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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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Kinetics of Sulfur-Oxide Formation in Flames: II.

Low Pressure H2S Flames

Earl L. Merryman & Arthur Levy

To cite this article: Earl L. Merryman & Arthur Levy (1967) Kinetics of Sulfur-Oxide Formation
in Flames: II. Low Pressure H2S Flames, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 17:12,
800-806, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1967.10469073

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EARL L. MERRYMAN Kinetics of Sulfur-Oxide
Battelle Memorial Institute,
Columbus Laboratories,
Formation in Flames:
Columbus, Ohio
II. Low Pressure H2S Flames
The microstructure of ^IO- and ^o-atmosphere, lean H2S—O2—N2 flames is developed using the mass-spec-
trometric flame-sampling technique. The flame mechanism developed is in agreement with that determined
from an earlier study on 1-atm H2S flames. The formation of SO2 appears to be primarily related to
the production of SH and the ensuing oxidation steps SH + O2 = SO + OH and SO - j - O2 = SO2 + O.
While there is some question whether SO2 formation occurs via an SO or an S2O intermediate, the present
study does not give direct support to the role of S2O in the oxidation mechanism. However, the presence
of significant quantities of free sulfur in the pre-flame zone may be indicative of S2O formation via SO +
S —*- S2O, and, possibly, via the disproportionation of SO, 3SO -*• S2O -f- SO2. Kinetic analyses of
some of the pre-flame reactions indicate an apparent activation energy of 17,300 calories/mole for the
decomposition of H2S. The actual initiation process in the flame mechanism requires further examination.
The specific rate for the reaction step H2S + O = OH + SH is given by k6 = 1.45 X 1015 exp ( — 6600/
RT) cm3 mole" 1 sec""1, and the specific rate for the oxidation of SO, SO + O2 = SO2 + O, is given by
Icr, = 5.2 X 1 0 u exp (-19,300/RT) cm3 mole" 1 sec"1.

I he oxidation kinetics of sulfur stems from the cited recent studies on Flame igniior.
in combustion processes, although very the reaction kinetics of 1-atm H2S—O2 Stainless sieel
important to the air pollution authority flames.3 These studies, because of screen stabilizer
and to the corrosion engineer, has limitations in both temperature and -Aluminum screen
Stainless steelJ
received only limited examination. Of composition resolution in the thin 1- fritted disk
the sulfur-oxidation studies carried atm flame, offered only limited applica- -Steel filings for
mixing gases
out over the past years, few have delved bility to detailed kinetic analyses. -Pyrex housing
into the detailed kinetics of the oxida- The present research was therefore
tion processes. Three examinations directed toward low-pressure flame
of the detailed kinetics pertinent tc analyses, wherein increased resolution f>—Stainless steel
the present study include the flash in the flame zone could be more readily S bellows
photolysis studies of Norrish and achieved.* Inlet gases-
Zeelenburg,1 the third explosion limit ^Micrometer
study of Marsden,2 and the flame micro- Experimental A-55692

structure studies of the authors.3 It is Fig. 1. Diagram of low-pressure burner.

Experimental Procedures
evident from these studies that a con-
sistent mechanism explaining the oxida- Essentially the same mass-spectro- the metered and premixed gases through
tion of H2S in combustion processes metric flame-sampling procedures were a Vi6-in. thick stainless steel fritted
is still lacking. The Norrish and Zee- used in this study as in previous flame disc.
lenburg and the authors' mechanisms probings.3 In each case, the micro- The burner assembly is enclosed in a
are based on the intermediate formation structure of the flames was developed 2 W m - diameter Pyrex pipe, both ends
of SO prior to the formation of SO2; through temperature, composition, and of which are sealed to flat metal plates.
however Marsden offers convincing- velocity profiles obtained from hydro- The lower plate supports the burner
arguments that the main intermediate gen sulfide-oxygen flame reactions. through a stainless steel bellows-mi-
is S2O rather than SO. Because the A 25 n Pt/Pt-10% Rh thermocouple, crometer assembly, thus allowing for
experimental conditions for all three coated with silicon dioxide, was used to precise positioning of the burner and
studies differed, not one of the mechan- obtain the temperature profiles.4 flame relative to the probe tip. A
isms can be excluded from considera- 20-M ID quartz probe passes through
tion at this writing. Apparatus the upper plate on the Pyrex pipe and
The basis for the present research An outline sketch of the low-pressure leads the probe flame gases through a
burner assembly is shown in Fig. 1. Pyrex inlet line to either the mass
* Supported under Grant No. AP The burner in this system is a 2 Win. spectrometer for direct analysis of
00464-01, Research Grants Branch, Na- diameter stainless steel flat-flame bur- gases, or to a Toepler system for wet
tional Center for Air Pollution Control, analysis. Low flame pressures are
Bureau of Disease Prevention and En- ner. The gas-velocity profile through
vironmental Control. this burner is "flattened" by passing achieved and maintained constant by

800 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Calculated S0 2
Temperature, K
in o Si


Calculated cold-
gas mole fractions S0x Analysis
a> 0.04 A-NaOHtitration
O— Mass spectrometer


Flame A

-50 0 50 100 150

Distance Above Flameholder, mils
Flame flame
0.006 SO

0.004 >
-200 200 400 / \
Distance Above Flarneholder, mils 0.002
Flame B
Fig. 2. Composition profiles for flames A and B, l / i o atmosphere initial / \
cold gas mole fractions:
0 50 A-55694
H2S O2 N2 Distance Above Flameholder, mils
Flame A 0.0668 0.1992 0.7340
Flame B 0.0671 0.2756 0.6573 Fig. 3. Development of SO profiles for flames A and B.

pumping the combustion gases through mole fraction to be the same as the The SO profiles shown in Fig. 3 are
a variable constriction. Ignition is SO2 mole fraction in the far post-regions probably less accurate than those for the
accomplished by sparking (Tesla coil) of the flame. The H20 concentration stable flame species because of the pres-
the gases coming through the burner at at each point was then determined by ence of intermediate species such as
1-atm pressure and then reducing the the height of the m/e-18 peak relative S2O and S,, which may also exist in the
pressure to the desired level. The to the constant maximum m/e-18 same region where SO is present. The
present system can be operated down peak height observed in the far post- analytical procedure may not clearly
to y2o atm. flame regions. This appears to be a distinguish SO2 and SO from S2O and
reasonable approach. possibly S*. The presence of significant
Analytical Procedures quantities of S2O or 8X could therefore
The analytical procedures are de- Experimental Results effect the total sulfur-oxide values re-
scribed in detail in Reference 3. Extra Two flames, designated as Flame A sulting in high mole fraction values for
dry-grade gases (99.5% minimum pu- (H2S-0.0668, O2-0.1992, N2-0.7340 mole SO. In the present calculations the
rity) were used in all flame probings. fraction) and Flame B (H2S-0.0671, SO profiles are taken at their apparent
Three significant deviations from the O2-0.2756, N2-0.6573 mole fraction), values.
usual procedures were made involving have received detailed kinetic analyses. The existence of intermediates other
the determination of the SO2 and SO The basic data are shown in Figs. than SO was verified by collecting in
profiles. First, the SO2 data in the 2-4. Mole fractions of the stable and below the region of SO formation
present study did not require the "nor- species are shown as a function of the and observing the formation of solid
malization" procedure of the previous distance above the flameholder in deposits in measurable quantities.
study. The current SO2 values were Fig. 2. These deposits were collected in con-
obtained directly by calibrating with The SO curves for Flames A and B densation traps at temperatures up to
a 6% S02 (in 02—N2) gas mixture. are shown in Fig. 3. The mass spec- nearly 100°C and at total pressures of
Secondly, attempts to reduce errors trometric direct analysis of SO is less than 5 mm Hg. A mass spectro-
in the determination of the SO profile complicated by the presence of a metric analysis of one deposit taken near
were made by taking consecutive m/e-48 peak in the fragmentation the flameholder indicated that the main
mass spectrometric (for S02 values) pattern of S02. Therefore, SO was species present in the solid sample was
and wet analysis (for total sulfur- determined indirectly by noting the sulfur (Sg). More recent observations
oxide values) samples at each sample difference between wet analysis and indicate that elemental sulfur may be
point; the differences between the mass spectrometric analysis of sulfur present in the flame gases up to the top
two values was presumed to give the SO oxides as shown in the profiles for edge of the visible flame. No notice-
concentration. The third deviation Flame A. The wet analysis data were able quantities of sulfur oxides were de-
relates to the water-vapor analysis. obtained by two methods: NaOH tected in the sample taken near the
The H2O profiles in both flames were titrations (A) and the barium chlorani- flameholder, but it is likely that solid
determined by assuming the H20 late, BCA, procedure (x). samples collected nearer the hot flame

December 1967 / Volume 17, No. 12 801



100 200 300 400 500 -30
0 40 80 120 160 200 O 40 80 120 160 200
ive Flamehol Distance Above Flameholder, mils
Distance Above Flameholder, mils
Fig. 4. Temperature profiles for flames A and B. Fig. 5. Rate profiles for flames A and B.

would show sulfur oxides present.* highly oxidizing conditions, one would pt
The existence of large concentrations expect less S2O to be formed via the SO V2O2-* S03 + 21.7 kcal seems to be the
of SO as an intermediate in the over-all reactions and under these conditions, main contributor to temperature rise.
oxidation of H2S has been questioned by the half-life of SO would be increased, The catalytic effects are greatly reduced
several investigators. Marsden2 and as it would be for the reaction: when the thermocouple is coated with
Myers6 have presented evidence that SiO2.
the intermediate reported by Schenk7 2SO -*• V2S2 + SO, AHo° = In connection with SO3 formation,
and by Emmanuel,8 as well as that re- -36.8 kcal/mole (c) it is interesting to note that no well-
ported by Norrish and Zeelenberg1 established SO3 profile was observed
Since the present flame compositions from the low-pressure flame probings.
in their flash-photolysis of H2S/O2 mix- favor the above conditions, it has been
tures, must be considered as S2O rather Some SO3 was observed above the visible
posulated that SO is the main sulfur flame but the points were widely
than SO. On the other hand, Milne oxide intermediate and that the reaction
and Greene9 have reported the presence scattered. This is at variance with the
SO + 0 2 — SO2 + 0 + 18 kcal accounts well-defined SO3 profiles obtained from
of large concentrations of SO in limited for nearly all the SO2 formation in
flame studies of rich H2—O2—H2S mix- 1-atm flame probings.
preference to the two-step reaction, (a) The flame-produced SO3 has been
tures. Liuti, et al.,10 have also suggested and (b) or reaction (c). It should be
the presence of SO in their H2S + 0 reac- shown to form by an 0-atom reaction3
pointed out, however, that no direct M
tion studies. Finally, in recent studies mass spectrometric evidence was ob-
of the sulfur-dioxide afterglow, evidence of the type S0 2 + 0 -> SO3 or SO2 +
tained for the presence of either SO or 0 -* SO3* -* SO3 + hv. The low-pres-
has been presented suggesting that SO S2O in theflamegases.
is formed quite readily in gas-phase reac- sure flame conditions apparently reduce
tions and is a relatively unreactive Temperature profiles for Flames A the probability of this reaction occur-
molecule except toward oxygen atoms.11 and B are presented in Fig. 4. The ring. Since the formation of SO3 occurs
Schenk indicates that SO can dis- catalytic effect of uncoated Pt/Pt-Rh almost entirely in the post-flame region,
proportionate very rapidly to form sul- thermocouple wire relative to Pt/Pt-Rh and the extent of reaction is generally
fur or S2O and SO2 and that the de- thermocouple wire coated with SiO2 is very small (about 1% of the SO2 con-
tection of S2O often implies the prior also shown. This high catalytic effect centration), it is not crucial to the de-
existence of SO. The reaction steps was not observed in 1-atm H2S—02 velopment of flame and pre-flame kinet-
leading to S2O formation are postulated flames. In the case of the uncoated wire ics, which is the main concern at the
as the extremely high temperature rise present time.
noted at the edge of the flame may be
SO + SO ^ (S0)2 (a) due largely to radical and atom re- Discussion
combination reactions. The observed Rate Profiles and Conservaf/on
(SO)2 + SO ;=± S20 + S0 2 AHo° = temperature is about 500 degrees above of Matter*
-97.9kcal/mole (6) the calculated maximum flame tem-
perature of 1360°K (Flame A). The Figure 5 shows the rate profiles ob-
Reaction (6) is thermodynamically effect from catalysis begins to decrease tained from the experimental data of
favorable. However, at high tempera- in the post-flame region but the tem- Flames A and B. The profiles were
tures and low pressures and under perature always remains above 1360°K determined from the equation:
in the probing limits covered. At large pt; dGi
* Yellow deposits which appeared and distances above theflame,where radicals (I)
behaved similarly to the yellow SO de-6 and atoms are likely to have disap- ' Mi dz
posits reported by Schenk and Steudel,
were observed in these studies. peared, the catalyzed reaction SO2 + where:

802 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Flame A
10 V

0 er:

\/ If /

-30 Flame A
Sulfur and hydrcjgen bala ice
c 30

R ,Rs<

Y Pyl
-100-50 0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
<U 55698
Distance Above Flameholder, mils Distance Above Flameholder, mils
Fig. 6. Atomic mass balance for flames A & B. Fig. 7. Internal conservation checks on reaction rates for flames A & B.

Ri — rate of formation or dis- ter be conserved at each position into account diffusion, conduction, and
appearance of species i throughout theflameregions, the follow- convection effects. The results showed
p = density of gas mixture at ing equations are derived: that the enthalpy flux due to convection
temperature T was considerably higher in the pre-flame
Mi = molecular weight of species — constant (II) region than could be accounted for by
i Mi the convection term p.v.H, where po
v — gas velocity is the density, Vo the velocity of the cold
dOi/dz = rate of change of fractional gas mixture, and H is the specific en-
= 0 (III) thalpy of the gas mixture.13 The high
mass flow rate (Gi) of
species "i" at position z value of the convection term suggests
Hi is the number of atoms of an element the presence of radiating species in this
In comparing profiles from flames in a molecule of species i. In making region which could effect the tempera-
stabilized at different pressures, the dis- the summations, it is assumed that the ture readings and result in high values
tance should scale proportional to concentration of radicals and atoms is of PQVQH. However, the energy con-
p-"/ 2 if all reactions in the flame very small compared to the concentra- tribution from radiating species in
mechanism are of order a.12 In addi- tions of the stable species. flames is generally low and is usually not
tion, the rates Ri at the lower pressure The results obtained from the re- considered important in calculating
and when multiplied by 1/p2, should quirements of eq. (II) are shown in Fig. total energy values. The importance
correspond to the higher pressure Ri 6 while those for eq. (Ill) are shown in of radiating species in the H2S—O2
values (assuming a = 2). Thus, in Fig. 7. The S-atom and 0-atom internal flame has not as yet been assessed but
comparing data from flames stabilized consistency checks are satisfactory for activated species have been postulated
at 1 atm and Vio atm with a = 2, the both flames (Fig. 6). The high devia- in this region (e.g., S2*, SO*, and
latter distance scale multiplied by 1/10 tions of the H-atom data in the post- S02*).
should give profiles (e.g., mole fraction, region of the flames suggest that here
Xi, and temperature) coinciding with the H20 profiles may be in error since, Reaction Mechanism
those at 1 atm. For the Ri profiles in these regions, the only major species To date the mechanism which appears
an additional multiplication factor of contributing to the H-atom conserva-
100, [l/(0.1)2] would be needed to to best satisfy the observations is as
tion is H20. Generally, the deviation follows:
bring the low-pressure values into agree- in atom conservation is less than 15%,
ment with those at 1 atm. Comparisons which is acceptable. (M)
showed that these conditions were not As seen in Fig. 7 the calculated rate (1) H 2 S-*-SH+H
observed in the 1 atm and Vio atm Hr data do not fulfill the requirements (2) H + H2S ^± SH -f H2
S—O2—No flames. Possibly, the as- ^jHiRi = 0 to the extent that one would (3) SH + O 2 ^ S O - |- O H
sumption that a = 2 is not a valid i (4) OH + H2S ^± H20 + SH
one for both flames. The mole fraction like to see. However, the rate values (5) DvJ ~T~ v 2 -^— DU2f "
values, Xi, scale more closely to Vs than generally agree within a factor of 2,
Vio. which means that the rate constants cal- * The reported data have been de-
In addition to their importance in the culated from the rate data may be in veloped by standard graphical differentia-
determination of rate constants, the error by a factor of 2. tion techniques. Since submission of
rate profiles and fractional mass flow- this paper, a computer program was ob-
Conservation of Energy tained and applied to these same data.
rate, Gi provide a means of checking the There is substantially no difference be-
internal consistency of the experimental A detailed examination of the energy tween the results reported here and those
data. From the requirement that mat- balance was made for Flame A taking obtained from the computer program.

December 1967 / Volume 17, No. 12 803


^-Bottom edge of
\ Flame A

• - • Flame A
* -K Flame B



0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
jo! A-55699
Fig. 8. Apparent activation energies for the decomposition of H2S.

(6) 0 + H2S ^± OH + SH (H2S) + *4(OH)(H2S) + &6(O)(H2S) mainly responsible for the decomposition
(IV) of H2S. At present the data are insuffi-
(8) 0 + H 2 ^±0H + H cient to firmly establish the prevailing
(9) H + O2^±OH + O Using steady-state assumptions for the conditions. A few points bear further
radicals and atoms present, — Rn2s can consideration, however.
Only the more important steps are pre- be expressed by: Quite probably, and logically, the
sented here. Since a significant amount extreme differences in activation energies
of elemental sulfur has been observed fcexp (H2S) (V) in the pre-flame and flame areas reflect
in the pre-flame region, reactions of the different mechanisms in each region. It
type is of interest to note that the linear plots
&4(OH) + in Fig. 8 intersect near the bottom edge
(10) SH + SH ^±H 2 S + S + 37.1
kcal (Va) of the visible flame. As one notes in
(11) S-f • S i * . 0 hv Fig. 5 (Flame A) the rate of H2S con-
> —*• o
2 2 The kexp values, calculated at various sumption is maximum in the lower re-
(12) SH + SH ^± S2 + H 2 temperatures, for Flames A and B are
(13) 4S2 S8 gion of the flame, and the rate of SO2
shown in the Arrhenius plots in Fig. 8. formation is maximum at about the
may also be of considerable importance As noted in the figure, the activation center of the flame. Presumably then,
in the early stages of the reaction mech- energy for the consumption of H2S in the the 17-24 kcal/mole energy in the pre-
anism. At this time, the lack of quan- preflame and flame regions differs ap- flame region reflects processes related
titative data on the formation of ele- preciably : to the consumption of H2S.
mental sulfur prevents further consider- It is interesting to note that the pre-
ation of Steps 10-13. Pre-Flame Flame
Region Region flame "activation energy" determined
Although the present studies offer from Flame A (E = 17,300 cal/mole)
no positive support for S2O, the possible Flame A 17,300 53,500 is in good agreement with the activation
role of S2O should not be ignored. Re- cal/mole cal/mole energies determined by Farkas,14 by
action steps such as Flame B 23,800 67,000 Thompson and Kelland,15 by Em-
cal/mole cal/mole manuel16 (at E ^ 18,000 cal/mole) and
In assessing the importance of these by Taylor and Livingston17 (at E =
activation energies, one must examine 17,180 cal/mole) from their studies of the
are not without cause here, and further the reliability of the kexp values. As slow oxidation of H2S prior to explosion.
concentrated examination of these steps seen in eq. (Va), the value of &exp may In the cited studies, activation energies
would very likely contribute to arriv- change not only with temperature but were determined from data on the over-
ing at a more complete description of also with changing radical and atom con- all pressure changes resulting from the
sulfur oxidation processes. centrations. Therefore, in order to initial reaction of H2S and O2 in H2S-
The initial step in the proposed have obtained a linear Arrhenius plot O2 mixtures at constant temperature
mechanism involves the disappearance from the &exp values, one or more of the and low pressures.
of the reactant molecule H2S. Consider- following conditions must have pre- Notwithstanding the coincidences of
able attention has been given to the vailed: (1) the concentration of radicals the activation energies in the present
kinetics of this reaction in the follow- or atoms was essentially constant in the work and in those cited, it is not al-
ing sections: temperature interval considered, (2) together clear as to how or why the
in a given temperature interval, the energy should be as high as it appears.
Kinetics If one attributes the over-all decomposi-
concentration of radicals and atoms had
Consumption of H^S a temperature dependence similar to tion of H2S to the four steps suggested
the inverse-temperature (l/T) depen- by eq. (Va):
The total rate of disappearance of
H2S in the proposed mechanism is given dence of the rate constants and, there-
by: fore, produced straight line Arrhenius (1) H2S = SH + H
plots with higher than normal activation (2) H + H2S = SH + H2
~j a
r> 7, (TJ G\ I T. /TIN
energies for radical or atom processes, (4) OH + H2S = SH + H2O
and (3) an as yet unknown reaction was (6) O + H2S = SH + OH

804 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Table I.—Rate Constants for the
Reaction H2S + O -I OH X SH

kz cm3
Temp, mole"1 1
Conditions °K sec"
H2S—Oo—N., flame—
1 atm 1260 2 . 3 X 10 H
H2S—O2—No flame—
Vioatm 1055 2.8 X 10 13
H 2 S—O reaction 10 300 2.4 X 1010

the mechanism is essentially one of SH decomposition of H2S if it is assumed Assuming that (1) the thermal decom-
production. that the reaction has an activation position term, represented by /ciH2S,
One would not anticipate that a purely energy equivalent to the endothermic accounts for less than 20% of the total
thermal decomposition such as the first heat of reaction. If one uses a maximum consumption of H2S in the flame (which
step indicated here would occur to any bimolecular collision frequency of 1014 appears to be valid) and that (2) the
large extent at the temperatures en- sec"1 for the reaction, then at 1000°K 0-atom concentration is given by a rapid
countered in the present flames. For, the decomposition of H2S could con- equilibrium3 SO + 202 ^± SO2 + 3 0,
assuming that the rate of decomposition ceivably be accounted for entirely by then a value of h = 2.8 X 1013 cm3
of H2S can be expressed by the equation reaction 16. This would be consistent mole"1 sec"1 is calculated at T =
R = A [exp(-AE/RT)] (H2S), a with the higher activation energy of 1055° K and z = 50 mils. Other values
sample calculation shows that the rate 53,000 cal/mole calculated for Flame A of k6 have been obtained from flame data
of thermal decomposition in the tem- in the visible flame zone. At lower at 1-atm pressure3 and from the low-
perature range 600-1000° K is several temperatures less H2S would decom- pressure work of Liuti, et al.,w on the
orders of magnitude less than the ob- pose via reaction 16 and consumption of reaction of H2S and O-atoms at room
served rate of H2S disappearance. Ap- H2S by radial attack would become in- temperatures. These values are pre-
parently the consumption of H2S occurs creasingly important. It is not ap- sented in Table I.
through steps requiring considerably parent at this time as to how or to what From these calculated values the rate
less activation energy than the 90,000 extent the various steps involved in the constant for the reaction of H2S and
cal/mole required to break a S—H decomposition of H2S are contributing 0 can be expressed by the equation
bond. On the other hand, one would ex- to the activation energy in the pre-flame
pect the radical-molecule steps 2, 4, gases. The higher activation energies -6600\
= 1.45 X 1015 exp (VI)
and 6 to yield activation energies of observed in the visible flame zone could RT )
no more than 8-10 kcal/mole. If this be the result of a direct reaction of H2S
were the case, and it is further con- with O2, as suggested by reaction 16. in the temperature range 300-1260° K.
cluded that thermal decomposition of Even though the experimental condi- The pre-exponential factor appears to
H2S in the present situation is negligible, tions are quite different between the be somewhat high for bimolecular reac-
it is necessary to consider other reac- presentflamestudies and the slow oxida- tions but the activation energy E5 —
tions to, at least partially, explain the tion studies cited above, it nevertheless 6600 cal/mole is reasonable.
observed rates of decomposition of H2S. appears that reaction processes occur- Formation of SO2
One such reaction which could be of ring in the pre-flame regions of the H2S—
significant importance is a direct bi- O2—N2 flame are similar to those ob- The formation of SO2 appears to be
molecular step: served in the slow oxidation studies of solely from Step 5 in the mechanism,
H2S prior to explosion. SO + O2 = SO2 -f O. The rate of
formation of SO2 is given by:
(16) H2S + O2 -* HO2 + SH - 42.1
kcal/mole H2S + O = RSOi = fc5(SO)(O2). (VII)
Referring once more to eq. (IV) and dt
The reverse of reaction 16 would prob-
ably be offset by: to the steps involved in the proposed The rate, as postulated here, is depen-
mechanism, the rate of disappearance of
(17) HO2 + SH -> H2O + SO + H2S can also be expressed by: * An obvious discrepancy exists between
94.7 kcal/mole the proposed mechanism and the require-
ment 2n,iRi = 0 when summing over
£6(O)(H2S) + RB, (IVa) i
This highly exothermic reaction could species containing H atoms. In this
explain the early formation of small Solving for k6 one obtains*: case, the sum Rsts + -RH2O + Rn2 should
quantities of H2O observed in the prob- equal zero, making kn zero (if fc](H2S) =
ings. The reaction also postulates early 0) or negative which is impossible. In
SO formation. Furthermore, in the tem- calculating ke, the values of RH^S, Rsto,
perature range of 600-1000°K, reaction '6 =
(0) (H2) and Rn2 have been used as determined
from the experimental flame data at
16 could contribute significantly to the (IVb) 1055 °K.

December 1967 / Volume 17, No. 12 805

• Flame A
X Flame B

Table II—Rate Constants for the Reaction SO + O2 -*• SO2 + O X

R&O2 X 10 ,
hx lO-io X
Temperature, °K
moles cm" 3 sec" 1
cm3 mole"1 sec" 1
B \ X

0 710 840 1.00 2.03

10 750 847 1.00 — ' \
— 0.69
20 815 855 — 1.70 — 0.82 X
30 895 895 2.00 2.80 0.935 1.47 1.2 1.3
40 990 990 7.75 5.30 3.93 3.90
50 1055 1055 9.10 2.20 5.11 33.80
60 1095 _ 11.25 — 9.00 —
70 - 8.50 Fig. 9. Arrhenius plot for the reaction SO -f-
1123 — 23.7 — •

O2 — SO2 + 0.

dent only on the concentrations of SO higher activation energy value observed 6. D. J. Meschi and R. J. Myers,
and O2, both of which have been mea- in the experimental data. "Disulfur Monoxide. I. Its Identi-
fication as the Major Constituent in
sured experimentally. The values of Schenk's 'Sulfur Monoxide'," J. Am.
k$ determined in the region of SO for- Chem. Soc, 78, 6220 (1956).
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806 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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