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I am a person who is ready to give his heart, and love deeply to the beloved one.
and together climb to the shinning Stars and find together the true happiness
through the heart way till reach heaven and to knock at the heavens doors...I have
a nice life i would share it with another person. I'm calm like nature and simple

I just need to find a lady that must be honest, sincere,and eagerly wishing to be
happy near her man and family

I just want to find me a woman that I can spoil with love and she will appreciate
it and return it in kind,I'm a loving, open and honestwo man. I like clever, and
fun humour. I'm affectionate, sensitive and trustworthy

I am an optimistic, honest gentleman filled with passion for life and enjoyment of
new things. I do not drink alcohol and I have never smoked. I am not the type of
guy who goes to clubs and bars. I am a shy guy with a good heart, but once you get
to know me I am anything but shy

I'm very romantic, responsible, kind, calm, serious (just when it's necessary),
confident, purposeful, persistent, smart, honest, modest, loyal, flexible,
sociable, communicative, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, considered,
responsible and with sense of humor it's like an advertisement but that's the way i

I feel that My body, my blood and my soul need to love again: That Is the reason
why i emailed you because I'm looking for a special woman... someone who need to be
loved, someone who need kisses and caress, someone who need a big hug like I need
all that

Am looking for Someone whom is loyal, loving, sincere and honest. Someone whom will
go through life's up's and down's and still be in love and supportive as I will
always be to that someone special in my life. I want my soulmate and I to cook
meals together, share our hobbies and other intrests together and grow in love more
and more each day,One that will allow us to grow old together still happily in love
with each other

Two ( 2 ) individuals coming together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and love

to encourage and support each other to develop as individuals as well as nurturing
the relationship together. Good communication, happiness and love I'm searching for
my Princess hope you will be that princesssssss I would like to meet a woman i
can love and spend the rest of my life with. i do not care about age and things
like that as long as we love eachother Someone who will love me for who I am,
respecfull, and loving It seems that basically we are happy as far as our pride and
minimum privacy are maintained when we stick together. I think, therefore, ideal
relationships should be based on mutual respect and consideration to each other
What do you do for fun? (Optional)......I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in
the woods holding, hands, candlelite dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies,
and playing romantic piano for that special person. I love snuggling and sharing
passionate kisses with that special person.
Favorite local hot spots or travel destinations? (Optional)...I love any resturant
that serve good healthy foods and where a very good band is playing. I love
resturants with romantic settings where we can look into each others eyes and feel
that special connection. I also love candlelite romantic dinners.
Favorite things? (Optional).......I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad
I love the color black. I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good book,
shopping at a large mall, reading any of the self-help books, listening to romantic
music or 60's music, and exercising.
What's the last thing you read? (Optional)......I am currently reading a dozen or
so self help books on success, motivation, relationships, financial security and
positive thinking.
What kinds of sports and exercise do you enjoy?......
How often do you exercise?....... Exercise 1-2 times per week Exercise
Which best describes your daily diet?..............Meat and potatoes Keep it
Do you smoke?....nope
How often do you drink? ..............No Answer I don't drink alcohol
Do you live alone?...I do Live Alone
Do you have any kids?...one
Do you want children?...not sure
What kind of job do you have?...Self Employed
Which ethnicities describe you the best?.......my mother is Scotch, Irish, English,
and my father is German and Chippewa
What is your faith?...........Christian / Catholic
Where do you sit on the political fence?............I am not happy with any of our
politicians I think they're all a bunch of crooks
are you the only kid your perants gave birth to?..........the only child
Are you an early bird or night owl?...........early bird
Do you sing or play a musical instrument?....I sing and I play several
instruments,I play guitar, French horn, trumpet, oboe, and a little piano would
love to learn

I am a nice friendly guy who likes meeting new people who share similar interests.
The more two people think the same the better the match.
About me......I enjoy exercising daily which either involves weight training or
aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love
to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the
Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I
prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate women. I believe that romance is a very
important part of the relionship. I enjoy women who are confident with themselves
and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way. I think it is very
important that two people want the same thing in a relationship. I believe that
this should be discussed and communicated clearly when two people first meet. I do
not believe in wasting my time or the other persons time because life is too short.
I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and to be free to give
their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like controlling women who do
not communicate well and have agendas or excessive previous baggage. I like women
who I can have a good conversation with and we can communicate in a mutually
benefitial way. ..... I like women who are interested in exercise and physical
fitness. I like women who read to improve themselves and find value in self help
books. I also like women who are either spiritual but not necessary religious. I
also enjoy attending a good church that leaves you feeling better about yourself
when you leave.
what are your own definition of true love?...... True love to me is the kind of
love God gives... UNCONDITIONAL love. It's a love that is undescribable with words
yet is felt deep within the heart. It's when you can't stop thinking of the other
person & you are excited to get home to them after a long days work or you desire
to just say hello thru a text or phone call just because they are on your mind.
It's a precious thing that way too many people take advantage of & something
everyone should have at least once in their lives.
Where will you love to spend your honeymoon incase you find the right man?I've
always dreamed of going to a tropic island for a couple of weeks. We would stay in
a romantic bungalo. Windows open, there would be lace curtains blowing in a light
breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine shining thru the lace. Although
this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven just being with the man God
intended me to go thru life's journey
How will you treat your man?...............Although every relationship has it's ups
& downs, I will treat my Woman with lots of love & respect. I like to hold her hand
while walking side by side, I enjoy the little kisses stolen throughout the day, &
the little smiles she gives me from across the room. I believe a Woman & man are to
walk side by side in life & so communication & honesty are VERY important. My Woman
is a Woman of God & because of that reason alone I will not have to worry about her
treating me badly or cheating on me. I in turn will be completely faithful to her &
will support her during our lives together. I do expect her to do the same for me.
We don't always have to be together but we'll feel each others presence even when
we're apart. We will be each others rock to lean on & we,will share dreams & goals
for ourselves & our children. We will also support them & raise them to be the God-
fearing men & women who will have faith & be strong even when life is looking down.
Can you take my kids as yours if we are meant to be together?............I love
kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my love &
support to them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be. My Friends son son's
do call me Father also.

Can you tell me more about yourself when you were a little girl?..............As
far back as I can remember I've always cared for people & had a big heart. I cared
for people even after they hurt me.
What do you like to do?..................I love being in the great outdoors seeing
the natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of. I love
snuggling with the ones I love while watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others &
making a difference in the lives of those around me. I recently found out that some
special people in my life really look up to me & the feeling of that is AMAZING!
What is your favor movies?....................I have a few favorite movies. My all
time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie where a man sacrificed his life as
an angel to experience what it was like to love the woman he was drawn to.. I also
love Notebook, Sweet November, Sleepless in Seattle, Grease, Never been kissed,
anything with Reese Witherspoon. I like romantic comedies, action movies, Romantic,
& ones based on a true story like Titanic, & Pearl Harbor. There are really sooo
many that I like, I can't really name them all.
What is in your opinion the most romantic movie you've seen to
date?......................Sleepless in Seattle What is the most romantic /
memorable scene in that movie? When they finally met!
What is your favor book?.......................My favorite book is the Bible!!!
It's got the greatest stories ever told as well as words from our heavenly father.
Are you a romantic type?.................I'm a helpless romantic... I love being
with my woman & doing little things for Her to put a smile on Her face. I enjoy
surprising Her & doing my part to making his dreams come true.
what make you smile?..................That's easy!!! What makes mesmile is seeing
those I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on their faces. :-)
Do you cry alot and what make you cry?................I do have a tendency to cry
easily, moreso since doing chemo but not always are my tears sad ones... I cry also
when I'm happy & surprised. I don't like to cry in front of others so am
embarrassed when I do.
what is your favor music?.........I love music... the songs I listen to will
usually tell you what kind of mood I'm in or tell you what's in my heart when words
can't begin to describe who I am. When I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing
(assuming I know the song). I think music is a gift many people take for granted.
They'll listen just to hear the beat yet won't stop to feel the power of it's
words. Music can be soothing to the soul & can calm the restless spirit. The wrong
kind of music can also damage ones inner being. A person's mind will unconsciously
listen to the lyrics which will either bring death/depression upon them or will
bring joy to their soul so they might be able to enjoy life. As a person's mood
changes so does the type of music they listen to.
who are your favor Artists? ....I love all sorts of art but I'm not familiar enough
with them yet to know who's who. I do hope to learn more about it all tho.
Do you love rose flower?..................My favorite Rose is a Purple rose... they
are not as common as the other types. My favorite flowers are Stargazer lillies &
lilac bushes.
What does it feel like when you realize that you are falling in
love?..............I don't know... never been in love like that.
What would you consider a real fun thing for a couple to do
together?...................Anything that brings laughter to both people.
What does it feel like to be pampered by someone you love?................ Again...
I've never experienced this so I wouldn't know.
What is your idea of a romantic getaway?...........Romance can be found anywhere
there's a romantic Girl. *smiles*
What is your idea of a perfect first date?............A walk along the waterfront
or beach... great time to talk & get to know each other.
What is your ideal date?.....................Oh wow... there are sooo many
scenarios I could mention here & each depends on where the friendship/relationship
was as to the idealness of it. I like romance either way so anything where we would
have a little privacy to talk & stare into each others eyes. ;-)
Are you a God fearing man?.........VERY much so!!! I love God with all my heart &
trust in HIM to comfort me & guide me. Only he knows what he has in store for us.
How often do you go to church? Haven't gone much in the last few years as I've had
major health issues to deal with. In this case, God has come to where I am spoken
to my heart about different situations. I totally believe in going to church &
fellowshiping however, I don't believe that a person NEEDS to goto church to be a
christian as going into a chicken house doesn't make you a chicken. *wink*
What do you like and dislike?..........I don't like cheaters, liars, thiefs, or
shallow people. Other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much everything....
I'm VERY easy going.
t make you very happy?Wha......When my loved ones are happy & when I have a man who
treats me like a princess. hehe
what kind of sport do you like best?......I like Football!!! GO RAMS!!! I also like
shooting baskets, playing volleyball, & a few others... I've been to a St. Louis
Cardinals baseball game also... it was fun!
Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your
feelings?............I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know
it's not good to keep them locked up. It's important to express to others that you
care for them & are there to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with
the man I love... it makes my heart happy!

Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples who have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?

Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud?

Describe some personal habits that are important to you.

Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you.
What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?

In general, how many nights a week do you go out for entertainment? What sorts
of things do you like to do when you go out on the town?

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?

How important is it to you that your partner fulfil traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man
who maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?

What do you most like to do on a day off?

What is one thing you could start doing today that would most improve the
quality of your life?

Describe your own personal style.

Tonight you can do anything you want, no penalties, no reprisals, and the cost
is unimportant. What are you going to do?

Tell me about your closest friend. How long have you known him/her; and what do
you like best about him/her?

What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?

What are you looking for in a relationsh

Hello Dear,
Thanks for mailing me back, It's was really nice hering from you, you
don't know how happy i am getting an email from you . I have been busy all week on
a particular plant, i really would like to talk to you either through phone , email
or Yahoo instant messenger . I will prefer yahoo messenger cos i think that will be
better and it will help us get to know each other more better. I am actually
looking for a partner in life , someone who is decent from other men , someone who
is loving, caring, understanding, devoted and easy going , from your look i am very
sure you have these features in you and that is the reason why i want to meet
you....i will love to chat with you so that we can get to know each other and see
what all this online stuff is all about...here is my chat ID j u l i e_p e t e r 0
1 v@yahoo.com i am new to this online stuff and will like to see what its all
about...if you don't have a yahoo messenger, you can get one downloaded by visiting
messenger.yahoo.com and get one download on you computer.... mail me or add me for
a chat so that we can get to know more about each other cos i really will like to
know you more better. i hope to hear from you real soon Dear.

I will really enjoy talking and getting to know you, I am looking for a serious
relationship, as i am not one to sleep
around and i don't expect the person i am with to sleep around. i want someone who
a i canary my ups and downs

with and feel comfortable sharing everything with that person.

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