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Quality Form

Omareyah Schools
English Language Department
QF4 / QP7 - 11
Rev. C Final Word List 1st Sem. 22 / 23

Student’s Name Type Final Word List

Grade & Section st
9 (All Semester 1 Date ……./11/2022

Dear students,
Please study the vocabulary word list below for your 1st semester Final Exam.
Vocabs numbers 1 – 15 should be learnt with English meanings and put in context.
Vocabs number 16 - 30 should be recognized and put in context.

Word Meaning
1 availability (n) how easy it is to obtain or get something
2 globalization (n) making something such as business operate in
a lot of different countries all over the world
3 source (n) the place or thing from which something originates
4 profit (n) the amount of money you gain when you are
paid more for something than it cost
5 boundary (n) an imaginary line that separates one area of
land from another
6 edge (n) the place or line where something stops
7 tolerance (n) willingness to accept the things people do or say even if
you do not agree with them
8 Heir (n) the person who takes sb’s place or title when that person
dies .
9 barricade (v) prevent people from coming into a place by blocking the
10 venom (n) poison from a snake, insect or spider
11 quest (n) a search
12 sacred (adj) holy
13 burial place (n) where sb who has died is buried; a grave
14 celebrity (n) a famous person
15 willingness (n) not minding doing something; not objecting to doing

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C
16 have stars in dream of being famous
one’s eyes (expr)
17 come in for receive
(phr v)
18 catch on(phr v) When sth such as fashion catches on , it becomes popular.
19 live up to (phr v) to meet expectations and standards.
20 give up (phr v) stop doing or having sth.
21 slum (n) a very poor and crowded area in a city.
22 discrimination(n) treating a group of people unfairly because of their skin
23 ethnic group (n) a group of people with a particular nationality.
24 immigrant (n) a person who has come to different country to live there
25 mugged(v) attacked and robbed in a public place.
26 gritty (adj) rough and not attractive.
27 squatter(n) a person who lives in an empty building without permission
28 tenant (n) a person who pays rent for the use of building
29 lodger (n) a person who pays for a room in someone else’s house.
30 landlord A person who owns a building and receives rent for it.

Task 02
Exam Sample Questions
Q 01: VOCABULARY. Read the sentences below, then choose the words that fit in the
blanks :
A source B discrimination C slums D celebrities
E venom F catch on G mugged
1. Many people in developing countries still live in ……………………….
2. The snake injects the ………………………. immediately after biting its prey.
3. You can still find places there where………………………… is practiced.
4. What is the …………………………. of this information?
5. Someone ………………………..Sarah on the way home from work.
6. The gallery opening attracted a flock of …………………………….

QF4/QP7-11 Rev. C

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