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Why is street art popular?

1. Ballet dance 
Ballet dance started in the 1400s, first in Italy and then in France. Ballet dancers can use the
dance to express a feeling or tell a story. Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human
body. For example, dancers may turn their legs out, instead of having their knees and feet
straight forward. They may also point their feet and even dance on the tips of their toes. Dancers
need to control their bodies well to perform these types of movements. They also need to have a
good understanding of music to dance in time with it.

2. Tap dance 
Tap dance started in the United States in the early 19th century. It mixes two beautiful arts-
dancing and making music-into one. When dancers tap their shoes, the metal plates on the
bottom of the shoes create sounds. As tap dancers move across the floor, they make music while
they dance! 

3. Hip-hop dance 
Hip-hop dance started in New York in the 1970s. It is an exciting style of street dance. It
combines a variety of freestyle movements to create a piece of art. Hip-hop steps and movements
look simple. However, dancers need a lot of practice before they can perform. There are different
styles of hip-hop dance. The main ones are popping, locking, and breaking.

1. Match the photos A-C with paragraphs 1-3. 

2. Read the article again and tick the appropriate column.

  Ballet Tap dance Hip-hop

dance dance

1. This dance started in Europe.     

2. Dancers dance and create music at the same time.    

3. This dance requires unusual movements to the body.     

4. This dance combines freestyle movements.     

5. This dance starts in the U.S.    

Animals in fiction
There are a lot of books about animals for children. Can you think of any famous books? 

One very famous book about animals is 'Diary of a cricket' by Tô Hoài, a Vietnamese author. It
is a favourite book of many young readers in Việt Nam and in other countries. 

The story is about the adventures of a cricket named De Mèn. He travels with his friends to
explore the world. On their way, they meet many dangers, but they are brave to overcome all of
them. At the beginning, Dế Mèn is an aggressive cricket. Through his travels, he learns to be
kind and helpful. He often helps weak friends along the way. 

The story also takes us to the world of insects in beautiful nature - a river, a lawn, a forest or a
white cloud in the blue sky. 

It is a good book for children. This book teaches children to behave nicely to others. It also
makes them love nature and peace.
1. Read the text again and complete the fact file.

Title : 1__________ 

Author : 2__________

Country of origin : 3__________ 

Main characters : 4__________ 

Two adjectives to describe the main character : 5__________


Văn Miếu - The Temple of Literature

The Temple of Literature - Văn Miếu - is in Hà Nội. It is at the corner of Nguyễn Thái Học
Street, Tôn Đức Thắng Street and Quốc Tử Giám Street. King Lý Thánh Tông built the temple
in 1070 to worship Confucius. Six years later, King Lý Nhân Tông built a school - Quốc Tử
Giám - behind the Temple to teach members of the royal family. In 1253, King Trần Thái Tông
opened the school to everybody and made it a place for all talented people. In 1484, King Lê
Thánh Tông started to build stone stelae on tortoises to honor the most outstanding doctors.
Today, students often visit the temple before exams. They come here and show respect to the
tortoises. They believe that it will bring luck and help them do better in exams.

1. Read the article and circle the

location of Văn Miếu on the map.

2. Read the article again. What happened in the following years? 

1. in 1070 

2. in 1076 

3. in 1253 

4. in 1484

(Thuốc kháng sinh)
1 _______________

Antibiotics are very important medicines in our lives. Doctors use them to fight many different
kinds of infections. Before 1928 scientists didn't know about them! At that time lots of people
died for unimportant reasons such as cuts on the skin. Alexander Fleming, a Scottish scientist,
discovered an antibiotic called penicillin-just by mistake! Now, we use antibiotics all the time to
protect us from bacteria.

2 _______________

However, antibiotics are not for all illnesses. Doctors will not give patients antibiotics if these
patients have the flu or a cold or a food allergy.

3 _______________

Unnecessary antibiotics can even be harmful when we don't have a bacterial infection. If we take
unnecessary antibiotics, they may not work when bacteria attack our body. Therefore, you should
not buy or take antibiotics without doctor's advice. When you have to take antibiotics, you
should strictly follow the doctor's instructions.
4 _______________

Better still, you should take care of your health. You should give up bad habits and do regular
exercise. If we do so, we may not need to use antibiotics so often.

2. Read the text and match the information A-D with sections 1-4.

A. Good health habits 

B. The first antibiotics 

C. No need for antibiotics 

D. Useful advice on using antibiotics 

3. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Antibiotics are powerful medicines for infections. 

2. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. 

3. Antibiotics are good for all diseases

4. If you have a cold, you should take some antibiotics

5. If you want to be healthy, you should give up bad habits.

Đà Lạt
Đà Lạt is a capital city of Lâm Đồng province in the central highlands of Viet Nam. This city is
on the LangBiang plateau. It has the average height of 1,500m above the sea level. It has both
low lands and mountainous areas. There are a lot of high mountains surrounding Đà Lạt, so the
climate in Da Lat is mild and temperate all year round. The average temperature in Đà Lạt is
below 20°C. It is interesting to find four different types of weather in one day in Đà Lạt. It is wet
and humid in the morning, hot at noon, cool in the afternoon, and cold at night. With beautiful
nature, Da Lat is a popular tourist destination in Viet Nam. It is famous for lakes, hills, forests
and waterfalls and a wide variety of flowers, vegetables, fruits and plants. Bà Lạt Flower Festival
takes place every two years. This is a great, regular event in Đà Lạt and it attracts tourists from
all over the country as well as foreign tourists.

1. Work in pairs. Match the words with the photos.

1. forest                       2. lake             3. waterfall                  4. Hill

2. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Where is Đà Lat?

2. What is the average height of this city?

3. Why does Đà Lat have a mild and temperate climate?

4. What types of weather can you find in a day in Đà Lat?

5. What is Đà Lat famous for?

6. How often does Đà Lat Flower Festival take place?

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