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σx’ - (σx + σy ) = (σx-σy) cos 2 θ + τxysin 2θ

2 2

τx’y’ = - σx –σy sin 2 θ + τxy cos 2θ

Squaring and adding these two equations will give:
[σx - ((σx + σy )/2)] 2 + τ2x’y’ = [(σx-σy)/2]2 + τ2xy

(σ – σavg)2 + τ2x’y’ = R2 σavg = (σx + σy )/2

R = √ [(σx-σy)/2]2 + τ2xy
(σ – σavg)2 + τ2x’y’ = R2 σavg = (σx + σy )/2

R = √ [(σx-σy)/2]2 + τ2xy
Mohr Circle
The stress components are usually known (σx, σy τxy).
The center of Mohr circle is at σavg on the normal stress axis.
Consider this case :
X’ axis is coinciding with
the x axis ( θ=0)
σx’ = σx , τx’y’ = τxy

This will give reference

point A which have
coordinates of (σx , τxy)
This will give reference point A which have coordinates of
(σx , τxy) ( θ=0)
σx’ = σx , τx’y’ = τxy
Consider rotating the
x axis 90o counter

σx’ =σy , τx’y’ = -τxy

These values will give
the coordinates of point
G (σy , -τxy)
Point A (σx, τxy) , point G (σy, -τxy), point C is the center located
at σ avg, R is the radius of the Mohr circle.
Line CG is 180o from line CA which , point corresponds to =0
where point G came about from rotation of 90o. This means that a
rotation of θ on the real element will correspond to 2θ on the circle
in the same direction.
Principle stress

•The principle stresses σ1 and σ2 (σ1> σ2) are represented by point B

and D where the circle intersects the s axis (where τ =0)
•The angle between CA and CB represent 2 θ p1, that is the
angle the principle axis do with the x axis, in this case the angle
is measured counter clockwise.
Orientation of an element showing the principle directions

N.B. 2θP on the

circle is actually
θ having the
same direction
Maximum In-Plane Shear Stress

Angle CA-CE IS
2 θ s1, measured
clockwise from
the reference
point A.

Point F and E represent the point of maximum shear stress

and the average normal stress
Orientation of an element having maximum in-
plane shear stress and average normal stress
Stress on an arbitrary plane, inclined by an known
angle θ

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