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As such, what we are talking about, and which is everything that could be said, is that as a living

being emerged unexpectedly in the distant past of our planet simultaneously emerged with it,
furthermore, produced by it, the singular powerful biological specialty that both settled it,
potential its presence and protection as a sub-atomic autopoietic framework, and comprised
with it the powerful natural life form specialty solidarity as the underlying fundament of the evo-
lutionary history of living creatures. Or on the other hand more unequivocally, we are asserting
two essential things:
one, that what started in the beginning of living frameworks as independent discrete elements,
the presence of living creatures as unique biological life form specialty solidarities; and two, that
what has happened from that point forward in the developmental history of the regular float of
living creatures
has been the continuous preservation and diversification of ancestries of various dynamic
natural organic entity specialty solidarities under the type of various habits of living.
Maybe what is generally uncanny albeit not surprising in these conditions, is that
the universe that emerges with all that we do, all that we live and all that we recognize as
languaging people, occurs in our activity as such in the shut elements of our
acknowledgment as sub-atomic autopoietic frameworks in the powerful biological creature
solidarity that we incorporate. All that occurs in our living, all that we do as we live, emerges
happens as substances, cycles and configurations of elements and cycles that are intelligent
with anything change we make in our activity in the atomic area that emerges
as we separate ourselves as atomic autopoietic frameworks, and we feel that particles
happen as though they existed freely of what we do, despite the fact that we know through what
we do that they are not on the grounds that they emerge with what we do as we recognize them.
Moreover, all that we live happens as an unconstrained consequence of the activity of all that
occurs in the crucial idleness and primary determinism that shows up as the possi-
bility of the presence of all that we recognize and do as we produce the universe that we
live as we make sense of the tangible functional social rationalities of our living with the
tangible functional social rationalities of the acknowledgment of our living in the shut
elements of the biological creature solidarity in which we understand our living as sub-atomic
autopoietic frameworks. We people living in the powerful natural life form specialty
solidarity that we coordinate as we live respectively are the epistemological state of plausibility
of all that happens and may happen in the universe that we produce in our living as we make
sense of
the intelligibilities of our living with the rationalities of the acknowledgment of our living. In
conditions the best fundamental risk that we people face in our aggregate living
as humankind, is the biological disharmony that emerges in the anthroposphere-biosphere
that we create in our living when we don't have any idea and acknowledge the way that it is us
who bring about the universes that we live as social organic people.
1.4 Unique Biological Living being Specialty Solidarity
In science when an eyewitness recognizes a solitary living being or an assortment of living
creatures comprising together a solitary bigger living being or an assortment of living creatures
working all together, the person in question talks both of organic entities, of provinces, of
networks, or of natural frameworks, contingent upon the closeness that the person in question
finds in the
closeness of the interrelation of the singular living creatures. In principal terms, biol-
ogists discuss creatures when they allude to a solitary cell or to an intently spatially between
associated gathering of cells that work as a solitary entirety, and they discuss a province, of a
local area, or of a natural framework as they allude to their qualification of the way of
their reliant activity as an entireties as they comprise what gives off an impression of being a
interconnected assortment or gathering of in any case evidently free independent
organic entities.
Humberto Maturana R. et al.
An onlooker that notices a life form in the acknowledgment of its living, and recognizes
it existing in a space of occasions, substances and cycles, that stretch out a long ways past the
which appears to the person in question to be its encompassing conditions, the person generally
calls that
more stretched out region that appears to the person in question containing it, the medium in
which the
organic entity exists. Besides, the onlooker likewise sees that the organic entity lives just while
flow of its associations with the medium, that the individual sees contains it, ends up working
as a feel satisfactory for the ceaseless acknowledgment of its sub-atomic autopoiesis as a
entirety. We have been calling that piece of the medium in which the spectator sees that an
creature is constantly experiencing itself in unconstrained sensorial, functional and
social amicability so it lives, its dynamic biological specialty. Any element that we, truth be told
recognize as we work as onlookers emerges in our activity of qualification suggesting the
tactile functional social lattice in which its presence is conceivable. The connection with
the medium that makes conceivable the powerful natural creature specialty, where an
organic entity exists, is what we have called ''enormous love connection'' and endures just as long
as the
states of the crucial idleness apply as it is obvious in the protection of the
living of the creature. As we have quite recently said, in the space of living creatures we allude to
saying that every living being and all frameworks of living creatures exist provided that the
inestimable love
connection is monitored in their recursive experiences in the medium that makes conceivable the
emerging of their dynamic biological specialty.
The unique environmental specialty wherein a residing framework understands its residing as an
organic entity, emerges with the living being as this interfaces with the medium that contains it
following a way that is second by second produced by the activity of its sensoriality as
the way where its residing results being rationed, whatever the idea of the tactile
functional social space in which it works as per the acknowledgment of its
atomic autopoiesis. The living being and the unique environmental organic entity specialty
that emerges with it, comprise together the natural creature specialty functional solidarity
(dynamic natural creature specialty solidarity) that the organic entity coordinates as the way of
living in which it understands its atomic autopoiesis. The powerful natural organic entity-
specialty solidarity consequently comprises what a spectator sees as the way of living that is
a large number of ages in the constitution and protection of a genealogy
foundational proliferation. In us people that unique environmental life form specialty solidarity
is our organic social presence.
What an onlooker recognizes as the specific piece of the medium wherein the individual in
finds that a life form exists understanding its living, shows up in their differentiation as a
space of substances and cycles that has its own functional elements autonomous of the
functional elements of the creature. The functional elements of the medium is dis-
tinguishable from the functional elements of the creature in that the last option shows up in the
collaboration as emerging from a unique functional limit produced by the persistent
shut acknowledgment of the creature's sub-atomic autopoiesis. Thus the tangible oper-
ational-social elements of the creature and the tangible functional social
elements of its natural specialty as this emerges in the

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