Lauri Korajlija Doi

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Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja?

/ Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental

Anita Lauri Korajlija1,2
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska; 2 Autonomna ženska kuća Zagreb, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia; 2Autonomous Women’s House, Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia

ORCID: 0000-0001-8561-9870

U znanstvenim i stručnim psihologijskim, psihijatrijskim i pravnim krugovima diljem svijeta vodi se rasprava o
uporabi koncepta roditeljskog otuđenja. U Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi prevladavaju tekstovi u
kojima se „otuđenje“ promatra kao na znanosti utemeljen konstrukt. Ono što nedostaje su tekstovi koji propitkuju
znanstvenu utemeljenost „otuđenja“ i problematiziraju moguće posljedice upotrebe takvog, u ovom trenutku još
uvijek, nedovoljno jasno definiranog i operacionaliziranog koncepta, na dobrobit naših korisnika. U ovom radu
iznesene su poteškoće s ovim konceptom i stavljene u kontekst prakse temeljene na dokazima te su prikazane
potencijalne štetne posljedice upotrebe „otuđenja“ u radu sa ženama žrtvama nasilja i korištenja „otuđenja“ kao još
jedne strategije prisile i kontrole nad žrtvama.

/ In recent years, there have been discussions within the scientific and professional communities in the fields of psychology,
psychiatry and law about the application of the concept of parental alienation. The Croatian scientific and professional
literature is dominated by texts in which “parental alienation” is seen as a science-based construct. What is missing are
texts that question the scientific soundness of “parental alienation” and examine the possible consequences of using the
concept that has still neither been sufficiently defined nor operationalized in the best interest of our patients. This paper
presents a number of difficulties related to this concept in the context of evidence-based practice and describes potentially
adverse consequences of using “parental alienation” in working with women victims of violence and the application of
“parental alienation” as yet another strategy of coercion and control over victims.


CORRESPONDENCE: Otuđenje od roditelja / Parental Alienation
Izv. prof. Anita Lauri Korajlija, dr. sc. Praksa temeljena na dokazima / Evidence-based Practice
Filozofski fakultet Obiteljsko nasilje / Family Violence
Odsjek za psihologiju
I.Lučića 3
10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


PREGLED / REVIEW Soc. psihijat.  | 50 (2021)  | 49-74

50 Koliko je znanost živa i promjenjiva najbolje We were best able to track how vibrant and chang-
smo mogli pratiti u posljednje dvije pandemij- ing science is in the last two pandemic years,
ske godine tijekom kojih su novi nalazi dola- during which new findings were coming almost
zili gotovo svakodnevno i tijekom kojih je bilo on daily basis and during which it was evident
vidljivo kako su se medicinske i epidemiološke that medical and epidemiological recommenda-
preporuke mijenjale u skladu s tim spoznaja- tions were changing in line with the findings.
ma. Inače, promjene u psihologiji i psihijatriji Otherwise, changes in psychology and psychiatry
are not taking place so rapidly and usually occur
nisu tako brze i događaju se sporije, iako fun-
at a slower pace, although scientific knowledge is
dus znanstvenih spoznaja svakodnevno raste.
expanding almost every day. Throughout history,
Tako smo tijekom povijesti mogli pratiti kako
we have been able to track how certain concepts,
neki entiteti temeljem znanstvenih spozna-
based on scientific knowledge, cease to be diag-
ja prestaju biti dijagnostičke kategorije (npr.
nostic categories (e.g. homosexuality) and how
homoseksualnost) te kako se neki novi uvode
some new ones are being introduced (e.g. binge
(npr. poremećaj prejedanja). Radne skupine
eating disorder). Working groups for the adoption
za novi DSM-5 osnovane su još 2000. godine of the new DSM-5 were established back in 2000
s ciljem generiranja sumarnih pregleda znan- with the aim of generating summary reviews of
stvenih spoznaja relevantnih za pojedine dija- scientific findings relevant to individual diagno-
gnoze, otkrivanja gdje još postoje nedoumice ses, discovering the areas where there are still
i nedovoljno dokaza, s ciljem da se upravo u doubts and insufficient evidence with the aim of
tim područjima znanstveni interes potakne u stimulating future scientific interest in these ar-
budućnosti i donesu konačne odluke o uvršta- eas and making final decisions on the inclusion in
vanju u novo, peto izdanje DSM-a (1). the new, fifth edition of the DSM (1).

Na primjeru ovisnosti možemo pojasniti kako On the example of addiction, we can explain that it
nije nevažno koja se terminologija koristi i ko- is not irrelevant what terminology is used and how
liko su važne znanstvene spoznaje prije nego important scientific knowledge is before accepting
nešto bude prihvaćeno kao dijagnostička kate- something as a diagnostic category. After collect-
gorija. Nakon što je kumulirano dovoljno doka- ing sufficient evidence about significant clinical,
za da postoje znatne kliničke, fenomenološke, phenomenological, genetic, neurobiological and
genetske, neurobiološke i ostale sličnosti iz- other similarities between substance use disorder
and gambling disorder, a decision was reached to
među ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima i ovi-
include the two diagnoses in the same category in
snosti o kockanju donesena je odluka da se te
the DSM-5. Consequently, the diagnosis of Patho-
dvije dijagnoze stave u istu kategoriju u DSM-
logical Gambling (PG) was replaced with Gambling
5. Time Patološko kockanje postaje Poremećaj
Disorder (GD), and, even more significantly, it is
kockanja, ali ono što je značajnije - prestaje se
no longer to be diagnosed as an impulse control
dijagnosticirati kao poremećaj kontrole impul-
disorder but rather as an addiction (2).
sa i počinje se dijagnosticirati kao ovisnost (2).
This change implies significant implications for
Ta promjena ima značajne implikacije na tret­ the treatment and conceptualization of disorders.
man i konceptualizaciju poremećaja. Upravo Precisely because of the potential consequences
zbog potencijalnih posljedica koje, ne samo that not only diagnosis, but also the mere defi-
dijagnosticiranje, već i samo imenovanje nekih nition of certain concepts have on our patients,
koncepata ima na korisnike naših usluga, izni- it is extremely important to approach this top-
mno je važno tome pristupati oprezno i uteme- ic with caution and based on scientific findings.
ljeno na znanstvenim spoznajama. Na primjer, For example, the third edition of the DSM used
u DSM-III koristio se termin transseksualnost the term “transsexualism” as a disorder classified

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
i bio je u kategoriji poremećaja koji se pojavlju- under “Disorders usually first evident in infancy, 51
ju u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji. U DSM-IV taj je childhood, and adolescence”. With the release
termin zamijenjen terminom Poremećaja rod- of the DSM–IV, the term was replaced with the
nog identiteta i premješten u seksualne pore- term “gender identity disorder in adults and ad-
mećaje. Promjena u DSM-5 je ta da je uvedena olescence” and placed in the category of sexual
Rodna disforija i da fokus više nije na identite- disorders. The new DSM-5 introduces gender
tu osobe, već na uznemirenosti koju trans oso- dysphoria, switching the focus from the person’s
be mogu osjećati kad njihov biološki spol nije identity to psychological distress that a trans-
usklađen s njihovim rodnim identitetom. Ove gender individual may experience when there is
su promjene pratile promjene u istraživanjima i incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth
and one’s gender identity. These changes went
kliničkoj praksi, ali i društvene promjene i uve-
hand-in-hand with changes in research and clin-
like su utjecale na to da se o transrodnosti više
ical practice, as well as social changes, and have
ne govori kao o poremećaju koji osobe imaju
greatly influenced to fact that being transgender
samim time što su transrodne, već se fokus
is no longer referred to as a disorder that indi-
usmjerio na to da neki od njih mogu zbog toga
viduals have only because they are transgender.
osjećati uznemirenost.
Instead, the focus is now on the psychological
Aktualno, slična rasprava se vodi o konceptu distress that some might feel due to that.
„otuđenja“1. Prema definiciji „Otuđenje od rodi-
At the moment, a similar debate is going on about
telja je psihičko stanje u kojem se dijete – najčešće the concept of “parental alienation”1. According
ono kojem su roditelji uključeni u visoko konflik- to the definition, “Parental alienation is a mental
tan razvod – snažno udruži s jednim roditeljem state in which a child – usually one whose parents are
(preferiranim roditeljem) i odbija odnose s drugim involved in a highly conflicted divorce – allies strongly
roditeljem (otuđeni roditelj) bez opravdanog/legi- with one parent (the favoured parent) and rejects a
timnog opravdanja. Najčešći uzrok „otuđenja“ je relationship with the other parent (the alienated par-
indoktrinacija preferiranog roditelja da ne voli ili ent) without a justified/legitimate reason. In most
da se boji otuđenog roditelja.“ (3). Gardner, koji je cases, “parental alienation” results from the psy-
prvi uveo ovaj termin u literaturu je „otuđenje“ chological manipulation of the favoured parent who
opisao kroz osam ponašanja: ocrnjivanje jed- does not love or is afraid of the alienated parent.”
nog roditelja (kampanja ocrnjivanja), fenomen (3). Richard Gardner was the first to introduce
djeteta „nezavisnog mislitelja“ (odnosno negi- the term into the literature. He described paren-
ranje utjecaja preferiranog roditelja), apsurdni tal alienation by eight symptoms: denigration of
razlozi i racionalizacije za odbacivanje roditelja, one parent (denigration campaign), the “indepen-
nedostatak ambivalencije prema roditeljima, dent-thinker” phenomenon (i.e., the child denies
nedostatak krivnje zbog ponašanja prema od- the influence of the favoured parent), absurd
bačenom roditelju, slaganje s jednim roditeljem reasons and rationalizations for rejecting, lack
pri roditeljskim sukobima i prezentiranje posu- of ambivalence towards the parents, absence of
đenog scenarija (4). guilt over behaving towards the alienated parent,
support of one parent in the parental conflict and
U Hrvatskoj se posljednjih godinu dana u me- presence of borrowed scenarios (4).
dijima i na društvenim mrežama raspravlja o
In the last year, there has been much discussion
pojmu i upotrebi koncepta „otuđenja“ djeteta.
in Croatian news and social media about the term

Termin „otuđenje“ koristit će se kao prijevod termina engl.


parental allienation. Termin je stavljen u navodne znakove „“ 1

The term “parental alienation” is put in inverted commas
kako bi se naglasilo da se radi o konceptu, a ne znanstveno to emphasize that it is a concept rather than a scientifically
potvrđenom konstruktu. validated construct.

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
52 Pri tome nismo jedinstveni, slična se rasprava and the use of the concept of “parental alienation”
vodi ili se vodila u mnogim zemljama i dovela In this, we are not unique, as similar discussions
je u nekima od njih i do uvođenja zakonskih have been taking place in many other countries,
odredbi (npr. u Španjolskoj je u travnju 2021. in some resulting with the adoption of legal pro-
donesen novi Zakon o zaštiti djece u kojem je visions (e.g. a new Child Protection Act was ad-
jedna od velikih promjena uklanjanje upotrebe opted in Spain in April 2021, according to which
Sindroma roditeljskog otuđenja) (5). Nažalost, one of the major novelties is the elimination of
“Parental Alienation Syndrome”) (5). Unfortu-
trenutno kod nas nedostaje literatura koja
nately, in Croatia, there is a lack of literature that
iznosi suvremene znanstvene spoznaje o kon-
would present contemporary scientific findings
ceptu „otuđenja“.
about the concept of “parental alienation”.
Nekoliko je osnovnih pitanja koja se postavlja-
There are several basic questions that are being
ju, a na koja prema našem mišljenju još uvijek
raised, and, in our opinion, they have not been
nije odgovoreno na adekvatan način. To su:
adequately answered so far. These are:
1. Što protivnici „otuđenja“ imaju protiv „otu-
1. What do opponents of “parental alienation”
đenja“? have against “parental alienation”?
2. Radi li se o pseudoznanosti ili ne? 2. Is it pseudoscience or not?
3. Radi li se o stavljanju interesa žena žrtava 3. Is it about putting the interests of women
nasilja ispred interesa njihove djece? victims of violence before the interests of
4. Kamo i kako dalje? their children?

Prvo je važno potpuno razjasniti da protivni- 4. In which direction and how to proceed?
ci koncepta „otuđenja“ ne negiraju postojanja First of all, it is important to fully clarify that op-
ponašanja koja su vidljiva u kliničkoj praksi – ponents of the concept of “parental alienation” do
djeca koja iskazuju otpor ili odbijaju druženja s not deny the existence of certain behaviours that
jednim roditeljem, roditelji koji ocrnjuju jedni are visible in clinical practice, e.g., children show-
druge pred djecom, interferiraju sa susretima i ing resistance or refusing to spend time with one
koriste druge strategije kako bi narušili odnos parent, parents denigrating each other in front of
između djeteta i drugog roditelja, te da takva children, interfering when contact takes placer or
ponašanja mogu imati štetne posljedice za di- using other strategies to disrupt the relationship
jete. Jednako tako ne negiraju ni potrebu da se between the child and the other parent, nor the
fact that such behaviours can have detrimental
ta ponašanja prepoznaju, procjenjuju i da se s
consequences for the child. To the same extent,
roditeljima i djecom radi na poboljšanju odno-
they do not disregard the need to recognise and
sa (u slučajevima kad nema sumnje na nasilje).
assess such behaviours and to work with parents
Međutim, kad ono što opažamo nazivamo ne-
and children to improve their relationship (in
kim terminom, a posebno terminom koji pre-
cases where there is no suspicion of violence).
tendira postati dijagnoza, onda se više ne radi
However, when we use a term for something un-
samo o opisu ponašanja, već i pretpostavljanim der observation, and especially if that term might
mehanizmima kako do tog ponašanja dolazi te become a diagnosis, it is not a matter of the de-
pretpostavci da se ono jasno identificira i razli- scription of a particular behaviour, but of the as-
kuje od sličnih koncepata. sumed mechanisms leading to that behaviour and
I tu nastaje problem! Jer, u posljednjih 36 go- the assumption that it has to be clearly identified
dina, od kad je Gardner (6) uveo termin otuđe- and distinguished from similar concepts.
nja u psihologijsku literaturu, nije akumulirano And this is where the problem arises! In the last
dovoljno znanstvenih dokaza da možemo reći thirty-six years, since Gardner (6) introduced the

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
da upravo ta ponašanja stoje iza tog pojma, da term into the psychology literature, insufficient 53
upravo ti mehanizmi objašnjavaju to ponašanje scientific evidence has been accumulated to be
te ne znamo koja su ponašanja specifična upra- able to claim that these behaviours fully define
vo za „otuđenje“. Dakle, protivnici „otuđenja“ the concept and that these mechanisms explain
protivnici su korištenja tog pojma kao dijagno- this type of behaviour. In other words, we lack
stičkog, znanstvenog i psihološkog konstruk- knowledge about what behaviours are specif-
ta u kliničkim procjenama ili vještačenjima te ic to “parental alienation”. Thus, opponents of
“parental alienation” refuse to use the term as a
protiv donošenja odluka temeljem korištenja
diagnostic, scientific and psychological concept
tog pojma (7). Sam Bernet, jedan od najvaž-
in clinical assessments and expert opinions and
nijih zagovornika „otuđenja“ (8), kaže da nije
stand against making decisions based on the use
bitno koji se termin koristi dok se god slažemo
of the term (7). Bernet himself, as one of the
da govorimo o istoj stvari. No, ne govorimo o
most prominent proponents of “parental alien-
istoj stvari. Jer, kad govori o „otuđenju“, Ber-
ation” (8), said that it did not matter which term
net i ostali zagovornici tog koncepta govore,
was used as long as we agreed to talk about the
ne samo o ponašanjima djeteta, već, polazeći iz same thing. However, we are not talking about
psihoanalitičke perspektive, podrazumijevaju i the same thing. When Bernet talks about “pa-
cijeli niz mehanizama, ponašanja i motivacije rental alienation”, he and other proponents of
koja se nalazi u podlozi ponašanja „otuđujućeg“ the concept do not talk only about the child’s
roditelja, a koja za cilj imaju odvajanje djete- behaviour. Starting from a psychoanalytic per-
ta i drugog roditelja (9). Prema njima termin spective, they also imply a whole range of mech-
„otuđenja“ odnosi se na skup pretpostavki koje anisms, behaviours and motivations underlying
okrivljuju roditelja s kojim dijete ostaje vezano the behaviour of the “alienating” parent, the aim
i taj skup pretpostavki nije dovoljno utemeljen of which is to separate the child from the other
na znanstvenim spoznajama, niti njima potkri- parent (9). According to them, the term “parental
jepljen (10). alienation” refers to a set of assumptions blaming
the parent with whom the child remains attached
Postavljanje dijagnoze i imenovanje nekog psi-
and this set of assumptions has not been suffi-
hičkog stanja ima svoje jasne koristi. Između
ciently founded in scientific knowledge nor sub-
ostalog osigurava pravi tretman, olakšava ko- stantiated by scientific evidence(10).
munikaciju među stručnjacima i omogućava
Establishing a diagnosis and naming a mental
da osoba ima temeljem toga neke beneficije.
state have clear benefits. Among other things, in
Ali jednako tako znamo da to sa sobom nosi
that way the right treatment can be provided and
i neke negativne posljedice – nekad je teško,
effective communication between professionals
zbog sličnosti u simptomima postaviti točnu
facilitated while the patient can get certain ben-
dijagnozu, a ako se postavi kriva dijagnoza
efits. On the other hand, this can also result in
onda to može imati značajne i štetne posljedice
some negative consequences, i.e., it is sometimes
za osobu. Neke dijagnoze sa sobom nose i zna-
difficult to make an accurate diagnosis because of
čajnu stigmu i diskriminaciju, naročito kad se similar symptoms and if a misdiagnosis is made,
neprimjereno koriste. To može dovesti do ne- it can have significant and harmful consequenc-
poštenog odnosa prema toj osobi, uskraćivanja es for the patient. Some diagnoses can also carry
usluga ili prilika i ostalih negativnih reakcija a lot of stigma and discrimination, especially if
od drugih osoba (11). Cijeli proces postavljanja they are used inappropriately. In turn, this can
dijagnoze ili imenovanja nekog psihičkog sta- lead to unfair treatment of the patient, denial of
nja je vrlo osjetljiv i može imati dalekosežne services or opportunities, or various other neg-
posljedice za sve uključene osobe. Zbog toga ative reactions from others (11). The whole pro-

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
54 kritičari „otuđenja“ zagovaraju da treba ostati cess of making a diagnosis or naming a mental
na razini deskriptivnih termina, ograđujući se state is very sensitive and can have far-reaching
od zaključaka koje ne možemo nedvojbeno do- consequences for everyone involved. For this rea-
kazati. A dosadašnja literatura pokazuje da se son, the critics of “parental alienation” advocate
„otuđenje“, kako ga definiraju zagovornici, ne that it should remain at the level of a descriptive
može nedvojbeno dokazati. term, disassociated from conclusions that cannot
be conclusively proven. The available literature
shows that “parental alienation” cannot be con-
clusively proven as defined by its proponents.
Kako bismo odgovorili na pitanje radi li se u
slučaju teorije „otuđenja“ djeteta o pseudozna-
nosti ili ne, važno je staviti stvari u malo širi
kontekst prakse temeljene na dokazima i jaza In order to establish whether the theory of “pa-
između teorije i prakse (engl. science-practicti- rental alienation” falls in the domain of pseudo-
onar gap). Gotovo sve pomagačke znanstvene science or not, it is important to put things in
discipline suočene su s problemom dualnosti a broader context of evidence-based practice and
the science-practitioner gap. Almost all ancillary
– s jedne strane nalaze se znanstvenici koji
scientific disciplines are faced with the problem of
svoj rad temelje na znanstvenim dokazima, a
duality. On the one hand, there are scientists who
s druge praktičari koji se na njih oslanjaju vrlo
base their work on scientific evidence, and on the
malo ili nikako (12). U prvoj su kategoriji znan-
other, there are practitioners who rely on them
stvenici koji provode znanstvena istraživanja i
very little or not at all (12). Scientists conducting
kojima znanost služi i kao zaštita od vlastitih
scientific research for whom science also serves
pristranosti u zaključivanju. Stručnjaci/prak-
as a protection against their own biases in rea-
tičari u ovoj kategoriji aktivno prate znan-
soning belong to the first category. Professionals/
stvene spoznaje i implementiraju ih u svoju
practitioners belonging to this category actively
praksu (dijagnostiku i tretman). U drugoj su
monitor scientific knowledge and implement
grupi praktičari koji su nakon svojih temeljnih
it in their practice (diagnostics and treatment).
studija zanemarili proučavanje znanstvenih
Practitioners who tend to neglect the scientific re-
istraživanja, praćenje najnovijih spoznaja i te-
search, fail to follow the latest findings and adapt
meljem toga prilagodbu prakse. Razlozi toga their practice after having completed their basic
su mnogobrojni i dio ih se odnosi i na zatvo- education belong to the second category. The rea-
renost znanstvene zajednice, njihovu čestu sons for this are numerous and partly related to
nerazumljivost u komunikaciji i udaljenost u the fact that the scientific community is rather
istraživačkim temama od onog što praktičare closed, often incomprehensive in communication
zanima i/ili mori u svakodnevnoj praksi. Sto- and distanced in research topics from what prac-
ga se ti stručnjaci u svojoj praksi oslanjaju na titioners are interested in or striving to resolve in
svoje kliničko iskustvo, ono što su naučili od everyday practice. In their practice, they have to
autoriteta tijekom studija ili kasnijih edukacija, rely on their own clinical experience, what they
ili na vlastitu intuiciju. Zbog svega navedenog learned during their studies or subsequent train-
nisu bez razloga sve češće u literaturi iznošene ing, or on intuition. Because of the above men-
tvrdnje da su znanstveni temelji kliničke psiho- tioned, it is not without reason that the literature
logije i srodnih struka na sve klimavijim noga- nowadays claims more frequently that the scien-
ma i da je jaz između znanstvenika i praktičara tific foundations of clinical psychology and relat-

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
sve veći. U prilog tome idu i istraživanja koja ed professions are on increasingly shaky legs and 55
pokazuju da je većina stručnjaka mentalnog that the gap between scientists and practitioners
zdravlja skeptična prema praksi temeljenoj na has been widening. This is supported by research
dokazima (13) te da pri odabiru intervencija showing that most mental health professionals
odluku više temelje na svom kliničkom isku- are sceptical of evidence-based practices (13) and
stvu, intuiciji ili teorijskoj orijentaciji nego na that when choosing interventions, they base their
rezultatima istraživanja (14,15). Znanost po- decisions more on their clinical experience, intu-
ition or theoretical orientation than on the re-
nekad kasni za aktualnim problemima iz prak-
sults of research (14:15). Science sometimes legs
se, a mnoga istraživanja ne daju jednoznačne
behind current problems in practice and many
rezultate i jasne smjernice za praksu. Osim
studies do not provide unambiguous results and
toga, broj znanstvenih časopisa i objavljenih
clear guidelines for practice. In addition to that,
istraživanja je u geometrijskom porastu i nije
the number of scientific journals and published
jednostavno pratiti sve relevantne znanstve-
research is on a geometric rise. It is not easy to
ne spoznaje, a praktičari za to često nemaju ni
follow all relevant scientific findings and practi-
vremena u svom svakodnevnom radu. S druge tioners often do not even have enough time to
strane, znanstvenici rjeđe izlažu na stručnim do it in their day-to-day work. On the other hand,
konferencijama kako bi približili znanstvene scientists present their findings at profession-
nalaze praktičarima. Teret odgovornosti za al conferences less frequently to bring scientific
ovakav jaz je dakle na obje strane i važno je ra- findings closer to practitioners. The burden of
diti na tome da se on smanji. Jer nažalost, po- responsibility for this gap, therefore, lies on both
sljedice ove dualnosti u najvećoj mjeri osjećaju sides and it is important to exert effort to reduce
korisnici naših usluga. it. Unfortunately, the consequences of this dual-
ity are largely felt by those who use our services.
Kao što smo gore naveli, neki stručnjaci men-
talnog zdravlja koriste nepodržane, neprovje- It follows that certain mental health professionals
rene i na druge načine problematične tretmane use unsupported, unchecked and in other ways
i dijagnostičke metode. Nažalost, istraživanja problematic treatments and diagnostic methods.
ukazuju da su neki praktičari presamouvjereni Unfortunately, research suggests that some prac-
u svojim procjenama i predikcijama, da imaju titioners are overconfident in their assessments
mnogo pristranosti u zaključivanju i konceptu- and predictions, exert a lot of bias when reaching
conclusions and conceptualizing patient prob-
alizaciji klijentovih problema i da često koriste
lems, and often use techniques that are scientif-
tehnike koje su znanstveno upitne ili kontro-
ically questionable or controversial (12). Sadly,
verzne (12). Neki nažalost, vrlo samouvjereno
some of them very confidently use diagnoses the
koriste dijagnoze čija se utemeljenost i valja-
foundation and validity of which have yet to be
nost tek treba potvrditi, kao što je to slučaj kad
confirmed. This is the case with “parental alien-
je u pitanju „otuđenje“ djeteta (16). Problem
ation” (16). The problem with questionable diag-
s upitnim dijagnozama je posebno naglašen u
noses is particularly evident in court proceedings
sudskim procesima gdje se temeljem njih dono- as they have far-reaching consequences for all
se dalekosežne posljedice za sve uključene (17). parties involved (17). Nevertheless, it is import-
Pri tome je važno biti potpuno otvorena uma ant to keep a completely open mind and embrace
na činjenicu da je znanost živa, da se svakod- the fact that science is alive and dynamic; new in-
nevno objavljuju nove spoznaje i da će nešto sights are published daily and something that is
što je trenutno upitne znanstvene valjanosti currently of questionable scientific validity may
možda biti potvrđeno u budućim istraživanji- be confirmed by future research. However, the
ma. No, teret dokaza je na onima koji zagova- burden of proof lies with those who advocate a

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
56 raju neku teoriju ili tehniku, a ne na njihovim particular theory or technique, and not with their
kritičarima (18). critics (18).

Što dosadašnji dokazi govore o znanstvenoj What does current evidence say about the sci-
utemeljenosti „otuđenja“? Svi se stručnjaci entific rationale of “parental alienation”? All
slažu da u praksi, naročito kad rade s djecom experts agree that in practice, and especially
roditelja koji prolaze kroz složeni razvod, često when working with children of parents going
opažaju ponašanja odbijanja jednog roditelja i through a complex divorce, they often perceive
behaviours such as rejection of one parent and
preferencije drugog roditelja. Manipulacija je
preference of the other. Manipulation is one of
jedno od mogućih objašnjenja opaženog pona-
possible explanations of the observed behaviour
šanja i u ovoj fazi predstavlja opisni, teoretski
and, at this stage, it represents a descriptive, the-
koncept. No, da bi postao znanstveno potvrđe-
oretical construct. However, in order to become
ni konstrukt, pogodan za korištenje u praksi,
a scientifically validated concept suitable for use
potreban je cijeli niz istraživanja koja trebaju
in practice, a whole series of research avenues
dokazati, ono što se u znanosti naziva kon-
is needed to prove something that science calls
struktnom valjanosti tog koncepta (jer je ona the construct validity of a construct (which is
temelj znanstvene valjanosti). Konstrukt tre- the very basis of scientific validity). A concept
ba biti definiran u opažajnim terminima kako should be described in observable terms in order
bi se mogao objektivno mjeriti i procjenjivati to be objectively measured and assessed (19). To
(19). Da pojednostavimo, da bi „otuđenje“ bilo simplify, in order for “parental alienation” to be a
znanstveni, psihološki konstrukt potrebno je scientific psychological construct, it is necessary
definirati koja to ponašanja i obilježja imaju to define what behaviours and characteristics
„otuđena“ djeca kako bi se to moglo jasno i jed- “alienated” children have in order to be able to
noznačno procjenjivati. Pri tome su dvije važne provide clear and unambiguous assessment. In
odrednice konstruktne valjanosti – konvergen- doing so, two important determinants of con-
tna valjanost i diskriminativna valjanost. Dva struct validity have to be taken into account,
komplicirana termina koja opisuju jednostavne i.e., convergent validity and discriminant va-
odrednice. Konstrukt, u ovom slučaju „otuđe- lidity. These are two complicated terms used to
nje“, mora imati očekivanu povezanost sa slič- describe simple determinants. The concept of
nim konstruktima te istovremeno mora imati “parental alienation”, therefore, has to be linked
with similar concepts and, at the same time, it
jasna distinktivna obilježja koja omogućavaju
has to have clear and distinctive characteristics
da se razlikuje od sličnih koncepata. Dakle,
that allow it to differ from similar concepts. Thus,
„otuđenje“ mora biti opisano na način da smo
“parental alienation” has to be described in a way
u procjenama sigurni da se radi o njemu, a ne
that allows us to be certain of it while making
o nečem drugom kao npr. separacijskoj anksio-
our assessments so that we do not confuse this
znosti, slaboj privrženosti djeteta i roditelja ili
construct with, for example, separation anxiety,
nečemu trećem. Da bi „otuđenje“ bilo priznato
poor attachment relationship between child and
kao znanstveni konstrukt, istraživanja moraju parent or something else. In order for “parental
utvrditi njegovu konvergentnu i diskriminativ- alienation” to become recognized as a scientific
nu valjanost. concept, research has to determine its convergent
Ako se zbog jednostavnosti zadržimo na samo and discriminant validity.
dva ponašanja koja Gardner navodi kao ona If, for simplicity, we take into consideration only
koja ukazuju na „otuđenje“ - ocrnjivanje jednog two types of behaviour to which Gardner points
roditelja i fenomen djeteta „nezavisnog misli- out as the behaviours indicating “parental alien-
telja“, znanstvena istraživanja trebaju jasno ation”, i.e., the campaign of denigration of one

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
dokazati da su opisana ponašanja nešto što je parent and the “independent-thinker” phenom- 57
specifično i jedinstveno za „otuđenje“. I da nisu enon, scientific research should unambiguous-
prisutna u nekim drugim slučajevima, kao što ly prove that those behaviours are specific and
su npr. loši roditeljski postupci. Može li odbi- unique to “parental alienation”. In addition to
janje i ocrnjivanje roditelja biti posljedica loših that, they should not be characteristic for other
iskustava djeteta s roditeljem koji s njima ne cases, such as poor parental practices. Can rejec-
provodi vrijeme, ne reagira na njihove potrebe tion or denigration of one parent result from bad
experiences that the child has experienced with
i ne iskazuje nježnosti? Vjerujemo li djeci kad
the parent who does not spend time with him or
nam kažu da su to njihova iskustva, a ne da ih
her, fails to react to the child’s needs and does
je na to nagovorio drugi roditelj? Možemo li to i
not show affection? Do we believe children when
kako dokazati? Jer upravo činjenica da negiraju
they tell us that these are their experiences and
da ih je na to nagovorio drugi roditelj stručnja-
that they were not talked into it by the other par-
cima je dokaz da je fenomen nezavisnog misli-
ent? Can we prove it and how? For professionals,
oca prisutan.
the fact that the child denies being persuaded
U pokušajima dokazivanja znanstvene uteme- by the other parent is a proof of the “indepen-
ljenosti koncepta „otuđenja“ često se koriste dent-thinker” phenomenon.
anegdotalni primjeri, odnosno iskustva žrtava The attempts to prove the scientific rationale of
„otuđenja“. Apsolutno je važno razumjeti da the concept of “parental alienation” oftentimes
anegdotalni dokazi mogu biti početak kon- use anecdotal examples, i.e., experiences of vic-
ceptualizacije nekog koncepta (kao što je slučaj tims of “parental alienation”. It is absolutely im-
s „otuđenjem“) i da su iskustva žrtava važna. portant to understand that anecdotal evidence
Međutim, istraživači moraju vrlo jasno doka- can be used in the beginning of the conceptual-
zati da se u opisanim primjerima radi o „otu- ization of a concept (as is the case with “parental
đenju“, a ne o prethodnom zlostavljanju ili re- alienation”) and that victims’ experiences are im-
akciji na loše roditeljstvo. Korištenje primjera portant. However, researchers have to unambig-
slučaja kao znanstvenih dokaza je uvijek rizič- uously prove that the examples they use are cases
no jer se prikazuje individualno iskustvo po- of “parental alienation” and not cases of previous
jedinca, njihova perspektiva te njihovo tuma- abuse or a reaction to poor parenting practices.
čenje slijeda i uzroka događaja. U slučajevima Using case examples as scientific evidence is al-
ways risky as it presents an individual experience,
„otuđenja“ moramo biti sigurni da se ne radi
a certain perspective and interpretation of a se-
o reakciji na razvod roditelja ili na pojačavanju
quence and causes of events. To establish a case of
prijašnjih problema, odnosno da nije moguće ni
“parental alienation”, we have to be certain that
jedno drugo alternativno objašnjenje. Upravo
certain behaviour is not a reaction to divorce or
zbog toga, jednaku znanstvenu rigoroznost tre-
amplification of previous problems, or, in other
ba primijeniti na ove podatke kao i na podatke
words, that no other alternative explanation is
prikupljene znanstvenom metodologijom.
possible. For this reason, the same scientific rig-
Druga vrsta dokaza su dokazi proizašli iz znan- or should be applied to this kind of data as to the
stvenih istraživanja. Ni oni do sada nisu uspjeli data collected from scientific examination meth-
dokazati konstruktnu valjanost otuđenja. Uz odologies.
prisutnost značajnih metodoloških poteškoća Evidence emerging from scientific research is the
(nepostojanje adekvatnih mjernih instrumena- other category of evidence and, so far, such ev-
ta, pristranost u regrutaciji sudionika, izosta- idence has not been able to prove the construct
nak kontrolnih skupina, korištenje neadekvat- validity of alienation. Due to significant method-
nih statističkih analiza i korištenje cirkularnih ological flaws (lack of adequate measuring instru-

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
58 objašnjenja), konvergentna i diskriminativna ments, bias in the recruitment of participants,
valjanost „otuđenja“ nisu potvrđene (20). Naj- absence of control groups, use of inadequate
više je poteškoća u razgraničavanju „otuđenja“ statistical analyses and use of circular explana-
od psihološkog zlostavljanja. Nakon akumula- tions), the convergent and discriminant validity
cije dokaza da je „otuđenje“ nemoguće razliko- of “parental alienation” have not been confirmed
vati od psihološkog zlostavljanja, zagovornici (20). The biggest problem is how to distinguish
„otuđenja“ navode da je „otuđenje“ zapravo “parental alienation” from psychological abuse.
After having accumulated evidence that “paren-
oblik emocionalnog zlostavljanja (21,22). Do
tal alienation” is impossible to distinguish from
sada istraživanja nisu dokazala kako je „otu-
psychological abuse, those who advocate “paren-
đenje“ povezano sa zlostavljajućim ponašanji-
tal alienation” see it as a form of emotional abuse
ma (odbijanjem, teroriziranjem, izoliranjem,
(21:22). So far, research has neither proven that
iskorištavanjem, uskraćivanjem emocionalne
“parental alienation” is associated with abusive
pažnje i zanemarivanjem) te koje su posljedice
behaviours (rejection, terrorisation, isolation,
„otuđenja“ koje bi ukazivale da se radi o emoci-
exploitation, denial of emotional attention and
onalnom zlostavljanju (23). neglect) nor what are the consequences of “pa-
Posebni su problemi vezani uz razvoj mjernih rental alienation” that would indicate emotional
instrumenata za procjenu „otuđenja“. Pregled abuse (23).
dosadašnje literature pokazuje da, do sada ra- Moreover, there are particular problems related
zvijeni mjerni instrumenti [od kojih neki npr. to the development of instruments for the assess-
Bakerov upitnik otuđenja (21), Upitnik prihva- ment of “parental alienation”. An overview of the
ćanja-odbijanja roditelja (24)], nisu uspjeli za- current scientific literature indicates that the in-
dovoljiti kriterije kojima bi dokazali da mjere struments developed so far (e.g. the Baker Paren-
ono što bi trebali mjeriti, odnosno da mjere tal Alienation Syndrome Questionnaire (21), Pa-
„otuđenje“ te da je s njima moguće jasno doka- rental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (24))
zati, odnosno potvrditi „otuđenje“. have failed to meet the criteria to prove that they
measure what they are supposed to measure, i.e.
Jedno od prijepornih pitanja u stručnoj i znan-
“parental alienation”, and that by using them it
stvenoj raspravi je i korištenje kvalitativne me-
is possible to clearly prove or confirm “parental
todologije kao osnovne metodologije u kon- alienation”.
ceptualizaciji, operacionalizaciji i potvrđivanju
One of the controversial questions in profession-
ovog koncepta. Važno je istaknuti da kritičari
al and scientific discussions is the question of
„otuđenja“ ne kritiziraju kvalitativnu metodo-
the use of qualitative methodology as the basic
logiju per se kao izvor znanstvenih podataka,
methodology in the conceptualization, opera-
već način na koji tu metodologiju koristi prvo
tionalization and validation of this concept. It is
Gardner, a onda kasnije i ostali istraživači koji
important to point out that critics of “parental
njima potvrđuju „otuđenje“. Radi se o neade-
alienation” do not criticize the qualitative meth-
kvatnom korištenju pristupa utemeljene te-
odology per se as a source of scientific data, but
orije (engl. Grounded theory method), triangu- the way in which this methodology has been
lacije, regrutacije sudionika i sl. koji nažalost used, first by Gardner, and later on by other re-
ukazuju na nedovoljno poznavanje znanstvene searchers who have been using it to corroborate
teorije i metodologije samih autora (za detalje “parental alienation”. This is a case of inadequate
pogledati ref. 25), a ne na poteškoće s kvali- use of the grounded theory method, triangula-
tativnom metodologijom koja može biti izni- tion, recruitment of participants, etc., which,
mno vrijedan izvor znanstvenih podataka. U unfortunately, indicates that the authors lack
posljednjem objavljenom sustavnom pregledu knowledge in scientific theory and methodology

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
literature objavljenom 2019. godine opisana (see ref. 25), rather that there are difficulties with 59
su 42 provedena istraživanja od 2000. do 2018 a qualitative methodology that can serve an ex-
godine koja su bila dominantno kvantitativna. tremely valuable source of scientific data. The last
Rezultati pokazuju da dominantna istraživačka published systematic review of literature from
metodologija posljednjih godina više nije kva- 2019 describes 42 studies conducted from 2000
litativna, međutim da objavljena istraživanja to 2018 that are predominantly quantitative. The
pate od ozbiljnih metodoloških nedostataka results show that the dominant research method-
ology applied in recent years has no longer been
qualitative, but that published studies suffer from
Dodatan problem vezan uz pregled literature serious methodological deficiencies (26).
u ovom području su izvori citirane literature.
An additional problem related to the review of lit-
Mnogi zagovornici „otuđenja“ kao relevantne
erature in this area emerges from the sources of
izvore citiraju radove koje su objavili Gardner
the cited literature. Many proponents of “paren-
te Bernet i suradnici, uključujući i knjigu koja
tal alienation” quote papers published by Gard-
predstavlja temeljnu literaturu u ovom po-
ner and Bernet et al., as well as the fundamental
dručju – Roditeljsko otuđenje, DSM-5 i ICD11 book in this field published in 2010 - Parental
objavljenu 2010. godine. Međutim, kad se po- Alienation, DSM-5 and ICD-11 – as the relevant
gleda popis literature te knjige vidljivo je da su source. However, a closer inspection of the ref-
najveći dio njegovih referenci filmovi, TV emi- erences in that book reveals that the majority of
sije, knjige i članci koje nisu pisali stručnjaci te references are films, TV shows, and books and ar-
je vidljiv izostanak referenci koje ne podržavaju ticles that have not been written by experts in the
ovu dijagnozu, kao i manjak recenziranih istra- field. There is a noticeable absence of references
živanja koji podržavaju dijagnozu. Citirano je to support the diagnosis in question, as well as a
jako malo istraživanja koja su objavljena u re- lack of peer-reviewed research. Very few studies
cenziranim istraživačkim časopisima. Raspra- published in peer-reviewed research journals have
ve u javnosti nisu dovoljan kriterij da se nešto been quoted. Public discussions are not sufficient
uvede u dijagnostičke priručnike niti je dokaz criteria to introduce something into diagnostic
znanstvene valjanosti. Upotreba neznanstve- manuals, nor is it evidence of scientific validity.
nih citata kao dokaza znanstvene valjanosti The use of unscientific quotations to establish
pojma je potpuno neprihvatljiva (25). evidence of scientific validity of the term is com-
pletely unacceptable (25).
Zaključno, kada zagovornici koncepta „otuđe-
In conclusion, when proponents of “parental
nja“ o njemu govore, navode da se radi o glo-
alienation” talk about the concept, they state that
balno prihvaćenom dijagnostičkom, znanstve-
it is a globally accepted diagnostic, scientific, psy-
nom, psihološkom i pravnom konceptu a da se
chological and legal concept, neglecting to address
ne osvrću na jednako tako globalne kontroverze
controversies associated with it, which are equally
koje se uz njega vežu (7). Lilienfeld i suradnici
global (7). Lilienfeld et al. (12) list warning signs
(12) iznose znakove upozorenja pomoću kojih
that can be used to distinguish between scientific
razlikujemo znanstvene od pseudoznanstvenih and pseudoscientific methods and concepts. Some
metoda i koncepata. Neki od njih su izostanak of those signs include the absence of self-correc-
samokorekcije, izbjegavanje recenzija kolega tion, evasion of peer-review by fellow experts, an
stručnjaka, naglasak na potvrđivanju umjesto emphasis on confirmation rather than refutation,
na opovrgavanju, obrnuta logika tereta dokaza, reverse logic of the burden of proof, overreliance
pretjerano oslanjanje na svjedočenja i anegdo- on testimonial and anecdotal evidence, absence
talne primjere, izostanak jasnih granica (jasnih of boundary conditions (well-articulated limits
određenja kad nešto jest, a kad to nije). Kon- under which predicted phenomena do and do not

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
60 cept „otuđenja“, promatrajući ove znakove, još apply). If these signs are taken into consideration,
je uvijek bliži pseudoznanosti nego znanosti. the concept of “parental alienation” is still closer
to pseudoscience than to science.

Pojam sindroma „otuđenja“ djeteta od roditelja
uveo je Richard Gardner 1985. godine i prvi ga The concept of “parental alienation syndrome”
je put predstavio u neznanstvenom časopisu was introduced by Richard Gardner in 1985 and
Academy Forum (6). Od tada, unatoč nekoliko first introduced in an unscientific journal - Acad-
emy Forum (6). Ever since, despite several changes
promjena imena, od sindroma poremećaja do
of the name, from disorder syndrome to simply
samo „otuđenja od roditelja“, sama definicija i
“parental alienation,” the very definition, diag-
dijagnostički znakovi te značenje pojma nisu se
nostic signs and meaning of the term have not
puno promijenili (27).
changed much (27).
Sindrom „otuđenja“ djeteta od roditelja, kasni-
There were to attempts to introduce “Parental
je promijenjen u poremećaj „otuđenja“ djeteta
alienation syndrome” (PAS), later changed to “pa-
od roditelja (PAD) u dva se navrata pokušalo rental alienation disorder” (PAD), into the official
uvesti u službene dijagnostičke sustave, a naj- diagnostic systems. The most recent one concerns
recentniji je pokušaj da se uvede u Međunarod- the effort to introduce it into the 11th revision
nu klasifikaciju bolesti – 11 izdanje (MKB-11, of the International Classification of Diseases
koji izdaje SZO) te u 5. izdanje DSM-a koji iz- (ICD-11, WHO 2022) and in the 5th edition of
daje Američka psihijatrijska organizacija (APA). the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Kolege okupljene oko Williama Berneta napra- Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psy-
vile su pregled razloga zašto bi PAD trebao biti chiatric Organization (APA). Colleagues gathered
službena dijagnoza i ti su argumenti kasnije around William Bernet have prepared an over-
objavljeni u ranije spomenutoj knjizi Roditelj- view of the reasons why the PAD should become
sko otuđenje, IDC11 i DSM-5 (28). Prema na- an official diagnosis and these arguments were
vodima samog autora ta je knjiga do tada naj- subsequently published in the aforementioned
bolji i najopsežniji skup dokaza o valjanosti, book titled Parental Alienation, IDC-11 and DSM-5
pouzdanosti i prevalenciji „otuđenja“. Pokušat (28). According to the author, this book provided
the best and most comprehensive set of proofs on
ćemo detaljno analizirati koje su sve poteškoće
the validity, reliability and prevalence of “parental
s ovim pojmom, njegovom definicijom i opera-
alienation” up to that time. We will try to provide
cionalizacijom te zašto su upravo ti problemi,
a detailed analysis of various difficulties related
kad se sagledaju u kontekstu znanstvenih do-
to the term, its definition and operationalization,
kaza, racionala za odbacivanje ovog termina i
and explain why these problems, in the context
zabranu korištenja u sudskim postupcima i kli- of scientific proof, represent the rationale for its
ničkim procjenama. rejection and prohibition of use in judicial pro-
Prema definiciji osnovni kriterij prema ko- ceedings and clinical assessments.
jem bi se „otuđenje“ trebalo dijagnosticirati je According to the definition, the basic criterion ac-
snažno povezivanje djeteta s jednim roditeljem cording to which “parental alienation” should be
i odbacivanje drugog bez legitimnog oprav- diagnosed is the strong association of the child
danja i objašnjenja. Za zaključak da se radi o with one parent and rejection of the other without
„otuđenju“ treba biti prisutno i „otuđujuće“ legitimate justification and explanation. In order

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
ponašanje preferiranog roditelja. Osim toga, to establish “parental alienation”, the “alienating” 61
osnovno psihičko obilježje djeteta je iracional- behaviour of the favoured parent also needs to be
na anksioznost i/ili hostilnost prema roditelju present. In addition to that, the basic mental char-
kojeg odbija (28). U kontekstu kliničke prakse acteristic of the child is irrational anxiety and/or
i procjene, ali i znanstvenih dokaza, Bernet i hostility towards the rejected parent (28). In the
suradnici ne nude nikakve tehnike ni smjernice context of clinical practice and assessment, as
kako odrediti ima li dijete legitimno objašnjenje well as scientific proof, Bernet et al. fail to provide
any techniques or guidance on how to determine
kao ni je li prisutna iracionalna anksioznost ili
whether a child has a legitimate explanation or
hostilnost (25). Kako onda procjenjujemo jesu
whether irrational anxiety or hostility is present
li djetetove reakcije opravdane? Ili se radi o
(25). So how do we assess whether the child’s re-
simptomima „otuđenja“? Ako nema jasnih kri-
actions are justified? Or, how do we conclude that
terija legitimnih objašnjenja, kliničari se mogu
the child expresses the symptoms of “parental
osloniti jedino na vlastita uvjerenja i vlastite
alienation”? If there are no clear criteria for legiti-
pretpostavke o tome što je prihvatljivo odbi-
mate explanations, clinicians can rely only on their
janje drugog roditelja. A u tim se uvjerenjima own beliefs and assumptions about what presents
kliničari sigurno međusobno razlikuju. Jednom an acceptable rejection of the other parent. And
kad se postavi hipoteza „otuđenja“ teško ju je when it comes to such beliefs, clinicians certainly
opovrgnuti, jer hipoteza kaže da će dijete, ako differ amongst each other. Once the hypothesis
je „otuđeno“, pokazivati opisana ponašanja. of “parental alienation” has been established, it is
Ako su opisana ponašanja prisutna, dijete je difficult to refute it, because the hypothesis says
„otuđeno“. Ovo jasno ukazuju na pristranost u that the alienated child will exhibit the described
zaključivanju koje se zove potvrđivanje posljedi- behaviours. If the described behaviours are pres-
ca (25). Za razliku od toga, kad postoje legiti- ent, the child is “alienated”. This clearly indicates a
mna objašnjenja djetetovog ponašanja, govori bias in reasoning called confirmation of consequenc-
se o udaljavanju (engl. estrangement) ili odbija- es (25). In contrast, when there are legitimate ex-
nju kontakta (29). planations of the child’s behaviour, the term “es-
trangement” or refusal of contact is used (29).
Ako prihvatimo pretpostavku o nepostojanju
legitimnog objašnjenja djetetovog ponašanja, If we accept the presumption that there is no le-
moramo prihvatiti i pretpostavku o tome da gitimate explanation of the child’s behaviour, we
also need to accept the premise that a satisfactory
je ranije postojao zadovoljavajući odnos izme-
relationship between the child and the “alienated”
đu djeteta i „otuđenog“ roditelja te da pokušaj
parent existed previously and that the attempt to
narušavanja tog odnosa nema nikakvo oprav-
hamper that relationship has no justification or ex-
danje ni objašnjenje. Ponovno smo u prilično
planation. This implies a rather subjective approach
subjektivnoj zoni prikupljanja informacija o
in gathering information about what kind of rela-
tome kakav su odnos prije imali roditelj i di-
tionship the parent and child used to have and de-
jete te utvrđivanja postojanja motivacije „otu-
termining if the “alienating” parent is motivated to
đujućeg“ roditelja za takvim ponašanjem. Oba express such behaviour. Very often, both processes
ta procesa vrlo često uključuju i rad sa žrtvama involve working with victims of abuse (both chil-
zlostavljanja (i djece i majki), što znači da bi dren and mothers), which implies that profession-
stručnjaci trebali biti educirani za rad s djecom als need training in order to be able to work with
žrtvama zlostavljanja te poznavati dinamiku i children victims of abuse and understand the dy-
posljedice rodno uvjetovanog nasilja. Osim namics and consequences of gender-based violence.
toga, „otuđenje“ polazi od pretpostavke da se, Furthermore, “parental alienation” starts from the
ako za takvo ponašanje ne postoji legitimno premise that if there is no legitimate explanation

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
62 objašnjenje, radi o namjernoj manipulaciji for this type of behaviour, the child gives a distort-
zbog koje dijete daje iskrivljenu, netočnu sli- ed and inaccurate description of the actual situa-
ku stvarnog stanja. No, rezultati dosadašnjih tion as a result of deliberate manipulation. How-
istraživanja pokazuju da djeca najčešće govore ever, the results of previous research show that
istinu, naročito kad su izložena nasilju i agre- children most often tell the truth, especially if they
siji (27). have been exposed to violence and aggression (27).

Podsjetimo, „otuđenje“ se pripisuje djeci koja Let us not forget that “parental alienation” is
iskazuju set od osam ponašanja (za detalje attributed to children who exhibit a set of eight
vidjeti ref. 4). Jedan od problema s navede- (see ref. 4) symptoms. One of the problems with
nim simptomima „otuđenja“ je što mnogi od the aforementioned symptoms of “parental alien-
njih mogu biti reakcije npr. potpuno psihički ation” is the fact that many of them can be re-
zdravog adolescenta čiji roditelji prolaze kroz actions to something, e.g. a completely mentally
razvod, kao i reakcije djeteta na obiteljsko na- healthy adolescent might react to a divorce, or a
silje. Ako nemamo jasna distinktivna obilježja child might react to domestic violence. If we do
not have a set of clear and distinct characteristics
što razlikuje tu vrstu reakcija od „otuđenja“, a
to distinguish such reactions from “parental alien-
nemamo, onda ne možemo o „otuđenju“ ni za-
ation”, which is currently the case, it is impossible
to reach conclusions about “parental alienation”.
Dijagnostički kriteriji navedeni za „otuđenje“
The diagnostic criteria for “parental alienation”
ne uzimaju u obzir razvojne osobitosti u pri-
do not take into account the developmental spec-
vrženosti roditelja i djece. Manja djeca češće
ificities of the parent-child attachment. Younger
su privržena jednom roditelju u odnosu na
children are more likely to be attached to one par-
drugog, a odrastanjem može doći do promjena
ent than the other, and growing up the attach-
u privrženosti roditeljima. Međutim, prema
ment might change. However, according to the
konceptu „otuđenja“ očekuje se da će ista vr-
concept of “parental alienation”, the same type of
sta roditeljskog ponašanja imati iste učinke na
parental behaviour is expected to have the same
djecu različite dobi te da će djeca različitih dobi
effects on children of different ages and children
pokazivati iste simptome. Ponašanje je, kako
of different ages will show the same symptoms.
znamo, rijetko tako razvojno nepromjenjivo
As it is known, behaviour rarely remains devel-
(30). opmentally unchanged. (30).
Opisivanje i imenovanje opaženog nije dokaz Describing and naming something that has been
da je koncept valjan ili prihvaćen. Da ponovi- observed is not a proof that the concept is valid
mo, nema opće prihvaćene definicije „otuđenja“ or accepted. To summarize, there is no generally
koja bi bila objektivna i provjerljiva. Samim accepted definition of “parental alienation” that is
time, rasprava o rezultatima koji potvrđuju objective and verifiable. Therefore, the discussion
roditeljsko „otuđenje“ kao mehanizam koji je about the results confirming “parental alienation”,
u podlozi opaženog ponašanja je u najmanju as a mechanism underlying an observed behaviour
ruku sumnjiva. Jer ista ta ponašanja koja se is, to say the least, dubious. The same behaviours
pripisuju otuđenju mogu se pripisati nekim attributed to alienation can be attributed to a
drugim uzrocima vezanim uz privrženost (31), number of other causes related to attachment
zlostavljanju djece i nasilju u obitelji (32). Na- (31), child abuse or domestic violence (32). Unfor-
žalost, rasprava o diferencijalnoj dijagnostici tunately, the discussion about the differential di-
„otuđenja“ u odnosu na druga objašnjenja je agnosis of “parental alienation” in relation to other
slaba i u literaturi zagovornika „otuđenja“ se explanations is rather weak and the literature writ-
spominje tek usput. ten by its proponents mentions it only casually.

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
Sam Bernet (29) navodi da je u forenzičkoj Bernet himself (29) states that it is crucial to 63
praksi ključno razlikovati „otuđenje“ od udalja- distinguish between “parental alienation” from
vanja jer to ima značajne posljedice u sudskim estrangement in forensic practice because of sig-
procesima. U literaturi se navodi da se opažena nificant consequences in judicial proceedings. The
ponašanja mogu pripisati cijelom nizu razlo- literature states that the observed behaviours can
ga - dječjoj lojalnosti jednom roditelju, prisut- be attributed to a whole range of reasons, i.e., loy-
nom zlostavljanju, separacijskoj anksioznosti, alty to one parent, abuse, separation anxiety, spe-
specifičnoj fobiji, poremećaju ophođenja, po- cific phobia, conduct disorder, adaptation disor-
remećaju prilagodbe, poteškoćama u poveza- der, or difficulties in the parent-child relationship
nosti između roditelja i djeteta (33). Dodatno, (33). Furthermore, resistance to one parent can
otpor prema roditelju može biti razvojna faza, be linked to a developmental stage, a consequence
of divorce, reaction to a parental style, perception
posljedica razvoda roditelja, reakcija na rodi-
that one parent is more vulnerable and “weaker”
teljski stil, reakcija na percepciju djeteta da
or a reaction to the other parent’s new partner-
je jedan roditelj ranjiviji i „slabiji“ te reakcija
ship relation. Proponents of “parental alienation”
na ulazak drugog roditelja u novi partnerski
have various hypotheses and ways to distinguish
odnos. Zagovornici „otuđenja“ iznose različite
estranged from “alienated” children. Kelly and
hipoteze i načine kako razlikovati udaljenu od
Johnston (34) state that “alienated” children feel
„otuđene“ djece. Tako Kelly i Johnston (34)
unreasonable anger and/or fear; Bernet and Free-
navode da „otuđena“ djeca osjećaju nerazu-
man (35) cite the factors to consider when set-
mnu ljutnju i/ili strah; Bernet i Freeman (35)
ting differential diagnostic hypotheses, Lee and
navode čimbenike koje je potrebno razmotriti
Olesen (36) explain that the first step in estab-
pri postavljanju diferencijalno-dijagnostičkih lishing the distinction is to assess the child, then
hipoteza, Lee i Olesen (36) navode da je prvi to assess both parents and ultimately to assess
korak u razlikovanju procjena djeteta, zatim the child’s relationship with both parents. Finally,
procjena oba roditelja i na kraju procjena od- Thrush and Olesen (37) list the steps to be taken
nosa djeteta s oba roditelja. Na kraju, Drozd to make an assessment and establish a case of “pa-
i Olesen (37) navode korake potrebne za do- rental alienation.” However, according to Bernet-
nošenje procjene da se radi o „otuđenju“. No, to et al. (9), none of them provides clear guidance
upravo prema navodima Berneta i suradnika on how to distinguish “parental alienation” from
(9) nitko od njih ne nudi jasne smjernice kako other explanations. Thus, the literature on “pa-
razlikovati „otuđenje“ od ostalih objašnjenja. rental alienation” does not provide clear guidance
Dakle, literatura o „otuđenju“ ne daje smjer- to professionals on how to distinguish between a
nice kako bi stručnjaci trebali razlikovati radi conflict of loyalty, domestic abuse (in cases where
li se o konfliktu lojalnosti kod djece, prisutno- there is no physical evidence, witnesses or con-
sti zlostavljanja u obitelji (i u situacijama kad fessions), “parental alienation” and something
nema fizičkih dokaza, svjedoka ili priznanja), else. A review of research conducted by Saini et
„otuđenju“ ili nečem četvrtom. U pregledu al. (38) established a clear absence of research on
istraživanja koje su proveli Saini i suradnici the differential diagnosis of “parental alienation”.
(38) navodi se da je prisutan jasan izostanak Such a narrow and biased focus on only one expla-
istraživanja vezanih uz diferencijalnu-dija- nation indicates a clear bias in research methods,
gnostiku „otuđenja“. Takvo usko i pristrano literature quoting and conclusions reached by the
fokusiranje samo na jedno objašnjenje je jasna proponents of “parental alienation”.
pristranost vidljiva u istraživačkim metodama, The new editions of classification systems have
citiranju literature i zaključcima zagovornika not accepted their arguments, stating that not
„otuđenja“. enough scientific evidence has been accumulated

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
64 Gore navedena nova izdanja klasifikacijskih to confirm “parental alienation” as a diagnosis.
sustava nisu prihvatila argumente zagovara- Indeed, even some proponents of “parental alien-
telja „otuđenja“ i navode da nisu akumulirani ation” have warned the task force that there is not
dovoljno snažni znanstveni dokazi koji bi po- yet enough scientific evidence to include it in the
tvrdili „otuđenje“ kao dijagnozu. Naime, čak DSM-5 (39). Evidence from qualitative research
su i neki zagovornici „otuđenja“ radnu skupinu is insufficient and strong quantitative evidence is
upozorili da nema još dovoljno znanstvenih yet needed to introduce a new disorder into the
classification system. One of the arguments that
dokaza za uključivanje u DSM-5 (39). Dokazi
the proponents used was that the evidence would
iz kvalitativnih istraživanja nisu dovoljni, po-
surely accumulate if “parental alienation” was to be
trebni su snažni kvantitativni dokazi kako bi
introduced as a diagnosis. So far, “parental alien-
se novi poremećaj uveo u klasifikacijski sustav.
ation” has not even reached the appropriate level
Jedan od argumenata zagovaratelja je bio da će
of scientific validity to be included as a condition
se ti dokazi sigurno akumulirati ako se „otuđe- requiring further study in the same way that, for
nje“ uvede kao dijagnoza. Za sada, „otuđenje“ example, video game addiction (40) is included.
nije doseglo ni razinu znanstvene utemeljeno-
sti da ga se uključi kao „stanja koja zahtijevaju
dodatna istraživanja“ (engl. condition requiring
further study) na način na koji je npr. uključena
ovisnost o internetskim igrama (40).
Once again, it is important to carefully consider
I SUDSKIM POSTUPCIMA U why the use of the concept of “parental alienation”
KOJIMA SU UKLJUČENE ŽRTVE is unsuitable for clinical practice and can result in
RODNO UVJETOVANOG NASILJA harmful consequences. It has been unambiguous-
Još je jednom važno pažljivo razmotriti zašto ly proven that “parental alienation” is not a sci-
je korištenje koncepta „otuđenja“ u kliničkoj entifically valid construct. This implies that all as-
praksi pogrešno i može imati štetne posljedice. sumptions about it are still at the level of hypothe-
ses, as they lack sufficient scientific support in the
Jasno je dokazano da „otuđenje“ nije znanstve-
last 36 years to declare them accurate or valid with
no valjan konstrukt. To znači da su sve njego-
certainty. The biggest difficulty is that there are no
ve pretpostavke još uvijek na razini hipoteza,
clear criteria according to which what is perceived
koje u posljednjih 36 godina nemaju dovoljno
as “parental alienation” can be proved as such and
znanstveno uporište da bi ih sa sigurnošću
not something else. This means that in clinical
proglasili točnima ili valjanima. Najveća je po- practice professionals have to reach conclusions
teškoća u tome da nema jasnih kriterija prema about “parental alienation” based on their per-
kojima možemo dokazati da je ono što opaža- sonal beliefs, attitudes and intuition. Knowledge
mo „otuđenje“, a ne nešto drugo. To znači da has been deliberately omitted here as the existing
se u kliničkoj praksi radi o tome da stručnjaci o scientific facts indicate that “parental alienation”
„otuđenju“ trebaju zaključivati na temelju svo- cannot be established with certainty because
jih uvjerenja, stavova i intuicije. Namjerno smo there are no clear criteria for how to distinguish
izostavili znanje – jer postojeći fundus znan- it from similar conditions. We can all agree that
stvenih činjenica ukazuje da se o „otuđenju“ ne once we enter the field of reasoning based on our

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
može sa sigurnošću zaključivati jer nema jasnih own beliefs, attitudes and intuition, a clinical as- 65
kriterija kako ga razlikovati od sličnih stanja. sessment cannot be done based on evidence but
Jednom kad smo na području zaključivanja te- rather based on a circular reasoning where expec-
meljem vlastitih uvjerenja, stavova i intuicije, tations impact observations, and vice versa, what
složit ćemo se, ne radimo kliničku procjenu has been observed confirms expectations.
temeljenu na dokazima, već smo u zoni cirku- Let us just imagine a case in which parents and
larnog zaključivanja u kojem očekivanja utje- a child seek professional help during a divorce.
ču na opažanja, i obrnuto, opaženo potvrđuje The mother describes that gender-based violence
očekivanja. (GBV) occurred in the family in the form of psy-
chological, emotional and economic violence.
Zamislimo samo slučaj u kojem nam dolaze
Physical violence did not occur. Violence has been
roditelji i dijete u procesu razvoda. Majka opi-
going on for quite some time, and in the last year,
suje da je u obitelji bilo prisutno rodno uvje-
it frequently took place in front of the child. The
tovano nasilje (RUN) – psihičko, emocionalno
mother describes humiliation, belittling, control
te ekonomsko nasilje. Fizičkog nasilja nije bilo. over contacts and mobile communication, threats
Nasilje traje već neko vrijeme, a u posljednjih from the father and her husband that he would
je godinu dana bilo učestalo i pred djetetom. take away the child and declare her insane and that
Opisuje ponižavanje, omalovažavanje, kontro- no one would believe her, because she was nothing
lu kontakata i mobitela, prijetnje supruga i oca and nobody. The mother has not reported the vio-
djeteta da će joj oduzeti dijete i proglasiti je lence because her husband assured her that no one
ludom te da joj nitko neće vjerovati, jer je ona would believe her. He also said that if the police
nitko i ništa. Majka nije nasilje prijavila jer ju came, he would deny everything and say that she
je suprug uvjerio da joj nitko neće vjerovati. I was insulting him, and that there was no reason
da bi on, kad bi policija i došla, sve porekao i for the police to trust her more than him. Since vi-
rekao da ona njega vrijeđa, te da nema razloga olence became more frequent in front of the child,
da policija vjeruje njoj više nego njemu. Maj- the mother finally decided to leave the abusive re-
ka na kraju, baš zbog toga jer je nasilje postalo lationship. She tells the professional services that
učestalije pred djetetom, izlazi iz nasilne veze. she wants that the father and the child have super-
vised contact. The father denies everything claim-
Stručnim službama navodi da želi da se dijete i
ing that the mother is lying. He is not a abuser and
otac, zbog nasilja, viđaju pod nadzorom. Otac
the mother just wants to keep the child away from
sve opovrgava i tvrdi da ona laže. Da on nije
him. The child refuses contact with the father, says
nasilnik i da majka samo želi udaljiti/“otuđiti“
that she does not love him, and is very affectionate
dijete od njega. Dijete odbija kontakte s ocem,
with the mother, shy, frightened, while standing
govori da ga ne voli, vrlo je privrženo majci,
firmly by her side, quietly answering questions.
sramežljivo, ustrašeno, stoji čvrsto uz nju, tiho
odgovara na pitanja.
Situation 1 - Professionals
recognise that this is a case of
Situacija 1 – Stručnjaci gender-based violence
prepoznaju da se radi o rodno
The mother comes to the first interview with a
uvjetovanom nasilju
professional who recognizes a case of GBV. During
Majka na prvi razgovor dolazi kod stručnjaka the interview, they reach a conclusion that the
koji prepoznaje da se radi o RUN-u. U razgo- mother will report GBV and file a request for a
voru zaključuju da će majka prijaviti RUN, a temporary measure according to which the child
oni upućuju zahtjev za privremenom mjerom will stay with the mother and see father under

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
66 u kojem će dijete, do okončanja razvoda, biti s supervision until the divorce is completed. The
majkom i oca viđati pod nadzorom. Stručnjak professional invites the child to an interview and
poziva dijete na razgovor i dijete mu opisuje što the child describes what has been happening in
se u obitelji događalo. I da sad ne želi vidjeti the family. The child states that she does not want
oca jer ga se boji i da mu ne može, na primjer, to see her father because she is afraid of him and
reći da ne želi jesti meso. Otac se poziva na raz- that, for example, she cannot tell him that she
govor odvojeno i objašnjava mu se odluka. Na does not want to eat meat. The father is invited to
a separate interview and the decision is explained
svaki daljnji razgovor poziva odvojeno majku
to him. To each further interview, the mother and
i oca. Majka na sljedećem razgovoru opisuje
the father are invited separately. During the next
kako je otac nastavio s pozivima i porukama
interview, the mother describes that the father
u kojima joj se prijeti. Pokazuje poruke struč-
continued with threatening calls and messages.
njaku. Stručnjak poziva oca ponovno na razgo-
She shows the messages to the professional. The
vor i objašnjava mu da se radi o opetovanom
professional invites the father again for an inter-
nasilju koje će oni prijaviti. Odbacuju njegove view and explains to him that this is a repeated
tvrdnje da majka sve to radi namjerno i jer mu violence that the services have to report. The pro-
se osvećuje. fessional rejects the father’s claims that the moth-
er was doing this on purpose to seek retaliation.

Situacija 2 – Stručnjaci ne
prepoznaju da se radi o rodno Situation 2 –Professionals fail
uvjetovanom nasilju, već to recognize that this is a case
zaključuju da se radi o „otuđenju“ of gender-based violence,
Majka na prvi razgovor dolazi stručnjaku koji
concluding that it is a case of
NE prepoznaje da se radi o RUN-u. Na sljede-
“parental alienation”
ći razgovor ona i suprug pozvani su zajedno. The mother comes to the first interview with the
Tijekom tog razgovora otac tvrdi da mu majka specialist who does NOT recognize a case of GBV.
djeteta namjerno onemogućava da vidi dijete, She is invited to attend the next interview together
da laže djetetu protiv njega i da izmišlja da je with her husband. During the interview, the father
ikad bio nasilan prema njoj. Majka, potpuno claims that the child’s mother deliberately pre-
izbezumljena situacijom u kojoj je ponovno u vents him from seeing the child, that she has been
istoj prostoriji s nasilnikom, pokušava objasniti lying to the child about him and that she invents
all claims about him being violent towards her are
što se sve događa, ima dojam da joj stručnjak
false. The mother, completely distraught by the sit-
ne vjeruje i da se ostvaruje upravo onaj scena-
uation where is forced to be in the same room as
rij s kojim joj je suprug prijetio. Stručnjak, na-
the abuser, tries to explain what has been happen-
kon nekoliko razgovora, postavlja hipotezu o
ing, has the impression that the specialist does not
„otuđenju“. Analizira ponašanje majke i djeteta
trust her and that the very scenario with which her
prema simptomima koje opisuje Gardner (6) –
husband threatened her is now coming true. After a
dijete govori loše o ocu (kampanja ocrnjivanja), few interviews, the professional establishes the hy-
navodi da ne želi ići njemu jer ga otac tjera da pothesis of “parental alienation”. The professional
jede meso koje ono ne voli (neozbiljne raciona- analyses the behaviours of both the mother and the
lizacije), dijete navodi da mu otac ne nedostaje child using the symptoms described by Gardner (6),
i da ga ne želi vidjeti (nedostatak ambivalencije i.e., the child speaks ill of the father (denigration
i krivnje jer ne ide ocu), navodi da mu mama ne campaign), states that she does not want to see
priča ništa loše o ocu (fenomen nezavisnog mi- the father because he always makes her eat meat
slioca), navodi da je bolje sad kad su se mama that she dislikes (frivolous rationalizations), the

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
i tata razdvojili, jer tata nije bio dobar prema child states that she does not miss the father and 67
mami (podrška protiv „otuđenog“ roditelja), does not want to see him (a lack of ambivalence
prepričava situacije nasilja koje su se događale and guilt because she does not sees the father),
na način sličan onom kako to čini majka (posu- the child states that her mother is not saying bad
đeni scenariji) i ne želi vidjeti ni baku ni djeda, things about the father (the “independent think-
jer su i oni govorili protiv mame (širenje ani- er” phenomenon), she also claims that it is better
now that her parents have separated, because the
moziteta prema široj obitelji). Kako ne postoji
father was not nice to the mother (support for the
jasan kriterij koji diferencira što „otuđenje“
“alienating” parent), she recounts situations of vi-
jest, a što ono nije, stručnjak koji postavi hipo-
olence that have happened similarly as the mother
tezu o „otuđenju“ sve znakove reakcije djeteta
(borrowed scenarios) and does not want to see the
na RUN može interpretirati kao „otuđenje“. I grandparents because they also spoke against the
svako daljnje inzistiranje majke da je nasilje mother (spreading animosity towards the extended
bilo prisutno (ali nije ga prijavila pa nemamo family). Having in mind that there is no clear crite-
dokaze) i da se nastavlja i dalje (putem poruka rion to distinguish what is and what is not “paren-
i poziva) promatra kao dokaz „otuđenja“. Kao i tal alienation”, the professional who establishes the
njeno inzistiranje da se kontakti odvijaju pod hypothesis of “parental alienation” might interpret
nadzorom. Nažalost, u toj situaciji nema toga all signs of the child’s reaction to GBV as “parental
što majka ili dijete mogu reći a da se ne može alienation”. Any further insisting on the mother’s
interpretirati kroz prizmu „otuđenja“. behalf that the violence was present (but that she
did not report it and consequently there is no evi-
Zagovornici „otuđenja“ smatraju da je ono
dence) and that it still continues (via messages and
oblik emocionalnog zlostavljanja djeteta koji calls) is perceived as the proof of “parental alien-
ima, za dijete, jednako štetne posljedice kao i ation”, as well as her insistence that the contacts
svaki drugi oblik nasilja (35). U skladu s tim take place under supervision. Unfortunately, in this
smatraju da je jednom kad je ono utvrđeno, situation there is nothing that the mother or the
potrebno ići na hitnu zaštitu djeteta od rodi- child can say that could not be interpreted through
telja koji ga zlostavlja (odnosno onog koji ga the prism of “parental alienation”.
„otuđuje“ od drugog roditelja). Stoga daju pre-
Proponents of “parental alienation” believe that
poruke za donošenje sudskih odluka za hitnim it is a form of emotional abuse of the child with
izdvajanjem djeteta i davanje na skrb, najčešće equally harmful consequences as any other form of
onom roditelju od kojeg je dijete „otuđeno“. U violence (35). Accordingly, they consider that once
temeljitoj analizi Jean Mercer (33) jasno navo- “parental alienation” has been established, it is nec-
di da ne postoje dokazi da je „otuđenje“ oblik essary to provide urgent protection from the abu-
obiteljskog nasilja. Stoga opisano postupanje sive parent (that is, the one who is “alienating” the
nije opravdano. A u slučaju drugog opisanog child from the other parent). Therefore, they give
primjera, najjednostavnije rečeno, značilo bi recommendations to proceed with court decisions
da se dijete oduzima majci i daje na skrb ocu resulting in immediate separation of the child and
koji je zlostavljač. giving the child, in most cases, to the “alienated”
parent. In a thorough analysis, Jean Mercer (33)
U javnosti se, nažalost, često spominju teze o clearly indicates that there is no evidence that “pa-
tome da je „uplitanje“ RUN-a u priču o „otu- rental alienation” is a form of domestic violence.
đenju“ stavljanje interesa majki ispred interesa Consequently, the above-described course of ac-
djece. Kao argument se navodi da zagovornici tion has not been justified. In the case of the sec-
„otuđenja“ jasno navode da se o njemu ne može ond example described, in the simplest terms, it
govoriti kad se radi o dokazanom RUN-u (4). would mean that the child is taken away from the
Međutim, na taj način govoriti o RUN-u znači mother and given to the care of the abusive father.

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
68 ne poznavati okolnosti i dinamiku RUN-a. Po- Unfortunately, in public life we often hear about
datci Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije govore theses that “involving” GBV in the narrative about
o 27 % žena u dobi od 15 do 49 godina koje su “parental alienation” means that the mothers’ in-
bile žrtve partnerskog nasilja (41) i pri tome terests are put before those of children. One of the
se smatra da je manje od polovine prijavljeno arguments is that proponents of “parental alien-
(42). Recimo, podatci za Englesku i Wales 2018. ation” clearly state that if GBV is proven, “parental
alienation” cannot be established (4). Talking about
godine ukazivali su na to da se u razdoblju od
GBV in this way indicates a lack of knowledge about
jedne godine prijavi samo 18  % doživljenog
the circumstances and dynamics of GBV. Informa-
nasilja (43). Istraživanja pokazuju da je u sud-
tion published by the WHO estimates that 27% of
skim procesima prisutno više slučajeva u koji-
women aged 15-49 have been victims of partner
ma žene ne prijavljuju nasilje ili ga umanjuju
violence (41) and less than half of the cases are
od onih u kojima iznose lažne tvrdnje o nasilju thought to have been reported (42). For example,
(44). Isto tako pokazuju da nije neuobičajeno information for England and Wales in 2018 indi-
da o nasilju počnu govoriti tek kad iz veze izađu cated that only 18% of violence cases were report-
(45). Podatci o lažnim prijavama, na primjer, ed over a period of one year (43). Research shows
seksualnog nasilja pokazuju da su one rijetke i that in judicial proceedings there are more cases
da se događaju u manje od 6 % slučajeva (46). where women do not report violence or diminish
Svi navedeni podatci ukazuju da se u svom radu it than those where they make false claims of vi-
stručnjaci u postupcima rastave braka puno če- olence (44). Research also indicates that it is not
šće susreću sa ženama koje su nasilje doživjele i uncommon for them to start talking about violence
nisu ga nikad prijavile, nego s onima koje su na- only when they come out of a relationship (45). In-
silje i ranije prijavljivale. Dodatno, istraživanja formation on false reports of, for example, sexual
potvrđuju da zlostavljana djeca iznimno rijetko violence demonstrates that such cases are rare and
occur in less than 6% of cases (46). All the above in-
lažu o zlostavljanju koje su doživjeli i s njima
formation points to the conclusion that profession-
nije jednostavno manipulirati (27).
als involved in divorce proceedings are much more
Kao što je gore opisano, sve što žene žrtve na- likely to encounter women who have experienced
silja i djeca opisuju može se pogrešno smatrati violence and have never reported it, than those
dokazom i taktikom „otuđenja“. Opisani slučaj who have reported violence before. In addition to
i njegove posljedice jasno ilustriraju da izdva- that, research confirms that abused children rarely
janje djeteta od majke i davanje na skrb ocu lie about the abuse they have experienced and that
koji je zlostavljač ima negativne posljedice, ne they are not easy to manipulate with (27).
samo za ženu, nego u prvom redu za dijete koje As described above, anything that women and chil-
je dano na skrb zlostavljaču i kojem je poslana dren victims of violence describe can be mistak-
jasna poruka da mu se ne vjeruje. Stoga su teze enly considered as evidence or tactics of “parental
o stavljanju interesa žena ispred interesa dje- alienation”. The described case and its consequenc-
ce, a da se pri tome mirno i svjesno zastupaju es clearly illustrate that separating the child from
znanstveno neutemeljene koncepti, pogrešne the mother and giving it to the care of the abusive
i nepoštene. father has negative consequences, not only for the
mother, but, most importantly, for the child giv-
U kontekstu rasprave o korištenju koncep- en to care of the abuser and who, thus, received
ta „otuđenja“ u sudskim procesima važno je a clear message that he or she was not believed.
istaknuti da je Europski parlament, 6. listo- Therefore, the theses on putting the interests of
pada 2021. usvojio Rezoluciju o posljedicama women before those of children, while at the same
nasilja koje čine partneri u intimnim vezama time calmly and consciously propagating scientif-
i prava skrbništva po žene i djecu u kojoj je ically unfounded concepts, are wrong and unfair.

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
istaknuo da sporovi oko skrbništva nad djete- In the context of the discussion on the use of the 69
tom mogu biti oblik RUN-a u situacijama kad concept of “parental alienation” in judicial pro-
ih nasilni bivši partneri koriste kako bi i dalje ceedings, it is important to point out that on 6
nanosili štetu ženama (47). Jedna od taktika October 2021 the European Parliament adopted
u takvim slučajevima je i korištenje koncepta a resolution on the impact of intimate partner
„otuđenja“ (48-50), što je u svojoj Rezoluciji violence and custody rights on women and chil-
potvrdio i EU parlament koji navodi da držav- dren, emphasising that child custody disputes
may institute a form of GBV in situations where
ne agencije i svi oni koji odlučuju o skrbništvu
abusive former partners use them to continue to
nad djecom moraju promatrati optužbe očeva
harm women (47). One of the tactics in such cases
zlostavljača o tome da majke od njih „otuđuju“
is the use of the concept of “parental alienation”
djecu načinom održavanja moći i kontrole. Za-
(48-50), which the EU Parliament reaffirmed in
govornici „otuđenja“ navode da ono nije rodno
the Resolution, states that state agencies and ac-
uvjetovana priča i da „otuđeni“ roditelji mogu
tors deciding on child custody must consider accu-
biti i majke i očevi. Međutim, odluke iz sudske
sations of “parental alienation” by abusive fathers
prakse upućuju na drugačije nalaze. Meier i su- against mothers as a continuation of power and
radnici (17) analizirali su preko 2000 sudskih control. Proponents of “parental alienation” claim
odluka u desetogodišnjem razdoblju (od 2005. that it is not a gender-based and that both moth-
do kraja 2014. godine) u SAD-u. Rezultati su ers and fathers can be “alienated”. However, case
pokazali da su sudovi skeptični prema majči- law points to somewhat different findings. Meier
nim optužbama za zlostavljanje i da ponekad et al. (17) analysed over 2,000 court decisions over
dodjeljuju skrbništvo nasilnicima, a ta je skepsa a 10-year period (from 2005 to the end of 2014) in
najveća kad majke prijavljuju seksualno nasilje the USA. The results of the analysis showed that
nad djecom. Te prijave su najčešće završavale courts were sceptical of the mother’s charges of
gubitkom skrbništva za majke. Ako su majke abuse and that in some cases they granted custo-
opisane kao „otuđujuće“, to za pola umanjuje dy to abusers, which is also the greatest source of
vjerojatnost da će im se vjerovati da su žrtve scepticism for mothers reporting sexual violence
zlostavljanja, a udvostručit će vjerojatnost da against children. In most cases, such charges re-
izgube skrbništvo. Isto nije slučaj kad se radi o sulted in the loss of custody for mothers. If moth-
muškarcima. Ministarstvo pravosuđa Engleske ers are described as “alienating,” the likelihood
that they will be believed to be victims of abuse
i Walesa u svom izvještaju 2020. godine anali-
is reduced by half, while the likelihood of them
zirajući sudsku praksu iznosi slične rezultate.
losing custody is doubled. The same is not the
Navode da se u sudskim postupcima vezanim
case when it comes to men. In the 2020 report,the
uz skrbništvo obiteljsko nasilje često ignorira,
Ministry of Justice of England and Wales present-
odbacuje ili umanjuje i odluke donose kao da
ed similar results in the analysis of case law. The
postojanje nasilja nije relevantno. Čak i kad za
Report states that domestic violence is often ig-
nasilje postoje dokazi, žrtve se potiče da pre- nored, rejected or downplayed in custody court
ko njega prijeđu, osiguraju kontakte djeteta proceedings and that decisions are made as if the
za zlostavljačem i uspostave suradnju s njim factuality of violence is irrelevant. Even if there
vezanu uz te kontakte, bez očekivanja da zlo- is evidence of violence, victims are encouraged
stavljač preuzme ikakvu odgovornost za svoja to look the other way, provide contacts between
ponašanja. Lorandos (51) iznosi podatke da the child and the abuser, and cooperate with the
je od 1985. do 2018. na američkim sudovima abuser to organise contacts, without expecting the
prisutan značajan porast slučajeva u kojima se abuser to take any responsibility for his behaviour.
spominje „otuđenje“ te da su među „otuđitelji- Lorandos (51) presented data indicating that from
ma“ 75 % žene. Takvu rodnu razliku u učesta- 1985 to 2018, there was a significant increase in

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
70 losti „otuđenja“ objašnjavaju lažnim prijavama cases mentioning “parental alienation” in US
obiteljskog i seksualnog nasilja među ženama. I courts with 75% of women mentioned as “alien-
pri tome se za to ne iznose nikakve znanstvene ating” parents. The gender gap in the frequency of
dokaze. S druge strane, stručnjaci koji rade sa “parental alienation” is explained by false reports
zlostavljanom djecom i ženama žrtvama nasi- of domestic and sexual violence amongst women.
lja već dugo i ekstenzivno pišu o znanstvenim, In doing so, no scientific evidence has been pre-
pravnim, forenzičkim i etičkim problemima sented. On the other hand, professionals working
with abused children and women victims of vio-
upotrebe „otuđenja“, naročito kad se koristi
lence have extensively written about the scientific,
u slučajevima u kojima postoji sumnja na obi-
legal, forensic and ethical problems related to the
teljsko nasilje (52-56). Uzimajući u obziru gore
use of “parental alienation”, especially if the term
opisanu sudsku praksu ističu da je u sudskim
is used in cases where domestic violence is sus-
procesima prisutna rodna diskriminacija žena
pected (52-56). Taking into account the case-law
i da se na taj način nastavlja strukturno nasilje
described above, they point out that gender dis-
nad ženama.
crimination against women is evident in judicial
Kako je ovo postao „sukob“ između udruga ci- proceedings and that in this way structural vio-
vilnog društva koje se bave ženama žrtvama lence against women persists.
RUN-a i stručnjaka koji su uključeni u postup- How has this issue resulted in a “conflict” between
ke donošenja odluka o skrbništvu nad djecom? civil society organisations dealing with women
Kako su se stručnjaci koji, s obje strane, žele victims of GBV and professionals involved in
najbolje za svoje klijente našli na suprotstav- child custody decision-making processes? How
ljenim stranama? Kako je briga za žene žrtve have the professionals with best intentions for
nasilja postala „nebriga“ za njihovu djecu? I their clients on both sides ended up on opposing
kako se pomaknuti s tih pozicija? sides? How has caring for women victims of vio-
lence turned into “disregard” for their children?
Kao što smo na početku opisali, nitko ne ne-
And how to move from these positions?
gira da postoje djeca koja odbijaju kontakte s
jednim od roditelja i da postoje roditelji koji As we stated in the beginning of this paper, no
u razvodima koriste neprimjerene roditeljske one denies that there are children who refuse
postupke. I u tome se obje strane slažu. Među- contact with one of the parents and that there are
tim, razilaženja nastaju kad se za te postupke, parents who use inappropriate parental methods
in divorce. Both sides agree on this. However, di-
korištenjem koncepta „otuđenja“, okrivljuju
vergences arise when those methods, due to the
majke koje su žrtve RUN-a. Jer, udruge civilnog
use of the concept of “parental alienation”, are
društva koje se bave ženama žrtvama RUN-a
blamed on mothers victims of GBV. Civil society
u svojoj praksi vide sve više slučajeva u koji-
organisations dealing with women victims of GBV
ma se zlostavljanje umanjuje i/ili zanemaruje
see in practice that there is an increasing number
pri donošenju odluka o skrbi djeteta, u kojima
of cases in which abuse is downplayed and/or ig-
se njihovo zaštitničko ponašanje tumači kao
nored while making decisions on the care of chil-
„otuđujuće“ i u kojima se donose odluke s da- dren, where protective behaviour is interpreted as
lekosežnim posljedicama za djecu. Istraživanja “alienating”, resulting in decisions with far-reach-
pokazuju da je slučajeva u kojima su prisutne ing consequences for children. Research shows
lažne prijave nasilja malo (44) i da je, kad nam that the cases with false reports of violence are
žena priča o RUN-u, neusporedivo veća vjero- few (44) and that when women talk about GBV,
jatnost da nam govori istinu nego da laže (bez it is incomparably more likely that they are telling
obzira je li nasilje ranije prijavljivala ili ne). Za- the truth than lying (no matter if the violence has
mislite samo situaciju u kojoj djetetu koje nam been previously reported or not). Just imagine a

A. Lauri Korajlija: Trebamo li se otuđiti od otuđenja? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) Br. 1, str. 49-74.
opisuje iskustvo bullyinga u školi pristupamo s situation in which we approach the child describ- 71
nepovjerenjem. Propitujemo je li siguran da su ing the experience of bullying at school with dis-
se stvari zaista tako dogodile, je li on to možda trust. The situation in which we are questioning
malo pretjeruje i pokušavamo mu objasniti da whether the child is certain that things actually
„XY“ nije tako mislio. Možemo samo pretposta- happened that way, if he or she might be exagger-
viti kako će se to dijete osjećati. Upravo se tako ating a little bit, while trying to explain that “XY”
osjećaju žene kojima ne vjerujemo kad nam did dot mean it that way. We can only assume how
that child would feel. That is exactly how women
pričaju o doživljenom RUN-u. Sigurni smo da
we do not trust feel when they tell us about their
nitko od stručnjaka mentalnog zdravlja ne želi
experiences of GBV. We are certain that mental
da se njihovi korisnici zbog njih tako osjećaju.
health professionals do not want their patients to
Ono što može biti posljedica ovakve prakse je
feel that way because of them. What may result
daljnje nepovjerenje žrtava u sustav i nesklo-
from this practice is a continued distrust of victims
nost prijavljivanja nasilja.
in the system and a reluctance to report violence.
Stoga bi stručnjaci koji su uključeni u postup-
Therefore, professionals involved in child custo-
ke donošenja odluka o skrbništvu nad djecom dy decision-making procedures should be open
trebali biti otvoreni prema objašnjenju da je to the explanation that “parental alienation” is a
„otuđenje“ koncept kojeg se trebaju odreći. Ne concept they should renounce. Not because some-
zato što netko tvrdi da odbijanje kontakta s one argues that refusing a contact with parents, a
roditeljima, ponašanje koje često vide u praksi type of behaviour they often see in practice while
rada s djecom čiji roditelji prolaze kroz „visoko working with children whose parents are going
konfliktan“ razvod, ne postoji, već zato što teo- through a “high-conflicted” divorce, does not ex-
rijske postavke koje stoje iza tog koncepta ne- ist, but because the theoretical settings behind
maju znanstvenu osnovu. I zbog toga što ono this concept have no scientific foundation. And
što zovemo “visoko konfliktan razvod“ najčešće because what we call a “high-conflicted divorce”
uključuje obiteljsko nasilje i zlostavljanje djece most often involves domestic violence and child
(32), koje je, kako smo naveli, vrlo često nepre- abuse (32), which, as we have explained, very of-
poznato, odbačeno ili umanjeno. Žrtvama na- ten remains unrecognized, disregarded or down-
silja treba pristupati s povjerenjem i stručnjaci played. Victims of violence should be approached
u sustavima zdravstva, pravosuđa i socijalne with confidence and professionals in the health,
justice and social care systems who come into
skrbi koji dolaze u kontakt s žrtvama nasilja
contact with victims of violence should be edu-
trebaju biti educirani o RUN-u, jer bi tada mno-
cated about GBV. Consequently, many types of
ga ponašanja koja vide kod žena i djece koji su
behaviours they see in women and children who
preživjeli RUN prepoznali kao simptome trau-
have survived GBV would then be recognized as
matizacije i proživljenog nasilja. S druge stra-
symptoms of traumatization and experienced vi-
ne, trebamo biti otvoreni prema objašnjenju da
olence. On the other hand, we should be open to
većina stručnjaka obavlja svoj posao vjerujući
the explanation that most professionals do their
da su postavke teorije „otuđenja“ točne. Jer im job believing that the theoretical settings of “pa-
zvuče logično, jasno i čini se da se poklapaju s rental alienation” are valid as they sound logical,
onim što vide u praksi. Najveći broj stručnjaka, clear and seem to match what they see in practice.
najčešće pretrpan svakodnevnim poslom, ne Most professionals, swamped with daily work, do
prati suvremene znanstvene spoznaje i vjeruju not follow modern scientific findings and believe
da je ono što su naučili od autoriteta i primi- that what they have learned from authority and
jetili u svojoj praksi točno. Nažalost, u ovom noticed in their practice is correct. Unfortunately,
slučaju nije. this is not the case with “parental alienation”.

A. Lauri Korajlija: Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”? Soc. psihijat. Vol. 50 (2022) No. 1, p. 49-74.
U ovom trenutku, korištenje pojma „otuđe- Currently, the use of the term “parental alien-
nje“ u kliničkoj praksi i socijalnoj skrbi bliže ation” in clinical practice and social welfare is
je pseudoznanosti nego praksi temeljenoj na closer to pseudoscience than to evidence-based
dokazima. Dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaju practice. Current scientific findings do not pro-
ne daju jasan odgovor na pitanje na koji na- vide a clear answer to the question of how to dis-
čin „otuđenje“ razlikovati od drugih razloga tinguish “parental alienation” from other reasons
odbijanja roditelja i ne nude zadovoljavajuće of rejection of parents and do not offer satisfac-
psihodijagnostičke instrumente koji bi pomo- tory psycho-diagnostic instruments that would
help in the differential diagnosis. Taking into
gli u toj diferencijalnoj dijagnostici. S obzirom
account the case-law and also according to the
na sudsku praksu u kojoj se i prema Rezoluci-
EU Resolution, “parental alienation” is used as a
ji EU, „otuđenje“ koristi kao sredstvo prisilne
means of coercive control and continued abuse of
kontrole i nastavka zlostavljanja žena žrtava
women victims of violence, it is necessary to be
nasilja, potrebno je u kliničkoj praksi i radu
extremely careful in clinical practice and working
sa strankama u socijalnoj skrbi biti iznimno
with the parties in social welfare when assessing
oprezan pri procjeni ponašanja roditelja. Pred
the behaviour of parents. Proponents of the term
zagovarateljima pojma „otuđenja“ još je dug “parental alienation” still have a long way to go to
put prikupljanja čvrstih znanstvenih dokaza gather solid scientific evidence to support their
koji podržavaju njihovu konceptualizaciju tog conceptualization of this type of behaviour. Un-
ponašanja. Do tada, na nama kao stručnjacima til then, it is up to us professionals in the auxil-
pomagačkih struka je da se prisjetimo da prak- iary professions to bear in mind that a practice
sa temeljena na znanstvenim dokazima čuva based on scientific evidence prevents us and our
nas i naše korisnike od pristranosti u zaključi- patients from biased reasoning that can result in
vanju koje mogu imati dalekosežne posljedice. far-reaching consequences. In other words, the
Drugim riječima, vrijeme je da se do daljnjeg time has come to alienate ourselves from “paren-
otuđimo od „otuđenja“! tal alienation” until further notice!

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