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Spaces of Presence of Living Creatures

Living happens as the constant acknowledgment of the sub-atomic autopoiesis of the atomic
autopoietic frameworks. Living creatures exist as atomic autopoietic frameworks in the area of
their interior elements, and exist as well as organic entities as they work as entireties
recursively cooperating and relating as discrete elements in the interactional and social
area that a spectator sees emerging with them as their dynamic biological specialty as they
understand their living. This cycle endures while the living being works as a creature in its
environmental specialty exchanging atoms and energy with it as they commonly trigger in
each other primary changes in a cycle where they go through recursive compatible
primary changes that endures while the authoritative character of the living being is monitored.
An eyewitness of these recursive interactional tactile functional social cycles can
see that each living being might understand progressively or all the while a few unique
habits of living as various tactile social functional elements that happen as dif-
ferent habits of acknowledgment of its sub-atomic autopoiesis through a similar body-hood
along its ontogeny. The spectator sees these various habits of activity of an
life form along its ontogeny as a few not converging tangible functional social
spaces, who should not befuddle them as the individual in question endeavors to see all the trans-
developments that happen along the living of each and every living being. Also, the flow of the
social elements that happens in the acknowledgment of the living of a creature in its
recursive connections in its natural specialty, change ceaselessly as per the
underlying changes that every one is going through because of their experiences and of their
particular autonomous functional elements; and this happens through the ceaseless
acknowledgment of the way of residing of the living being that is occurring in the dynamic
natural living being specialty solidarity that it coordinates with its biological specialty. Besides,
this course of recursive reasonable primary change of the organic entity and its dynamic
environmental specialty endures as long as the sub-atomic autopoiesis of the life form is saved.
This implies, that all tangible functional social parts of what is happening in the
various elements of the acknowledgment of the various habits of living that the unique
sorts of dynamic environmental creature specialty solidarities that an organic entity might live,
are for
various life forms various parts of the powerful natural specialty that they live in their
ontogeny. Furthermore, this is so paying little heed to how abnormal they might appear to a
spectator, on the grounds that
every one of them happen as various structures or habits of living that are being monitored as
Humberto Maturana R. et al.
various genealogies through the foundational multiplication of the different dynamic natural
organic entity specialty solidarities that they coordinate while their living is preserved. In these
cumstances an eyewitness may find oneself distinctive different cement and
conceptual types of habits of living that happen as various structures or habits of acting
that might go from what appears to the person in question as oblivious configurations of internal
sentiments to cognizant and oblivious ways of behaving that emerge through reflection or
philosophical, scientific or creative ways of behaving on account of people. Every one of these
ferent social elements that happen as various structures or habits of the acknowledgment of the
natural life form specialty solidarity in the acknowledgment of the sub-atomic autopoiesis of an
creature, to a spectator shows up as various fundamentally crossing however autonomous
spaces of presence. In addition, every last one of the various spaces of presence that
different living frameworks live, comprise as it is being experienced all that there is for the living
framework that lives it: each living being, whatever its thoughtful, and anything that might
happen to
it or with it in its living, daily routines as substantial all that it day to day routines at the time that
it lives it.

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