Dysfunctional Breathing

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Who is Biokare?

Who is Biokare?
What is my role?
• Health & Wellness Consultant Marius Visser (BA Hons Biokinetics, BA Sport Psychology)

• Objective:
What is Dysfunctional Breathing

The 3 dimensions of Dysfunctional Breathing

Self screening and diagnosis

What are exercises we can do to fix it (Workplace, home, gym)

What is my role?
• Health & Wellness Consultant Marius Visser (BA Hons Biokinetics, BA Sport Psychology)

• Objective:
What is Dysfunctional Breathing

The 3 dimensions of Dysfunctional Breathing

Self screening and diagnosis

What are exercises we can do to fix it (Workplace, home, gym)

What is Dysfunctional Breathing (DB)

❖ DB is a common occurring condition in the

general population.
❖ It is estimated that as high as 50-80% of
adults have some level of DB.
❖ DB are those individuals with divergent
breathing patterns and have breathing
problems that cannot be attributed to a
specific medical diagnosis eg: asthma
Dysfunctional breathing continued…
❖ Individuals with poor posture, scapular dyskinesis, low back pain, neck pain and temporomandibular joint pain
exhibit signs of faulty breathing mechanics.

❖ Abnormal breathing, known as thoracic breathing, involves breathing from the upper chest, demonstrated by
greater upper rib cage motion, compared to the lower rib cage.

❖ Thoracic breathing is produced by the accessory muscles of respiration (including sternocleidomastoid, upper
trapezius, and scalene muscles), dominating over lower rib cage and abdominal motion.

❖ Over-activity of these accessory muscles have been linked to neck pain, scapular dyskinesis, and trigger point

❖ Vickery suggested that decreased abdominal motion, relative to upper thoracic motion, confirms poor
diaphragm action. The diaphragm is the key driver of the respiratory pump with attachments onto the lower six
ribs, xiphoid process of the sternum, and the lumbar vertebral column (L1-3)

❖ Hodges et al. stated that since the diaphragm performs both postural and breathing functions, disruption in
one function could negatively affect the other.
Dysfunctional breathing continued…
❖ Individuals with poor posture, scapular dyskinesis, low back pain, neck pain and temporomandibular joint pain
exhibit signs of faulty breathing mechanics.

❖ Abnormal breathing, known as thoracic breathing, involves breathing from the upper chest, demonstrated by
greater upper rib cage motion, compared to the lower rib cage.

❖ Thoracic breathing is produced by the accessory muscles of respiration (including sternocleidomastoid, upper
trapezius, and scalene muscles), dominating over lower rib cage and abdominal motion.

❖ Over-activity of these accessory muscles have been linked to neck pain, scapular dyskinesis, and trigger point

❖ Vickery suggested that decreased abdominal motion, relative to upper thoracic motion, confirms poor
diaphragm action. The diaphragm is the key driver of the respiratory pump with attachments onto the lower six
ribs, xiphoid process of the sternum, and the lumbar vertebral column (L1-3)

❖ Hodges et al. stated that since the diaphragm performs both postural and breathing functions, disruption in
one function could negatively affect the other.
Normal breathing mechanics

What is normal breathing?

Normal breathing, considered to be diaphragmatic
breathing, includes synchronised motion of the upper rib
cage, lower rib cage and abdomen and requires proper use
of the diaphragm.
Normal breathing mechanics

What is normal breathing?

Normal breathing, considered to be diaphragmatic
breathing, includes synchronised motion of the upper rib
cage, lower rib cage and abdomen and requires proper use
of the diaphragm.
Normal Breathing Mechanics
Mechanics of breathing

❖ Thoracic cavity expands and creates

space for lungs to expand

❖ External intercostal muscles contract

allowing expansion of ribcage

❖ Diaphragm contracts downwards

causing a ventilation cycle

❖ Thoracic cavity reduces and assists

the lungs to exhale due to tone

❖ External intercostal muscles relaxes

allowing reset of the ribcage

❖ Diaphragm relaxes completing a

ventilation cycle
Normal Breathing Mechanics
Mechanics of breathing

❖ Thoracic cavity expands and creates

space for lungs to expand

❖ External intercostal muscles contract

allowing expansion of ribcage

❖ Diaphragm contracts downwards

causing a ventilation cycle

❖ Thoracic cavity reduces and assists

the lungs to exhale due to tone

❖ External intercostal muscles relaxes

allowing reset of the ribcage

❖ Diaphragm relaxes completing a

ventilation cycle
Normal Breathing Mechanics
Mechanics of breathing

❖ Thoracic cavity expands and creates

space for lungs to expand

❖ External intercostal muscles contract

allowing expansion of ribcage

❖ Diaphragm contracts downwards

causing a ventilation cycle

❖ Thoracic cavity reduces and assists

the lungs to exhale due to tone

❖ External intercostal muscles relaxes

allowing reset of the ribcage

❖ Diaphragm relaxes completing a

ventilation cycle
Diaphragm and your Core

❖ Can be divided into 2 units, the outer core

and inner core
❖ Inner core functions both physiological and
❖ Main role to provide muscle activation
required to sustain respiration, continence
and segmental spinal stabilisation
❖ Receives ongoing subconscious input form
Three Categories of DB
❖ Hyperventilation
❖ Hypocapnia (decrease CO2 output)
❖ Increase Bicarbonate, PH Disturbance, Respiratory
❖ Screen: Capnography (ETCO2 below 35mmHg)

❖ Breathing pattern disorder
❖ Hyperinflation (upper chest), ribcage restriction
❖ Weak respiratory muscles (tension, dysfunction)
❖ Screen: Hi-low Breathing Assessment

❖ Emotions (stress, anxiety, depression)
❖ Conditioned behaviours
❖ Vagal tone changes
❖ Screen: Nijmegen Questionnaire, SEBQ
Whats the solution?
❖ Worksite workouts (Biokare Executive
Movement workshops)
❖ Office ergonomics setup
❖ Regular postural self screening
❖ Multi-postural Breathing exercises
❖ Good nutritional choices
❖ Good sleep practices
❖ Regular movement/exercise
Whats the solution?
❖ Worksite workouts (Biokare Executive
Movement workshops)
❖ Office ergonomics setup
❖ Regular postural self screening
❖ Multi-postural Breathing exercises
❖ Good nutritional choices
❖ Good sleep practices
❖ Regular movement/exercise
Breathing for re-patterning primitive reflex

❖ Diaphragm activation
❖ Re-patterning
❖ Increase volume
❖ Relaxation
❖ Meditation
❖ Reduce HR, BP, etc.
Breathing for re-patterning primitive reflex

❖ Diaphragm activation
❖ Re-patterning
❖ Increase volume
❖ Relaxation
❖ Meditation
❖ Reduce HR, BP, etc.
Breathing for re-patterning primitive reflex

❖ Diaphragm activation
❖ Re-patterning
❖ Increase volume
❖ Relaxation
❖ Meditation
❖ Reduce HR, BP, etc.
Breathing for neuromuscular training

❖ Reducing anxiety
❖ Lower heart rate
❖ Lower blood pressure
❖ Meditation practice
❖ Improve concentration
❖ Improve posture
❖ Corrective Breathing
Breathing for neuromuscular training

❖ Reducing anxiety
❖ Lower heart rate
❖ Lower blood pressure
❖ Meditation practice
❖ Improve concentration
❖ Improve posture
❖ Corrective Breathing
Breathing for neuromuscular training

❖ Reducing anxiety
❖ Lower heart rate
❖ Lower blood pressure
❖ Meditation practice
❖ Improve concentration
❖ Improve posture
❖ Corrective Breathing
Breathing for function

❖ Movement training
❖ Stretching
❖ Yoga
❖ Tai-Chi
❖ Strength training
❖ Martial arts
❖ Lifting heavy objects
Breathing for function

❖ Movement training
❖ Stretching
❖ Yoga
❖ Tai-Chi
❖ Strength training
❖ Martial arts
❖ Lifting heavy objects
Breathing for function

❖ Movement training
❖ Stretching
❖ Yoga
❖ Tai-Chi
❖ Strength training
❖ Martial arts
❖ Lifting heavy objects
Biokare Executive Movement©

Executive Movement tools:

Workplace Setup ❖ Mat

❖ Chair

❖ Towel
Executive Movement

Breathing pattern correction

❖ Hook lying breathing

❖ Breathing Side lying
❖ Breathing T-Spine rotation
❖ Breathing 4 point with flexion & extension
❖ Tall kneeling turns
“The development of the mind, comes through movement.”

–Maria Montessori
Biokare Executive Movement 17 Heliodoor St, Eros, Windhoek

Marius Visser

Workshop details
081 699 0970
Biokare Executive Movement 17 Heliodoor St, Eros, Windhoek

Marius Visser

Workshop details
081 699 0970
Biokare Executive Movement 17 Heliodoor St, Eros, Windhoek

Marius Visser

Workshop details
081 699 0970
Biokare Executive Movement 17 Heliodoor St, Eros, Windhoek

Marius Visser

Workshop details
081 699 0970

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