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This chapter contains the research designs, software development methodology,

population and locale of the study, data gathering procedures, data gathering tools, and the

sources of data that the proponents used in designing and developing “STRANDby: A

Recommender System for Incoming Senior High School Students”.

Research Design

Applied research is a process that seeks to solve a specific problem that provides

progressive answers to problems affecting an individual, organization or society. It is a

systematic approach of inquiry or contractual studies as it entails the sensible software of

scientific techniques to everyday issues taken into consideration to be a non-systematic inquiry

due to its direct method in searching for a technique to a problem. It is commonly a follow-up

studies layout that in addition investigates the findings of primary studies in an effort to validate

those findings and practice them to create modern solutions. [3]

The proponents used applied research to help incoming SHS students choose their

strands. Through surveys, interviews, and discussions, they gathered data and developed

strategies to guide students in making informed decisions.


Software Development Methodology

The software development methodology is used to guide the whole software program

improvement lifestyles cycle towards a hit final touch of projects. It normally encompasses

some of steps and stages, together with necessities gathering, prototyping, design, coding,

testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each step is designed to make sure the software program

works effectively and meets the users' needs. [6]

The proponents used Scrum as the method to create the recommender system for

incoming SHS students to choose a strand, under the Agile approach. Scrum is an Agile

approach this is specially designed for coping with complicated projects. In Scrum, all

components of the mission are divided down into small, doable portions referred to as sprints. [7]

The proponents have completed three sprints for the system to be completed and be able

to test by the incoming SHS students. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptation to

changing requirements, while also ensuring that the project is delivered on time and within

budget. [7]
Review and

Planning and

Initiation Releasing

Figure 2. Scrum

Initiate. In this phase, the team creates project vision, form scrum team, develop epic(s),

create prioritized product backlog, and conduct release planning are all activities that are related

to the beginning of a project. [8]

In this phase, the proponents started the project by identifying the problem and

determining the importance of the recommender system for incoming SHS students in choosing

a strand. They also established the initial project scope and goals.

Plan and Estimate. he team creates user stories, approve, estimate, and commit user

stories, create tasks, estimate tasks, and create sprint backlog are just a few of the procedures that

make up the plan and estimate phase. [8]

In this phase, the proponents identified and defined the project scope, objectives, and

goals. That includes a detailed timeline, resources needed, and estimated tasks.

Implement. This stage involves carrying out the tasks and activities necessary to produce

the project's end result. [8]

In this phase, the proponents developed and implemented the system for incoming SHS


Daily Scrum. To ensure that the development team stays on track and that any issues or

roadblocks are addressed properly. [8]

In this phase, the proponents should provide a brief update on their progress, answer the

queries of the students, and coordinate their activities with other proponents during the daily

scrum. To ensure that there are no issues and the system stays on track.

Review and Retrospect. The project's deliverables and completed work are examined to

identify areas for improvement in project work procedures. [8]


In this phase, the proponents reviewed and evaluated the performance of the system. Also

retrospective to identify areas for improvement and lessons learned for the recommender system.

Release. The teams are focus on giving the customer the Accepted Deliverables and

recognizing, recording, and internalizing the project's lessons learned. [8]

This phase is not part of the study.

Population and Locale of the Study

The proponents used Purposive Random Sampling (PRS) to identify the population and

locale of the study. The study conducted in Tayug, Pangasinan and the target users are the

incoming SHS students of PU. The PRS is described as the random selection of sampling units

from the segment of the population that has the most information about the characteristics of


Respondents Numbers

Teachers 2

Incoming SHS Students 22

Total 24

Table 1. Population and Locale of the Study

Data Gathering Procedures

The proponents submitted a letter to Mr. Jonathan M. Mensalvas, the Deputy Headmaster

of the School of Basic Education and the letter served as a permission as the proponents conduct

the interview to incoming SHS students. The letter is signed by Dr. Joey S. Aviles, Dean of the

Engineering-Computing Academy of Science and Technology.

The proponents conducted an interview with the incoming SHS students. Throughout the

interview, the respondents have the freedom to give any response. After the interview, the

proponents collected all the gathered data to be applied in the developed system.

Data Gathering Tools

The proponents gathered data needed by using the following tools:

Interview. A formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if

they are suitable for a job or a course of study. [9]

The proponents conducted a formal interview with the incoming SHS students of PU to

know their difficulties and other factors in choosing strands.

Library Research. A method of collecting data through studying and understanding the

data that has close relation with the issues from books, theories grade and documents, whereas

the data were taken in the form of primary data. [10]

The proponents read some books that are related to the research that aids in the system's

development and some of the documentation.

Questionnaire. A written list of questions which are answered by a lot of people in order

to provide information for a report or a survey. [9]

The proponents used questionnaires to gather data from the target respondents. For the

purpose of the study's development, the questionnaires are distributed through answered papers.

Web Research. A method of gathering information from the internet to obtain a particular

piece of data or facts on a specific topic. [11]


The proponents used web-based research upon gathering the needed information for the

related literature of the study.

Sources of Data

The proponents mainly use information from gathering data through formal interviews

with the incoming SHS students. Furthermore, past research and web research were also used as

references. In addition, other gathered information can be found in the school libraries.

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