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The Colonizer

The blood is thicker than water. In the eyes of the creator we are brothers, we are
equal. From the new testament “thou shall not kill”. To kill a person is a greatest sin in
the name of God. It is a violation of morality, our inner values that the creator gave to
us. For some people it is just a common word for all of them. Like a tissue paper, if their
faces got dirt from their deeds and they just wipe it to make it clean and throw it away. x
history we witness a lot of mass killings, useless sacrifices of lives for the goal of
minority. A big representation of greed within who holds the power over others.
In an archipelago within the far east, covered by orient sea. There is a country who
continuously fought for their freedom. Colonized by Spaniards through a lot of years.
Three hundred thirty-three (333) years of oppression. Many lives were sacrificed. Some
through time adjusted and accepted the Spanish tradition and culture. Others
collaborated to save their neck from the enemies. To protect their own resources, their
personal needs. But the time past, in some areas within the country. The presence of
oppression and unjust treatment grown bigger. In years, many rebellion groups were
formed to protect their rights. To challenge the current system, they seek for change.
The native hatred swells within from the discrimination and they determined to reach
change in their own hands. To lift arms and fight for what they believed. The
revolutionary army established with many named heroes echo in today history. They
created their own government, The revolutionary Government. The most distinct leader
of the revolutionary is Emilio Aguinaldo, from Cavite province. Due to different chances
and defeat. He was exiled in Hongkong. Even he was exiled. The burning passion of
Filipinos to fight for their freedom is still blazed.
As country colonized by the Spaniards we were blinded. The development of the
country deteriorates in different discipline. From the highest authority down to the
lowest, the friars. They carried their own intention and make the Filipinos suffer their
ignorance from different trends outside the country. The system of corruption deepen its
roots across the land. The education is very selective, social status defines your family,
ordinary people cannot afford to enroll unless they were slave of the administration.
The Americans see the economical profit that can gain in making Philippines as
part of their colony. The rich resources the vast future development that the capitalist
can start with in the country. That caught I their attention the lack of interest of the
natives. Poor country!
The people of the Philippines, suffered the most during the crossfire between the
Revolutionary army and the American army. The use of torture on captured Filipino
prisoners and suspects. The American Army initially denied using torture before, but
many reports proven their fault actions. Mark Twain, a renown writer in America
questioned the brilliance or honor of a victory of American citizen that he had long
opposed. Because to attain that victory many live were sacrificed. They included
women and kids in the death toll, which reach in to thousands. as he suggested
redesigning the American flag with white stripes painted black and stars replaced with a
skull, and crossbones. He also stated in his letter that the taste of our men "remained
what it has been for eight years in our army out there. “Christians who butcher!".
America saw itself as a good samaritan figure to the Philippines, rescuing its
people from barbarism and transforming them into a model culture suitable for
independence—if only to sustain and justify its colonial struggle. The American
government produced flattering reports, but the Filipino people did not bow down in
gratitude. They requested independence instead, basing it on the democratic values
that the US was supposed to be introducing. When the conflict between the predator
and prey escalates, reports of brutality and torture emerge, tarnishing the American
image of benevolence, through their own definition. The country set as testing ground
for American soldiers to experiment with their weapons and assert their authority. They
try to control the local official through bribery. Blinded by the promises of a Genie.
Representation of nations shackles of imperialism.

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