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Dynamic Structures (1)

As we discuss a creature we allude to its way of constitution as a sub-atomic

autopoietic framework, and in doing so we are persistently implying the unique way of

demeanor of its sub-atomic parts. So we wish to make a reflection around three

calculated functional ideas that are fundamental for the comprehension how we really do exist as

human living creatures that work as reflective unsure people. These calculated

functional ideas are: construction, association and dynamic design.

(a) When we people, as we work as spectators recognize a composite substance,

we recognize an entirety where we recognize the parts and the relations

between them that comprise it as the entirety that we had recognized. In this

differentiation we discuss the construction of the composite element when we allude to the

parts and the relations between them that acknowledge it as such entirety as a specific

instance of a specific class of composite substances. Simultaneously, when we discuss the

association of the composite substance we allude to the configuration of the relations

between its parts that define its class way of life as a composite entirety. In these

conditions the construction of a composite element can change in two ways: either in a

manner by which the configuration of relations that is the association that defines

the class personality of the composite element is moderated through those underlying changes,

or on the other hand in a manner by which the configuration of relations that comprises the association
of the

composite element isn't preserved through those primary changes. In the first case the

composite element changes its attributes however moderates its class personality; in the second

case as the configuration of relations that comprise the association that defines the

Social Science: Fundamental Results of Our Transformative…


class personality of the composite element isn't moderated and it breaks down, and as result

something different shows up all things considered.

At the point when in day to day existence we discuss the historical backdrop of any give composite
element we allude to its
underlying changes with preservation of its group personality that it might have go through in light of
the fact that

its association has not changed (Maturana and Varela 1984). Simultaneously when we

as onlookers recognize a composite solidarity and focus on the configuration or type of

the demeanor of the components that make its design we talk about its engineering, and

we can discuss dynamic or static structures. Thus, when we talk about the dynamic or

static design of a composite element we allude to the way of its acknowledgment as a

composite element in the tactile functional social area in which we recognize it.

To do this permits us to see the change of the specific composite substance that we

might be recognizing as the historical backdrop of its constantly changing present in the tactile

functional social area in which it emerges along with its dynamic biological specialty

as the unique engineering of the powerful natural life form specialty solidarity in which it

exists. The comprehension of the verifiable change of a powerful composite substance

for example, an environmental living being specialty solidarity as it occurs as a powerful engineering,

us to see that what is by all accounts underlying associations happening among transiently and

spatially isolated substances or cycles that have been made sense of as a rule falling back on the

development of magical relations like reason, guideline, control, purposefulness, and

progress, are not really. Yet, seem, by all accounts, to be so due the underlying concordance that is

emerging in collaborating frameworks from the primary coupling (Maturana and Varela 1984) and

verifiable relationships that occurs in them in their normal float because of their

happening as interrelated powerful models.

(b) That which probably happened when the first atomic autopoietic frameworks emerged

on the earth, approximately a long time back, probably been the

unconstrained emerging of numerous sub-atomic autopoietic frameworks that comprised as discrete

substances individual life forms coordinated in the powerful biological specialties that emerged with

them and that as they were monitored started the regular underlying float of living

creatures. Also, as those powerful natural living being specialty solidarities were rationed through

the proceeded with acknowledgment of their atomic autopoiesis, they turned into the essential
dynamic engineering that comprised the start of the developmental float of living

frameworks. Besides, when these crude creatures went through some unplanned crack

that brought about the emerging of at least two sub-atomic autopoietic frameworks with the

dynamic biological specialties that they coordinated, generation happened. Finally, when

recursive propagation started to happen heredities emerged, and with them the lineal way for

the regenerative protection of the first or of varieties of the first powerful

engineering of the crude living creatures; and as this happened a way of primary float

was opened, leading to an undeniable verifiable recursive increment of diversification

furthermore, intricacy of the powerful biological life form specialty solidarities under progressive

propagation. The course of propagation is functionally exceptionally basic as it happens

at the point when a composite solidarity goes through a crack in which its association is monitored

in the acknowledgment of its subsequent sections. In these conditions, in living frameworks

what is saved in the regenerative cycle is the powerful engineering of the dynamic

biological creature specialty solidarity in which the repeating living framework understands its


As the unique design of a creature goes through its individual ontogenic struc-

tural change, an onlooker can see that the living being and its biological specialty that

Humberto Maturana R. et al.


emerges with it change together consistently. Besides, the onlooker can likewise see that the

way of relating of the life form with its specialty and the way of relating of the

life form specialty solidarity with the medium in which it happens, likewise change together congru-

ently comprising an organization of fundamental powerful models that change together fol-

lowing the way where the configuration of the foundational dynamic configuration of the

acknowledgment of the atomic autopoiesis of every creature, is saved. While the living of

a creature (its sub-atomic autopoietic elements) quits being saved and it bites the dust, the

dynamic design of the framework creature specialty medium deteriorates. Without a doubt this

happens in the singular history of the powerful engineering of any unique composite

peculiarity that we might recognize in the universe that emerges as we make sense of the rationalities
of our living with the rationalities of the acknowledgment of our living.

(c) In our verifiable present, when an onlooker recognizes a specific ''foundational microorganism'',

for example, a zygote in a physically repeating creatures, what the person in question sees is a particular

dynamic design taking part as a solitary cell life form in the commencement of the

constitution of a composite bigger powerful design with its biological specialty and the

medium in which it happens as an underlying powerful configuration in a self-gathering

(unconstrained gathering) building process. Furthermore, as the unique design of that

composite element changes, what the eyewitness sees is a past filled with change of the

composite element in tactile, functional and social unique underlying coinciding

with its changing natural specialty while it saves its way of life as a composite solidarity.

This cycle is moderately simple to check whether oneself is mindful of see what occurs in a

pregnant lady, as it is currently days conceivable to follow the change of the undeveloped organism in

the uterus, and one sees that it happens as a cycle where each change in the

undeveloped organism happens in sound unique consistency with the progressions of the uterus, of the

mother, of the family specialty, and that it passes on when that powerful rational compatibility

doesn't happen.

At first sight what occurs in the undeveloped improvement appears to the eyewitness as a

process that goes to a pre-laid out end that has an intricacy that seems mystifying

without the activity of some mystical getting sorted out standards like deliberateness,

reason or understood plan. Presently days we scientists wouldn't for the most part acknowledge

such magical getting sorted out standards, however they seem concealed in ideas of coding and

data which don't depict the sub-atomic cycles included and supplant them with

similarly mystical thoughts, for example, control and regulation(Maturana 2007,1974). However, on the
off chance that

we consider that what we see that is occurring at each moment precipitously in the

cycle of the early stage improvement, is one minute of the present of a background marked by

primary changes of an interrelated arrangement of dynamic models, we can

comprehend that what we see occurring with the creature and its specialty is the nearby
activity of a powerful organization of primary rationalities that emerged in a past filled with underlying

coupling in the transformative float of an organization of heredities of living substances that started

a long period of time prior in the conceptive protection of varieties in the way of

acknowledgment of the sub-atomic autopoiesis of the individuals from the of some unique organization

heredities. As the normal float of various genealogies of creature started to happen in some

topographical spot that contained them, the primary changes moderated in the individuals

of every heredity were just those in which the dynamic of the sub-atomic autopoiesis of the

different imitating creatures of the various genealogies was saved in the normal

dynamic natural specialty that emerged in their area of conjunction, no matter what the structure

that was taking the rising authentic underlying intricacy of the e

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