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Whose voice guides your


Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

Persuasive Techniques
Persuasive techniques
are a…
… form of communication
… aimed at swaying or
influencing your attitude
… toward or away from some
cause or position.
Influence of Persuasion
♦ If you watch 30 hours of TV per week, you
– View roughly 37,822 commercials per year
• That’s about 100 TV ads per day
♦ You will see another 100 to 300 ads per day
through other mass media

If companies did not think you could

be influenced, they would not spend
billions of $ on it!
So …
if everyone is
trying to
influence you
how do you ….
How do you decide who is the
best candidate…

Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

or which is the
best toothpaste ?

Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

Who uses persuasion techniques?

• Military
• Politicians
• Governments
• You and I
What are persuasive techniques?
• Designed to persuade and to
influence your
• Persuasive techniques seek
to “guide your choice.”
What are some of the methods or
techniques used to persuade us?
•Appeal to emotions
•Load language
oEverybody is doing this. Join the crowd!
You must JOIN in to FIT in!
oIf you want to fit in, you need to “jump on
the bandwagon” and do it too.

Clipart-Microsoft Office XP
Everyone in Auburn is
supporting Bob Riley.
Shouldn’t you be part of
the winning team?
Testimonial & Endorsements

•A famous person endorses an idea, a

product, a candidate and implies the
person uses it and so should we!
Testimonial example:
An important person or famous figure
endorses a product.

If we drink milk we
will all be as famous
and as strong as
Appeal to Emotions

•Tells us something to make us feel a

certain way – like sympathy, fear,
excitement, jealousy
Appeal to Fear
If you use Safety Ware, it
will keep people from Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002

Guard against Identity

stealing your identity – theft

Created the idea that you Use Safety Ware

should worry about
identity theft and that
Safety ware will prevent
Appeal to Sympathy
The picture makes
you feel sorry for the
cat and convinces you
to give to the Humane
Loaded Language
•Words that leave us with positive or
negative feelings are used to describe a
product, person, or idea.
•We associate those words and,
therefore, those positive or negative
feelings with the product.
Loaded language (positive) example:
luxury, beautiful, paradise, economical
Used to evoke positive feelings

Flag (patriotism) Happiness

i c e
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Fun o w
Loaded language (negative) example:
cramped, disgusting, dirty, faulty
Used to evoke negative feelings

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w d
c r o
v e r

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