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The reflections that we present here compare to our reasoning in the space of our living

as organic social creatures since we started to cooperate in the wake of making Matrı



2000. Accordingly, they show our current vision and comprehension of our human living as

sub-atomic autopoietic creatures that exist as adoring languaging people that by and large consideration

how occurs as a result of what they treat different people, to other living creatures and

to the biosphere by and large, … yet at times they don't. Indeed, now and then we human

creatures could do without the outcomes of what we do, and we generally legitimize our absence of

care with some impromptu hypothesis that invalidates love blinding us to the way that affection is the

central tactile, functional and social state of the concordance of the environmental

feeling in which a living being can exist, and comprises the functional social

grid that makes conceivable our human living as Homo sapiens amans

by making

conceivable the acknowledgment and preservation of our atomic autopoiesis accordingly.

In Matrı

'ztica we have been worried about the functional solidarity of the creature and its

way of living in the acknowledgment of its living in the natural life form specialty solidarity in

which it exists. Furthermore, we have done so alluding verifiably to the way of living of an

individual organic entity as its ''social area'', recognizing that the singular existence of

each creature happens as an epigenetic cycle in an ontogenic history that keep going as long as

its life. According to that point of view this article is an exposition in social science, nearly as a new

point of view in our grasping our living as social natural creatures. In this way, we now

present our reflections as social researcher.

We has shown that the social idea of the acknowledgment of the living of a living being
as a sub-atomic autopoietic framework, uncovers that adoration

emerges with the arisi

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