Interview CanonigoOdiesaFayeLabor

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An Interview With A Mother Who Has A

Newborn Child About How It Has Altered

Her Life Physically, Cognitively And Socio

An interview that was conducted in order to

determine how pregnancy affects individual’s
development and how it changes their life in
different aspects.

Submitted by: Canonigo, Odiesa Faye L.

Submitted to: Ms. Niña Zaira Montebon

Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus
develops inside a woman's womb or uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts
about 40 weeks, or just over 9 months, as measured from the last
menstrual period to delivery. Health care providers refer to three
segments of pregnancy, called trimesters. The interview was conducted
on April 12, 2023 and was held inside the house of the participant. To
simplify and provide the best information the interview was divided
according to the 3 segments of pregnancy, (1) 1-3 months, (2) 3-6
months, and (3) 6-9 months. The goal is to determine, compare and
contrast the results about how the changes of the participant affects her
life in 3 aspects physically, cognitively and socio emotionally.


The participant was the conductor’s cousin. Azenet Mendoza

Hermosilla and her baby, Maxpien Zin. Azenet is 20 years of age and
Maxpein is 3 months old. She gave a consent to take pictures of her
during the interview. The interview lasted for 30 minutes and stated
below are the result of the interview.*

*Pictures taken during the documentation will be posted at the last page of
the document.

1ST Trimester (1-3 Months)

In the first 3 months of her pregnancy she discovered little to no

changes in her physically compared to when she was not pregnant. Her
height is the same from the first 3 months, her hips widen and she
notice a slight difference in her skin color, from the first 3 months she
noticed she look pale even though she is in good condition. There were
no changes in her face or even her face shape, she look totally normal
and no changes were seen.

2nd Trimester (3-6 Months)

She observed small changes in her physical shape between the

third and sixth months of her pregnancy. She observed her arms
growing larger, her tummy becoming heavier, and the changes caused
by the baby growing inside her. She can feel that her face is getting
bigger or it feels like its swollen. She also felt a little bit of weight gain.
Her weight turned from 55 when she wasn’t pregnant to 60 when she’s
already in the 5th month of her pregnancy.

3rd Trimester (6-9 Months)

Her physical changes become apparent during the sixth and ninth
month of her pregnancy, and her stomach is already very large. She
went from 55 kilograms to 78 kilograms in weight. She is currently
having trouble sleeping because she must lie on her side and refrain
from lying down due to stomachaches. Her skin color returned to
normal, she wasn’t looking pale at all. She’s having a hard time in
walking because she must slow down so her stomach won’t hurt. She
noticed some white marks or ap-ap in her face and she also noticed that
her nose became bigger
1ST Trimester (1-3 Months)

She doesn't feel many emotions during the first three months of
her pregnancy. She described to me something that upset her: when her
mother learned she was pregnant, she didn't get upset; instead, she
visited her for a few days while she was in the hospital. Since she
resides in Cebu City and her mother resides in Leyte, she would know
when it is time for her mother to return home. Because her spouse was
away at work, she was upset because she feared being alone.

2nd Trimester (3-6 Months)

She begins to feel fear and anxiety in the third to sixth months of
her pregnancy as the sadness fades. She is worried about what might
happen to the baby, whether she will deliver it normally, and whether
she will be able to care for her child until it is an a grown-up. Usually,
she prays to help her feel better. Then, she calls her mother for advice
because her mother has more experience in this area.

3rd Trimester (6-9 Months)

She started to feel mixed emotions in the sixth to ninth month of

her pregnancy. She told me even without exact reason she just gets
irritated out of nowhere. She prefers to be alone but sometimes she
wants someone to accompany her every time she has complains. Fear,
sadness, irritate, and anxious are the emotions that she told about. Her
stomach always aches and every time it aches she feel scared.


1st Trimester (1-3 Months)

She saw no changes in her interactions with other people

throughout the first one to three months of her pregnancy. After
learning she was pregnant, she began to worry about how other people
may respond, her parents' reaction, the reactions of her long-time
acquaintances, and the reactions of those who will see her. She
overcame this worry in a matter of weeks and decided to take the
responsibility of bearing the child; she didn't give a damn what other
people thought of her because they had nothing to do with her

2nd Trimester (3-6 Months)

Throughout the third to sixth month of her pregnancy, she
noticed that she prefers to be alone than to interact with people, it is
also because she can’t go out of house easily just like before. Her room
is in the second floor of their house. She always feel sleepy all the time
even though she just got sleep. When she wakes up she’s feeling tired,
it went for about 2 weeks before she felt okay and maintained her
sleeping schedule.

3rd Trimester (6-9 Months)

Before giving birth in her 8 to 9 months of pregnancy she notice

many changes in her socio emotional change. She needs someone by
her side now that she knew anytime she will give birth. Crying has
been her emotion since then, she gets comforted by her mother and
thankfully her mother and her husband was beside her all the time that
she needs help.

After the conversation ended, I came to the conclusion that she
has various feelings throughout each trimester of her pregnancy, some
of which shift gradually while others are still in the initial stages.
Because women are carrying a life inside of them, pregnancy is never a
joke to them. It is better for a man who won't encounter these
circumstances to offer them both practical and emotional support. Be
there for them so they will always have someone to call when they need


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