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1O+1 [PHYSICS] (PORTANT QUEST Prof. Harinder Pal Singh 51/2, New Harbans Nagar, Jalandhar. Ph.: 98151-73073 @ UNIT-1 PHYSICAL WORLD AND MEASUREMENT pefira | Ghernt system of wit, Astrenatical init Gu}, Ligit yonr, Rarsec (definition) 2 peplain : Padar meth), Sonar method, Txinagslation (ocessible ard Tnaccessible) method. Farallex method. INUMERICALSTOPICS]| 1. Cixnnxsion of ene system into other, secking the comets of given physical relation, 3 To ceive the relationship betwsen various physical quneities, %& ised on Percentage Error. onrr 2 KINEMATICS [chapter DESCRIPTION OF MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION for ig mlative velox y ? Find en exmession for i. la) Prove that area under velocity-tine graph is equal to the distanne covered by the particle. plain positlon-tine graph, Show that the slope of position tine grach is equal to velocity of unifoun novien, ‘onive the equations of unifomly accelerated rotion. 2) GBadity tire lation (v= + at) feitiorine musi =v + 2). Ls) Velocity ocition melation (FP = 235). a (ay) Distanee cxvered in n seo of motion (GP =u + 5 (2rd). (by Caleulus method ard Grephical method) Gora ed 4) cma ty ve (1 eto apc a StL te aemertion() seo ety, ak ll ne ameleaton 7 Give example. Gan the speed of a bey change if its velocity is constant ? Ga te velocity of a particle vary ean if its pond is oxstant 7 Give example, (8) Gan a bey the said to be at rest as vell 8 in motion at the sare tiie ? Explain, MST Laced on Eqations of unofomly accelerated notion Scanned with CamScanner |. What is projectile? Give its example. Show that the path of proj 2. Show that the path followed by a projectile Is a p an expression for () Time of fight) Horizontal Range (i) Maximum helght (iv) Velocity at 3, Show that there are two angles 4 vee eat sate 1 (ii) Se 4 Sat ze) (a) Triangle Lav of weetor adition Frou, find the magitak and direction peplain : thit vector, Position vector, ai the exnition for two vectors to be (i) Parallel or colliner (ii) Ferpurdicilar or orthogmal ? user shst condition, the magnituie of the sun of tw vectors is equal to the Ke B = 1A-B), mint ue arate tooo A ant B Based on Dot product and cross product of vectors, Resultant of two vector. certain height. 25 of proj height for these two angle is independ {) Find the angle of projection at whic! (id) Prove that mi inclination so as to have maximum her {iy Prove that there are two times for which the Pr times is equal t0 the time of fight. (iv) At what point of projectile path, the Projectile fred at an angle 0 withthe hi ie. H = Maximum height = T= Time of fight = R = Horizontal range Chapter: MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS jecile is parabolic path when projected horizontally from 2 ‘aximum horizontal range is four times the m: izontal range. = 2 angle of maximum hi iy Vir= ao div a <0 Saray Chapter : VECTOR (Gi) Rorallelegram Jae of vector axtiitien of resultant of two vector inclined to each other at an angle 0 ull vector, Rectangular ompunnt of a vector, Resultant vector. Core ee ragnituce of difference between than. oR fected at an angle 0 with the horizontal. Hence, find warabolic, when itis proj any instant of a projectile ction for which the horizontal range 's seme, Prove thatthe sum ofthe avium lent of angle of projection. Gera fal to the maximum height of projectile fy the horizontal range is equi height attained by the projectile wher vaximum n fred at an jectle travel the same vertical distance, Also, Prove tnt the sum of byo um (p) maximum? speed is (a) mi jrizontal v? sin? 8 2g 2usin® fl 29 jrizontal range = Scanned with CamScanner NOORYENE wee ct ee ee eae ee Chapter: CIRCULAR MOTION Find the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity. What is the angle between velocity and acceleration veel?r in uniform circular motion? What is centripetal acceleration? What is ils directing 2 UNIT - 3 LAWS OF MOTION Chapter : NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION State Newton's first law of motion. Why it is known as law of inertia ? Prove that Newton's Second law is the real 1aw of motion. What is impulse. Show thatimpulse is equal to the change in momentum. (impulse-momentum theorem) Show that Newton's third law of motion is contained in the first law of motion ‘What is principle of working of a Rocket ? Derive an expression for velocity of propulsion and thrust on Rocket, Slate principle of conservation of linear momentum. (i) Describe the horse and cart problem on level road, (ii) Find the apparent weight of a man in a lift Find an expression for acceleration and tension of a system of two bodies of masses m, and m, connected the ends of a string over a frictionless pulley. Cena () Explain, why when the horse suddenly stops, the rider falls forward. (ii) Why a cricket player lowers his hands while catching a cricket ball ? (i) Why passenger falls backward when a bus suddenly starts moving from rest ? {iv) Why we beat the carpet with a stick to remove dust particles? (v) Why an athlete runs a certain distance before taking a fong jump? (vi) Why butfers are provided between the bogies of a train? (vil) A person falling on 2 pucca (cemented) floor receives more injuries than on kucha (sand) floor. Explain why? (vii) it is more difficult to catch a cricket ball than to catch a tennis ball moving with the same velocity. Explain why ? (ix) Which is greater, the attraction of 1kg of lead for earth or attraction of earth for 1kg of lead ? (x) Why does a gun recoil when a bullet is fired 7 (xi) No force is required to move a body with constant velocity. Explain. (xil) Why are shockers used in scooter and cars. Ria Rased on F = na, P= m0 Based on impulse i.e. Smpulse = change in liear momentum ? jervation of Linear momentum. (Chapter : FRICTION vetine freee, Wat is its ose, Sn ich case it is maciun ? i bere : are relat 0 each Oo a ee tectnn ang of friclon, angle of ficten ard ae Of rpm, Hat a ty relat vo och ‘tty friceien is a necessary evil. What are tho methexs of reducing friction ? CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 1s) Scatic friction is a self adjusting force, Delain. (6) Wet are the factors cn vhich the coefficient of friction depends ? ey is it easier to pill a lawn roller (or bey) then to pah it ? > (i) Delain, vty it is difficult to mes a qole alerg a rox with its bles a Scanned with CamScanner Tay ond en conficient of friction, Angle of friction, Angle of ep, WR w= ta = ten a] Chapter : DYNAMICS OF CIRCULAR MOTION wut is need for banking a circular road ? Find an expression for maximm speed with which a vehicle apctiate a cane. ® can safely 2. Bind an eqressicn for minima velocity of projection of a body at the lovest ard highest point for looping a vertical cop (or show tat ina vertical circle, difference in tension at the lovest and highest point is six tines the wich of tie bay : Define oentripetal force, Find and expression for it, RMI) [esed on bending (or banking) of roads. Based on omntripetal force, ‘UNIT 4 WORK, POWER & ENERGY how that work dane on the body is equal to'the change in kinetic energy (or state and prove vork energy principle) . iat is maant by potential energy of a spring ? Find an expression for it ard discuss the nature of its variation. ‘State law of conservation of energy. Prow this Lav by taking the case of freely falling kady. Define collision, Blain elastic ard inslastic oollisio. '@) Show that in a head on elastic collision between two bodies of equal masses moving along a straight lines, the holes sinply erhange thaix velocities, | Show that in an elastic collision between a Light and much more massive body at rest, the direction of light body is reversed and massive body renains at rest. Se er ees ea tnt cnccne od meinen or ai wae A ee tt 2 tyke cecal oe rer tay ang to oa a $827 &y nine ty eee tos tay ws hn ner rman co hs grater ele ORS? Gee ee eee es ere ee eee Define spring constant. Give its nit. 1A truck and a car moving with the same,Kinetic energy are stomped by applying sane retarding force (i.e. brakes waich one stop at stalle distance ? es) A opring 4s cat into two equal halves. How is the spcing canstant of each half affected ? ‘The menentan of @ body 4s increased by S05 what is the § change in its KE. ? 1s collision passible ern witheut actual exntact of colliding particles ? 82. Mhy a coolie does no work shen he moves en a level road while cazzying a bos on his hid ? #4) Explain, how fast moving neutrons can be quickly slowed don by passing through heavy vater ? ies paced on work i) = F . S= FS cos 0 pemy PE. = mh, KE. = W/2m?, PE, of spring = 1/2 0? Work ,, Energy Time ° “Time 2 ranc= FAV = tail 4 Work = change in KE, = ym? ~> mw! sa on energy nementim relation i.e. E = 35+ Scanned with CamScanner UNIT 5 MOTION OF SYSTEM OF PARTICLES AND RIGID Ropy te ove SY og an isolate systen, the onze of mss of a systan nove with a censtane velccity fg sow Dot for an isolated 58 te sotcicn btwn te eee a argeae nee = = yf Inertia and radius of gyration. What is the physical significance of moment of Inerti. 5 tie me fret 5 oe ae ken? Co me anplne morta oe REN oferta of @ igi by. eens maine of exoenation of sear most . @ c u ps of morent of Inertia. SS Senet) rated am UD) ppc om . 0 Se emai oe et co) hn rola in 3) wor iar li (A) wom Cora 6b tna Alyteol mest of mass is conomtrated at the rim. Explain, vty ? & Boplain why is st digtioult to opm a door by pushing or pulling it near the hin ? the cap of the pan can be easily opened with the held of two fingers than with one finger. Whiy ? Biplain, fy the pilot of aero plane does not fall down shile loping the lop ? hy coos vater frm a bucket ret falls evn when it is ypsice dan in a vertical circular. ‘The nment of inertia of two rotating hodies A and Bare J, and J, (such that I, > Tg) and their angular mnentum fame equil. tihich one his greater kinetic energy ? ‘oplain, sty the speed of a whirl wind in a tomado is alamingly high ? hy does 2 cyclist lean to one side vile going along a curve ? In vhich direction does be Jean ? fall te ice cn the polar ops of the earth melts, Iw will it affect the duration of the chy ? if earth omtract to half ite madius, vat would be the diration of the doy ? Wiad WL you distinguish between a hard boLled egg and raw egy by spinning each on a table tap ? Vay there are poo propellers in the helicopter ? eae is aa to lari cn ite fet after fall. Delain, sty? Desire oneripstal form, Why it is wo oiled ? Ne vhich place on earth, it 4s maxim. If angular ronentum is conserved in a syctem hose manent of inertia is decreased, will its rotational #8, be so conserved ? Explain, Of mass Of tarrteety RET) ye, KE, of mation sosed cn angular manentum (L = mr = Ta) and conservation of angular merentum (1. UNIT -6 GRAVITATION State Newton's law of gravitation. Show that it bey third law of motion in vector form. Define inertial and gravitational masss. Show that bothare equivalent. How acceleration due to gravity (g) varies wit () Altude (i) Oepth (i) Rotation of earth (jv) Shape of earth (@) Define gravitational potential energy. Detive an expression for il (b) What is gravitational potential ? Find an expression for it Define escape velocity. Derive an expression for escape velocily of a body (or show that velocity of escape is propor- onal to the square root of the product of acceleration due lo gravity and diameter of the earth) 6 Wns is sutellite ? Delain te principle of laxhing a satelite Sete cit veleity (or seceice veloc). Pian eressien for it, Ho is it rat vo coupe velocity. thnae ‘find time period end attituie of satellite. Nese ot is binding energy of a satellite ? 5 What are Geostationary satellite ? What are the canlition for a satellite to appar statienary ? State Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Scanned with CamScanner 2. Iain, Wty the weight of present speed ? sgyaee thn mth stops rotating abit {ts axis, that will be Uw effect av te wal ow Will Uw valu» of acceleration die to gravity be affectal if the a body beoaws zero at the axntie of the eth ? IG of bextlea 7 earth bunire to rotate Beplain, sty 1ky mass of salt weighs more at poles and Jess at equator ? ‘hy we can jump higher on the surface of mocn than on the earth ? A satellite is in a cireular adkital wloities ? 1 fused cn variation of g with altitude, dapth and rotation of earth, Sisrd ch esoape and exbital velocity, Iepler’s third law Duetle and britle material £ plain, sty stool si more elastic than nbber ? {@ thy bridges daclared wneate after long use ? hy Cstalline solide have (i) State and Prove Archimedes's principle (i) Explain the working principle of hydraulic lit end hydraulic brake. (i) State and Prove Archimedes's principe. (i) Explain law of floatation, (i) Explain : Elastic fatigue, Elastic after effect, Poisson's ratio. A oable is cit to half Sts original length. Why this change has no effect on the maxcinun lead the cable can support How does young's modulus change with xise in tenperature 2 tosed cn young's, Balk redulus of elasticity, fosad on stress, medlus of rigidity. ny Pydeestacic pressure is a scalar quantity, Ban tho pressure is fone divich by atea ard force is a vecto ary bloat pressure in humane is greater at the foot than at the brain, ‘Dplain, wy it is easier to avin in ass sater thin in river water ? ‘lain, why moon has no atmosphere ? abit of ratius x Another satellite is in ciauular otbit of axis 4 plain, wy temis ball banc: higher n hills than in plains ? Show that moon would escape if its speed inereased by 428, Tina UNIT -7 PROPERTIES OF BULK MATTER SRERIIES OF BULK MATTER Chapter : ELASTICITY 1. Whats elasticity ? Explain its cause. (Or why elasticity is said to be internal property of matte) 2 ‘State Hooke's law. Hence, d oes it depends ? 3. (i) Explain the variation of stra lefine modulus of elasticity. What are its unit and dimensional formula, on what factors in with stress and hence define (a) Elastic limit (b) breaking point (c) Breaking stress (d) CO ng made of steal, not of axper ? ‘hy spring balances show wrong readings after they have been used for long tine ? sharp melt point, whereas arorphaus solids do not. Beplain, why ? Chapter: LIQUIDS (PRESSURE) Cora Scanned with CamScanner at 8 gerd qromor Ue ity ir. How db you capure tate rama unt boy Floste In voter with 1t9 ead iamrond in vater. Hy 2 aires a ship mde of Kien float An yator althanj a meas sinks 2 Jo lift a hany store wxbr water thin an Ue surface of earth. Explain sty 2 i Spann, wy a indo fil wth eg sea up in ley ros ballon Fite wth ay ota eopers aro used below the rails ? hy the passengers ate advised to rmowe the ink fram thelr pans while going up in an cetepta x Bplain, ty nereury is used in barometers ? ‘ani nails are made to have pointed ends ? EES) my pins (Chapter: SURFACE TENSION 4. Define surface tension, What are its unt. Explain molecular theory of surface tension. 2. What is surface energy. Show that surface tension is numerically equally to surface eneray. 3. Define angle of contact ofa liquid on what factors does it depends ? How does it vary for different liquids. 4, Find an expression for excess of pressure. (i) Inside a liquid érop (i) Inside a soap bubble (or liquid bubble), 5. Define capilarty, Derive an expression for rise of aliquid in capillary tube. (Ascent formula) (or show that liquid res more in @ narrow tube and less in a wider tube). CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 6 & Dplain, shy sell Ligald drops are spherical in shepe but hig drcpe are lat ? 2. Beplain, vty of) spread over the surface of tater liyy hot soup tastes better tan oold sow. ow are stall insects able to salk en the vater surface. en two mercury drops are brought into contact, they foun one dzopy why ? water in vhich sone soap is dissolved. Explain, sty 7 ‘the hot soop solution sashes the clothes bette than the cold ene wy ? is deproseed shy does woter rise in a capillary tube whereas mercury - rrrsne toxee of cobesion and acbesion. Daplain, why water vets glsss tabe vheroas mercury does rot ‘does not vet a glass road costed with wax ? Wo If fs easier to spray thy water a thy te nib of the pn is split ? iow does the surface tension vary with tenperature ? thy, sucfoce tersion of Liquid is ieckparcan: of the are ‘gutl pieces of carphor dance shen placed on the sur does an iron neaile flost on clean vater but sing Maas Chapter: VISCOSITY AND FLUID FLOW tensional formula for coefficient of viscosity rn rs) ya ty of the Liquid surface ? face of ater, Splain, why ? shen sane datergent is adkixd co this water ? suasad on surface tension and surface energy (work = paod paced on excess pressure and ascent fomula |P=—F cepain viscosity and coefficient of viscosity. What ae the unk and ci Define terminal velocity. Find an expression for it. f peplain : Semin flo, Tuber flow, critical vlan liminar los 15 cn bat factors the critical velecity of the Liguld depas 7 Scanned with CamScanner sgt is Reynolds rnter ? Hh dons this ranbor Wold to koa Ue matte of few of hat is Peynold piysical significance of Reynolds mnbor) serine tw aqutien of antimBity for stax flow of an inaapressible fluid, ate and prove Remoulli"s theorem (or Prove that the total energy pos: flow is eserves). CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS coplain, hy machine parts are janmed in winter ? 5 tty do clauis Cloat in the sky ? Abigyer rain drop falls faster than smaller ane eplain, thy ? sraller air bibles rise slower than the bigger aves throush a liquid. Bplain, shy ? Bel { Bplain, vty sill sater mes deep ? er than homey ? ty increases when water flowing in borader pipe enters a narrow pipe ? 1 Twp ships moving close to each other may be pushed together and hence danger of collision, why ? 1 persnn standing naar a fast moving twain has the danger of falling towamts the train, hy ? What mains the flag flutter ? yy Light roots are blown off during a wind stom ? How does spinning ball deceive a batsnan ? ty a hot Liquid moves faster than a cold Liquid ? How does a parachute work ? ve ny dons the dst generally settle down in a closed recm ? crate end eplain Tocricelli's theo. , Mby Goo stromnines can not cross each other ? 1 Bas rom that velocity of effi: of a idbal Liquid uo an crifioe 1s el to velocity attained by Croely falling try fron the suxfane o€ Ue Ligald to Ue criioe. ‘The shapes of cars and planes axe stream Lined. Why ? dV 1b anad n visoosity F = MG \ Dipocion of continuity (ay; = 9) Bemaulis theoren wh + > = constant ‘used on Terminal velocity V Chapter: RADIATIONS (i) Define : Conduction, coefficient of thermal conductivity, convection, Radiation. (i) What is Black body and black body radiation 2 State Stefan’s la and wein's displacement lav. How Newton's law of cooling derive from stefan's law ? Define solar constant. How is it used for determining surface temperature of sun ? Pore Mrinal curl imo a ball, stn they feel very cold, Blain, A clowsy night is hotter than a clear skynight. Wy ? So What Ss dened comtetivity of a perfect hast conductor andi a perfect heat insulator ? & The temperature of a black body is increased fram 100 k to 200 K. How will rate of emission of ene change ? ts Three star Ay By C oppaar as groan red and blue respectively. Which star has minimum tenperature ? Scanned with CamScanner ands often sll their foots in winter, Wy 2 es Awe quite $5 souner than old one, thy 2 dhe cath witha its atmoghere wld be inhospitably cold ? Bplaln, thy 2 ty ice comned With guray ngs ? § thy white clothes proffered in sumer ? fg Gui all black colaumad abject act as black boies 7 sty doos a piece of reel glass vhen hated and taken cut glow with green light ? yj, cooking utensils are provided with wooden handles ? or thy the bottan of tea kettle is blacknad hile its upper portion is polisheed 2 IES) L hasec on stefan’s Law and wien's displacmrent lew. (E = oT!, A, = b/T) Rusad on Navten's Law of cnoling (E = 0 (T=T,!1) UNIT -8 THERMODYNAMICS 1. (@) State zeroth law of thermodynamics (0) Define Isothermal process. Derive an expression for work done during Isothermal process. (©) Define adiabatic process, Derive an expression for work done during adiabatic process. (@) What is specific heat of a gas in an Isothermal and adiabatic process. 2. (a) State first law of thermodynamics. Using this law, find a relation between two specific heats of a gas. (©) What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics. 3. State Kelvin and claussius statements of second law of thermodynamics. Show that both the stalement s are equivalent. 4. (a) What is carot’s eycle. Explain the construction and working of carnot heat engine, Hence derive an expression {or efficiency of camot's cycle. or ‘Show that efficiency of carmot’s reversible cycle is depends upon source and sink temperature and independent of nature of working substance, (b) State carnot theorem. 5. (a) The efficiency of carnot heat engine can not be 100% Explain. Why 7 (0) No real engine can have an efficiency greater than that of camot engine working between the same two lemperature. Explain, Why ? (c) Temperature ef the source and sink of a camot’s engine are increased by the same amount, how will the efficiency be affected ? 6. (a) Explain the working principle of refrigerator. Find an expression for its coefficient of performance. Why is deforesting necessary ? {0) Ifthe door of the refrigerator is kept open in a room, will it make the room warm or cool ? Explain. 7. (2) An engine working under isothermal conditions can not produce work. Explain. (0) On removing the valve, air escaping from a cycle tube becomes cool. Why ? (c} Derive the equation of adisbatic process (or Prove PWy = constant) (G) Define internal energy. Can internal energy of a gas change in (a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic process 7 Based on Etficiency of camot heat engine, first law of themodranics. UNIT -9 BEHAVIOUR OF PERFECT GAS AND KINETIC THEORY Chapter: KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. 1. What are postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Derive an expression for the pressure exerted by an ideal gas. 2. Whats kinetic interpretation of temperature ? Why molecular motion ceases at zero Kelvin ? 3. From kinetic theory of gases Expiain 2 () Boyle's aw i) Cherle's law (ii) Gay Lussac’s lew (Iv) Ideal gas equation {v) Graham's law of diffusion (vi) Absolue 220. (0 Best ges eauato MN rs Scanned with CamScanner —— ‘4 qy Shaw tat average kinelc energy of a gas molecules depends on ts tempera, o8ee, Why? 1. pase on pressure exerted by gas Bisad on root mean square velocity Chapter: HEAT 4. Define specific heat and molar specific heat of a substance. Given their units. 2. (a) Why a gas has two specific heats ? i) Define bo ‘specific heats of a gas. Which is greater and why ? Derive an relation between them (OR Prove that e-Cy= (c) Why Cp and Cy are called principal specific heats of a gas ? 8. Define euree of freedom. Find degree of freedom and relation for specific heats of monoatomic, diatomic and tri- 4. (a) Explain: Mean free path, law of equiparttion of energy, Triple point of water. {) State Duong and pet law. Explain the variation of specific heat of solid with temperature, What is Debye tem- FNUMERICAL TOPICS)} ied on specific heat (Le. AQ = MCAT Cy-G, = R) UNIT - 10 OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES ‘Chapter: OSCILLATIONS + Define simple harmonic motion. What is phase diference between displacement, velocily and acceleration of a par ticle executing S.H.M. 2. (a) Show that motion of a liquid in U-tube is S.H.M, Hence, find its time period and frequency. (0) Show tat motion of the poe (or cylinder floating in a liquid is SHIM. Hence, find the time period and frequency of oscillation, {© Show that oscilation of a bal in the neck of air chamber is SH.M. Hence, find its time petiog and frequency, {6) Show that motion of balance wheel of the watch is S.H.M. Orie the expression fr frequenoy of oscilaltion. {@) A body is éropped in a hoe dilled across a diameter of he earth. Show that it exeovte S HM Hence time period. 43, whet ie simple pendulum ? Show that mation of the pendulum is SH.M. Hence, derive an expression line period and its frequency. Also define second pendulum. 44, Show thel total energy of @ particle executing simple harmonic motion is directly proportional (2 the square of the amplitude and frequency. 5. tj Explain : Damped and undamped oscifations, free, forced and resonant oscilaion. «iy What is spring factor? Find its value when two springs connected in (2) series (©) parallel. coor ee Gf Wny pendulum clocks are not suitable for spaceships ? 6 How will simple pendalim bihave if it is taken to the moon ? they axe advised to broak their steps. thy ? hen soldiers cross ¢ suspension bridge, pe utar poitin of the parcicle exouting 9M, the KE, is equal to Ue PE ? Bplains see nao panes axe saretines broken by an explosion several miles anay, Explain: th pea onrtain sped of bus, it9 ue bxly starts vibrating strmaly~ plain how can earthquakes cause disaster sonetines ? hogs seinging in a song in the sitting position, Hoy will the poriad of the sving be affect Lf she stands uP ? Scanned with CamScanner 7 {Wat change in mss is requimd to deuble the Cexpancy of a harnenic avcillator ? ‘The mplitice of a simple hamenic oscillator is doubled. How does Unis affect (A) muximm welecity (11) erat energy, (iil) Poriad of Un excillater ? Shwe is the feqincy of a sinple pendulum mented in a cabin that is freely falling under gravity ? ‘A spring having a force constant K is divided into three equal parts. hat waild ba Ue foror constant for each tnvividnt pact? jd Into three equal parts. hat would be th a fu can the tine ported of @ loaded epring change Af It is taken to mom ? RUE) Thwsal on displacarent, velocity, acceleration, time period in st. used cn K.E., PsE. and total energy in sit, 3. fiased on spring constant, series and parallel ambinaticn of springs. Chapter: WAVES 1. Whal is wave ? Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves. 2. Stale Newton's formula for velocity of sound in air. What is Laplace's correction. How did it rectify the Newton's formula 3, Whats the effect of density, temperature, pressure, moisture and frequency on the velocity of sound ? ‘What are standing or stationary wave 7 Give analytical treatment of formation of standing waves on stretched strings, Give ‘normal mode of vibration of strings. ‘5. What are beats ? Define beat frequency. What is essential condition forthe formation of beats. Give analytical method of formation of beats. ‘Stale Doppler effect in sound, Find on expression for apparent frequency when there is relative motion between source and observer. Goa ee hat type of material medium is required for the propagation of saves ? 6 fn explosion on the meen cannot be heard on earth why 7 if fry sci travel faster on a rainy dy thin on a dey day ? =) tty sod trawl faster in solids than in Liquids ond guoas ? 1) thy sand vel faster in sxmer (or hot day) than in winter (or cold diy) ? plain ; Node, Antinade, evecbertion, revesberatin tine, ss The whist le of an approaching engine appaars to be shriller than that of rooadiny exqine. thy ? 4, If we nove aay fran the source of sound with spscd of sound, we bear nothing. Hy ? ven we start filling an erpty bucket with weter fran the tap, the pitch of the sound produced goes en changing. why ? 14 tiny does an enpty vessel produce more sound than filled vessel ? ‘The boats are not heard, if the difference in frequencies of two sanding notes 4s ore than 10. sy ? is1L there be any Sopplee’s effect, if both the soume of sour and Listener are roving with the sae velocity ar in the save direction ? fi My frequency considered to be fundamental property of @ wave ? vast is the audible range of frequancy ? | ‘reansverse waves are not produced in Liguids and gases. thy ? ly sonaneter bax hollow end provided with holes. effect of tarperature val Designed by Parveen Bhandas (Ow wove : 99 88 58 11 38 92.17 97 99 70| 2m 2. Rose on progressive wave equation y= A sin5~ (Ui-x) 4 mused on Sirdanencal frequency in string Y= 5; Scanned with CamScanner

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