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Web Application on Hospital

Management System

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Technology

Submitted by:

Ishita A. Khandekar

Supervised by:

Prof. Lata Tembhare

Mr. Ashish Dhamankar

Nagar YuwakShikshanSanstha’s


(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)

NAGPUR – 441 110



Certified that the Internship project entitled “Web Application on Hospital

Management System” has been successfully completed by Ishita Khandekar
during session 2022-23.

Faculty Supervisor

Signature :
Name : Prof. Lata Tembhare
Designation: Professor

Industry Supervisor

Signature :
Name : Mr. Ashish Dhamankar
Designation: CEO and Managing Director


I, Ishita Khandekar would like to convey my gratitude to Yeshwantrao Chavan

College of Engineering Mr. Ashish Dhamankar, CEO and Managing Director,

Primine Software Pvt. Ltd. for emphasizing on the Semester Internship Program and

giving me the platform to interact with industry professionals.

I would also like to thank Prof. Lata Tembhare and Dr. R. D. Wajgi for giving me the

opportunity to work on the prestigious Internship.

I extend my warm gratitude and regards to everyone who helped me during my



Sr.No Title Page No

1 Title Page 1

2 Certificate of Approval 2

3 Acknowledgement 3

4 Internship Certificate 4

5 Index 5

6 Executive Summary 6

 Introduction of the Report 6

 Overview of the Internship providing 7

 About the Project 8-25

 Conclusion 26



This report aims at development of hospital management system project which comprises
computerized billing in the labs and pharmacy as well as patient registration and data storage.
Every patient can receive a unique ID from the software, which also automatically stores staff
and patient information. It has a search feature so you can see how each room is doing right
now. Using the ID, a user can look up a doctor's availability and a patient's information.
With the use of a login and password, one can access the Hospital Management System. A
receptionist or an administrator can access it. They alone are able to add data to the database.
The information is simple to retrieve. The user experience is excellent. The data are securely
safeguarded for personal use, which speeds up data processing.
The Hospital Management System was created with the intention of providing hospitals with
tangible, imaginable advantages. It is strong, adaptable, and simple to use. A comprehensive
variety of hospital management and administrative processes are covered by the Hospital
Management System, which is developed for multispecialty facilities. It is a fully integrated
end-to-end hospital management system that offers pertinent data to all hospital departments to
enable efficient decision-making for patient care, hospital operations, and crucial financial
accounting in a smooth flow.
Clinical process analysis and activity-based pricing are two areas where the Hospital
Management System's software product package can help hospitals manage their operations
more effectively. With the aid of a hospital management system, you may grow your business
and enhance its productivity and level of service. You may manage your processes by
effectively managing the core processes that are essential to the hospital's performance.


Primine Software is a software consulting and product development company based in

Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. It specializes in delivering solution and product in
business process automation, customized application development and web-based
application with success of delivering high standard of service to many different

It has mainly worked on developing different products ranging from Customized

Enterprise Solution, Business Process Automation, Web-based work flow
management solution, E-Commerce Development, Mobile Application Development
& Software Development for its growing list of clients. It has expertise in open-source
Technologies. It ensures to provide high quality service to all its client.

Primine Software Pvt. Ltd. Has its dedicated development center at Nagpur, it is a
contractual engagement model built around team productivity optimization in
exclusive, long-term outsourcing relationships. Their systematic approach executes
each project and provides a roadmap for project managers to manage hassle free
execution. It is backed up with timely communication with client and everyday

Company’s years of experience and breadth of knowledge make it simple for clients to
specify requirements and add their original suggestions, which ultimately lead to the
development of a flawless product for the market. The organization achieves
timelessness in work with prompt delivery and efficient project management tools.
The outcome of their perfect project delivery is their loyal clientele.


1. Introduction

1.1 Abstract

An organized computerized system called a "hospital management system" was

created and programmed to handle day-to-day operations and management of hospital
activities. The program can handle inpatients, outpatients, records, databases,
treatments, sickness statuses, pharmacy and lab billings, and inpatient and outpatient
records. Additionally, it keeps track of hospital data including ward IDs, doctors in
charge, and department administrators. The main issue for patients nowadays is
receiving a report following a consultation. Although many hospitals manage reports
in their systems, patients cannot access them when they are outside. We will add the
ability to store the report in a database and make it accessible from anywhere in the
world as part of this project.

1.2 Problem Statement

In this busy world we don’t have the time to wait in infamously long hospital queues.
The issue is that administrative staff frequently manage hospital queues manually. We
must take a token, wait for our turn, and then ask for the doctor. What's worse, after
travelling a considerable distance to get there, we learn the doctor is out sick or isn't
available for appointments.
Hospital Management System (HMS) will assist us with resolving all of these issues
because patients can now schedule appointments from home and determine if the
doctor, they wish to see is available or not. Doctors can also confirm or decline
appointments. This benefits both the patient and the doctor since, if the doctor
declines, the patient will be informed in advance and will only visit the hospital when
the doctor confirms the appointment, saving both time and money for the patient. To
save time, patients can also pay the doctor's consultant fee online.
All healthcare facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, health clinics,
rehabilitation centers, dispensaries, and clinics, require HMS. The major objective is
to computerize all patient and hospital information. The primary goal of any
healthcare facility is to provide the best possible patient care, and the installation of
this software enhances administrative tasks.

1.3 Scope

The application will be utilized by hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, and other healthcare
facilities. The system's goal is to improve the number of people who can receive
effective care.
The management of the hospital must make significant efforts to secure the files if the
hospital management system is file-based. Fire, insects, and natural disasters can
quickly ruin them. Additionally, could be misplaced through information and data

1.4 Modules

The entire web application mainly consists of 24 modules, which are as follows:
1. Login Module
2. Reception Module
3. Admission Module
4. Appointment Module
5. Wards Module
6. Expert Doctors Module
7. Laboratory Module
8. Pharmacy Module
9. Operation Theatre Module
10. Blood Bank Module
11. Emergency Module
12. Insurance Module
13. EMR Module
14. Billing Module
15. Staff Module
16. Attendance Module
17. Inventory and Purchases Module
18. Internal Communication Module
19. Admin Security Module
20. Laundry Module
21. Canteen Module
22. Dietary Module

23. Financial Module
24. MIS Report Module

Patient: Can login using unique
ID and Password after this system
shall show his/her profile.

Doctor: Can login using unique Id
and Password after this system
1. Login Module Doctor
shall show his/her profile.

Admin: Can login using unique Id
and Password after this system
shall show a profile with links to
maintain the website.
Admin: Register a Patient, Check
Reception Appointment Details, check
2. Admin
Module Billing and Invoice details. Also
helps in managing the patients.
Patient: Can Register by filling all
Admission the required details, after this the
3. Patient
Module system will verify the details and
check if already registered or not.
Patient: Can Select doctor, date
time and make an appointment
request after this system shall
Appointment show a confirmation for
Module appointment request.

Admin: Can manage the


Admin: Can assign, view and
manage wards on the basis of
5. Wards Module Admin availability. Also helps in
transferring the patient from one
ward to another.
Doctors: Can save and edit their
personal information, education
details, certificates, account
details, service provided and
Expert Doctors
Module Admin: Can add a new doctor by
filling all the details after this
system shall show a confirmation
message. Can Remove a doctor by
just one click after this system
shall show confirmation message.
Patient: Can book tests related to
Patient pathology or radiology.
Admin Admin: Keeps the records of tests
carried out and the bills.
Admin: Keeps record of
Pharmacy customers. Helps in adding
8. Admin
Module Medicine by categories, alerts for
medicines and keeps track of billing.
Admin: Keeps records of health
details pre and post operation and
9. Admin recovery. Also helps in scheduling
Theatre Module
OT appointment on the basis of
Blood Bank Patient Patient: Can request for blood and
Module can help donating blood to the

Admin hospital.

Admin: Manages blood requests

and donations.
Patient: Can make a request for
emergency services.
11. Admin: Manages the emergency
Admin requests and helps in keeping
record of patient transferring from
one hospital to another.
Admin: Manual and online pre-
Insurance authorization request creation,
12. Admin
Module approval tracking, cancellation, and
Admin: Can access patient’s
information and medical records
13. EMR Module Admin that are generated along the
patient’s journey across various
touchpoints in the hospital.
Admin: Can stay up to date with
the invoicing and payments. Also
keeps track of hospital related
14. Billing Module Admin
tasks such as insurance receipts,
bills to other departments and
other hospital related charges.
Admin: Can add staff, view and
manage staff. Also helps in
15. Staff Module Admin assigning department and
transferring the department of the
staff working in the hospital.
Attendance Admin: Can access attendance
16. Admin
Module details of the doctors, nurses and

the other staff working in the
Admin: Keeps a track of
Inventory and
pharmaceuticals and equipment
17. Purchases Admin
required in the hospitals and also
maintains vendor details.
Internal Communication System
guarantees effective, timely, and
efficient communication between
Internal Nurses
various departments and employee
18. Communication
levels. It also encourages
System Module Staff
cooperation, offer precise
instructions, and aid in
maintaining patient safety.
Provides multi user support. Stores
employee database. Manages user
Admin Security
19. Admin rights (add, edit, view and delete
levels of all Masters/ Transactions
and Reports).
Patient: Can put up a laundry
Patient request by filling up a form.
Admin Admin: Manages all the laundry
orders and keeps track of bills.
Admin: Keep track of all the food
21. Admin items in the canteen. Also
manages the orders and bills of the
Doctor: Checks BMI Index and
22. Dietary Module Doctor other health issues and provides a
diet to the patient.
Admin: Keeps record of all the
23. Admin financial affairs. Also, records
expenses incurred by the hospital,

revenue data and other financial
details of the hospital.
Admin: Assembles hospital data
MIS Report on critical parameters such as
24. Admin
Module patients, doctors, employees,
departments and suppliers.

Table 1.1 Modules

2. System Requirement Specification

2.1 System Interfaces

 User Interfaces
1. The system's inputs and outputs are all thoroughly described in this section.
Additionally, it describes the hardware, software, and communication
interfaces and offers simple user interface prototypes.
2. The protocol used shall be HTTP.
3. The Port number used will be 80.
4. There shall be logical address of the system in IPv4 format.

 Hardware Interfaces
1. Laptop/Desktop PC – The goal of this is to provide information when
patients inquire about physicians, medications that are available, lab tests,
etc. A powerful computer is required to carry out such actions; otherwise,
patients would have to wait a very long period to receive their requests.
2. Laser Printer (B/W) – This device is used to print patient’s information,
3. Wi-Fi router – In a hospital, Wi-Fi routers are utilized for network
operations and for simple data transmission from computers to servers.

 Software Interfaces
1. MySQL server – Database connectivity and management.
2. OS Windows 7/8/10/11 – Very user friendly and common OS.
3. VS Code – Edit, build and debug with ease.
2.2 System Specifications

 Hardware Requirement
1. Core i5 processor
2. 2GB Ram
3. 20GB of hard disk space in terminal machines
4. 1TB hard disk space in Server Machine

 Software Requirement
1. Windows 7 or above operating system
2. MySQL server
3. VS Code
4. PHP

3. Technology

3.1 HTML & CSS

3.1.1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language used to create
web pages. HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags
enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>). HTML tags most commonly come in pairs
like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags represent empty elements and so are
unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, and the second tag
is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). Though not always
necessary, it is best practice to append a slash to tags which are not paired with a
closing tag.

The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into
visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses
the tags to interpret the content of the page. HTML describes the structure of a website
semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language rather
than a programming language.

HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and
objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a
means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as
headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts written
in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML web pages.

3.1.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

It is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document
written in a markup language. While most often used to style web pages and interfaces
written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any kind of XML
document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. CSS is a cornerstone specification of
the web and almost all web pages use CSS style sheets to describe their presentation.

CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from

document presentation, including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This
separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in
the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share
formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.

CSS can also allow the same markup page to be presented in different styles for
different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (when read out by a
speech-based browser or screen reader) and on Braille-based, tactile devices. It can
also be used to allow the web page to display differently depending on the screen size
or device on which it is being viewed. While the author of a document typically links
that document to a CSS file, readers can use a different style sheet, perhaps one on
their own computer, to override the one the author has specified. However, if the
author or the reader did not link the document to a specific style sheet the default style
of the browser will be applied.

3.2 JAVA

JavaScript is an interpreter, client-side, event-based, object-oriented scripting language

that you can use to add dynamic interactivity to your web pages. JavaScript scripts are
written in plain text, like HTML, XML, Java, PHP and just about any other modern

computer code. In this code, we will use Windows Note Pad to create and edit our
JavaScript code, but there are a large number of alternatives available. Note Pad is
chosen to demonstrate JavaScript’s immediacy and simplicity.

You can use JavaScript to achieve any of the following:

 Create special effects with images that give the impression that a button is
either highlighted or depressed whenever the mouse pointer is hovered over it.
 Validate information that users enter into your web forms.
 Open pages in new windows, and customize the appearance of those new
 Detect the capabilities of the user’s browser and alter your page’s content
 Create custom pages “on the fly” without the need for a server-side language
like PHP. JavaScript is not Java, though if you come from a Java background,
you will notice that both languages look similar when written. Java is a full
featured and comprehensive programming language similar to C or C++, and
although JavaScript can interact with Java web applications, the two should not
be confused.

Different web browsers will run your JavaScript in different, sometimes incompatible
ways. In order to work around this, it is often necessary to use JavaScript itself to
detect the capabilities of the browser in which it finds itself, and alter its operation
depending on the result.

3.3 PHP

PHP is an open-source, interpreted, and object-oriented scripting language that can be

executed at the server-side. PHP is well suited for web development. Therefore, it is
used to develop web applications (an application that executes on the server and
generates the dynamic page).

 PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.

 PHP is an interpreted language, i.e., there is no need for compilation.
 PHP is faster than other scripting languages, for example, ASP and JSP.

 PHP is a server-side scripting language, which is used to manage the dynamic
content of the website.
 PHP can be embedded into HTML.
 PHP is an object-oriented language.
 PHP is an open-source scripting language.
 PHP is simple and easy to learn language.

4. Database

About Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL server is a Structured Query Language (SQL) base, client/server
relational database. Each of these terms describes a fundamental part of the
architecture of SQL server.
A database is similar to a data file in that it is storage place for data. Like a data file, a
database does not present information directly to a user, the user runs an application
that accesses data from the database and presents it to the users in an untreatable
format. A database typically ha two components: the files holding the physical
database access data.

The DBMS is responsible for enforcing database structure, including:

 Maintaining the relationships between data in the database.

 Ensuring that data is stored correctly, and the rules that defining data
relationships are not violated.
 Recovering all data to a point of known consistency in case of system failures.

4.1 Relational Database

There are different ways to organize data in a database but relational databases are one
of the most effective. Relational database systems are an application of mathematical
set theory to the problem of effectively organizing data. In a relational database is
collected into tables called relations in relation theory.

When organizing data into tables, you can usually find many different ways to define
tables. Relational database theory defines a process, normalization, which ensures that
the set of tables you define will organize our data effectively.

In Client/Server system the server is a relatively large computer in a central location
that manages a resource used by many people. When individuals need to use the
resource, they connect over the network from their computers, or clients, to the server.
Examples of servers are: In Client/Server database architecture, the database files and
DBMS software resides on a server. A communications component is provided so
applications can run on separate clients and communicate to the database server over a
network. The SQL server communication component also allows communication
between an application running on the server and SQL server.

Server applications are usually capable of working with several clients at the same
time. SQL server can work with thousands of client applications simultaneously. The
server has features to prevent the logical problems that occur if a user.
While SQL server is design to work as a server in a Client/Server network, it is also
capable of working as a stand-alone database directly on the client. The scalability and
ease of use features of SQL server allows it to work efficiently on a client without
consuming too many resources.

4.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)

To work with data in a database, you must use a set of commands and statements
(language) defined by the DBMS software. There are several different languages that
can be used with relational database; the most common is SQL. Both the American
national standards institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO)
has defined standards for SQL.

5. Analysis

5.1 Existing System

Hospitals presently handle and store crucial information using a manual system. With
data repositories dispersed throughout the hospital management infrastructure, the

current method necessitates a large number of paper forms. Information is frequently
unfinished or does not adhere to management standards. Forms frequently disappear
while being transported between departments, necessitating a thorough auditing
procedure to guarantee that no crucial data is lost. The hospital has many copies of the
same information, which could cause inconsistent data across different data systems.

5.2 Proposed System

The Hospital Management System is made to take the place of any hospital's outdated
manual paper-based system. Controlling patient information is the goal of the new
Schedules for the staff, the operation room, and patient bills, as well as room
availability. With the aim of lowering the time and resources now needed for such
tasks, these services must be supplied in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

5.3 Feasibility Study

In this stage, the project's viability is evaluated, and a business proposal is presented
with a very generic project plan and some cost projections. The proposed system's
practicality must be investigated during system analysis. This will guarantee that the
suggested solution won't burden the business. Understanding the main system
requirements is crucial for the feasibility analysis. Three key considerations involved
in the feasibility analysis are:
 Economic Feasibility
This study is being done to see what kind of financial impact the organization's system
will have. The corporation has a finite amount of money to invest in the system's
research and development. The costs must be supported by evidence. As a result, the
developed system came in under budget, which was made possible by the fact that
most of the technology were public domain. The only items that must be purchased are
the personalized goods.

 Technical Feasibility
This study is being done to evaluate the system's technological requirements, or its
technical viability. Any system that is created must not place a heavy burden on the
available technical resources. As a result, the client will face high expectations. The

created system must have a low bar for implementation, requiring either no changes at
all or very few.

 Operational Feasibility
The goal of the study is to determine how much the user accepts the system. This
includes the instruction needed for the user to operate the system effectively. The
system shouldn't make the user feel threatened; instead, they should view it as a need.
The techniques used to inform and acquaint users with the system are the sole
determinants of the level of adoption by users. He has to have more self-assurance
because he will be the system's last user and will be able to offer some helpful critique.

6. Database Design

1. F_Name Varchar(50) - Contains First Name
2. L_Name Varchar(50) - Contains Last Name
3. P_ID Varchar(50) Primary Key Contains Unique ID
4. Gender Varchar(50) - Contains Gender
5. Email Varchar(50) - Contains Email ID
6. Ph_No Integer - Contains Phone No.
7. Age Integer - Contains Age
8. DOB Varchar(50) - Contains Date of Birth
9. Photo Varbinary(Max) - Contains Photo
10. Address Varchar(50) - Contains Address
11. State Varchar(50) - Contains State
12. City Varchar(50) - Contains City
13. Postal Code Varchar(50) - Contains Postal Code
Contains Emergency
14. Integer -
Phone No.

Table 6.1: Patient Registration

1. P_ID Varchar(50) Primary Key Contains Unique ID
2. P_Name Varchar(50) - Contains Patient Name
3. Ph_No. Integer - Contains Phone No.
4. Gender Varchar(50) - Contains Gender
5. City Varchar(50) - Contains City
6. Address Varchar(50) - Contains Address
7. Email Varchar(50) - Contains Email ID
8. Password Varchar(50) - Contains Password

Contains Appointment
9. Appt_Date Varchar(50) -
Contains Appointment
10. Appt_Time Varchar(50) -
Contains Consultation
11. Type Varchar(50) -
12. Service Varchar(50) - Contains Service
13. Doctor Varchar(50) - Contains Doctor

Table 6.2: Appointment

1. F_Name Varchar(50) - Contains First Name
2. L_Name Varchar(50) - Contains Last Name
3. D_ID Varchar(50) Primary Key Contains Doctor ID
4. Gender Varchar(50) - Contains Gender
5. Email Varchar(50) - Co ntains Email ID
6. Ph_No. Integer - Contains Phone No.
7. Age Interger - Contains Age
8. DOB Varchar(50) - Contains Date of Birth
9. Photo Varbinary(Max) - Contains Photo
10. Address Varchar(50) - Contains Address
11. State Varchar(50) - Contains State
12. City Varchar(50) - Contains City
13. Postal Code Varchar(50) - Contains Postal Code
14. Experience Varchar(50) - Contains Experience
15. Description Varchar(50) - Contains Description

Table 6.3: Doctor

1. P_ID Varchar(50) Primary Key Contains Patient ID
2. D_ID Varchar(50) - Contains Doctor ID
3. Symptoms Varchar(50) - Contains Symptoms
4. Tests Varchar(50) - Contains Test
5. Advice Varchar(50) - Contains Advice
6. Medicine Varchar(50) - Contains Medicine
Contains No. of times
7. Number Integer -
medicine is to be taken
Contains Time at
8. Time Varchar(50) -
which medicine is to
be taken
Contains duration for
9. Duration Varchar(50) - which medicine is to be

Table 6.4: Prescription

Contains Customer
1. Customer_Name Varchar(50) -
2. Inv_No. Varchar(50) Primary Key Contains Invoice No.
3. Inv_Date Varchar(50) - Contains Invoice Date
Contains Invoice
4. Inv_Time Varchar(50) -
5. Contact Integer - Contains Contact No.
6. Address Varchar(50) - Contains Address
7. City Varchar(50) - Contains City
8. Particular Varchar(50) - Contains Serial No.
9. Qty Integer - Contains Quantity
10. Rate Integer - Contains Rate
11. Amt Interger - Contains Amount
Contains Total
12. Total Interger -
13. GST Interger - Contains GST
14. Discount Interger - Contains Discount
15. Net_Amt Interger - Contains Net Amount

Table 6.5: Invoice

7. Screenshots

Fig 7.1: Login Page

Fig 7.2: Services Provided Page

Fig 7.3: Services Provided Page

Fig 7.4: Appointment Form

Fig 7.5: Patient Profile Page


The experience of working on the project was fantastic. It assisted me in

comprehending the significance of planning, designing, and implementation in light of

what I had previously learned from my theoretical books. I was able to express my

originality while working as a team. I also understood the value of teamwork and

communication in this endeavor.

The project required many hours of work and effort to finish successfully. This project

experienced a number of compilations, debugging, error removal, and bug-free

processes. It also added new Hospital Management System features and interactivity,

making it more dependable and practical.

This project was centered on the idea that setting up a schedule and sticking to it

makes time management difficult. It has also shown us that effective results are

always produced by cooperative effort. The complete project has been created and

implemented in accordance with the user's stated specifications. According to the

implemented testing criteria, it is discovered to be bug-free.

A few additional elements can be incorporated into this system to increase its

adaptability. The list of future considerations is provided below:

 Keeping a track of current status of the patient.

 Including Frequently Asked Questions.

 Notifying the patients about their appointments and reports through mail or

messaging applications.

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