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Your efficient partner for modern and effective bulk material handling


Central Cone Silos EPC-Contracting

Single silos. Piling.

Ring silos. Civil works.
Multicompart- Steel structure,
ment silos. supply/erection.
From 2 to Electrical/
22 chambers, mechanical
diameters:  supply and
14 to 27 m. erection.

Marine Cement Terminals Silo Conversions

Floating Economic
terminals. modifications
Mini terminals. with advanced
Silo systems. cutting-edge
Dome systems. technology.
Flat storage

Cement Carriers Components

Advanced The key for

technology for a well
self-discharging functioning plant:
Cement Carriers Components,
including the all made
Midship tunnel. to measure.

Ship Unloaders Spare Parts

Stationary or
mobile types:
High stock
From the Just-in-time
5,000 class supply
up to the
60,000 class.
of spare parts.

Handling Systems
ꇴ + 49 (0) 40 36 13 090
H/05/17/Alumina Handling Systems


Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

Bulk material
handling at
aluminium smelter
Modern aluminium
smelter plants are
designed for production IBAU HAMBURG
capacities of approx. has solved
600,000 tonnes/year. the problem:
There has been a marked The bottom under
rise in the demands made the cone is
on the bulk material completely covered
handling of such plants with individual
in recent years. fluidslides, like the
annular area outside
Besides reliability and the cone.
minimum environmental
impact, importance is The material in the
increasingly attached to annular area is con-
improved technology and veyed into the cone
high process stability. using a fluidslide
discharge tunnel.
In this sector I BAU The centre cone
HAMBURG has proved and the covers of the
itself to be a competent radial fluidslide
partner who offers the discharge tunnels
relevant technological are made of concrete
expertise, advanced inter- or steel.
national experience and
cutting-edge technology The silo bottom does
for such plants. not only slope
towards the centre
Since the company was outlet point but also
founded in 1975, it has towards the
planned and built well fluidslide discharge
over 5000 large-capacity tunnel of each
silos alone for the storage section.
of a wide range of bulk
materials. The system provides
for full silo
As the base materials for emptying up to 99%
molten-salt electrolysis of the nominal
fresh alumina (Al2O3) is storage capacity.
required as well as alu-
minium fluoride (AlF6)
and cryolite (Na3AlF6)
as the fluxing agent.
Approx. 1.9 kg of alumi-
na is necessary for 1 kg
of primary aluminium.
Accordingly, a 0.6 Mta
plant uses approx.
1.15 Mta (million tonnes/
annum) Al2O3 and Material distribution system at a large-capacity silo containing alumina Alumina silo with airlift feeding, distribution and a discharge system with homogenisation effect.

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

approx. 0.01 Mta of the I BAU storage mechanical or pneumatic the material to the storage caused by the fine materi- tem, thus offering opera- discharge is carried out the silo bottom with
additive AlF6. Al2O3 is technology and bulk vertical mechanical trans- silos via a further al, normally accounting tors of aluminium smelter via sectional aeration of blower air is ensured by
delivered by rail or ship. port system also designed mechanical or pneumatic for 5 - 10%, with particle plants improved process the silo bottom. For ho- annular butterfly valves
Transport by sea is gener- material handling for 600 - 800 t/h. One transport system. Either sizes < 45 µm. Segrega- stability. mogenisation blending of and components, used as
ally via Handymax and alternative is to deliver bucket elevators or tion phenomena occur- the material is performed a standard in the tried and
Panamax ships with a For alumina a storage the material via railway so-called airlifts are used ring in certain zones of Its patented system firstly from individual aeration tested central cone silos
capacity of up to 80,000 t. capacity covering the wagons or trucks, which here. the storage silo may prevents segregation sections of the silo of I BAU HAMBURG .
consumption for a 14-day provide for direct trans- cause enrichment of the occurring due to dead bottom. The material is
The most important steps production is the mini- port to the alumina silos An airlift system takes up fine material. areas of flow in the silo discharged from the I BAU silos with aerated
for bulk material handling mum requirement. of the smelting plant. little space and does not by ensuring even silo alumina silo at rates of bottom discharge are
include: involve mechanical de- After discharge in the filling via a distribution 300 - 500 t/h. Storage used to store additives.
Large aluminium smelter There are generally no vices. A nozzle is used to downstream process system with fluidslides. silos with a centre outlet
• unloading of ships or plants therefore require special conditions for pass the material from an chain this will impair the have proved to be practi- Such silos have a diame-
railway wagons several storage silos with unloading the wagons. aerated vessel directly to efficiency of the elec- Systematic venting of the cal here. The material is ter ranging between
capacities up to 65,000 t However, pneumatic a vertical conveying pipe. trolytic cells and increase displaced air firstly pro- discharged downwards 3.0 and 5.0 m and a height
• mechanical or pneu- and silo diameters of collectors for the alumina HF emissions, thus hav- duces air flows in the silo from the centre outlet via of 12 - 15 m offering a
matic material trans- 45 m. If material is deliv- have proved to be eco- This system provides ing an adverse effect on that prevent dead areas a fluidslide. storage volume of approx.
port ered by ship, pneumatic nomical when installed at for very high conveying the smelting process. of flow and segregation. 150 m3. A silo battery
ship discharge systems the emptying system. capacities and high verti- Secondly, the silo dis- Silo discharge is carried with 2 - 3 silos provides
• silo storage and load- are used for unloading cal distances. Alumina This is why alumina stor- charge system is designed out using an I BAU flow for the storage of
ing equipment. capacities of 600 - 800 t/h. They consist of an in- takes the form of a fine age silos are generally to ensure homogenisation control gate, which pro- approx. 300 - 450 m3 of
The material is transport- clined bottom with white powder with a equipped with a so-called of possible segregations. vides for the controlled additives, which are de-
ed to the port terminals fluidslides and a dosing relatively small grain anti-segregation system. The silo operates accord- discharge of material. livered either in contain-
via belt conveyors fol- device with flow rates of size distribution between I BAU HAMBURG has ing to the "first-in / first- Actuation of the individ- ers or Big-Bags. After
lowed by a downstream 600 t/h, which conveys 1 - 200 µm. A problem is revolutionised this sys- out" principle. Material ual aeration sections of emptying the additives

System for emptying railway wagons Silos with truck-loading equipment for additives

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

are conveyed to the stor- I BAU ered with individual flu- individual aeration
age silos pneumatically. silo discharge idslides, like the annular sections. For example,
At many aluminium area outside the cone. 12 sections are provided
smelter plants the dis- With the large silo diam- The material in the annu- for a 44 m silo. The silo
tances between storage eters of alumina silos fea- lar area is conveyed into bottom does not only
silos and the daily silos turing a central discharge the cone using a fluid- slope towards the centre
for molten-salt electroly- it is normally extremely slide discharge tunnel. outlet point but also
sis are very large so that difficult to ensure an towards the fluidslide
pneumatic or mechanical even discharge from Controlled inlet of the discharge tunnel of each
conveying is not suitable a radial bottom segment. aerated material into this section.
here. tunnel from the side is
I BAU HAMBURG has possible. The centre cone Alternating actuation is
The storage silos for the solved this problem. For and the radial covers of used for the individual
additives are therefore example, a cone measur- the fluidslide discharge aeration sections so that
equipped with loading ing 7 m in diameter is tunnels are made of con- the entire material in the
equipment for trucks, installed in a silo with a crete or steel. silo is put into motion
which transport the mate- diameter of 44 m on during a complete cycle.
rial from the port silos to the inclined bottom of the The diameter of the cen- This avoids all problems
the daily silos. silo to provide a storage tre cone and the number regarding dead zones.
capacity of 65,000 t. of fluidslide discharge The system provides
Standard loading tunnels depend on the for full silo emptying up
capacities for the trucks The bottom under the diameter of the silo and to 99% of the nominal
are between 300 - 400 t/h. cone is completely cov- the maximum size of the storage capacity.

Discharge area under the central cone Central steel cone with segmental design

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

Material discharge in the annular area of the silo via the fluidslide discharge tunnel

Truck-loading equipment with I BAU SIMPLEX loader Typical discharge section in the annular area of the silo

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

Pneumatically operated I BAU flow control gate

In practical terms the flu- I BAU modular throughput of different components from
idslides used in alumina system volume flows. There are I BAU HAMBURG used
silos do not differ from a range of drive concepts in the aluminium industry
those installed by I BAU The conveying elements here. Pneumatic drives such as airlifts, mobile
HAMBURG in other silos. for alumina and additives are mainly used in loaders and fluidslides
The fluidslides consist of used in aluminium aluminium smelter plants. are also available in the
lower boxes provided smelter plants are based required sizes for alumi-
with aeration fabric. The on the tried and tested I BAU flow control gates na and additive handling.
air for aeration is intro- modular system from are available in many
duced underneath the I BAU HAMBURG . different sizes. Sizes The proper functioning of
fabric and fluidises the 300 - 500 are used for a plant not only depends
material above the fabric. I BAU flow control gates material discharge from on tried and tested cut-
For alumina and are used for the volumet- alumina silos and provide ting-edge technology but
additives as required in ric flow control of mass for controlled discharge also the correct dimen-
aluminium smelter flows from a silo. An of up to 500 t/h. sioning and design of
plants, this fabric adjustable roller is used plant and components.
provides for a service life for this purpose. As alumina is a relatively
exceeding 10 years or free-flowing material, Here I BAU HAMBURG
several track times of the It offers different roller no special measures or can offer international
electrolytic cells. Inter- apertures depending precautions are necessary experience with such
mediate cleaning of the on the application and for the silo discharge. plants that stands com-
fabric is not necessary. thus provides for the All other machines and parison in all cases. Silo discharge with I BAU flow control gate and downstream closed fluidslide

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

Storage silos from I BAU HAMBURG Illustration of an airlift for vertical conveying

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Alumina Handling Systems from IBAU HAMBURG Information

Quality control during production Drive assembly for flow control gates

I BAU flow control gate for bulk material handling I BAU railway wagon unloading

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