Windchill Installation

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1. Database server - Oracle, SQL

A database server is an organized collection of structured information, or data,
typically stored electronically in a computer system.

2. Web service - JBoss, Tomcat

Web tier is a third party java application that is responsible for communication
between client tier and enterprise tier(server manager).

3. License server - SPLM

A software license server is a centralized computer software system which provides
access tokens, or keys, to client computers in order to enable licensed software to
run on them.

4. TC - 2T/4T Client/AWC
A 2-tier Teamcenter architecture refers to a setup where the Teamcenter server and
client run on the same machine meaning that the client connects directly to the
It is Used for small teams or for testing and development purposes.
A 4-tier Teamcenter architecture refers to a setup where the Teamcenter server,
application server, and database server are all separate machines.
It is Used for larger teams or for production environments.
As for the difference between a thin client and a rich client, a thin client is a
lightweight client that relies on a remote server to perform most of the
processing. This means that the client does not need to have the full Teamcenter
software installed, only a web browser.
A rich client, on the other hand, is a client that has the full Teamcenter software
installed, thus allowing for more advanced functionality and customization.This
architecture is typically used for smaller teams or in development and testing
A 4-tier architecture, on the other hand, involves separating the Teamcenter
server, application server, and database server onto separate machines. This
architecture is typically used for larger teams or in production environments where
high availability and performance are critical.
AWC (Activw workspace Client) is a web-browser application.
It can be configured to include most of the features that are available in the
RAC(Rich Application Client), as well as some features that are not in the RAC.
RAC is a full-featured user interface based on the Eclipse framework.

5. Custom Deployments - BMIDE

BMIDE stands for Business Modeler Integrated Development Environment.
It is used to build custom data model (custom business objects and custom business
rules). Teamcenter PLM when installed and configured has foundation data model as
base which may not be fully suitable for companies. Organizations leveraging PLM
extend and create custom data model to suit their business requirements.
Business objects: types and properties
Business rules: who can create which part types, what is the naming pattern and
Example : Create Custom item naming rules for your item type - ex: Acme-000001 to

6. Reports - TCRA
TCRA stands for Teamcenter Reporting and Analytics.
It enables enterprises to transform Teamcenter-managed data into actionable
knowledge by using simple tools to extract, analyze and report on product and
process information.
In turn, this knowledge can be used to address numerous business questions.

7. Dispatcher server
The Dispatcher Server enables Teamcenter users to manage job distribution,
assignment and execution asynchronously.
Example:Translating CAD files that are managed by Teamcenter from 3D or 2D file
Translating office file formats in neutral file format (PDF etc.) for sharing data
with other companies without distributing the original raw data.
Generating a lightweight data format known as visualization data (JT) which can be
saved together with the source data.
To run translations as part of a workflow job in an asynchronous manner thereby
user not having to wait for the translations to get done.

NX, Capital, MS Office, Opcenter, SAP, TC Vis Mockup


Q1:What are the recent updates in TC(In last 3 years)?

1.Arrange BOM Structures in Multiple Ways with variants.
Products often have different configurations or variants.
The feature in Teamcenter can manage different BOM configurations, making it easier
to handle product variations without duplicating data

2.Set, Track, and Meet Weight Targets with Advanced BOM Rollup.
This feature allows for the heirarchial aggregation and management of complex
BOM structures within the PLM software

3.Concurrent System Modeling.

It refers to the practice of creating and managing complex systems or
products in a way that multiple aspects can be developed simultaneously.
It helps various teams such as design, manufacturing, testing, etc to collaborate
effectively by working on different parts of a product concurrently.
The main aim is to reduce development time and improve product quality, enhance
overall efficiency within its lifecycle.

4.Introducing Discussions
It enhances the communication between the team members, allowing them to
exchange ideas, share feedback and resolve issues related to product development or
lifecycle management within the same environment.
It is a positive step towards improving collaboration and streamlining the product
development process.

5.Make Change Easier with Simple Change Management process.

Not every change needs the rigidity of a formal change management process.
Simple change is a new capability in Teamcenter Change Management that allows you
to process changes faster with limited participants, a simple process, and a single
page view of all the information you need

6.Calculate Carbon Footprint in Product Cost Management.

PLM involves assessing the environmental impacts of a product throughout its
entire lifecycle, from raw material extraction to manufacturing, distribution, use
and disposal.
Calculate the Product Carbon Footprint including direct emissions from production,
indirect emissions from energy purchased for the production and the indirect
emissions from upstream stages of the supply chain.
Overheads for carbon footprint like overall plant emissions, transportation and
packaging can be added to your calculation.
Values for manufacturing and set up scrap as well as the material scrap can be
considered while calculating the carbon footprint.

7.Reduce potential costs of failure with quality management.

It enhances failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), Control and Inspection
Planning, Quality Project Management, Problem-Solving (PS), Quality Issue
Management and Quality Action Management.

Q2:What are the advantages of TC compared to Enovia and Windchill

Teamcenter is easy to learn, easy to use, easy to maintain your designs.
Teamcenter has a great user interface and lot capability to manage large assembly
and change management.
Product can be configured in multiple ways.
Teamcenter can be customized to suit corporate process.
It has 4 tier architecture to serve large group of users.
Data can secured for ITAR and IP compliance.
Graphics can be configured and viewed.
Integrates well with lot of CAD softwares to manage CAD data.

ENOVIA of Dassault Systems and Windchill of PTC are also two excellent PLM
solutions. But ENOVIA is so extensive that it's not a simple interface.
Even casual users will require considerable training.
Newer versions are getting better at exposing information users need with less
hunting and clicks, but it's not a simple tool.Creates frequent headaches for IT
and users due to the Java.
Too many ways to do same thing in the application, makes it hard to train users and
get used to it.
As for Windchill, even with the almost empty database it is always slow, though the
support said everything looks normal.
And the search function needs work - filtering the search result not possible,
makes the function basically useless.

Super BOM : The BOM contains components that are only used in specific variants
(variant parts), as well as components that are used in all variants (non-variable
parts) called super BOMs.Specific to SAP.

TC ROOT - Teamcenter Application Directory

It contains Teamcenter Binary executables and files

TC DATA - Teamcenter Data Directtory

It contains Teamcenter data model, RDBMS connection information, plugin folders,
Database configuration setting directory

TC VOLUME - It is a storage unit where the actual files are stored.

Metadata are stored in a place and it is called the Database
Example : I have designed a pen which contains Pen assembly with piece parts (body,
end cap, refill and a cap) and saved into PLM software. The name, item number of
these parts and assembly will be saved in database, the associated CAD file will be
saved in the Volumes.

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