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Omareyah School
English Language Department
QF4 / QP7 - 11
Rev. C
Vocabulary list
Unit 5

Student’s Name Type Vocabulary

th nd
Grade & Section 8 Semester 2 Date / / 2021
- Vocabulary numbers 1-15 should be learnt with English meanings and put in
- Vocabulary numbers 16-30 should be recognized and put in context.
Word Meaning and Examples
1 high-flyer (n) sb who is very successful or who may become very successful
● Jack is a high-flyer and he got the top job he had always wanted.
2 define (v) say exactly what sth means
● He defines success as getting a good job. ➣ definition (n)
3 Fortune (n) a large amount of money, land or property that sb has
● Her grandfather was a man of great wealth. ➣ wealthy (adj)
4 status (n) sb's social position
● She wants to be a doctor as she thinks it is a career with high status.
5 funding (n) money for a particular purpose
● Keith is trying to get some funding for his research. =➣ fund (v, n)
6 reserve (v) keep sth for a particular purpose or time
● Those seats are reserved for visitors.
7 improvise (v) invent music, the words of a play, etc while you are playing
● I couldn’t remember my lines, so I had to improvise. ➣ improvisation (n)
8 upgrade (v) change sth such as a computer so that it is better
● When did you last upgrade your laptop? ➣ upgrade (n)
9 pester (v) annoy sb by asking them for sth many times
● Journalists pestered the actress for information.
10 irritate (v) annoy sb, especially by doing sth many times or for a long period of time
● Her behavior was starting to irritate me. ➣ irritation (n),irritating (adj),
rritated (adj)
11 take (sth) apart separate sth into its different parts
(phr v) ● He took apart the old radio, fixed the problem and got it to work again.
12 path (to) (n) a number of actions that will help sb do or achieve sth
● He sees that job as his path to success.
13 innovator (n) sb who introduces new ways of doing sth
● He was an innovator in early radio and television. ➣ innovate (v), innovation (n)
14 virtually (adv) almost
● The two sisters look virtually the same.
15 hooked (adj) liking sth so much that you cannot stop doing it

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C
● My brother is hooked on that game.
16 basis (n the most important idea or part of sth from which it grows
● Trust is the basis of a strong friendship. ➣ base (v)
17 boom (n) a period when sth suddenly becomes very popular
● These companies made a lot of money during the internet boom of the 1990s.
18 shoot (v) make a film or take a photo of sth
● They’re shooting the film in Mexico. ● shooting (n)
19 hook up (phr v) meet sb and spend time with them; start doing things with sb
● He hooked up with the other members of the team in London.
20 ride a wave (of get an advantage from a situation
sth) (expr) ● The young singer is riding a wave of popularity.
21 solo (adv) done alone by one person only
● You must be daring to fly solo around the world
22 devoted (adj) loving or caring about sth or sb very much
● Judy is a devoted nurse who really cares about the sick people she looks after.
➣ devote (v), devotion (n)
23 blockbuster (n) a very successful film
● We saw the latest blockbuster and we liked it very much.
24 flop (n) a film, play, etc that is not successful
● The film Catwoman was a flop. ➣ flop (v)
25 arrogant (adj) believing you are better or more important than other people
● The arrogant singer talked about how great he was during the whole interview.
➣ arrogance (n)
26 modest (adj) not talking too much about yourself or being too proud of yourself
● As a modest person, she never talks about all the money she gives to the poor.
➣ modesty (n)
27 flawless (adj) perfect
● This antique vase is flawless; it’s in perfect condition. ➣ flaw (v, n)
✎ Opp: flawed
28 set (my) mind to decide you want to achieve sth and try hard to do it
(expr) ● If you want to go to university, you must set your mind to it
29 influential (adj) able to change the way people think and behave
● Ahmad Shugiri is an influential celebrity whose opinions are listened to by
young people. ➣ influence (v, n)
30 persist (v) continue to do sth even though it is difficult
● Sam persisted in learning the violin and he is now in an orchestra.
➣ persistence (n)

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C
A Choose the correct word, a, b, c or d.

1. Miriam is one of the most ___ actresses on the stage today and always
receives great reviews from the critics.
a flawless b best-selling c arrogant t d wealthy

2. Georgia ___ to become a fighter pilot even though it is really difficult .

a celebrated b renowned c devoted d persisted

3. The actors cleverly …………… the script of the play and give great
performances every night.
a improvise b shoot c pester d reserve

4. The film is a ___ and has had incredible success at the box office.
a loss b flop c blockbuster d gift

5. Phillip was born into poverty, but made an absolute ___ by the time he
was thirty.
a fortune b profit c progress d failure

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C

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